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Sci Total Environ ; 914: 169651, 2024 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38159766


Central Chile is undergoing its most severe drought since 2010, affecting ecosystems, water supply, agriculture, and industrial uses. The government's short-term measures, such as increasing groundwater extraction (by 383 % from 1997 to 2022), are exacerbating the situation, leading to long-term hydrological deterioration. The objective of this research is to establish the main processes driving the water table depth evolution within Central Chile over the period 1979-2023. This is done by conducting groundwater balances on five major hydrological basins of Central Chile. For the Megadrought (MD) period (2010-2022), the groundwater level depths reflect not only the recharge variability but, especially, the forcing trend of groundwater withdrawals: they represent 35 % and 65 %, respectively, of the total phreatic level drawdown. This result underlines the dominant role played by groundwater withdrawals in the current delicate state of Central Chile's groundwater resources, while revealing that drought is a new complex phenomenon to deal with, in the midterm, to revert the current water resource trend in Central Chile. Our study moreover presents the impact of climate change in the basin in the framework of six different groundwater withdrawal scenarios. In the worst case (i.e., RCP8.5), the aquifer recharge decreases 18 % with respect to 1979-1997, which is the period assumed to be unaffected by the impact of MD and withdrawals. Such a reduction may be irrelevant in the dynamics of the aquifer system if the current extraction rate does not change. The estimated recovery time needed to reach aquifer conditions equal to those of the unaffected period is approximately 50 years.

Sci Total Environ ; 825: 153937, 2022 Jun 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35189216


The acequias de careo are ancestral water channels excavated during the early Al-Andalus period (8th-10th centuries), which are used to recharge aquifers in the watersheds of the Sierra Nevada mountain range (Southeastern Spain). The water channels are maintained by local communities, and their main function is collecting snowmelt, but also runoff from rainfall from the headwaters of river basins and distributing it throughout the upper parts of the slopes. This method of aquifer artificial recharge extends the availability of water resources in the lowlands of the river basins during the dry season when there is almost no precipitation and water demand is higher. This study investigates the contribution of the careo channels in the watershed of Bérchules concerning the total aquifer recharge during the 2014-2015 hydrological year. Several channels were gauged, and the runoff data were compared with those obtained from a semi-distributed hydrological model applied to the same hydrological basin. The natural infiltration of meteoric waters accounted for 52% of the total recharge, while the remaining 48% corresponded to water transported and infiltrated by the careo channels. In other words, the careo recharge system enhances by 92% the natural recharge to the aquifer. Our results demonstrate the importance of this ancestral and efficient channel system for recharging slope aquifers developed in hard rocks. The acequias de careo are nature-based solutions for increasing water resources availability that have contributed to a prosperous life in the Sierra Nevada. Its long history (>1200 years) suggests that the system has remarkable resilience properties, which have allowed adaptation and permance for centuries in drastically changing climatic and socioeconomic conditions. This recharge system could also be applied to -or inspire similar adaptation measures in- semi-arid mountain areas around the world where it may help in mitigating climate change effects.

Agua Subterránea , Hidrología , Ríos , España , Agua
Sci Total Environ ; 790: 148036, 2021 Oct 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34102446


The objective of this work is to characterize the impact of climate change in the karst aquifer of the Port del Comte Massif (PCM). Six regional climate models (RCMs) from CLYM'PY Project are used to analyse the magnitude and trends of changes on precipitation and temperature (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios) and how these changes propagate through the hydrogeological system as groundwater resources availability and the associated water isotopic content. The study uses the RCMs climate change forcings as input data to a combination of (1) a semi-distributed hydrological model for simulating the hydrodynamical response of the aquifer, and (2) a lumped parameter model for simulating the isotopic content in groundwater at the outlet of the aquifer. A mean decrease of 2.6% and 1.9% in yearly precipitation and a mean increase of 1.9 and 3.1 °C in average temperature is expected in PCM at the end of the 21st century in the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, respectively. This climate signal entering the hydrogeological system results in a mean decrease in recharge of 3.9% and 0.5% from rainfall and of 59.3% and 76.1% from snowmelt, and a decrease of 7.6% and 4.5% in total system discharge, but also generates an isotopic enrichment in groundwater discharge (δ18OGW) of 0.50‰ and 0.84‰, respectively. Moreover, from a long-term (2010-2100) perspective, the mean trend in δ18OGW is 0.7‰/100 yr and 1.2‰/100 yr for RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively, resulting in easily measurable annual lapse rates with the current analytical methods.

Cambio Climático , Agua Subterránea , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Hidrología , España
Sci Total Environ ; 748: 141363, 2020 Dec 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32823224


Time series of environmental tracers (groundwater stable isotope composition, electrical conductivity and temperature) and concentration breakthrough curves of artificial tracers (uranine, eosine, amino-G and naphtionate) have been analyzed to characterize fast preferential and slow matrix in-transit recharge flows in the Paleocene-Eocene limestone aquifer of the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park, an alpine karst system drained by a water table cave, a rare hydrological feature in high mountain karst systems with similar characteristics. Snowmelt favors the areal recharge of the system. This process is reflected in the large proportion of groundwater flowing through the connected porosity structure of the karst aquifer, which amounts the 75% of the total system water discharge. From the perspective of water resources recovery, the water capacity of the fissured-porous zone (matrix) represents 99% of the total karst system storage. The volume associated to the karst conduits is very small. The estimated mean travel times are 9 days for conduits and 475 days for connected porosity. These short travel times reveal high vulnerability of the karst system to pollutants in broad sense and a great impact of climate change on the associated water resources.

Sci Total Environ ; 728: 138848, 2020 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32570324


Most of the athalassic saline and hypersaline lakes are located in arid and semiarid regions where water availability drives the hydrological dynamics of the lake itself and the associated ecosystems. This is the case of the Salada de Chiprana Lake, in the Ebro River basin (Spain). It is the only athalassic permanent hypersaline lake in Western Europe, and where rare and endangered bacterial mats exist. This work presents a robust hydrogeological conceptual model for the lake system. The model evaluates the contribution of groundwater discharge to the whole water budget and explains the hydrological behaviour of the lake system. The lake behaves as a flow-through system rather than a closed basin. About 40% of total water outflow from the lake occurs as groundwater, whereas evaporation accounts for the remaining 60%. The surface water inflows are variable, but the groundwater contribution seems almost constant, amounting to 13% of the average total water inflow and contributing 1.9% of salt income. The high water salinity of the lake is controlled by evaporation, by saline water inflows from irrigation return flows, and the by groundwater outflows. The role of groundwater should be taken into account when drafting the water and land planning, once the conditions for the conservation of the algal mats are defined. A major contribution of this study is the water balance in the Salada de Chiprana Lake, which is consistent with a robust hydrogeological conceptual model defined upon scarce hydrogeological, hydrochemical and isotopic data in the local context as conditioned by the regional behaviour. The water balance is a key tool to help to correctly manage this unique athalassic saline lake, and the approach used here can be extrapolated to other similar ecosystems around the world.

Sci Total Environ ; 656: 209-230, 2019 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30504022


Water resources in high mountain karst aquifers are usually characterized by high rainfall, recharge and discharge that lead to the sustainability of the downstream ecosystems. Nevertheless, these hydrological systems are vulnerable to the global change impact. The mean transit time (MTT) is a key parameter to describe the behavior of these hydrologic systems and also to assess their vulnerability. This work is focused on estimating MTT by using environmental tracers in the framework of high-mountain karst systems with a very thick unsaturated zone (USZ). To this end, it is adapted to alpine zones a methodology that combines a semi-distributed rainfall-runoff model to estimate recharge time series, and a lumped-parameter model to obtain ΜΤΤ. The methodology has been applied to the Port del Comte Massif (PCM) hydrological system (Southeastern Pyrenees, NE Spain), a karst aquifer system with an overlying 1000 m thick USZ. Six catchment areas corresponding to most important springs of the system are considered. The obtained results show that hydrologically the behavior of the system can be described by an exponential flow model (EM), with MTT ranging between 1.9 and 2.9 years. These ΜΤΤ values are shorter than those obtained by considering a constant recharge rate along time, which is the easiest and most applied aquifer recharge hypothesis when estimating ΜΤΤ through lumped-parameter models.

Sci Total Environ ; 640-641: 874-893, 2018 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29879673


In many of the alpine watersheds of Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain) exists an ancient network of dug canals that collect, transport and facilitate the recharge the snowmelt in the underlying aquifer during the spring season. This practice, known as careos, in the lower part of the watersheds supply drinking water as spring discharge during the dry season. To study how this managed recharge technique modifies the natural response of these basins this work focuses on characterizing the hydrological behavior of one of the sites, the Berchules watershed. The mechanisms for mineralization of groundwater are based on geochemical processes such as evapo-concentration in the soil layer and silicate mineral weathering due to dissolved CO2 originated from both soil biogenic processes and the atmosphere. Groundwater presents a main hydrogeochemical calcium­magnesium-bicarbonate type facies, which is associated to groundwater flowing through the upper weathered silicates and quickly drained through springs located in the uplands and in the intermediate altitude catchment zone. Additionally, in the lower part of the basin some springs discharge mineralized groundwater with a sodium-calcium-bicarbonate composition associated to regional groundwater flow. In natural conditions, this hydrogeological system behaves as a sloping aquifer, occurring recharge between 1400 and 2500 m a.s.l. The springs discharge groundwater with an isotopic content and temperature in coherence with the local rainfall isotopic and thermal atmospheric altitudinal lines. Nevertheless, once the careo recharge begins the affected springs reveal the fingerprint of the concentrated recharge system by blurring the fingerprint of both the isotopic and thermal altitudinal dependence in the springs discharge. This validates the previous conceptual model and supports average recharge values of 141 ±â€¯140 mm/yr and total average water resources of 181 ±â€¯111 mm/yr which include a 40% increase in the study period due to the effect of the acequias de careo.

Sci Total Environ ; 636: 670-687, 2018 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29723839


This research underlines the need to improve water management policies for areas linked to confined karstic aquifers subjected to intensive exploitation, and to develop additional efforts towards monitoring their subsidence evolution. We analyze subsidence related to intensive use of groundwater in a confined karstic aquifer, through the use of the InSAR technique, by the southern coast of Spain (Costa del Sol). Carbonates are overlain by an unconfined detritic aquifer with interlayered high transmissivity rocks, in connection with the Mediterranean Sea, where the water level is rather stable. Despite this, an accumulated deformation in the line-of-sight (LOS) direction greater than -100 mm was observed by means of the ERS-1/2 (1992-2000) and Envisat (2003-2009) satellite SAR sensors. During this period, the Costa del Sol experienced a major population increase due to the expansion of the tourism industry, with the consequent increase in groundwater exploitation. The maximum LOS displacement rates recorded during both time spans are respectively -6 mm/yr and -11 mm/yr, respectively. During the entire period, there was an accumulated descent of the confined water level of 140 m, and several fluctuations of more than 80 m correlating with the subsidence trend observed for the whole area. Main sedimentary depocenters (up to 800 m), revealed by gravity prospecting, partly coincide with areas of subsidence maxima; yet ground deformation is also influenced by other factors, the main ones being the fine-grained facies distribution and rapid urbanization due to high touristic pressure.

Sci Total Environ ; 625: 285-300, 2018 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29289777


Assessing water resources in high mountain semi-arid zones is essential to be able to manage and plan the use of these resources downstream where they are used. However, it is not easy to manage an unknown resource, a situation that is common in the vast majority of high mountain hydrological basins. In the present work, the discharge flow in an ungauged basin is estimated using the hydrological parameters of an HBV (Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning) model calibrated in a "neighboring gauged basin". The results of the hydrological simulation obtained in terms of average annual discharge are validated using the VI-ETo model. This model relates a simple hydrological balance to the discharge of the basin with the evaporation of the vegetal cover of the soil, and this to the SAVI index, which is obtained remotely by means of satellite images. The results of the modeling for both basins underscore the role of the underground discharge in the total discharge of the hydrological system. This is the result of the deglaciation process suffered by the high mountain areas of the Mediterranean arc. This process increases the infiltration capacity of the terrain, the recharge and therefore the discharge of the aquifers that make up the glacial and periglacial sediments that remain exposed on the surface as witnesses of what was the last glaciation.

Sci Total Environ ; 550: 27-37, 2016 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26803681


The time series of stable water isotope composition relative to IAEA-GNIP meteorological stations located in alpine zones are analyzed in order to study how the amplitude of the seasonal isotopic composition of precipitation (Aδ) varies along a vertical transect. A clear relationship between Aδ and local evaporation is obtained, with slopes of -0.87 ‰/100mm/yr and -7.3 ‰/100mm/yr for Aδ(18)O and Aδ(2)H, respectively. When all sampling points of the vertical transect receive the same moisture sources, then a linear relationship between Aδ and elevation is obtained, with vertical gradients of 0.16 ‰/100mm/yr and 1.46 ‰/100mm/yr forAδ(18)O and Aδ(2)H, respectively.

Environ Monit Assess ; 184(2): 797-810, 2012 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21461983


Medina playa lake, a Ramsar site in western Andalusia, is a brackish lowland lake of 120 ha with an average depth of 1 m. Water flows into Medina from its 1,748-ha watershed, but the hydrology of the lake has not previously been studied. This paper describes the application of a water budget model on a monthly scale over a 6-year period, based on a conceptual hydrological model, and considers different future scenarios after calibration to improve the understanding of the lake's hydrological functioning. Climatic variables from a nearby weather station and observational data (water-level evolution) were used to develop the model. Comparison of measured and predicted values demonstrated that each model component provided a reasonable output with a realistic interaction among the components. The model was then used to explore the potential consequences of land-use changes. Irrigation of olive groves would significantly reduce both the hydroperiod (becoming dry 15% of the time) and the average depth of the lake (water level <0.5 m 40% of the time). On the other hand, removal of an artificial overflow would double the average flooded surface area during high-water periods. The simulated water balance demonstrates that the catchment outputs are dominated by lake evaporation and surface outflow from the lake system to a creek. Discrepancies between predicted and observed water levels identify key areas of uncertainty for future empirical research. The study provides an improved basis for future hydrological management of the catchment and demonstrates the wider utility of this methodology in simulating this kind of system. This methodology provides a realistic appraisal of potential land-use management practices on a catchment-wide scale and allows predictions of the consequences of climate change.

Lagos/química , Ciclo Hidrológico , Abastecimiento de Agua/estadística & datos numéricos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Lagos/análisis , España , Abastecimiento de Agua/análisis