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Front Microbiol ; 15: 1335997, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38655087


Introduction: The Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex, or Acb complex, consists of six species: Acinetobacter baumannii, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Acinetobacter nosocomialis, Acinetobacter pittii, Acinetobacter seifertii, and Acinetobacter lactucae. A. baumannii is the most clinically significant of these species and is frequently related to healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs). Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) arrays and associated genes (cas) constitute bacterial adaptive immune systems and function as variable genetic elements. This study aimed to conduct a genomic analysis of Acb complex genomes available in databases to describe and characterize CRISPR systems and cas genes. Methods: Acb complex genomes available in the NCBI and BV-BRC databases, the identification and characterization of CRISPR-Cas systems were performed using CRISPRCasFinder, CRISPRminer, and CRISPRDetect. Sequence types (STs) were determined using the Oxford scheme and ribosomal multilocus sequence typing (rMLST). Prophages were identified using PHASTER and Prophage Hunter. Results: A total of 293 genomes representing six Acb species exhibited CRISPR-related sequences. These genomes originate from various sources, including clinical specimens, animals, medical devices, and environmental samples. Sequence typing identified 145 ribosomal multilocus sequence types (rSTs). CRISPR-Cas systems were confirmed in 26.3% of the genomes, classified as subtypes I-Fa, I-Fb and I-Fv. Probable CRISPR arrays and cas genes associated with CRISPR-Cas subtypes III-A, I-B, and III-B were also detected. Some of the CRISPR-Cas systems are associated with genomic regions related to Cap4 proteins, and toxin-antitoxin systems. Moreover, prophage sequences were prevalent in 68.9% of the genomes. Analysis revealed a connection between these prophages and CRISPR-Cas systems, indicating an ongoing arms race between the bacteria and their bacteriophages. Furthermore, proteins associated with anti-CRISPR systems, such as AcrF11 and AcrF7, were identified in the A. baumannii and A. pittii genomes. Discussion: This study elucidates CRISPR-Cas systems and defense mechanisms within the Acb complex, highlighting their diverse distribution and interactions with prophages and other genetic elements. This study also provides valuable insights into the evolution and adaptation of these microorganisms in various environments and clinical settings.

Front Microbiol ; 13: 884721, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35722296


This study characterized five Cronobacter spp. and six Salmonella spp. strains that had been isolated from 155 samples of powdered infant formula (PIF) sold in Chile and manufactured in Chile and Mexico in 2018-2020. Two strains of Cronobacter sakazakii sequence type (ST) ST1 and ST31 (serotypes O:1 and O:2) and one strain of Cronobacter malonaticus ST60 (O:1) were identified. All Salmonella strains were identified as Salmonella Typhimurium ST19 (serotype O:4) by average nucleotide identity, ribosomal multilocus sequence typing (rMLST), and core genome MLST (cgMLST). The C. sakazakii and C. malonaticus isolates were resistant to cephalothin, whereas the Salmonella isolates were resistant to oxacillin and ampicillin. Nineteen antibiotic resistance genes were detected in the C. sakazakii and C. malonaticus isolates; the most prevalent were mcr-9.1, blaCSA , and blaCMA . In Salmonella, 30 genes encoding for aminoglycoside and cephalosporin resistance were identified, including aac(6')-Iaa, ß-lactamases ampH, ampC1, and marA. In the Cronobacter isolates, 32 virulence-associated genes were detected by WGS and clustered as flagellar proteins, outer membrane proteins, chemotaxis, hemolysins, invasion, plasminogen activator, colonization, transcriptional regulator, survival in macrophages, use of sialic acid, and toxin-antitoxin genes. In the Salmonella strains, 120 virulence associated genes were detected, adherence, magnesium uptake, resistance to antimicrobial peptides, secretion system, stress protein, toxin, resistance to complement killing, and eight pathogenicity islands. The C. sakazakii and C. malonaticus strains harbored I-E and I-F CRISPR-Cas systems and carried Col(pHHAD28) and IncFIB(pCTU1) plasmids, respectively. The Salmonella strains harbored type I-E CRISPR-Cas systems and carried IncFII(S) plasmids. The presence of C. sakazakii and Salmonella in PIF is a health risk for infants aged less than 6 months. For this reason, sanitary practices should be reinforced for its production and retail surveillance.

Front Microbiol ; 12: 694922, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34276629


Cronobacter sakazakii is an enteropathogen that causes neonatal meningitis, septicemia, and necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants and newborns with a mortality rate of 15 to 80%. Powdered and dairy formulas (P-DF) have been implicated as major transmission vehicles and subsequently the presence of this pathogen in P-DF led to product recalls in Chile in 2017. The objective of this study was to use whole genome sequencing (WGS) and laboratory studies to characterize Cronobacter strains from the contaminated products. Seven strains were identified as C. sakazakii, and the remaining strain was Franconibacter helveticus. All C. sakazakii strains adhered to a neuroblastoma cell line, and 31 virulence genes were predicted by WGS. The antibiograms varied between strains. and included mcr-9.1 and bla CSA genes, conferring resistance to colistin and cephalothin, respectively. The C. sakazakii strains encoded I-E and I-F CRISPR-Cas systems, and carried IncFII(pECLA), Col440I, and Col(pHHAD28) plasmids. In summary, WGS enabled the identification of C. sakazakii strains and revealed multiple antibiotic resistance and virulence genes. These findings support the decision to recall the contaminated powdered and dairy formulas from the Chilean market in 2017.

Front Microbiol ; 12: 796040, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35299835


Listeria monocytogenes is causing listeriosis, a rare but severe foodborne infection. Listeriosis affects pregnant women, newborns, older adults, and immunocompromised individuals. Ready-to-eat (RTE) foods are the most common sources of transmission of the pathogen This study explored the virulence factors and antibiotic resistance in L. monocytogenes strains isolated from ready-to-eat (RTE) foods through in vitro and in silico testing by whole-genome sequencing (WGS). The overall positivity of L. monocytogenes in RTE food samples was 3.1% and 14 strains were isolated. L. monocytogenes ST8, ST2763, ST1, ST3, ST5, ST7, ST9, ST14, ST193, and ST451 sequence types were identified by average nucleotide identity, ribosomal multilocus sequence typing (rMLST), and core genome MLST. Seven isolates had serotype 1/2a, five 1/2b, one 4b, and one 1/2c. Three strains exhibited in vitro resistance to ampicillin and 100% of the strains carried the fosX, lin, norB, mprF, tetA, and tetC resistance genes. In addition, the arsBC, bcrBC, and clpL genes were detected, which conferred resistance to stress and disinfectants. All strains harbored hlyA, prfA, and inlA genes almost thirty-two the showed the bsh, clpCEP, hly, hpt, iap/cwhA, inlA, inlB, ipeA, lspA, mpl, plcA, pclB, oat, pdgA, and prfA genes. One isolate exhibited a type 11 premature stop codon (PMSC) in the inlA gene and another isolate a new mutation (deletion of A in position 819). The Inc18(rep25), Inc18(rep26), and N1011A plasmids and MGEs were found in nine isolates. Ten isolates showed CAS-Type II-B systems; in addition, Anti-CRISPR AcrIIA1 and AcrIIA3 phage-associated systems were detected in three genomes. These virulence and antibiotic resistance traits in the strains isolated in the RTE foods indicate a potential public health risk for consumers.

Front Microbiol ; 11: 600093, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33381094


Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is considered an opportunistic pathogen in humans and is mainly associated with healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs). This bacterium colonizes the skin and mucous membranes of healthy people and causes frequent hospital outbreaks. The aim of this study was to perform molecular typing of the staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) and agr loci as wells as to establish the pulsotypes and clonal complexes (CCs) for MRSA and methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) outbreaks associated with the operating room (OR) at a pediatric hospital. Twenty-five clinical strains of S. aureus (19 MRSA and 6 MSSA strains) were recovered from the outbreak (patients, anesthesia equipment, and nasopharyngeal exudates from external service anesthesia technicians). These clinical S. aureus strains were mainly resistant to benzylpenicillin (100%) and erythromycin (84%) and were susceptible to vancomycin and nitrofurantoin. The SCCmec type II was amplified in 84% of the S. aureus strains, and the most frequent type of the agr locus was agrII, which was amplified in 72% of the strains; however, the agrI and agrIII genes were mainly detected in MSSA strains. A pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis grouped the 25 strains into 16 pulsotypes (P), the most frequent of which was P1, including 10 MRSA strains related to the anesthesia equipment, external service anesthesia technicians, and hospitalized patients. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) identified 15 sequence types (STs) distributed in nine CCs. The most prevalent ST was ST1011, belonging to CC5, which was associated with the SCCmec type II and agrII type. We postulate that the external service anesthesia technicians were MRSA carriers and that these strains were indirectly transmitted from the contaminated anesthesia equipment that was inappropriately disinfected. Finally, the MRSA outbreak was controlled when the anesthesia equipment disinfection was improved and hand hygiene was reinforced.

Foods ; 10(1)2020 Dec 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33374633


Cronobacter spp. are opportunistic pathogens of the Enterobacteriaceae family. The organism causes infections in all age groups, but the most serious cases occur in outbreaks related to neonates with meningitis and necrotizing enterocolitis. The objective was to determine the in silico and in vitro putative virulence factors of six Cronobacter sakazakii strains isolated from powdered milk (PM) in the Czech Republic. Strains were identified by MALDI-TOF MS and whole-genome sequencing (WGS). Virulence and resistance genes were detected with the Ridom SeqSphere+ software task template and the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD) platform. Adherence and invasion ability were performed using the mouse neuroblastoma (N1E-115 ATCCCRL-2263) cell line. The CRISPR-Cas system was searched with CRISPRCasFinder. Core genome MLST identified four different sequence types (ST1, ST145, ST245, and ST297) in six isolates. Strains 13755-1B and 1847 were able to adhere in 2.2 and 3.2 × 106 CFU/mL, while 0.00073% invasion frequency was detected only in strain 1847. Both strains 13755-1B and 1847 were positive for three (50.0%) and four virulence genes, respectively. The cpa gene was not detected. Twenty-eight genes were detected by WGS and grouped as flagellar or outer membrane proteins, chemotaxis, hemolysins, and invasion, plasminogen activator, colonization, transcriptional regulator, and survival in macrophages. The colistin-resistance-encoding mcr-9.1 and cephalothin-resis-encoding blaCSA genes and IncFII(pECLA) and IncFIB(pCTU3) plasmids were detected. All strains exhibited CRISPR matrices and four of them two type I-E and I-F matrices. Combined molecular methodologies improve Cronobacter spp. decision-making for health authorities to protect the population.

Front Microbiol ; 11: 576673, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33178158


The Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-baumannii (Acb) complex is regarded as a group of phenotypically indistinguishable opportunistic pathogens responsible for mainly causing hospital-acquired pneumonia and bacteremia. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of isolation of the species that constitute the Acb complex, as well as their susceptibility to antibiotics, and their distribution at the Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez (HIMFG). A total of 88 strains previously identified by Vitek 2®, 40 as Acinetobacter baumannii and 48 as Acb complex were isolated from 52 children from 07, January 2015 to 28, September 2017. A. baumannii accounted for 89.77% (79/88) of the strains; Acinetobacter pittii, 6.82% (6/88); and Acinetobacter nosocomialis, 3.40% (3/88). Most strains were recovered mainly from patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) and emergency wards. Blood cultures (BC) provided 44.32% (39/88) of strains. The 13.63% (12/88) of strains were associated with primary bacteremia, 3.4% (3/88) with secondary bacteremia, and 2.3% (2/88) with pneumonia. In addition, 44.32% (39/88) were multidrug-resistant (MDR) strains and, 11.36% (10/88) were extensively drug-resistant (XDR). All strains amplified the bla OXA-51 gene; 51.13% (45/88), the bla OXA-23 gene; 4.54% (4/88), the bla OXA-24 gene; and 2.27% (2/88), the bla OXA-58 gene. Plasmid profiles showed that the strains had 1-6 plasmids. The strains were distributed in 52 pulsotypes, and 24 showed identical restriction patterns, with a correlation coefficient of 1.0. Notably, some strains with the same pulsotype were isolated from different patients, wards, or years, suggesting the persistence of more than one clone. Twenty-seven sequence types (STs) were determined for the strains based on a Pasteur multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme using massive sequencing; the most prevalent was ST 156 (27.27%, 24/88). The Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)-Cas I-Fb system provided amplification in A. baumannii and A. pittii strains (22.73%, 20/88). This study identified an increased number of MDR strains and the relationship among strains through molecular typing. The data suggest that more than one strain could be causing an infection in some patient. The implementation of molecular epidemiology allowed the characterization of a set of strains and identification of different attributes associated with its distribution in a specific environment.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32133303


Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, an emerging opportunistic pathogen, is widely distributed in the environment the resistance mechanisms, and virulence factors of this bacterium facilitate its dissemination in hospitals. This study aimed to characterize the molecular epidemiology of S. maltophilia strains associated with an outbreak in the Children's Hospital of México Federico Gómez (HIMFG). Twenty-one clinical S. maltophilia strains were recovered from cultures of blood and urine samples from 10 pediatric patients at the emergency department, and nine environmental S. maltophilia strains recovered from faucets in the same area were also included. Two of the 10 patients were related with health care-associated infections (HCAIs), and the other eight patients (8/10) were infected with environmental S. maltophilia strains. The outbreak was controlled by monthly disinfection of the faucets in the emergency department. Typing using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) showed a 52% genetic diversity with seven pulsotypes denoted P1-P7 among all S. maltophilia strains. Three pulsotypes (P2, P3, and P7) were identified among both the clinical and environmental S. maltophilia strains and associated with two type sequences (STs), namely, ST304 and ST24. Moreover, 80% (24/30) of the strains exhibited resistance mainly to tetracycline, 76.66% (23/30) to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and 23.33% (7/30) to the extended-spectrum ß-lactamase (ESBL) phenotype. The main resistance genes identified by multiplex PCR were sul1 in 100% (30/30), qnr in 86.66% (26/30), and intl1 in 80% (24/30) of the samples, respectively. Furthermore, the pilU, hlylII, and rmlA genes were identified in 96.6% (29/30), 90% (27/30), and 83.33% (25/30) of the samples, respectively. Additionally, 76.66% (23/30) of the S. maltophilia strains exhibited high swimming motility, 46.66% (14/30) showed moderate biofilm formation capacity, 43.33% (13/30) displayed moderate twitching motility, and 20% (6/30) exhibited high adherence. The clinical S. maltophilia strains isolated from blood most strongly adhered to HTB-9 cells. In conclusion, the molecular epidemiology and some of the features such as resistance, and virulence genes associated with colonization patterns are pathogenic attributes that can promote S. maltophilia dissemination, persistence, and facilitate the outbreak that occurred in the HIMFG. This study supports the need for faucet disinfection as a control strategy for clinical outbreaks.

Infecciones por Bacterias Gramnegativas , Stenotrophomonas maltophilia , Niño , Brotes de Enfermedades , Farmacorresistencia Microbiana , Infecciones por Bacterias Gramnegativas/epidemiología , Humanos , México/epidemiología , Epidemiología Molecular , Fenotipo , Stenotrophomonas maltophilia/genética , Centros de Atención Terciaria , Virulencia/genética
Front Microbiol ; 10: 132, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30787915


Acinetobacter baumannii is an opportunistic pathogen and is one of the primary etiological agents of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). A. baumannii infections are difficult to treat due to the intrinsic and acquired antibiotic resistance of strains of this bacterium, which frequently limits therapeutic options. In this study, five A. baumannii strains (810CP, 433H, 434H, 483H, and A-2), all of which were isolated from a child with leukemia M2, were characterized through antibiotic susceptibility profiling, the detection of genes encoding carbapenem hydrolyzing oxacillinases, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence typing (MLST), adherence and invasion assays toward the A549 cell line, and the whole-genome sequence (WGS). The five strains showed Multidrug resistant (MDR) profiles and amplification of the bla OXA-23 gene, belonging to ST758 and grouped into two PFGE clusters. WGS of 810CP revealed the presence of a circular chromosome and two small plasmids, pAba810CPa and pAba810CPb. Both plasmids carried genes encoding the Sp1TA system, although resistance genes were not identified. A gene-by-gene comparison analysis was performed among the A. baumannii strains isolated in this study and others A. baumannii ST758 strains (HIMFG and INCan), showing that 86% of genes were present in all analyzed strains. Interestingly, the 433H, 434H, and 483H strains varied by 8-10 single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), while the A2 and 810CP strains varied by 46 SNVs. Subsequently, an analysis using BacWGSTdb showed that all of our strains had the same resistance genes and were ST758. However, some variations were observed in relation to virulence genes, mainly in the 810CP strain. The genes involved in the synthesis of hepta-acylated lipooligosaccharides, the pgaABCD locus encoding poly-ß-1-6-N-acetylglucosamine, the ompA gene, Csu pili, bap, the two-component system bfms/bfmR, a member of the phospholipase D family, and two iron-uptake systems were identified in our A. baumannii strains genome. The five A. baumannii strains isolated from the child were genetically different and showed important characteristics that promote survival in a hospital environment. The elucidation of their genomic sequences provides important information for understanding their epidemiology, antibiotic resistance, and putative virulence factors.
