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Can J Public Health ; 115(Suppl 1): 168-179, 2024 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37155001


OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence of arterial hypertension among Inuit adults living in Nunavik (northern Quebec, Canada) in 2017 and identify its sociodemographic and lifestyle determinants. METHODS: We used data obtained from 1177 Inuit adults aged ≥ 18 years who participated in the cross-sectional Qanuilirpitaa? Nunavik Inuit Health Survey during late summer-early fall of 2017. Resting blood pressure (BP) and anthropometric characteristics were measured during a clinical session, while sociodemographic characteristics and lifestyle habits were documented using validated questionnaires. Information on current medication was retrieved from medical files. Sex-stratified population-weighted log-binomial regressions were conducted to identify determinants of hypertension, adjusting for potential confounders. RESULTS: Hypertension (systolic BP ≥ 140 mm Hg or diastolic BP ≥ 90 mmHg or taking antihypertensive medication) was present in 23% of the adult population and was more frequent in men than women (29% vs. 18%). About a third of hypertensive individuals (34%) were taking antihypertensive medication. These estimates are prone to biases due to the relatively low participation rate (37%). As expected, the prevalence of hypertension increased with age, but values were surprisingly elevated in 18 to 29-year-old men and women (18% and 8%, respectively) compared with 20 to 39-year-old adults of the general Canadian population (3% in both sexes, according to data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey, 2012-2015). Hypertension was associated with obesity and alcohol consumption in both men and women, and with higher socioeconomic status among men. CONCLUSION: This survey revealed a high prevalence of hypertension among young Nunavimmiut adults in 2017 and the need to improve hypertension diagnosis and treatment in the region. Curbing obesity and alcohol consumption, two actionable determinants of hypertension, will require improving food security and addressing the consequences of historical trauma linked to colonization.

RéSUMé: OBJECTIF: Mesurer la prévalence de l'hypertension artérielle chez les adultes vivant au Nunavik (Nord du Québec, Canada) en 2017 et identifier les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les habitudes de vie qui lui sont associées. MéTHODES: Les données ont été recueillies chez 1177 adultes ≥ 18 ans ayant participé à l'enquête de santé Qanuilirpitaa? auprès des Inuit du Nunavik à la fin de l'été et au début de l'automne 2017. Lors d'une visite en clinique, la tension artérielle au repos et les caractéristiques anthropométriques ont été mesurées, puis des informations concernant les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les habitudes de vie ont été recueillies à l'aide de questionnaires validés. Une revue des dossiers médicaux a permis de documenter la prise de médicaments antihypertenseurs. Nous avons utilisé des modèles de régression log-binomiale, pondérés pour la population et ajustés pour les co-variables d'intérêt afin d'identifier les déterminants de l'hypertension chez chaque sexe. RéSULTATS: La prévalence globale de l'hypertension était de 23 % et était plus élevée chez les hommes que chez les femmes (29 % vs. 18 %). Le tiers des hypertendus (34 %) recevait une médication antihypertensive. Ces estimés pourraient être biaisés puisque le taux de participation à l'enquête était relativement faible (37 %). Tel qu'attendu, la prévalence d'hypertension était associée à l'âge, mais des valeurs étonnamment élevées ont été notées chez les jeunes hommes et femmes âgés de 18 à 29 ans (18 % et 8 %, respectivement), comparativement aux jeunes adultes âgés de 20 à 39 ans de la population générale canadienne (3 % chez les deux sexes, selon les données de l'Enquête canadienne sur les mesures de santé, 2012­2015). Des associations avec l'obésité et la consommation d'alcool ont été notées chez les deux sexes. On a de plus observé une association avec le statut socio-économique plus élevé chez les hommes seulement. CONCLUSION: Cette étude a révélé une prévalence élevée d'hypertension chez les jeunes Inuit d'âge adulte résidant au Nunavik et un besoin d'améliorer le diagnostic et le traitement de la maladie dans cette région. Elle a de plus permis d'identifier deux facteurs de risque modifiables de l'hypertension dans cette population, soit l'obésité et la consommation d'alcool. Agir sur ces déterminants au Nunavik requiert l'amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et l'atténuation des conséquences liées aux traumatismes découlant de la colonisation.

Antihipertensivos , Hipertensión , Adolescente , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Joven , Canadá , Estudios Transversales , Hipertensión/epidemiología , Inuk , Obesidad/epidemiología , Prevalencia , Quebec/epidemiología , Determinantes Sociales de la Salud
Can J Public Health ; 115(Suppl 1): 152-167, 2024 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37165141


OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of iron deficiency (ID) and anemia and study their main distal and proximal protective and risk factors among Nunavimmiut 16 years and older in 2017. METHODS: In a cross-sectional participatory survey of 831 women and 436 men from the Qanuilirpitaa? 2017 Nunavik Inuit Health Survey, venous blood samples were collected to measure various indicators of iron status and anemia as well as biomarkers of nutritional and inflammatory status and contaminant exposures. Sociodemographic, food security status, anthropometric, lifestyle, dietary, and health data were collected using questionnaires, clinical sessions, and a medical chart review. ID and anemia diagnoses were based on serum ferritin (SF) and hemoglobin (Hb), respectively. Multiple regressions were used to assess correlates of anemia and iron status. RESULTS: Prevalence of ID was highest among women of childbearing age (16-49 years old, 33%) and anemia among adults aged 50 years and older (31%). These estimates are prone to biases due to the relatively low participation rate (37%). Serum vitamin D, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content of erythrocyte membranes, blood selenium, inflammation, higher socioeconomic status (SES), obesity, and alcohol consumption were all positively associated with SF, while Helicobacter pylori infection and a recent pregnancy were negatively associated with Hb among women of childbearing age. Among older adults, food insecurity was associated with lower SF. CONCLUSION: While data reported here provide some indication of an improvement since the previous survey conducted in 2004, additional efforts should be devoted to further increasing the SES and access to country foods and nutritious market foods in this population, the two main protective factors against ID and anemia identified in the present study.

RéSUMé: OBJECTIF: Estimer la prévalence de la carence en fer (CF) et de l'anémie et étudier leurs principaux facteurs de protection et de risque distaux et proximaux chez les Nunavimmiut de 16 ans et plus en 2017. MéTHODOLOGIE: Dans le cadre de l'enquête transversale participative Qanuilirpitaa? menée en 2017 auprès de 831 femmes et 436 hommes, des échantillons de sang furent prélevés pour mesurer divers indicateurs de la CF et de l'anémie ainsi que des biomarqueurs de l'état nutritionnel et inflammatoire et de l'exposition aux contaminants environnementaux. Des données sociodémographiques, anthropométriques, sur la sécurité alimentaire, sur le mode de vie, l'alimentation et la santé ont été recueillies à l'aide de questionnaires, de séances cliniques et d'un examen des dossiers médicaux. Les diagnostics de CF et d'anémie furent basés sur la ferritine sérique (SF) et l'hémoglobine (Hb), respectivement. Des régressions multiples ont été utilisées pour évaluer les déterminants de l'anémie et du statut en fer. RéSULTATS: La prévalence de la CF était la plus élevée chez les femmes en âge de procréer (16 à 49 ans, 33 %) et l'anémie chez les adultes âgés de 50 ans et plus (31 %). Ces estimés pourraient être biaisés puisque le taux de participation à l'enquête était relativement faible (37 %). Chez les femmes en âge de procréer, la vitamine D sérique, la teneur en acides gras polyinsaturés oméga-3 des membranes érythrocytaires, le sélénium sanguin, l'inflammation, un statut socio-économique plus élevé, l'obésité et la consommation d'alcool étaient tous associés positivement à la SF, tandis que l'infection à Helicobacter pylori et une grossesse récente étaient associées négativement à l'Hb. Chez les adultes plus âgés, l'insécurité alimentaire était associée à une diminution de la SF. CONCLUSION: Bien que les données de cette enquête suggèrent une amélioration depuis l'enquête précédente réalisée en 2004, des efforts additionnels sont requis pour améliorer le statut socioéconomique et l'accès aux aliments traditionnels et aux aliments de marché de qualité au Nunavik, les deux principaux facteurs protecteurs de la CF et de l'anémie identifiés dans la présente étude.

Anemia Ferropénica , Anemia , Infecciones por Helicobacter , Helicobacter pylori , Deficiencias de Hierro , Masculino , Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Anemia Ferropénica/epidemiología , Anemia Ferropénica/etiología , Estudios Transversales , Infecciones por Helicobacter/complicaciones , Anemia/epidemiología , Hierro , Encuestas Epidemiológicas , Vitaminas , Prevalencia
Can J Public Health ; 115(Suppl 1): 136-151, 2024 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36624337


OBJECTIVES: Respiratory diseases are the leading cause of hospitalization in Nunavik (northern Québec, Canada) and contribute to disparities in life expectancy with the rest of Canada. As part of Qanuilirpitaa? 2017, a cross-sectional population-based health survey, we sought to describe the prevalence of respiratory health indicators, including the first estimate of airway obstruction based on spirometry in an Inuit population, and explore their associated characteristics. METHODS: We analyzed data from 1296 participants aged 16 years and older, using multivariate logistic regression to assess characteristics associated with spirometry-determined airway obstruction and self-reported respiratory symptoms, i.e., wheezing in the last year and chronic cough during at least 3 months. RESULTS: In this relatively young population (83% aged 16 to 54), the prevalences of wheezing, chronic cough, and airway obstruction were, respectively, 27% (95% CI 24-30), 21% (18-23), and 17% (14-20). These estimates are prone to biases due to the relatively low participation rate (about 37%). The most consistent associations were with smoking (≥ 15 pack-years; odds ratio [OR] 3.13, 3.39, and 2.86 for the three indicators, respectively) and food security (OR 0.55 with wheezing and OR 0.26 with chronic cough), as defined in the Household Food Security Survey Module. Wheezing was also associated with allergic sensitization to dogs (2.60) and obesity (2.18). Chronic cough was associated with respiratory infections during childhood (2.12), housing in need of major repairs (1.72), and housing crowding (1.50), and was negatively associated with participation to traditional activities (0.62) and going on the land (0.64). Airway obstruction was associated with being underweight (3.84) and post-secondary education (0.40). Among young adults and women, wheezing was also associated with any inhalation of solvents for recreational purposes during their lifetime (2.62 and 1.56, respectively), while airway obstruction was associated with regular marijuana use (2.22 and 1.84, respectively). CONCLUSION: Smoking and food insecurity are both highly prevalent and strongly associated with respiratory symptoms in Nunavik. Together with essential smoking prevention and cessation programs, our findings suggest that solving food security and housing crises, improving socioeconomic conditions, and promoting traditional lifestyle may improve respiratory health in Nunavik.

RéSUMé: OBJECTIFS: Les maladies respiratoires sont la première cause d'hospitalisation au Nunavik (Nord-du-Québec, Canada) et contribuent aux écarts d'espérance de vie avec le reste du Canada. Dans le cadre de l'enquête transversale et populationnelle Qanuilirpitaa? 2017, cette étude décrit la prévalence d'indicateurs de santé respiratoire et explore les caractéristiques qui leur sont associées. Elle fournit le premier estimé de la prévalence d'obstruction respiratoire par spirométrie dans la population inuite. MéTHODES: Les données de 1 296 participants âgés de 16 ans et plus ont été analysées par régression logistique multivariée pour évaluer les caractéristiques associées avec le wheezing (dans la dernière année), la toux chronique (durant au moins 3 mois) et l'obstruction bronchique (mesurée par spirométrie). RéSULTATS: Dans cette population relativement jeune (83 % entre 16 et 54 ans), les prévalences de wheezing, de toux chronique et d'obstruction bronchique étaient de 27 % (IC95% 24-30), 21 % (18-23) et 17 % (14-20). Ces estimés pourraient être biaisés puisque le taux de participation à l'enquête était relativement faible (environ 37 %). Les associations les plus fortes et consistantes sont observées avec le tabagisme (≥ 15 paquets-années; RC 3,13, 3,39 et 2,86 pour les trois indicateurs, respectivement) et avec la sécurité alimentaire (RC 0,55 avec le wheezing et 0,26 avec la toux chronique), définie à partir du Module d'enquête sur la sécurité alimentaire des ménages. Le wheezing était notamment associé avec la sensibilisation allergique aux chiens (2,60) et l'obésité (2,18). La toux chronique était associée avec les infections respiratoires sévères dans l'enfance (2,12), un logement ayant besoin de réparations majeures (1,72) et un logement surpeuplé (1,50); tandis que participer aux activités traditionnelles (0,62) et aller souvent dans la nature (0,64) semblaient protecteurs. L'obstruction bronchique était associée avec un faible indice de masse corporelle (3,84) et un niveau de scolarité postsecondaire (0,40). Le wheezing était aussi associé avec le fait d'avoir déjà inhalé des solvants chez les jeunes adultes (2,62) et chez les femmes (1,56), tandis que l'obstruction bronchique était associée avec la consommation régulière de cannabis chez les jeunes adultes (2,22) et chez les femmes (1,84). CONCLUSION: Le tabagisme et l'insécurité alimentaire sont fort prévalents et fortement associés avec des symptômes respiratoires au Nunavik. En plus de rappeler l'importance de la prévention du tabagisme, ces résultats supportent la pertinence des efforts communautaires et gouvernementaux pour résoudre les crises de l'insécurité alimentaire et du logement, améliorer les conditions socioéconomiques et promouvoir la culture inuite afin d'améliorer la santé respiratoire au Nunavik.

Obstrucción de las Vías Aéreas , Ruidos Respiratorios , Femenino , Humanos , Adulto Joven , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas Epidemiológicas , Prevalencia , Fumar/epidemiología , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad
Indoor Air ; 32(2): e13009, 2022 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35225380


Between 2007 and 2012, hospitalization rate related to respiratory system diseases in children ≤1-year-old was near 7 times higher in Nunavik compared with the whole province of Quebec. To assess the impact of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in residential environments on children's respiratory health, the Nunavik's intervention study investigated the impact of the optimization of ventilation systems on the incidence rates of respiratory infections in children in Nunavik. Children under 10 years were recruited and categorized according to the type of ventilation system in their home: energy recovery ventilator (ERV), heat recovery ventilator (HRV), no HRV or ERV, and control groups. Children's' medical records were analyzed over a period of 50 weeks pre- and post-intervention. Clinical diagnoses were classified into 4 categories: upper respiratory infections, lower respiratory infections, otitis media, and asthma. A decrease in respiratory infections episodes was observed in all groups following intervention with the highest impact observed for HRV systems (-53.0%). Decreases in the ERV group were not significant (-21,7%) possibly due to the presence of some volatile organic compound (such as propylene glycol) and inerrant experimental bias. Nevertheless, no significant association was found between health episodes incidence and household's behaviors or IAQ.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos , Contaminación del Aire Interior , Asma , Enfermedades Respiratorias , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Contaminación del Aire Interior/análisis , Asma/epidemiología , Niño , Humanos , Lactante , Sistema Respiratorio/química , Enfermedades Respiratorias/epidemiología
Zoonoses Public Health ; 68(7): 803-814, 2021 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34254450


Foci of high seroprevalence against Toxoplasma gondii are observed in Nunavik, the Inuit land of Northern Quebec (Canada). Considering the rare occurrence of felids in the region, exposure is suspected to be driven by water- and food-borne transmission routes. Hypotheses were that drinking untreated water from natural sources and eating country food mostly raw increased the risk of exposure to the parasite. Data from 1,300 Inuit participants of the 2017 Nunavik Health Survey were included in three weighted robust Poisson regression models. The effect of three types of exposure variables: (1) water treatment (yes/no) and if country food was mostly eaten raw (yes/no); (2) main source of drinking water (bottled/municipal/natural) and frequency of country food consumption (continuous) and (3) drinking water risk (low/intermediate/high) and frequency of a raw country food consumption (continuous), on the presence of Toxoplasma antibodies were estimated. Models were adjusted for age, sex and ecological region, with multiple sensitivity analyses being performed. Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalences were consistently correlated with age quadratically, sex (prevalence ratio = PRwoman/man ranged from 1.18 to 1.22), ecological region (PRHudsonBay/HudsonStrait ranged from 2.18 to 2.41; PRHudsonBay/UngavaBay ranged from 1.52 to 1.59) and consuming bivalve mollusc/urchin (PR varied from 1.02 to 1.21) across all three models. Each increase of two consumptions per month of beluga (PR ranged from 1.01 to 1.03), seal liver (PR ranged from 1.01 to 1.02) and goose (PR ranged from 1.01 to 1.02) were also associated with seropositivity, albeit more clearly in models 2 and 3, while drinking water mainly from natural (PR of 1.47) or municipal (PR = 1.42) sources compared to bottled water, was correlated with seroprevalence, although results were compatible with the null. Our results suggest that both the oocyst- (mollusc/urchin, drinking water) and cyst-borne (walrus, seal liver and goose) transmission pathways could be present in Nunavik.

Toxoplasma , Animales , Anticuerpos Antiprotozoarios , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas Epidemiológicas , Humanos , Inuk , Factores de Riesgo , Estudios Seroepidemiológicos
Indoor Air ; 31(6): 2213-2225, 2021 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34048604


Indoor air quality is a major issue for public health, particularly in northern communities. In this extreme environment, adequate ventilation is crucial to provide a healthier indoor environment, especially in airtight dwellings. The main objective of the study is to assess the impact of ventilation systems and their optimization on microbial communities in bioaerosols and dust in 54 dwellings in Nunavik. Dwellings with three ventilation strategies (without mechanical ventilators, with heat recovery ventilators, and with energy recovery ventilators) were investigated before and after optimization of the ventilation systems. Indoor environmental conditions (temperature, relative humidity) and microbiological parameters (total bacteria, Aspergillus/Penicillium, endotoxin, and microbial biodiversity) were measured. Dust samples were collected in closed face cassettes with a polycarbonate filter using a micro-vacuum while a volume of 20 m3 of bioaerosols were collected on filters using a SASS3100 (airflow of 300 L/min). In bioaerosols, the median number of copies was 4.01 × 103 copies/m3 of air for total bacteria and 1.45 × 101 copies/m3 for Aspergillus/Penicillium. Median concentrations were 5.13 × 104 copies/mg of dust, 5.07 × 101 copies/mg, 9.98 EU/mg for total bacteria, Aspergillus/Penicillium and endotoxin concentrations, respectively. The main microorganisms were associated with human occupancy such as skin-related bacteria or yeasts, regardless of the type of ventilation.

Contaminación del Aire Interior , Micobioma , Microbiología del Aire , Contaminación del Aire Interior/análisis , Bacterias , Polvo/análisis , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Humanos , Ventilación
Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis ; 21(1): 40-49, 2021 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33202167


Toxoplasma gondii is a globally distributed protozoan that mainly causes health issues in the fetuses of pregnant women who have never been exposed to this parasite and patients with deficient immune systems. Except in these vulnerable populations, the primary infection generally goes unnoticed in most healthy individuals. Apart from transplant/transfusion, congenital transmission, direct contact with infected cats or their feces, and environmental contamination (i.e., oocysts in food, water, and soil) pathways, humans can acquire the parasite through consumption of animal tissues infected by T. gondii. This meta-analysis estimated the risk of acquiring T. gondii by consuming raw or undercooked meat, regardless of which animal species are eaten. Using a random-effect model, crude and adjusted pooled measures of association (risk and odds ratio) were estimated according to study design (cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies). The meta-analysis included measures of heterogeneity as well as quality rating scales for each study design. Our results suggest that individuals who eat raw or undercooked meat have, respectively, 1.2-1.3 times the risk and 1.7-3.0 times the odds of T. gondii infection compared to those who thoroughly cook meat, regardless of the animal species they consume. These results align with the current understanding that adequately cooking meat inactivates the parasite and decreases the risk of transmission. Seroprevalence ranged from 1.3% to 88.6%, while the proportion of individuals eating raw or undercooked meat fluctuated from 0.7% to 98.3% across the studies in the meta-analysis. These numbers reflect various preferences with regard to eating meat (i.e., eating tartar, sausages, or salamis) as well as individual, cultural and religious food habits, and personal awareness.

Parasitología de Alimentos , Carne/parasitología , Toxoplasma , Toxoplasmosis/transmisión , Animales , Anticuerpos Antiprotozoarios/sangre , Culinaria , Humanos , Prevalencia , Alimentos Crudos/parasitología , Estudios Seroepidemiológicos
Can J Public Health ; 111(1): 31-39, 2020 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31637676


SETTING: Consumption of raw game meats is important for Inuit health and well-being but may sometimes increase risk of exposure to parasites. In Nunavik, following trichinellosis outbreaks in the 1980s caused by raw walrus consumption, a diagnostic test was developed for the region and offered to all Inuit communities by 1997. Despite this prevention program, an important trichinellosis outbreak occurred in 2013, affecting 18 inhabitants of Inukjuak. INTERVENTION: Because the classical outbreak investigation did not rapidly converge toward a common food source or specific event, a local response group, composed of four community members appointed by the Municipal Council as well as the regional public health physician, nurse and wildlife parasitologist, was created. Their objective was to investigate potential sources of infection related to the outbreak, hence the investigation of the types of meats consumed, the movement of meats between and within the community, and the local practices of processing game meat. OUTCOMES: Though the source of infection was not fully confirmed, this local investigation identified the distribution of transformed polar bear meat as the most probable source of infection. The creation of this unique, intersectoral and intercultural local response group fostered the use of local knowledge to better understand aspects of the modern food system, and is one of the most innovative outcomes of this investigation. IMPLICATIONS: Integrating multiple ways of knowing was critical for the management of this important public health issue and contributed to community members' mobilization and empowerment with respect to local food safety issues.

Redes Comunitarias , Brotes de Enfermedades/prevención & control , Triquinelosis/epidemiología , Morsas/parasitología , Animales , Humanos , Incidencia , Auditoría Médica , Quebec/epidemiología , Triquinelosis/diagnóstico
Zoonoses Public Health ; 66(5): 533-539, 2019 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30688040


Contact with infected saliva through the bite of a rabid animal is the main route of infection with the rabies Lyssavirus in humans. Although a few individuals have survived the infection, rabies remains the most lethal zoonotic infection worldwide. Over the last century, the dogma that rabies is invariably fatal has been challenged by the survival and recovery of infected animals. In humans, 11 studies have found rabies virus-specific antibodies in unvaccinated individuals exposed to rabies virus reservoir species, suggesting the possibility of asymptomatic rabies virus infection, contact with non-infectious virus or exposure to the virus without viral replication. Two of these studies were conducted in Arctic hunters. Considering the extensive exposure of Nunavik's Inuit to potentially infected animals through hunting, trapping, skinning and the preparation of Arctic carnivores, we analysed archived serum samples from the 2004 Nunavik Inuit Health Survey for the presence of rabies virus-neutralizing antibodies (rVNA) in this sub-population. A total of 196 participants who were considered at highest risk for exposure to rabies virus were targeted. Serum samples were tested for the presence of rVNA using a variation of the fluorescent antibody virus neutralization test, an assay recommended for the quantification of neutralizing antibody titres following vaccination. Our study identified two seropositive individuals among the 196 participants but a review of their medical record and a phone interview revealed previous vaccination. Our results do not provide evidence for naturally acquired rVNA in Nunavik's Inuit population.

Anticuerpos Neutralizantes/sangre , Anticuerpos Antivirales/sangre , Inuk , Virus de la Rabia/inmunología , Rabia/veterinaria , Zoonosis/epidemiología , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Animales , Canadá/epidemiología , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Rabia/epidemiología , Adulto Joven
Int J Environ Health Res ; 27(4): 306-322, 2017 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28649872


A web survey was conducted among 870 lifeguards (current and former) to assess the relationship between exposure to indoor swimming pool environments and respiratory health. Associations between respiratory symptoms and asthma with varying lengths of occupational exposure were assessed by multiple logistic regression. Lifeguards exposed more than 500 hours in the previous 12 months experienced more cough (adjustedOR = 2.54, IC95 % = 1.51-4.25), throat (aOR = 2.47, IC95 % = 1.44-4.24) and eye irritation (aOR = 4.34, IC95 % = 2.52-7.50) during this period than non-exposed lifeguards. Upper and lower respiratory symptoms while on duty were related to duration of lifetime exposure (> 500 days vs. ≤ 50 days: Upper aOR = 5.84, IC95 % = 3.60-9.50; Lower aOR = 2.53, IC95 % = 1.58-4.06). Physician-diagnosed asthma was high among lifeguards (23 %). Highly exposed asthmatic lifeguards (> 500 hours) over the previous 12 months had a significantly higher risk (aOR = 3.74, IC95 % = 1.39-10.02) of suffering from asthma attack(s) than non-exposed asthmatic subjects. Exposure to indoor swimming pool environments is related to respiratory symptoms among lifeguards.

Enfermedades Profesionales/epidemiología , Exposición Profesional , Enfermedades Respiratorias/epidemiología , Piscinas/estadística & datos numéricos , Piscinas/normas , Adolescente , Adulto , Asma/epidemiología , Asma/etiología , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Enfermedades Profesionales/etiología , Quebec/epidemiología , Enfermedades Respiratorias/etiología , Autoinforme , Adulto Joven
Am J Public Health ; 106(7): 1233-4, 2016 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27196661


Large Analysis and Review of European Housing and Health Status (LARES) was conducted in Europe in 2002 to 2003 to study the relationship between citizens' health and built environments. One of its objectives was to put public health priorities on the agenda of local decision-makers to implement solutions for the community. We adapted the LARES protocol as a pilot project in a small French-Canadian town in Quebec Province in 2012. The distinguishing feature of this project was the collaborative approach taken with local actors, especially the municipality, which was committed a priori to using survey data from an urban planning perspective. The project produced interesting results that were used to motivate actions concerning people living in bad sanitary conditions; to draft the urban plan including the development of parks, green spaces, and bicycle paths; and to allow the municipality to meet eligibility criteria for access to renovation programs. If a partnership with the local actors and their commitment to promote and realize the project were obtained at the beginning, then the survey could be replicated in other communities.

Planificación Ambiental , Prioridades en Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Estado de Salud , Salud Pública , Características de la Residencia , Ambiente , Vivienda , Proyectos Piloto , Quebec
PLoS Negl Trop Dis ; 10(4): e0004534, 2016 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27058742


BACKGROUND: Cryptosporidium is a leading cause of childhood diarrhea in low-resource settings, and has been repeatedly associated with impaired physical and cognitive development. In May 2013, an outbreak of diarrhea caused by Cryptosporidium hominis was identified in the Arctic region of Nunavik, Quebec. Human cryptosporidiosis transmission was previously unknown in this region, and very few previous studies have reported it elsewhere in the Arctic. We report clinical, molecular, and epidemiologic details of a multi-village Cryptosporidium outbreak in the Canadian Arctic. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated the occurrence of cryptosporidiosis using a descriptive study of cases with onset between April 2013 and April 2014. Cases were defined as Nunavik inhabitants of any age presenting with diarrhea of any duration, in whom Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected by stool microscopy in a specialised reference laboratory. Cryptosporidium was identified in stool from 51 of 283 individuals. The overall annual incidence rate (IR) was 420 / 100,000 inhabitants. The IR was highest among children aged less than 5 years (1290 /100,000 persons). Genetic subtyping for stool specimens from 14/51 cases was determined by DNA sequence analysis of the 60 kDa glycoprotein (gp60) gene. Sequences aligned with C. hominis subtype Id in all cases. No common food or water source of infection was identified. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In this first observed outbreak of human cryptosporidiosis in this Arctic region, the high IR seen is cause for concern about the possible long-term effects on growth and development of children in Inuit communities, who face myriad other challenges such as overcrowding and food-insecurity. The temporal and geographic distribution of cases, as well as the identification of C. hominis subtype Id, suggest anthroponotic rather than zoonotic transmission. Barriers to timely diagnosis delayed the recognition of human cryptosporidiosis in this remote setting.

Criptosporidiosis/epidemiología , Cryptosporidium/genética , Brotes de Enfermedades , Adolescente , Adulto , Animales , Regiones Árticas , Canadá/epidemiología , Niño , Preescolar , Criptosporidiosis/parasitología , Criptosporidiosis/transmisión , Cryptosporidium/aislamiento & purificación , ADN Protozoario/genética , Diarrea/epidemiología , Diarrea/parasitología , Heces/parasitología , Femenino , Genotipo , Humanos , Incidencia , Lactante , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Oocistos/ultraestructura , Proteínas Protozoarias/genética , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN , Adulto Joven
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26161681


Game meat from animals killed by lead ammunition may expose consumers to lead. We assessed the risk related to lead intake from meat consumption of white-tailed deer and moose killed by lead ammunition and documented the perception of hunters and butchers regarding this potential contamination. Information on cervid meat consumption and risk perception were collected using a mailed self-administrated questionnaire which was addressed to a random sample of Quebec hunters. In parallel, 72 samples of white-tailed deer (n = 35) and moose (n = 37) meats were collected from voluntary hunters and analysed for lead content using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. A risk assessment for people consuming lead shot game meat was performed using Monte Carlo simulations. Mean lead levels in white-tailed deer and moose killed by lead ammunition were 0.28 and 0.17 mg kg(-1) respectively. Risk assessment based on declared cervid meat consumption revealed that 1.7% of the surveyed hunters would exceed the dose associated with a 1 mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure (SBP). For consumers of moose meat once, twice or three times a week, simulations predicted that 0.5%, 0.9% and 1.5% of adults would be exposed to a dose associated with a 1 mmHg increase in SBP, whereas 0.9%, 1.9% and 3.3% of children would be exposed to a dose associated with 1 point intelligence quotient (IQ) decrease, respectively. For consumers of deer meat once, twice or three times a week, the proportions were 1.6%, 2.9% and 4% for adults and 2.9%, 5.8% and 7.7% for children, respectively. The consumption of meat from cervids killed with lead ammunition may increase lead exposure and its associated health risks. It would be important to inform the population, particularly hunters, about this potential risk and promote the use of lead-free ammunition.

Ciervos , Armas de Fuego , Contaminación de Alimentos/análisis , Contaminación de Alimentos/estadística & datos numéricos , Intoxicación por Plomo/epidemiología , Plomo/efectos adversos , Plomo/análisis , Carne Roja , Animales , Humanos , Método de Montecarlo , Quebec/epidemiología , Medición de Riesgo , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Ann Occup Hyg ; 59(8): 1085-9, 2015 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26091681


INTRODUCTION: Trichloramine (NCl3) is the contaminant suspected the most to cause irritative respiratory symptoms among swimmers and swimming pool workers. Following complaints by employees working in an indoor swimming pool, this study set out to identify the determinants of NCl3 air concentrations in that particular swimming pool. METHODS: To document NCl3 air levels, air samples (n = 26) were collected once or twice a day for 3 h, at least 3 days per week, between October and December 2011. Water samples were taken three times during air sampling to verify free chlorine, chloramines, alkalinity, conductivity, pH, water temperature, and turbidity. Water changes were also recorded, along with the number of bathers. Ventilation (outdoor air flow) was modified to verify the influence of this important variable. Data were evaluated by analysis of variance. RESULTS: Mean NCl3 air concentration was 0.38 mg m(-3). The best model explaining variations of NCl3 air levels (r2 = 0.83) included sampling period (P = 0.002, NCl3 was higher in the evening versus the morning), water changes (P = 0.02, NCl3 was lower with water changes between 60 and 90 min day(-1) versus <60 min day(-1)), and ventilation (P = 0.0002, NCl3 was lower with ≥2 air changes per hour (ACH) versus <1 ACH). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Although based on only 26 air samples, our results indicate that ventilation is an important determinant of NCl3 air concentration in swimming pool air. There is limited information available on the air quality of indoor swimming pools and the relationship with ventilation. Efforts are needed to document the situation and to develop state-of-the-art facilities for ventilation of indoor swimming pools.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Contaminación del Aire Interior/análisis , Cloruros/análisis , Compuestos de Nitrógeno/análisis , Exposición Profesional/análisis , Piscinas , Contaminación del Aire Interior/efectos adversos , Cloruros/efectos adversos , Desinfectantes/análisis , Humanos , Compuestos de Nitrógeno/efectos adversos , Ventilación/métodos , Calidad del Agua
Life (Basel) ; 5(2): 1346-80, 2015 May 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25984732


Missisquoi Bay (MB) is a temperate eutrophic freshwater lake that frequently experiences toxic Microcystis-dominated cyanobacterial blooms. Non-point sources are responsible for the high concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen in the bay. This study combined data from environmental parameters, E. coli counts, high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons, quantitative PCR (16S rRNA and mcyD genes) and toxin analyses to identify the main bloom-promoting factors. In 2009, nutrient concentrations correlated with E. coli counts, abundance of total cyanobacterial cells, Microcystis 16S rRNA and mcyD genes and intracellular microcystin. Total and dissolved phosphorus also correlated significantly with rainfall. The major cyanobacterial taxa were members of the orders Chroococcales and Nostocales. The genus Microcystis was the main mcyD-carrier and main microcystin producer. Our results suggested that increasing nutrient concentrations and total nitrogen:total phosphorus (TN:TP) ratios approaching 11:1, coupled with an increase in temperature, promoted Microcystis-dominated toxic blooms. Although the importance of nutrient ratios and absolute concentrations on cyanobacterial and Microcystis dynamics have been documented in other laboratories, an optimum TN:TP ratio for Microcystis dominance has not been previously observed in situ. This observation provides further support that nutrient ratios are an important determinant of species composition in natural phytoplankton assemblages.

Sci Total Environ ; 466-467: 397-403, 2014 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23927933


We conducted a study to investigate the relationship between exposure to cyanobacteria and microcystins and the incidence of symptoms in humans living in close proximity to lakes affected by cyanobacteria. The design was a prospective study of residents living around three lakes (Canada), one of which has a water treatment plant supplying potable water to local residents. Participants had to keep a daily journal of symptoms and record contact (full or limited) with the water body. Samples were collected to document cyanobacteria and microcystin concentrations. Symptoms potentially associated with cyanobacteria (gastrointestinal: 2 indices (GI1: diarrhea or abdominal pain or nausea or vomiting; GI2: diarrhea or vomiting or [nausea and fever] or [abdominal cramps and fever]); upper and lower respiratory tract; eye; ear; skin; muscle pain; headaches; mouth ulcers) were examined in relation with exposure to cyanobacteria and microcystin by using Poisson regression. Only gastrointestinal symptoms were associated with recreational contact. Globally, there was a significant increase in adjusted relative risk (RR) with higher cyanobacterial cell counts for GI2 (<20,000 cells/mL: RR=1.52, 95% CI=0.65-3.51; 20,000-100,000 cells/mL: RR=2.71, 95% CI=1.02-7.16; >100,000 cells/mL: RR=3.28, 95% CI=1.69-6.37, p-trend=0.001). In participants who received their drinking water supply from a plant whose source was contaminated by cyanobacteria, an increase in muscle pain (RR=5.16; 95% CI=2.93-9.07) and gastrointestinal (GI1: RR=3.87; 95% CI=1.62-9.21; GI2: RR=2.84; 95% CI=0.82-9.79), skin (RR=2.65; 95% CI=1.09-6.44) and ear symptoms (RR=6.10; 95% CI=2.48-15.03) was observed. The population should be made aware of the risks of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with contact (full or limited) with cyanobacteria. A risk management plan is needed for water treatment plants that draw their water from a source contaminated with cyanobacteria.

Agua Potable/microbiología , Exposición a Riesgos Ambientales , Microcistinas/toxicidad , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/toxicidad , Adolescente , Adulto , Niño , Cianobacterias/aislamiento & purificación , Cianobacterias/fisiología , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estudios Prospectivos , Salud Pública , Quebec , Medición de Riesgo , Adulto Joven
J Environ Radioact ; 124: 57-67, 2013 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23660346


The aim of this paper is to present the first step of a new approach to make a map of radonprone areas showing different potential radon emission levels in the Quebec province. This map is a tool intended to assist the Quebec government in identifying populations with a higher risk of indoor radon gas exposure. This map of radon-prone areas used available radiogeochemical information for the province of Quebec: (1) Equivalent uranium (eU) concentration from airborne surface gamma-ray surveys; (2) uranium concentration measurements in sediments; and (3) bedrock and surficial geology. Positive proportion relationships (PPR) between each individual criterion and the 1417 available basement radon concentrations were demonstrated. It was also shown that those criteria were reliable indicators of radon-prone areas. The three criteria were discretized into 3, 2 and 2 statistically significant different classes respectively. For each class, statistical heterogeneity was validated by Kruskal-Wallis one way analyses of variance on ranks. Maps of radon-prone areas were traced down for each criterion. Based on this statistical study and on the maps of radon-prone areas in Quebec, 18% of the dwellings located in areas with an equivalent uranium (eU) concentration from airborne surface gamma-ray surveys under 0.75 ppm showed indoor radon concentrations above 150 Bq/m3. This percentage increases to 33% when eU concentrations are between 0.75 ppm and 1.25 ppm and exceeds 40% when eU concentrations are above 1.25 ppm. A uranium concentration in sediments above 20 ppm showed an indoor radon concentration geometric mean of 215 Bq/m3 with more than 69% of the dwellings exceeding 150 Bq/m3 or more than 50% of dwellings exceeding the Canadian radon guideline of 200 Bq/m3. It is also shown that the radon emission potential is higher where a uranium-rich bedrock unit is not covered by a low permeability (silt/clay) surficial deposit.

Contaminantes Radiactivos del Aire/análisis , Contaminación del Aire Interior/análisis , Radón/análisis , Recolección de Datos , Mapeo Geográfico , Sedimentos Geológicos , Vivienda , Quebec , Monitoreo de Radiación , Uranio/análisis
Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol ; 24(2): 79-84, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24421806


The Cree communities of James Bay are at risk for contracting infectious diseases transmitted by wildlife. Data from serological testing for a range of zoonotic infections performed in the general population (six communities), or trappers and their spouses (one community), were abstracted from four population-based studies conducted in Cree territory (Quebec) between 2005 and 2009. Evidence of exposure to Trichinella species, Toxoplasma gondii, Toxocara canis, Echinococcus granulosus, Leptospira species, Coxiella burnetii and Francisella tularensis was verified in all communities, whereas antibodies against Sin Nombre virus and California serogroup viruses (Jamestown Canyon and snowshoe hare viruses) were evaluated in three and six communities, respectively. Seroprevalence varied widely among communities: snowshoe hare virus (1% to 42%), F tularensis (14% to 37%), Leptospira species (10% to 27%), Jamestown Canyon virus (9% to 24%), C burnetii (0% to 18%), T gondii (4% to 12%), T canis (0% to 10%), E granulosus (0% to 4%) and Trichinella species (0% to 1%). No subject had serological evidence of Sin Nombre virus exposure. These data suggest that large proportions of the Cree population have been exposed to at least one of the targeted zoonotic agents. The Cree population, particularly those most heavily exposed to fauna, as well as the medical staff living in these regions, should be aware of these diseases. Greater awareness would not only help to decrease exposures but would also increase the chance of appropriate diagnostic testing.

Les communautés cries de la Baie James sont vulnérables aux maladies infectieuses transmises par les animaux sauvages. Les données tirées des tests sérologiques sur une série de zoonoses effectués dans la population générale (six communautés) ou chez les trappeurs et leur conjointe (une communauté) ont été extraites de quatre études en population menées en territoire cri, au Québec, entre 2005 et 2009. Les manifestations d'exposition aux espèces de Trichinella, au Toxoplasma gondii, au Toxocara canis, à l'Echinococcus granulosus, aux espèces de Leptospira, au Coxiella burnetii et au Francisella tularensis ont été vérifiées dans toutes les communautés, tandis que les anticorps contre le virus Sin Nombre et les virus du sérogroupe Californie (virus Jamestown Canyon et snowshoe hare) ont été évalués dans trois et six communautés, respectivement. La séroprévalence variait considérablement selon les communautés, comme suit : virus snowshoe hare (1 % à 42 %), F tularensis (14 % à 37 %), espèces de Leptospira (10 % à 27 %), virus Jamestown Canyon (9 % à 24 %), C burnetii (0 % à 18 %), T gondii (4 % à 12 %), T canis (0 % à 10 %), E granulosus (0 % à 4 %) et espèces de Trichinella (0 % à 1 %). Aucun sujet n'avait de manifestation sérologique d'exposition au virus Sin Nombre. Ces données laissent supposer que de fortes proportions de la population crie ont été exposées à au moins l'un des agents zoonotiques ciblés. La population crie, notamment les peuples les plus exposés aux animaux sauvages, ainsi que le personnel médical qui habite dans ces régions, devrait connaître ces maladies. Une meilleure sensibilisation contribuerait non seulement à réduire les expositions, mais accroîtrait également la possibilité de tests diagnostiques pertinents.

Int J Environ Health Res ; 23(1): 1-15, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22731241


This work explores the factors associated with contamination of public spas by Legionella spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. Physicochemical and microbiological parameters were measured in water samples from 95 spas inQuébec, Canada. Spa maintenance was documented by a questionnaire. Legionella spp. were detected in 23% of spas, P. aeruginosa in 41% and E. coli in 2%. Bacteria were found in concerning concentrations (Legionella spp. ≥ 500 CFU/l, P. aeruginosa ≥ 51 CFU/100 ml or E. coli ≥ 1 CFU/100 ml) in 26% ofspas. Observed physicochemical parameters frequently differed from recommended guidelines. The following factors decreased the prevalence of concerning microbial contamination: a free chlorine concentration ≥ 2 mg/l or total bromine ≥ 3 mg/l (p = 0.001), an oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) > 650 mV (p = 0.001), emptying and cleaning the spa at least monthly (p = 0.019) and a turbidity ≤ 1 NTU (p = 0.013). Proper regulations and training of spa operators are critical for better maintenance of these increasingly popular facilities.

Baños , Exposición a Riesgos Ambientales , Escherichia coli/aislamiento & purificación , Agua Dulce/microbiología , Legionella/aislamiento & purificación , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/aislamiento & purificación , Baños/normas , Recuento de Colonia Microbiana , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Agua Dulce/química , Quebec , Abastecimiento de Agua/análisis