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Space Sci Rev ; 220(2): 20, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39100574


Here we present the current state of knowledge on the long-term evolution of Saturn's moon system due to tides within Saturn. First we provide some background on tidal evolution, orbital resonances and satellite tides. Then we address in detail some of the present and past orbital resonances between Saturn's moons (including the Enceladus-Dione and Titan-Hyperion resonances) and what they can tell us about the evolution of the system. We also present the current state of knowledge on the spin-axis dynamics of Saturn: we discuss arguments for a (past or current) secular resonance of Saturn's spin precession with planetary orbits, and explain the links of this resonance to the tidal evolution of Titan and a possible recent cataclysm in the Saturnian system. We also address how the moons' orbital evolution, including resonances, affects the evolution of their interiors. Finally, we summarize the state of knowledge about the Saturnian system's long-term evolution and discuss prospects for future progress.

Astrobiology ; 24(1): 114-129, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38227837


The 2-week, virtual Future of the Search for Life science and engineering workshop brought together more than 100 scientists, engineers, and technologists in March and April 2022 to provide their expert opinion on the interconnections between life-detection science and technology. Participants identified the advances in measurement and sampling technologies they believed to be necessary to perform in situ searches for life elsewhere in our Solar System, 20 years or more in the future. Among suggested measurements for these searches, those pertaining to three potential indicators of life termed "dynamic disequilibrium," "catalysis," and "informational polymers" were identified as particularly promising avenues for further exploration. For these three indicators, small breakout groups of participants identified measurement needs and knowledge gaps, along with corresponding constraints on sample handling (acquisition and processing) approaches for a variety of environments on Enceladus, Europa, Mars, and Titan. Despite the diversity of these environments, sample processing approaches all tend to be more complex than those that have been implemented on missions or envisioned for mission concepts to date. The approaches considered by workshop breakout groups progress from nondestructive to destructive measurement techniques, and most involve the need for fluid (especially liquid) sample processing. Sample processing needs were identified as technology gaps. These gaps include technology and associated sampling strategies that allow the preservation of the thermal, mechanical, and chemical integrity of the samples upon acquisition; and to optimize the sample information obtained by operating suites of instruments on common samples. Crucially, the interplay between science-driven life-detection strategies and their technological implementation highlights the need for an unprecedented level of payload integration and extensive collaboration between scientists and engineers, starting from concept formulation through mission deployment of life-detection instruments and sample processing systems.

Júpiter , Marte , Saturno , Humanos , Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre , Exobiología/métodos
Space Sci Rev ; 219(7): 57, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37810170


Enceladus possesses a subsurface ocean beneath a conductive ice shell. Based on shell thickness models, the estimated total conductive heat loss from Enceladus is 25-40 GW; the measured heat output from the South Polar Terrain (SPT) is 4-19 GW. The present-day SPT heat flux is of order 100 mWm-2, comparable to estimated paleo-heat fluxes for other regions of Enceladus. These regions have nominal ages of about 2 Ga, but the estimates are uncertain because the impactor flux in the Saturnian system may not resemble that elsewhere. Enceladus's measured rate of orbital expansion implies a low dissipation factor Qp for Saturn, with Qp≈3×103 (neglecting the role of Dione). This value implies that Enceladus's present-day equilibrium tidal heat production (roughly 50 GW, but with large uncertainties) is in approximate balance with its heat loss. If Qp is constant, Enceladus cannot be older than 1.5 Gyr (because otherwise it would have migrated more than is permissible). However, Saturn's dissipation may be better described by the "resonance-locking" theory, in which case Enceladus's orbit may have only evolved outwards by about 35% over the age of the Solar System. In the constant-Qp scenario, any ancient tidal heating events would have been too energetic to be consistent with the observations. Because resonance-locking makes capture into earlier mean-motion orbital resonances less likely, the inferred ancient heating episodes probably took place when the current orbital resonance was already established. In the resonance-locking scenario, tidal heating did not change significantly over time, allowing for a long-lived ocean and a relatively stable ice shell. If so, Enceladus is an attractive target for future exploration from a habitability standpoint.

J Geophys Res Planets ; 128(1): e2022JE007432, 2023 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37034459


The five large moons of Uranus are important targets for future spacecraft missions. To motivate and inform the exploration of these moons, we model their internal evolution, present-day physical structures, and geochemical and geophysical signatures that may be measured by spacecraft. We predict that if the moons preserved liquid until present, it is likely in the form of residual oceans less than 30 km thick in Ariel, Umbriel, and less than 50 km in Titania, and Oberon. The preservation of liquid strongly depends on material properties and, potentially, on dynamical circumstances that are presently unknown. Miranda is unlikely to host liquid at present unless it experienced tidal heating a few tens of million years ago. We find that since the thin residual layers may be hypersaline, their induced magnetic fields could be detectable by future spacecraft-based magnetometers. However, if the ocean is maintained primarily by ammonia, and thus well below the water freezing point, then its electrical conductivity may be too small to be detectable by spacecraft. Lastly, our calculated tidal Love number (k 2) and dissipation factor (Q) are consistent with the Q/k 2 values previously inferred from dynamical evolution models. In particular, we find that the low Q/k 2 estimated for Titania supports the hypothesis that Titania currently holds an ocean.

Astrobiology ; 22(9): 1047-1060, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35972349


Landed missions to icy worlds with a subsurface liquid water ocean must meet planetary protection requirements and ensure a sufficiently small likelihood of any microorganism-bearing part of the landed element reaching the ocean. A higher bound on this likelihood is set by the potential for radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) power sources, the hottest possible landed element, to melt through the ice shell and reach the ocean. In this study, we quantify this potential as a function of three key parameters: surface temperature, ice shell thickness (i.e., heat flux through the shell), and thickness of a porous (insulating) snow or regolith cover. Although the model we describe can be applied to any ocean world, we present results in the context of a landed mission concept to the south polar terrain of Saturn's moon Enceladus. In this particular context, we discuss planetary protection considerations for landing site selection. The likelihood of forward microbial contamination of Enceladus' ocean by an RTG-powered landed mission can be made sufficiently low to not undermine compliance with the planetary protection policy.

Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre , Hielo , Océanos y Mares , Planetas , Radioisótopos
Astrobiology ; 22(8): 901-913, 2022 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35507950


Astrobiology missions to ocean worlds in our solar system must overcome both scientific and technological challenges due to extreme temperature and radiation conditions, long communication times, and limited bandwidth. While such tools could not replace ground-based analysis by science and engineering teams, machine learning algorithms could enhance the science return of these missions through development of autonomous science capabilities. Examples of science autonomy include onboard data analysis and subsequent instrument optimization, data prioritization (for transmission), and real-time decision-making based on data analysis. Similar advances could be made to develop streamlined data processing software for rapid ground-based analyses. Here we discuss several ways machine learning and autonomy could be used for astrobiology missions, including landing site selection, prioritization and targeting of samples, classification of "features" (e.g., proposed biosignatures) and novelties (uncharacterized, "new" features, which may be of most interest to agnostic astrobiological investigations), and data transmission.

Comunicación , Exobiología , Océanos y Mares , Sistema Solar , Temperatura
Astrobiology ; 22(6): 685-712, 2022 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35290745


Cassini revealed that Saturn's Moon Enceladus hosts a subsurface ocean that meets the accepted criteria for habitability with bio-essential elements and compounds, liquid water, and energy sources available in the environment. Whether these conditions are sufficiently abundant and collocated to support life remains unknown and cannot be determined from Cassini data. However, thanks to the plume of oceanic material emanating from Enceladus' south pole, a new mission to Enceladus could search for evidence of life without having to descend through kilometers of ice. In this article, we outline the science motivations for such a successor to Cassini, choosing the primary science goal to be determining whether Enceladus is inhabited and assuming a resource level equivalent to NASA's Flagship-class missions. We selected a set of potential biosignature measurements that are complementary and orthogonal to build a robust case for any life detection result. This result would be further informed by quantifications of the habitability of the environment through geochemical and geophysical investigations into the ocean and ice shell crust. This study demonstrates that Enceladus' plume offers an unparalleled opportunity for in situ exploration of an Ocean World and that the planetary science and astrobiology community is well equipped to take full advantage of it in the coming decades.

Saturno , Exobiología , Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre/química , Hielo , Planetas
Nature ; 598(7882): 575-579, 2021 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34707302


Our generation could realistically be the one to discover evidence of life beyond Earth. With this privileged potential comes responsibility. The magnitude of the question of whether we are alone in the Universe, and the public interest therein, opens the possibility that results may be taken to imply more than the observations support, or than the observers intend. As life-detection objectives become increasingly prominent in space sciences, it is essential to open a community dialogue about how to convey information in a subject matter that is diverse, complicated and has a high potential to be sensationalized. Establishing best practices for communicating about life detection can serve to set reasonable expectations on the early stages of a hugely challenging endeavour, attach value to incremental steps along the path, and build public trust by making clear that false starts and dead ends are an expected and potentially productive part of the scientific process. Here we endeavour to motivate and seed the discussion with basic considerations and offer an example of how such considerations might be incorporated and applied in a proof-of-concept-level framework. Everything mentioned herein, including the name of the confidence scale, is intended not as a prescription, but simply as the beginning of an important dialogue.

Comunicación , Exobiología/normas , Planeta Tierra
Astrobiology ; 20(2): 269-291, 2020 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31904989


Ceres, the most water-rich body in the inner solar system after Earth, has recently been recognized to have astrobiological importance. Chemical and physical measurements obtained by the Dawn mission enabled the quantification of key parameters, which helped to constrain the habitability of the inner solar system's only dwarf planet. The surface chemistry and internal structure of Ceres testify to a protracted history of reactions between liquid water, rock, and likely organic compounds. We review the clues on chemical composition, temperature, and prospects for long-term occurrence of liquid and chemical gradients. Comparisons with giant planet satellites indicate similarities both from a chemical evolution standpoint and in the physical mechanisms driving Ceres' internal evolution.

Evolución Química , Exobiología/métodos , Planetas Menores , Agua/química , Océanos y Mares
Nat Astron ; 3: 543-552, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31360776


The orbits of Saturn's inner mid-sized moons (Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, and Rhea) have been notably difficult to reconcile with their geology. Here, we present numerical simulations coupling thermal, geophysical, and simplified orbital evolution for 4.5 billion years that reproduce observed characteristics of their orbits and interiors, provided that the outer four moons are old. Tidal dissipation within Saturn expands the moons' orbits over time. Dissipation within the moons decreases their eccentricities, which are episodically increased by moon-moon interactions, causing past or present oceans in the interior of Enceladus, Dione, and Tethys. In contrast, Mimas' proximity to Saturn's rings generates interactions that cause such rapid orbital expansion that Mimas must have formed only 0.1-1 Gyr ago if it postdates the rings. The resulting lack of radionuclides keeps it geologically inactive. These simulations can explain the Mimas-Enceladus dichotomy, reconcile the moons' orbital properties and geological diversity, and self-consistently produce a recent ocean on Enceladus.

Astrobiology ; 19(1): 1-27, 2019 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30346215


In this article, we summarize the work of the NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Roadmaps to Ocean Worlds (ROW) group. The aim of this group is to assemble the scientific framework that will guide the exploration of ocean worlds, and to identify and prioritize science objectives for ocean worlds over the next several decades. The overarching goal of an Ocean Worlds exploration program as defined by ROW is to "identify ocean worlds, characterize their oceans, evaluate their habitability, search for life, and ultimately understand any life we find." The ROW team supports the creation of an exploration program that studies the full spectrum of ocean worlds, that is, not just the exploration of known ocean worlds such as Europa but candidate ocean worlds such as Triton as well. The ROW team finds that the confirmed ocean worlds Enceladus, Titan, and Europa are the highest priority bodies to target in the near term to address ROW goals. Triton is the highest priority candidate ocean world to target in the near term. A major finding of this study is that, to map out a coherent Ocean Worlds Program, significant input is required from studies here on Earth; rigorous Research and Analysis studies are called for to enable some future ocean worlds missions to be thoughtfully planned and undertaken. A second finding is that progress needs to be made in the area of collaborations between Earth ocean scientists and extraterrestrial ocean scientists.

Exobiología , Océanos y Mares , Planetas , Estados Unidos , United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Astrobiology ; 18(11): 1375-1402, 2018 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29862836


We describe the history and features of the Ladder of Life Detection, a tool intended to guide the design of investigations to detect microbial life within the practical constraints of robotic space missions. To build the Ladder, we have drawn from lessons learned from previous attempts at detecting life and derived criteria for a measurement (or suite of measurements) to constitute convincing evidence for indigenous life. We summarize features of life as we know it, how specific they are to life, and how they can be measured, and sort these features in a general sense based on their likelihood of indicating life. Because indigenous life is the hypothesis of last resort in interpreting life-detection measurements, we propose a small but expandable set of decision rules determining whether the abiotic hypothesis is disproved. In light of these rules, we evaluate past and upcoming attempts at life detection. The Ladder of Life Detection is not intended to endorse specific biosignatures or instruments for life-detection measurements, and is by no means a definitive, final product. It is intended as a starting point to stimulate discussion, debate, and further research on the characteristics of life, what constitutes a biosignature, and the means to measure them.

Exobiología , Origen de la Vida , Fósiles , Marte , Modelos Teóricos
Astrobiology ; 18(1): 73-85, 2018 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29314901


Life on Earth is found in a wide range of environments as long as the basic requirements of a liquid solvent, a nutrient source, and free energy are met. Previous hypotheses have speculated how extraterrestrial microbial life may function, among them that particle radiation might power living cells indirectly through radiolytic products. On Earth, so-called electrophilic organisms can harness electron flow from an extracellular cathode to build biomolecules. Here, we describe two hypothetical mechanisms, termed "direct electrophy" and "indirect electrophy" or "fluorosynthesis," by which organisms could harness extracellular free electrons to synthesize organic matter, thus expanding the ensemble of potential habitats in which extraterrestrial organisms might be found in the Solar System and beyond. The first mechanism involves the direct flow of secondary electrons from particle radiation to a microbial cell to power the organism. The second involves the indirect utilization of impinging secondary electrons and a fluorescing molecule, either biotic or abiotic in origin, to drive photosynthesis. Both mechanisms involve the attenuation of an incoming particle's energy to create low-energy secondary electrons. The validity of the hypotheses is assessed through simple calculations showing the biomass density attainable from the energy supplied. Also discussed are potential survival strategies that could be used by organisms living in possible habitats with a plentiful supply of secondary electrons, such as near the surface of an icy moon. While we acknowledge that the only definitive test for the hypothesis is to collect specimens, we also describe experiments or terrestrial observations that could support or nullify the hypotheses. Key Words: Radiation-Electrophiles-Subsurface life. Astrobiology 18, 73-85.

Ecosistema , Electrones , Fuentes Generadoras de Energía , Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre , Origen de la Vida , Luna , Procesos Fotoquímicos , Sistema Solar
PLoS One ; 10(4): e0123949, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25881015


Cuatro Ciénegas Basin (CCB) is a desert ecosystem that hosts a large diversity of water bodies. Many surface waters in this basin have imbalanced nitrogen (N) to phosphorus (P) stoichiometry (total N:P > 100 by atoms), where P is likely to be a limiting nutrient. To investigate the effects of nutrient stoichiometry on planktonic and sediment ecosystem components and processes, we conducted a replicated in situ mesocosm experiment in Lagunita, a shallow pond located in the southwest region of the basin. Inorganic N and P were periodically added to mesocosms under three different N:P regimes (P only, N:P = 16 and N:P = 75) while the control mesocosms were left unamended. After three weeks of fertilization, more than two thirds of the applied P was immobilized into seston or sediment. The rapid uptake of P significantly decreased biomass C:P and N:P ratios, supporting the hypothesis that Lagunita is P-limited. Meanwhile, simultaneous N and P enrichment significantly enhanced planktonic growth, increasing total planktonic biomass by more than 2-fold compared to the unenriched control. With up to 76% of added N sequestered into the seston, it is suspected that the Lagunita microbial community also experienced strong N-limitation. However, when N and P were applied at N:P = 75, the microbes remained in a P-limitation state as in the untreated control. Two weeks after the last fertilizer application, seston C:P and N:P ratios returned to initial levels but chlorophyll a and seston C concentrations remained elevated. Additionally, no P release from the sediment was observed in the fertilized mesocosms. Overall, this study provides evidence that Lagunita is highly sensitive to nutrient perturbation because the biota is primarily P-limited and experiences a secondary N-limitation despite its high TN:TP ratio. This study serves as a strong basis to justify the need for protection of CCB ecosystems and other low-nutrient microbe-dominated systems from anthropogenic inputs of both N and P.

Ecosistema , Nitrógeno/análisis , Fósforo/análisis , Carbono/análisis , Carbono/metabolismo , Clima Desértico , Fertilizantes , Sedimentos Geológicos/microbiología , México , Fitoplancton/fisiología
Astrobiology ; 13(4): 391-403, 2013 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23551238


This year marks the 50(th) anniversary of a proposal by Alex Rich that RNA, as a single biopolymer acting in two capacities, might have supported both genetics and catalysis at the origin of life. We review here both published and previously unreported experimental data that provide new perspectives on this old proposal. The new data include evidence that, in the presence of borate, small amounts of carbohydrates can fix large amounts of formaldehyde that are expected in an environment rich in carbon dioxide. Further, we consider other species, including arsenate, arsenite, phosphite, and germanate, that might replace phosphate as linkers in genetic biopolymers. While linkages involving these oxyanions are judged to be too unstable to support genetics on Earth, we consider the possibility that they might do so in colder semi-aqueous environments more exotic than those found on Earth, where cosolvents such as ammonia might prevent freezing at temperatures well below 273 K. These include the ammonia-water environments that are possibly present at low temperatures beneath the surface of Titan, Saturn's largest moon.

Biopolímeros/química , Boratos/química , Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre/química , Origen de la Vida , ARN/química , Exobiología/historia , Historia del Siglo XX , ARN/historia