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Harmful Algae ; 138: 102704, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39244239


The production of allelochemicals by the toxigenic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella is one of the suggested mechanisms to facilitate its bloom formation and persistence by outcompeting other phototrophic protists and reducing grazing pressure. In Southern California, toxic events caused by A. catenella and paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) regularly impact coastal ecosystems; however, the trophic interactions and mechanisms promoting this species in a food web context are still not fully understood. In the present study, we combined a dynamical mathematical model with laboratory experiments to investigate potential toxic and allelochemical effects of an A. catenella strain isolated off the coast of Los Angeles, Southern California, on competitors and a common zooplankton consumer. Experiments were conducted using three toxigenic strains of A. catenella, comparing the new Californian isolate (Alex Cal) to two strains previously described from the North Sea, a lytic (Alex2) and non-lytic (Alex5) strain, testing for donor density-dependent effects on two phytoplankton species (Rhodomonas salina, Tetraselmis sp.) and on the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Bioassays revealed a steep decline in competitor and consumer populations with increasing Alex Cal concentrations, indicating an intermediate lytic activity compared to the North Sea strains (lytic Alex2 and non-lytic Alex5). The rotifer fed and grew well on the PST- toxic, but non-lytic Alex5 strain, while its survival significantly decreased with increasing concentrations of the two lytic strains Alex Cal and Alex 2, indicating that negative effects on the rotifer were mediated by allelochemicals rather than PST-toxins. Mixed culture experiments including both competitors and consumers demonstrated that the intensity of allelochemical effects not only depended on the A. catenella density but also on the target density. Negative effects on grazers were alleviated by co-occurring competitors with a lower sensitivity to allelochemicals, thus reducing harmful compounds and allowing grazing control on the dinoflagellate to come into effect again. Results from mixed culture experiments were supported by the mathematical approach used in this study which was calibrated with data from simple monoculture growth, pairwise competition and predator-prey experiments, demonstrating the applicability of this model approach to predict the outcome of more complex food web dynamics at the community level.

Dinoflagelados , Feromonas , Dinoflagelados/fisiología , Dinoflagelados/metabolismo , Feromonas/metabolismo , Animales , Cadena Alimentaria , California , Toxinas Marinas/metabolismo , Zooplancton/fisiología
Eur J Protistol ; 95: 126114, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39190947


This study investigated the dynamics of reciprocal phenotypic plasticity entailing inducible defense and offense in freshwater ciliate communities in response to altered resource supply and the extent of intraspecific trait variation. Communities consisted of Euplotes octocarinatus (intraguild prey) capable of inducible defense to escape predation, Stylonychia mytilus (intraguild predator) capable of inducible offense to expand its prey spectrum, and Cryptomonas sp. (algal resource). The extent of inducible defense was tested in ten different Euplotes strains in response to freeze-killed Stylonychia concentrate, revealing significant differences in their width and length development. In a subsequent 30-day experiment, four strains were incubated in monoculture and mixture with Stylonychia under continuous and pulsed microalgae supply. The polyclonal Euplotes population outperformed the monoclonal populations, except one, which developed the most pronounced inducible defense and retained the highest biovolume. Stylonychia fluctuated in size, but dominated all communities irrespective of clonal composition. Pulsed resource supply promoted biovolume production of both species. However, periods of resource depletion resulted in more Stylonychia resting cysts, allowing Euplotes to resume growth. Our study provides new insights into interactions of induced defense and intraguild predation under variable environmental conditions, emphasizing the relevance of intraspecific trait variation for predator-prey interactions and community dynamics.

Cadena Alimentaria , Conducta Predatoria , Conducta Predatoria/fisiología , Animales , Cilióforos/fisiología , Euplotes/fisiología , Especificidad de la Especie
Ecol Evol ; 13(12): e10815, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38107424


Ecology aims to comprehend species distribution and its interaction with environmental factors, from global to local scales. While global environmental changes affect marine biodiversity, understanding the drivers at smaller scales remains crucial. Tidal flats can be found on most of the world's coastlines and are particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbances. They are important transient ecosystems between terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and their biodiversity provides important ecosystem services. Owing to this unique, terrestrial-marine transition, strong environmental gradients of elevation, sediment composition and food availability prevail. Here, we investigated which regional and local environmental factors drive the spatio-temporal dynamics of macrozoobenthos communities on back-barrier tidal flats in the East Frisian Wadden Sea. On the regional level, we found that species composition changed significantly from west to east on the East Frisian islands and that total abundance and species richness decreased from west to east. On the local abiotic level, we found that macrozoobenthos biomass decreased with higher elevation towards the salt marsh and that the total abundance of organisms in the sediment significantly increased with increasing mud content, while biodiversity and biomass were not changing significantly. In contrast to expectations, increasing Chl a availability as a measure of primary productivity did not result in changes in abundance, biomass or biodiversity, but extremely high total organic carbon (TOC) content was associated with a decrease in biomass and biodiversity. In conclusion, we found regional and local relationships that are similar to those observed in previous studies on macrozoobenthos in the Wadden Sea. Macrozoobenthos biomass, abundance and biodiversity are interrelated in a complex way with the physical, abiotic and biotic processes in and above the sediment.

Ecol Evol ; 11(15): 10225-10243, 2021 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34367571


Trait variation among heterospecific and conspecific organisms may substantially affect community and food web dynamics. While the relevance of competition and feeding traits have been widely studied for different consumer species, studies on intraspecific differences are more scarce, partly owing to difficulties in distinguishing different clones of the same species. Here, we investigate how intraspecific trait variation affects the competition between the freshwater ciliates Euplotes octocarinatus and Coleps hirtus in a nitrogen-limited chemostat system. The ciliates competed for the microalgae Cryptomonas sp. (Cry) and Navicula pelliculosa (Nav), and the bacteria present in the cultures over a period of 33 days. We used monoclonal Euplotes and three different Coleps clones (Col 1, Col 2, and Col 3) in the experiment that could be distinguished by a newly developed rDNA-based molecular assay based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. While Euplotes feeds on Cry and on bacteria, the Coleps clones cannot survive on bacteria alone but feed on both Cry and Nav with clone-specific rates. Experimental treatments comprised two-species mixtures of Euplotes and one or all of the three different Coleps clones, respectively. We found intraspecific variation in the traits "selectivity" and "maximum ingestion rate" for the different algae to significantly affect the competitive outcome between the two ciliate species. As Nav quickly escaped top-down control and likely reached a state of low food quality, ciliate competition was strongly determined by the preference of different Coleps clones for Cry as opposed to feeding on Nav. In addition, the ability of Euplotes to use bacteria as an alternative food source strengthened its persistence once Cry was depleted. Hence, trait variation at both trophic levels codetermined the population dynamics and the outcome of species competition.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 5911, 2020 04 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32246093


Pronounced atmospheric and oceanic warming along the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) has resulted in abundance shifts in populations of Antarctic krill and Salpa thompsoni determined by changes in the timing of sea-ice advance, the duration of sea-ice cover and food availability. Krill and salps represent the most important macrozooplankton grazers at the WAP, but differ profoundly in their feeding biology, population dynamics and stoichiometry of excretion products with potential consequences for the relative availability of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus. Alternation of the dissolved nutrient pool due to shifts in krill and salp densities have been hypothesized but never explicitly tested by using observational data. We therefore used the Palmer LTER dataset in order to investigate whether the dominance of either grazer is related with the observed dissolved nitrogen:phosphorus (N:P) ratios at the WAP. Across the whole sampling grid, the dominance of salps over krill was significantly correlated to higher concentrations of both N and P as well as a higher N:P ratios. Using actual long-term data, our study shows for the first time that changes in key grazer dominance may have consequences for the dynamics of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus at the WAP.

Oecologia ; 184(3): 653-661, 2017 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28608021


Consumer diversity effects on ecosystem functioning are highly context dependent and are determined by consumer specialization and other consumer and prey specific traits such as growth and grazing rates. Despite complex reciprocal interactions between consumers and their prey, few experimental studies have focused on prey diversity effects on consumer dynamics and trophic transfer. In microbial microcosms, we investigated effects of algal prey diversity (one, two and four species) on the production, evenness and grazing rates of 4 ciliate consumers, differing in grazing preferences and rates. Prey diversity increased prey biovolume in the absence of consumers and had opposing effects on different consumers, depending on their specialization and their preferred prey. Consumers profited from prey mixtures compared to monocultures of non-preferred prey, but responded negatively if preferred prey species were offered together with other species. Prey diversity increased consumer evenness by preventing dominance of specific consumers, demonstrating that the loss of prey species may have cascading effects resulting in reduced consumer diversity. Our study emphasizes that not only the degree of specialization but also the selectivity for certain prey species within the dietary niche may alter the consequences of changing prey diversity in a food web context.

Ecosistema , Cadena Alimentaria , Biodiversidad , Cilióforos , Plantas
Sci Rep ; 6: 29286, 2016 07 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27404551


Mixotrophs combine photosynthesis with phagotrophy to cover their demands in energy and essential nutrients. This gives them a competitive advantage under oligotropihc conditions, where nutrients and bacteria concentrations are low. As the advantage for the mixotroph depends on light, the competition between mixo- and heterotrophic bacterivores should be regulated by light. To test this hypothesis, we incubated natural plankton from the ultra-oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean in a set of mesocosms maintained at 4 light levels spanning a 10-fold light gradient. Picoplankton (heterotrophic bacteria (HB), pico-sized cyanobacteria, and small-sized flagellates) showed the fastest and most marked response to light, with pronounced predator-prey cycles, in the high-light treatments. Albeit cell specific activity of heterotrophic bacteria was constant across the light gradient, bacterial abundances exhibited an inverse relationship with light. This pattern was explained by light-induced top-down control of HB by bacterivorous phototrophic eukaryotes (PE), which was evidenced by a significant inverse relationship between HB net growth rate and PE abundances. Our results show that light mediates the impact of mixotrophic bacterivores. As mixo- and heterotrophs differ in the way they remineralize nutrients, these results have far-reaching implications for how nutrient cycling is affected by light.

Luz , Fotosíntesis , Plancton/fisiología , Animales , Procesos Autotróficos , Biomasa , Ecosistema , Procesos Heterotróficos , Mar Mediterráneo , Especificidad de Órganos , Conducta Predatoria
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27114573


Two ecological frameworks have been used to explain multitrophic interactions, but rarely in combination: (i) ecological stoichiometry (ES), explaining consumption rates in response to consumers' demand and prey's nutrient content; and (ii) metabolic theory of ecology (MTE), proposing that temperature and body mass affect metabolic rates, growth and consumption rates. Here we combined both, ES and MTE to investigate interactive effects of phytoplankton prey stoichiometry, temperature and zooplankton consumer body mass on consumer grazing rates and production in a microcosm experiment. A simple model integrating parameters from both frameworks was used to predict interactive effects of temperature and nutrient conditions on consumer performance. Overall, model predictions reflected experimental patterns well: consumer grazing rates and production increased with temperature, as could be expected based on MTE. With decreasing algal food quality, grazing rates increased due to compensatory feeding, while consumer growth rates and final biovolume decreased. Nutrient effects on consumer biovolume increased with increasing temperature, while nutrient effects on grazing rates decreased. Highly interactive effects of temperature and nutrient supply indicate that combining the frameworks of ES and MTE is highly important to enhance our ability to predict ecosystem functioning in the context of global change.

Metabolismo Energético , Cadena Alimentaria , Fitoplancton/fisiología , Zooplancton/fisiología , Animales , Euplotes/fisiología , Microalgas/fisiología , Modelos Biológicos , Océanos y Mares , Rotíferos/fisiología
Protist ; 161(2): 197-211, 2010 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20044311


Incomplete knowledge of acantharian life cycles has hampered their study and limited our understanding of their role in the vertical flux of carbon and strontium. Molecular tools can help identify enigmatic life stages and offer insights into aspects of acantharian biology and evolution. We inferred the phylogenetic position of acantharian sequences from shallow water, as well as acantharian-like clone sequences from 500 and 880 m in the San Pedro Channel, California. The analyses included validated acantharian and polycystine sequences from public databases with environmental clone sequences related to acantharia and used Bayesian inference methods. Our analysis demonstrated strong support for two branches of unidentified organisms that are closely related to, but possibly distinct from the Acantharea. We also found evidence of acantharian sequences from mesopelagic environments branching within the chaunacanthid clade, although the morphology of these organisms is presently unknown. HRP-conjugated probes were developed to target Acantharea and phylotypes from Unidentified Clade 1 using Catalyzed Reporter Deposition Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (CARD-FISH) on samples collected at 500 m. Our CARD-FISH experiments targeting phylotypes from an unidentified clade offer preliminary glimpses into the morphology of these protists, while a morphology for the aphotic acantharian lineages remains unknown at this time.

Rhizaria/genética , Rhizaria/aislamiento & purificación , Agua de Mar , California , Análisis por Conglomerados , ADN Protozoario/química , ADN Protozoario/genética , ADN Ribosómico/química , ADN Ribosómico/genética , Genes de ARNr , Hibridación Fluorescente in Situ , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Filogenia , ARN Protozoario/genética , ARN Ribosómico 18S/genética , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN
Appl Environ Microbiol ; 75(18): 5797-808, 2009 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19592529


DNA sequence information has increasingly been used in ecological research on microbial eukaryotes. Sequence-based approaches have included studies of the total diversity of selected ecosystems, studies of the autecology of ecologically relevant species, and identification and enumeration of species of interest for human health. It is still uncommon, however, to delineate protistan species based on their genetic signatures. The reluctance to assign species-level designations based on DNA sequences is in part a consequence of the limited amount of sequence information presently available for many free-living microbial eukaryotes and in part a consequence of the problematic nature of and debate surrounding the microbial species concept. Despite the difficulties inherent in assigning species names to DNA sequences, there is a growing need to attach meaning to the burgeoning amount of sequence information entering the literature, and there is a growing desire to apply this information in ecological studies. We describe a computer-based tool that assigns DNA sequences from environmental databases to operational taxonomic units at approximately species-level distinctions. This approach provides a practical method for ecological studies of microbial eukaryotes (primarily protists) by enabling semiautomated analysis of large numbers of samples spanning great taxonomic breadth. Derivation of the algorithm was based on an analysis of complete small-subunit (18S) rRNA gene sequences and partial gene sequences obtained from the GenBank database for morphologically described protistan species. The program was tested using environmental 18S rRNA data sets for two oceanic ecosystems. A total of 388 operational taxonomic units were observed for 2,207 sequences obtained from samples collected in the western North Atlantic and eastern North Pacific oceans.

Clasificación/métodos , Biología Computacional/métodos , ADN Ribosómico/genética , Ecosistema , Células Eucariotas/clasificación , ARN Ribosómico 18S/genética , Océano Atlántico , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Océano Pacífico , Agua de Mar/microbiología , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN
Microb Ecol ; 52(1): 136-50, 2006 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16691324


A new method based on quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was developed and applied to quantify the red tide dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum in natural seawater samples and in laboratory cultures. The method uses a Molecular Beacontrade mark approach to target a species-specific region of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene. The accuracy of the method was verified by microscopical counts using cultures of the dinoflagellate isolated from coastal waters near Los Angeles, CA, and with natural water samples spiked with cultured L. polyedrum. The method was applied to document the pattern and timing of vertical migration by the dinoflagellate in a 2-m water column on an 11:13 h light/dark photoperiod established in the laboratory. Positive phototaxis of L. polyedrum resulted in dense aggregations of the dinoflagellate within the top few centimeters of the water column during the light period. This pattern of distribution was readily established by both methods, although abundances of L. polyedrum determined using qPCR were higher than abundances determined by microscopy in the morning and lower in the afternoon and evening. These differences may have been a consequence of variability in the DNA content per cell because of synchrony of cell division. Counts using both methods to analyze natural samples collected from coastal waters in the Long Beach-Los Angeles area and adjacent San Pedro Channel were in close agreement. However, the qPCR method exhibited greater sensitivity than the microscopical method when L. polyedrum was present at low abundances, and qPCR had a much higher rate of sample throughput than microscopy. The development of this new approach for enumerating L. polyedrum provides a useful tool for studying the ecology of this important red tide species.

Dinoflagelados/aislamiento & purificación , Dinoflagelados/fisiología , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa , Agua de Mar/parasitología , Animales , California , Dinoflagelados/genética , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Fitoplancton/genética , Fitoplancton/aislamiento & purificación , ARN Ribosómico/genética