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ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 15(13): 17029-17044, 2023 Apr 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36958023


The excellent intrinsic properties of aligned nanofibers, such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and their ability to be easily formed into multifunctional 3D architectures motivate their use for a variety of commercial applications, such as batteries, chemical sensors for environmental monitoring, and energy harvesting devices. While controlling nanofiber adhesion to the growth substrate is essential for bulk-scale manufacturing and device performance, experimental approaches and models to date have not addressed tuning the CNT array-substrate adhesion strength with thermal processing conditions. In this work, facile "one-pot" thermal postgrowth processing (at temperatures Tp = 700-950 °C) is used to study CNT-substrate pull-off strength for millimeter-tall aligned CNT arrays. CNT array pull-off from the flat growth substrate (Fe/Al2O3/SiO2/Si wafers) via tensile testing shows that the array fails progressively, similar to the response of brittle microfiber bundles in tension. The pull-off strength evolves nonmonotonically with Tp in three regimes, first increasing by 10 times through Tp = 800 °C due to graphitization of disordered carbon at the CNT-catalyst interface, and then decreasing back to a weak interface through Tp = 950 °C due to diffusion of the Fe catalyst into the substrate, Al2O3 crystallization, and substrate cracking. Failure is observed to occur at the CNT-catalyst interface below 750 °C, and the CNTs themselves break during pull-off after higher Tp processing, leaving residual CNTs on the substrate. Morphological and chemical analyses indicate that the Fe catalyst remains on the substrate after pull-off in all regimes. This work provides new insights into the interfacial interactions responsible for nanofiber-substrate adhesion and allows tuning to increase or decrease array strength for applications such as advanced sensors, energy devices, and nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS).

Nanoscale ; 13(1): 261-271, 2021 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33331843


The advantageous intrinsic and scale-dependent properties of aligned nanofibers (NFs) and their assembly into 3D architectures motivate their use as dry adhesives and shape-engineerable materials. While controlling NF-substrate adhesion is critical for scaled manufacturing and application-specific performance, current understanding of how this property evolves with processing conditions is limited. In this report, we introduce substrate adhesion predictive capabilities by using an exemplary array of NFs, aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs), studied as a function of their processing. Substrate adhesion is found to scale non-monotonically with process time in a hydrocarbon environment and is investigated via the tensile pull-off of mm-scale CNT arrays from their growth substrate. CNT synthesis follows two regimes: Mode I ('Growth') and Mode II ('Post-Growth'), separated by growth termination. Within 10 minutes of post-growth, experiments and modeling indicate an order-of-magnitude increase in CNT array-substrate adhesion strength (∼40 to 285 kPa) and effective elastic array modulus (∼6 to 47 MPa), and a two-orders-of-magnitude increase in the single CNT-substrate adhesion force (∼0.190 to 12.3 nN) and work of adhesion (∼0.07 to 1.5 J m-2), where the iron catalyst is found to remain on the substrate. Growth number decay in Mode I and carbon accumulation in Mode II contribute to the mechanical response, which may imply a change in the deformation mechanism. Predictive capabilities of the model are assessed for previously studied NF arrays, suggesting that the current framework can enable the future design and manufacture of high-value NF array applications.

Nanotechnology ; 28(24): 24LT01, 2017 Jun 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28485304


Here, we report the fabrication of aligned carbon nanotube (A-CNT)/conducting polymer (CP) heterostructures with both uniform conformal and periodic beaded polymer morphologies via oxidative chemical vapor deposition of poly(ethylenedioxythiophene). Periodic beaded CP morphologies are realized utilizing the Plateau-Rayleigh instability to transform the original uniform conformal film, yielding a beaded CP morphology with a >50% enhancement in specific surface area (SSA). Modeling indicates that this SSA increase originates from the internal volume of the A-CNTs becoming available for adsorption, and that these internal A-CNT surfaces, if they could be made accessible to electrolyte ions, could lead to >30% enhancement of specific gravimetric and volumetric capacitances of current state-of-the-art A-CNT/CP heterostructures.
