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Pattern Anal Appl ; 26(1): 19-37, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35873879


In this paper, a subsequence time-series clustering algorithm is proposed to identify the strongly coupled aftershocks sequences and Poissonian background activity from earthquake catalogs of active regions. The proposed method considers the inter-event time statistics between the successive pair of events for characterizing the nature of temporal sequences and observing their relevance with earthquake epicenters and magnitude information simultaneously. This approach categorizes the long-earthquake time series into the finite meaningful temporal sequences and then applies the clustering mechanism to the selective sequences. The proposed approach is built on two phases: (1) a Gaussian kernel-based density estimation for finding the optimal subsequence of given earthquake time-series, and (2) inter-event time ( Δ t ) and distance-based observation of each subsequence for checking the presence of highly correlated aftershock sequences (hot-spots) in it. The existence of aftershocks is determined based on the coefficient of variation (COV). A sliding temporal window on Δ t with earthquake's magnitude M is applied on the selective subsequence to filter out the presence of time-correlated events and make the meaningful time stationary Poissonian subsequences. This proposed approach is applied to the regional Sumatra-Andaman (2000-2021) and worldwide ISC-GEM (2000-2016) earthquake catalog. Simulation results indicate that meaningful subsequences (background events) can be modeled by a homogeneous Poisson process after achieving a linear cumulative rate and time-independent λ in the exponential distribution of Δ t . The relations C O V a ( T ) > C O V o ( T ) > ( C O V b ( T ) ≈ 1 ) and C O V a ( d ) > C O V o ( d ) > C O V b ( d ) are achieved for both studied catalogs. Comparative analysis justifies the competitive performance of the proposed approach to the state-of-art approaches and recently introduced methods.

Biomed Signal Process Control ; 78: 103909, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35756718


COVID-19 has threatened the whole world since December 2019 and has also infected millions of people around the globe. It has been transmitted through the SARS CoV-2 virus. Various proteins of the SARS CoV-2 virus have an important role in its interaction with human cells. Specifically, the interaction of S-protein with human ACE-2 protein helps in entering of SARS CoV-2 virus into a human cell. This interaction take-place at some specific amino-acid locations called as hot-spots. Understanding of this interaction is helpful for drug designing and vaccine development for new variants of COVID-19 disease. An attempt has been made in this paper for understanding this interaction by finding the characteristics frequency of SARS-related protein families using the resonance recognition model (RRM). Hardware implementation of Bandpass notch (BPN) lattice IIR filter system architecture is also carried out, which is used for hot-spots identification in SARS CoV-2 proteins. Various signal processing techniques like retiming, pipelining, etc. are explored for performance improvement. Synthesis of proposed BPN filter system has been done using Xilinx ISE EDA tool on Zynq-series (Zybo-board) FPGA family. It is found that retimed and pipelined architecture of hardware-implemented BPN lattice IIR filter-based hot-spots detection system improves the speed (computational time) by 14 to 31 times for different SARS CoV2 related proteins as compared to its MATLAB simulation with similar functionality.
