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Animals (Basel) ; 12(22)2022 Nov 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36428312


Erosions and gastric ulcers may be present in horses at any age and under different conditions of rearing and handling. In tropical regions, horses can feed on fruits rich in soluble carbohydrates, such as mangoes, but little is known about how these foods interact with their digestive systems. To test the hypothesis that the ingestion of ripe mangoes with peels could cause disturbances in the digestive processes of horses, an experiment was developed to monitor animals that had free access to ripe mangoes in their pasture areas. Horses (purebred Arabians, n = 5; ~340 kg, ~13 years) were evaluated by video gastroscopy and blood analysis. A controlled postprandial glucose curve for mango intake was also performed. Gastroscopies were performed at intervals of 15 days, starting in December, just before the beginning of the harvest, until the beginning of February, and days after the end of the harvest. Blood collection was performed on the same day between November and February for blood analysis. The results were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test, with a significance level of p < 0.05. Gastroscopies indicated that four out of five horses had erosions and ulcers in the squamous region between 15 and 30 days after the start of the season. Biochemical tests indicated a reduction in plasma proteins during the harvest period, and the postprandial glucose curve showed concentrations above 200 mg/dL between 30 and 180 min after ingestion of 5.37 kg mangoes. The animals were not treated and recovered after 15 days of harvest and without ripe mangoes on the ground. It is concluded that the indiscriminate ingestion of mangoes favors the appearance of lesions in the gastric squamous region, to varying degrees, and that animals recover naturally after an average of 15 days from the end of the season when the animals return to their regular feeding with hay and grass pasture.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 49(11): e20190200, 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045264


ABSTRACT: Adaptive changes in metabolism may occur under specific physiological conditions, being necessary the knowledge of the biochemical constituents that can undergo variations during the sixty days before foaling, until the first sixty days of lactation. The present study aimed to identify and evaluate the biochemical profile of Mangalarga Marchador mares during the last third of pregnancy, foaling and lactation. For this, 48 mares were used, which formed a maintenance group (MG), composed of non-pregnant mares and an experimental group, called the transition group (TG), formed by pregnant mares. Blood samples were collected at the following times: MG was evaluated in a single time (beginning of all collections); TG was evaluated in seven times [T-60, T-30, T-15 (days before foaling), T0 (first six hours after foaling), T15, T30, T60 (days after foaling)]. All animals were submitted to biochemical analysis, in which the concentrations of total calcium, chloride, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, uric acid, creatinine, and urea were measured. The two groups differed significantly (P<0.05) in calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, creatinine, uric acid and urea concentration. Variation between times was also observed for these compounds. However, chloride and phosphorus did not differ between MG and TG. It was concluded that the last third of pregnancy, foaling and lactation exerts major influence on the biochemical constituents of blood through adjustments to maintain homeostasis in mares.

RESUMO: Mudanças adaptativas no metabolismo podem ocorrer em condições fisiológicas específicas, sendo necessário o conhecimento dos constituintes bioquímicos que possam sofrer variações durante os sessenta dias antes do parto, até os primeiros sessenta dias de lactação. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar e avaliar o perfil bioquímico de éguas Mangalarga Marchador no terço final da gestação, parto e lactação. Para isso, foram utilizadas 48 éguas, que formaram um grupo em manutenção (GM), composto por éguas não prenhes e um grupo experimental, chamado de grupo de transição (GT), formado por éguas gestantes. As coletas de sangue foram realizadas nos seguintes tempos: GM foi avaliada em um único tempo (início de todas as coletas); GT foi avaliado em sete tempos [T-60, T-30, T-15 (dias antes do parto), T0 (primeiras seis horas após o parto), T15, T30, T60 (dias após o parto)]. Todos animais foram submetidos as análises bioquímicas, em que foram mensuradas as concentrações de cálcio total, sódio, potássio, cloreto, fósforo, magnésio, ácido úrico, creatinina e ureia. Os dois grupos diferiram significativamente (P<0,05) nas concentrações de cálcio total, magnésio, sódio, potássio, creatinina, ácido úrico e ureia. Variações entre tempos também foram observadas nesses componentes. Entretanto, cloreto e fósforo não diferiram entre GM e GT. Conclui-se que o terço final da gestação, parto e lactação exerce forte influência sobre os constituintes bioquímicos do sangue por meio de ajustes para manter a homeostase nas éguas.

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 24(1): 22-26, jan.-mar.2017. il.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-966953


Objetivou-se estabelecer o perfil aminoacídico, bioquímico e hematológico de caprinos sadios da raça Saanen de diferentes faixas etárias criados em regime intensivo no Nordeste do Brasil. A partir de amostras de sangue de cada animal foi realizada a análise de aminoácidos, perfil hematológico e bioquímico. Os dados foram submetidos a ANOVA e ao Teste de Tukey (P<0,05). A concentração de glutamato [GLU] e a de glutamina e glutamato [GLN+GLU] apresentaram variações (P<0,05) enquanto que a [GLN] não variou (P>0,05). A [GLU] e de [GLN+GLU] foram 91% e 43% superiores nos animais do grupo cria quando comparados com os demais. Ocorreram também valores significativos nas concentrações de proteínas plasmáticas totais [PPT], ureia [URE], creatinina [CREAT], ácido úrico [AcU], alanina aminotransferase [ALT], creatina quinase [CK], glicose [GLIC], triglicérides [TRIG] e colesterol total [COLES-T] (P<0,05), diferentemente das albumina [ALB] e aspartato aminotransferase [AST]. Nos índices hematológicos houve diferenças para volume corpuscular médio (VCM), concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média (CHCM), coeficiente de variação de amplitude de distribuição dos eritrócitos (RDW-CV) (P<0,05), mas não ocorreram variações significativas de resultados nas células brancas do sangue [CGB], hemácias [HEM], hemoglobina [Hb] e na percentagem do hematócrito (P>0,05). Destaca-se que este conhecimento possibilite melhor entendimento dos processos metabólicos nos animais hígidos e enfermos, levando em consideração as condições alimentar e do manejo da região. Contribuindo assim para aumentar a produtividade do rebanho na região tropical dada a grande importância da caprinocultura no Nordeste do Brasil.

The aim of this study was to establish biochemical, hematological and amino acid profiles from healthy Saanen goats, from different ages bred on intensive system, in Northeastern Brazil. It was used blood Samples to analyse these parameters. Data was submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test (P<0.05). The glutamate [GLU] and glutamine plus glutamate [GLN+GLU] showed differences (P<0.05), while [GLN] didn't (P>0.05). The [GLU] and [GLN+GLU] was 91% and 43% higher on post-weaning group. Also it was seen significance on total protein plasmatic [TPP], urea [URE], creatinine [CREAT], uric acid [UAC], alanine aminotransferase [ALT], creatine kinase [CK], glucose [GLU], total triglyceride [TG] and total cholesterol [CHOL]. Unlike albumin [ALB] and aspartate aminotransferase [AST]. Haematological indices were no differences of mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), coefficient of variation of amplitude red cell distribution (RDW-CV) (P <0.05), but no significant changes in results in white blood cell [WBC], [HEM] red blood cells, hemoglobin [Hb] and the percentage of hematocrit (P> 0.05). Metabolic processes on healthy and sick animals, should be better understood by this study, considering nutritional and environmental condition in this region. This contribution may increase herd productivity in this region by the great importance of goat breeding in northeastern Brazil

Animales , Sangre , Biomarcadores , Grupos de Edad
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 54(3): 225-237, 2017. tab, graf, mapas
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-879458


The animal trade is an important risk factor that affects the spread of diseases among animals and herds. The goal of the present study was to characterize the cattle movement network in Pernambuco, Brazil, based on the animal movement permits (Guias de Trânsito Animal; GTAs) from 2012 to 2013, and identify the intensity of the commercial relationship between farm premises. A total of 737,950 GTAs were issued, and the movement of 3,481,185 cattle (1,688,585 in 2012 and 1,792,600 in 2013) was analyzed. Of the moved animals analyzed, 52.57% (1,829,907/3,481,185) were involved in the movement of cattle in or out of livestock markets, indicating that livestock markets played a major role in the network. Approximately 20% of the more-connected premises were responsible for approximately 87% of the movement related to sales and 95% of the movement related to purchases. Considering the important role of livestock markets and the intense cattle trade between farm premises, surveillance, and control measures could be more efficient if targeted to livestock markets and highly connected premises to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.(AU)

O comércio de animais é um importante fator de risco para a disseminação de doenças entre animais e rebanhos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi caracterizar a rede de movimentação de bovinos em Pernambuco, com base nas guias de trânsito animal (GTAs) de 2012 a 2013, e identificar a intensidade da relação comercial entre os estabelecimentos. Foram analisadas 737.950 GTAs emitidas, e as movimentações de bovinos totalizaram 3.481.185 animais (1.688.585 em 2012 e 1.792.600 em 2013). Um percentual de 52,57% (1.829.907/3.481.185) das movimentações de bovinos envolveu entrada ou saída de feiras de gado, indicando que as feiras desempenharam um papel importante na rede. Aproximadamente 20% dos estabelecimentos mais conectados foram responsáveis por aproximadamente 87% das movimentações relacionadas às vendas, e 95% das movimentações, relacionadas às compras. Considerando o importante papel das feiras e o intenso comércio de bovinos entre as propriedades, medidas de vigilância e controle podem ser mais eficientes se aplicadas em feiras e estabelecimentos altamente conectados, para prevenir a propagação de doenças infecciosas.(AU)

Animales , Bovinos , /normas , Vigilancia de Productos Comercializados , Comercialización de Productos , Brasil