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Dalton Trans ; 53(23): 9838-9843, 2024 Jun 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38804114


Temperature dependences of NMR spectra have been observed for 23Na and 27Al in the metallic phase of Na-K form low silica X (LSX) zeolite loaded with potassium, where the condition of saturation is achieved with a loading level of 9.0 atoms per supercage and the paramagnetic moment contributes to the magnetism of the system beyond simple isolated spin. Two separated peaks have been recognized for 23Na, where the shift values show a quite linear relationship with susceptibility, and the so-called K-χ plot works quite well to give values of 0.32 kOe µB-1 and 0.40 kOe µB-1 for hyperfine coupling constants. Although no separated peak is seen in the 27Al NMR spectrum, the spectral centroid deviates to the positive side. The shoulder of the spectrum scales to susceptibility and the K-χ plot also works well to give a value of 0.15 kOe µB-1 for the hyperfine coupling constant. The orbital of potassium-originated electrons confined in the cage of LSX is understood as seeping out over the framework of zeolite, which is wider than that of the sodium-originated case.

Dalton Trans ; 53(17): 7358-7366, 2024 Apr 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618984


Alkali metal clusters with a single unpaired s-electron can be arranged three-dimensionally in a sodalite crystal by loading the guest alkali atoms. Na, K, and K-Rb alloy clusters are known to be Mott insulators and to exhibit antiferromagnetic ordering. The Néel temperature increases from about 50 K to about 100 K in this order. In this study, Li-Na alloy, Na-K alloy, and pure Rb samples were newly prepared and their magnetic, electrical conductivity, and optical properties were investigated, including those of previous samples. The Na-K alloy samples showed antiferromagnetic properties, which were intermediate between those of the Na and K samples. However, the Rb sample showed a non-magnetic metallic state. The shallower ionization potential in Rb is thought to cause an insulator-metal transition (Mott transition) due to weaker on-site Coulomb repulsion between electrons and larger electron transfer energy between neighboring clusters. On the other hand, the Li-Na alloy sample showed a non-magnetic insulating state. It is thought that the two electrons form a spin-singlet pair due to the strong electron-lattice interaction. In terms of electron correlations and polaron effects, the full picture of the element species dependence of the alkali metal-loaded sodalite is reviewed.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 35(43)2023 Aug 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37487497


We have performed a powder neutron diffraction study on CsO2, where the unpaired electron withs=1/2in theπ∗orbital of the O2-ion is responsible for the magnetism. The magnetic reflections 0120 and 0121 were observed below the Néel temperature of about 10 K. An antiferromagnetic structure with a propagation vector of (0,12, 0) and magnetic moments parallel to thea-axis is the most plausible. The magnitude of the ordered moment is about 0.2 µB, which is considered to be strongly reduced due to the one-dimensionality of the system. We propose a possibleπ∗orbital order that can explain the obtained magnetic structure, and discuss its relation to the one-dimensionality.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 1332, 2021 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33446711


Magnetic properties of Mott-Hubbard systems are generally dominated by strong antiferromagnetic interactions produced by the Coulomb repulsion of electrons. Although theoretical possibility of a ferromagnetic ground state has been suggested by Nagaoka and Penn as single-hole doping in a Mott insulator, experimental realization has not been reported more than half century. We report the first experimental possibility of such ferromagnetism in a molecular Mott insulator with an extremely light and homogeneous hole-doping in π-electron layers induced by net polarization of counterions. A series of Ni(dmit)2 anion radical salts with organic cations, where dmit is 1,3-dithiole-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate can form bi-layer structure with polarized cation layers. Heat capacity, magnetization, and ESR measurements substantiated the formation of a bulk ferromagnetic state around 1.0 K with quite soft magnetization versus magnetic field (M-H) characteristics in (Et-4BrT)[Ni(dmit)2]2 where Et-4BrT is ethyl-4-bromothiazolium. The variation of the magnitude of net polarizations by using the difference of counter cations revealed the systematic change of the ground state from antiferromagnetic one to ferromagnetic one. We also report emergence of metallic states through further doping and applying external pressures for this doping induced ferromagnetic state. The realization of ferromagnetic state in Nagaoka-Penn mechanism can paves a way for designing new molecules-based ferromagnets in future.

Sci Rep ; 6: 18682, 2016 Jan 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26725368


We report a systematic nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of the (23)Na spin-lattice relaxation rate, 1/T1, in sodium loaded low-silica X (LSX) zeolite, Nan/Na12-LSX, for various loading levels of sodium atoms n across the metal-to-insulator crossover. For high loading levels of n ≥ 14.2, 1/T1T shows nearly temperature-independent behaviour between 10 K and 25 K consistent with the Korringa relaxation mechanism and the metallic ground state. As the loading levels decrease below n ≤ 11.6, the extracted density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level sharply decreases, although a residual DOS at Fermi level is still observed even in the samples that lack the metallic Drude-peak in the optical reflectance. The observed crossover is a result of a complex loading-level dependence of electric potential felt by the electrons confined to zeolite cages, where the electronic correlations and disorder both play an important role.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 112(30): 9305-9, 2015 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26170280


With decreasing temperature, liquids generally freeze into a solid state, losing entropy in the process. However, exceptions to this trend exist, such as quantum liquids, which may remain unfrozen down to absolute zero owing to strong quantum entanglement effects that stabilize a disordered state with zero entropy. Examples of such liquids include Bose-Einstein condensation of cold atoms, superconductivity, quantum Hall state of electron systems, and quantum spin liquid state in the frustrated magnets. Moreover, recent studies have clarified the possibility of another exotic quantum liquid state based on the spin-orbital entanglement in FeSc2S4. To confirm this exotic ground state, experiments based on single-crystalline samples are essential. However, no such single-crystal study has been reported to date. Here, we report, to our knowledge, the first single-crystal study on the spin-orbital liquid candidate, 6H-Ba3CuSb2O9, and we have confirmed the absence of an orbital frozen state. In strongly correlated electron systems, orbital ordering usually appears at high temperatures in a process accompanied by a lattice deformation, called a static Jahn-Teller distortion. By combining synchrotron X-ray diffraction, electron spin resonance, Raman spectroscopy, and ultrasound measurements, we find that the static Jahn-Teller distortion is absent in the present material, which indicates that orbital ordering is suppressed down to the lowest temperatures measured. We discuss how such an unusual feature is realized with the help of spin degree of freedom, leading to a spin-orbital entangled quantum liquid state.

Dalton Trans ; 43(26): 10040-5, 2014 Jul 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24867585


High quality bulk samples of anthracene (AN) doped with potassium (K) in 1 : 1 and 2 : 1 stoichiometries were successfully prepared by a method involving a room temperature solid-state mechanical diffusion process prior to intercalation reactions during heat treatment, and their physical properties were studied using both magnetic and optical measurements. The transfer of almost one electron from K to AN in K1(AN) was confirmed by SQUID and ESR measurements. A pronounced magnetic hump centered at 150 K associated with antiferromagnetic interactions was observed, which can most likely be interpreted in terms of on-site Coulomb repulsions of the Mott insulating states. Optical spectra of K1(AN) clearly showed the insulating states, as well as the electron occupation of the LUMO-derived band of AN. Our results demonstrated tuning of the ground state of a typical bulk hydrocarbon by alkali metal intercalation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(16): 167208, 2012 Oct 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23215125


Sodium clusters formed in the regular nanospace of sodalite (aluminosilicate zeolite) are known to show antiferromagnetic order without any magnetic elements. The clusters are arrayed in a body centered cubic structure. We have performed a neutron diffraction study and succeeded in detecting the magnetic Bragg peaks of the s-electron spins for the first time. The observation of both 001 and 111 magnetic reflections confirms the antiferromagnetic order with the antiparallel coupling between the nearest neighbor clusters. The magnetic form factor was examined by analyzing the intensity ratios of the magnetic and nuclear Bragg peaks. The result is in good agreement with the shape of the s-electron wave function derived from theoretical studies of the sodium nanoclusters in the cages.

J Chem Phys ; 123(7): 074503, 2005 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16229597


The electronic states of Ba24Ge100 are studied by soft x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) at a high-energy photon factory. A large reduction in the density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level is clearly shown before and after the electronic phase transition at 200 K. The changes in the spectrum widths and the fine structures of the core-level Ba 4d spectra give a very reasonable indication of the Ba-atom rattlings in the clathrate polyhedra. On-resonance experiments using the excitation from Ba 3d to 4f levels display that the wave functions of Ba 5d and 6s orbitals give only a small contribution to make a Fermi surface through the hybridization with the Ge20 cluster orbitals. Importantly, reliable values of the DOS at the Fermi level NEF are successfully deduced, using two data sets of DOS obtained from high-resolution XPS and the total magnetic susceptibilities by a superconducting quantum interference device, to be 0.149 and 0.0427 states eV(-1) (Ge atom)(-1) for a high-temperature and for a low-temperature phase.
