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BMC Pregnancy Childbirth ; 24(1): 98, 2024 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38302920


INTRODUCTION: The trends of increasing use of cesarean section (CS) with a decrease in assisted vaginal birth (vacuum extraction or forceps) is a major concern in health care systems all over the world, particularly in low-resource settings. Studies show that a first birth by CS is associated with an increased risk of repeat CS in subsequent births. In addition, CS compared to assisted vaginal birth (AVB), attracts higher health service costs. Resource-constrained countries have low rates of AVB compared to high-income countries. The aim of this study was to compare mode of birth in the subsequent pregnancy among women who previously gave birth by vacuum extraction or second stage CS in their first pregnancy at Mulago National Referral Hospital, Uganda. METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study that involved interviews of 81 mothers who had a vacuum extraction or second stage CS in their first pregnancy at Mulago hospital between November 2014 to July 2015. Mode of birth in the subsequent pregnancy was compared using Chi-2 square test and a Fisher's exact test with a 0.05 level of statistical significance. RESULTS: Higher rates of vaginal birth were achieved among women who had a vacuum extraction (78.4%) compared to those who had a second stage CS in their first pregnancy (38.6%), p < 0.001. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Vacuum extraction increases a woman's chance of having a subsequent spontaneous vaginal birth compared to second stage CS. Health professionals need to continue to offer choice of vacuum extraction in the second stage of labor among laboring women that fulfill its indication. This will help curb the up-surging rates of CS.

Cesárea , Trabajo de Parto , Embarazo , Femenino , Humanos , Cesárea/efectos adversos , Extracción Obstétrica por Aspiración/efectos adversos , Centros de Atención Terciaria , Estudios Retrospectivos , Orden de Nacimiento , Uganda
Bull World Health Organ ; 101(11): 723-729, 2023 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37961052


Access to emergency obstetric care, including assisted vaginal birth and caesarean birth, is crucial for improving maternal and childbirth outcomes. However, although the proportion of births by caesarean section has increased during the last few decades, the use of assisted vaginal birth has declined. This is particularly the case in low- and middle-income countries, despite an assisted vaginal birth often being less risky than caesarean birth. We therefore conducted a three-step process to identify a research agenda necessary to increase the use of, or reintroduce, assisted vaginal birth: after conducting an evidence synthesis, which informed a consultation with technical experts who proposed an initial research agenda, we sought and incorporated the views of women's representatives of this agenda. This process has allowed us to identify a comprehensive research agenda, with topics categorized as: (i) the need to understand women's perceptions of assisted vaginal birth, and provide appropriate and reliable information; (ii) the importance of training health-care providers in clinical skills but also in respectful care, effective communication, shared decision-making and informed consent; and (iii) the barriers to and facilitators of implementation and sustainability. From women's feedback, we learned of the urgent need to recognize labour, childbirth and postpartum experiences as inherently physiological and dignified human processes, in which interventions should only be implemented if necessary. The promotion and/or reintroduction of assisted vaginal birth in low-resource settings requires governments, policy-makers and hospital administrators to support skilled health-care providers who can, in turn, respectfully support women in labour and childbirth.

L'accès aux soins obstétriques d'urgence, y compris l'accouchement vaginal assisté et la césarienne, est essentiel pour améliorer les effets de la maternité et de l'accouchement. Toutefois, bien que la proportion de césariennes ait augmenté ces dernières décennies, le recours à l'accouchement vaginal assisté a diminué. C'est particulièrement le cas dans les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire, bien que l'accouchement vaginal assisté soit souvent moins risqué qu'une césarienne. Nous avons donc mené un processus en trois étapes afin d'imaginer un programme de recherche qui permettrait d'augmenter le recours à l'accouchement vaginal assisté ou de le réintroduire. Après avoir réalisé une synthèse des données probantes, qui a servi de base à une consultation avec des experts techniques qui ont proposé un programme de recherche initial, nous avons sollicité et incorporé les avis des représentantes des femmes pour ce programme. Ce processus nous a permis d'imaginer un programme de recherche complet, avec des sujets classés comme suit: (i) la nécessité de comprendre la perception qu'ont les femmes de l'accouchement vaginal assisté et de fournir des informations appropriées et fiables; (ii) l'importance de la formation des prestataires de soins de santé en matière de compétences cliniques, mais aussi de respect dans les soins de santé, de communication efficace, de prise de décision partagée et de consentement éclairé; ou (iii) les obstacles à la mise en œuvre et à la durabilité et les facteurs qui les facilitent. Les réactions de femmes nous ont appris qu'il était urgent de reconnaître que l'accouchement, la naissance et le post-partum sont des processus humains intrinsèquement physiologiques et dignes au cours desquels les interventions ne devraient être mises en œuvre qu'en cas de nécessité. La promotion et/ou la réintroduction de l'accouchement vaginal assisté dans les régions à faibles ressources nécessitent que les pouvoirs publics, les décideurs politiques et les administrations d'hôpitaux soutiennent les prestataires de soins de santé qualifiés, qui pourront à leur tour soutenir respectueusement les femmes pendant l'accouchement.

El acceso a la atención obstétrica de emergencia, incluido el parto vaginal asistido y el parto por cesárea, es crucial para mejorar los resultados de la maternidad y el parto. No obstante, aunque el porcentaje de partos por cesárea ha aumentado en las últimas décadas, el uso del parto vaginal asistido ha disminuido. Esto ocurre especialmente en los países de ingresos bajos y medios, a pesar de que un parto vaginal asistido suele ser menos arriesgado que un parto por cesárea. Por lo tanto, llevamos a cabo un proceso de tres pasos para identificar un programa de investigación necesario para aumentar el uso del parto vaginal asistido o volver a incorporarlo: tras realizar una síntesis de la evidencia, que sirvió de base para una consulta con expertos técnicos que propusieron un programa de investigación inicial, buscamos e integramos las opiniones de las representantes de las mujeres sobre este programa. Este proceso nos ha permitido identificar un programa de investigación exhaustivo, con temas categorizados como: (i) la necesidad de comprender las percepciones de las mujeres sobre el parto vaginal asistido, y proporcionar información adecuada y fiable; (ii) la importancia de formar a los profesionales sanitarios en habilidades clínicas, pero también en atención respetuosa, comunicación efectiva, toma de decisiones compartida y consentimiento informado; o (iii) las barreras y los facilitadores de la implementación y la sostenibilidad. A partir de las opiniones de las mujeres, nos enteramos de la urgente necesidad de reconocer las experiencias del parto, el alumbramiento y el posparto como procesos humanos inherentemente fisiológicos y dignos, en los que las intervenciones solo deben aplicarse si son necesarias. La promoción o la reincoporación del parto vaginal asistido en regiones de escasos recursos exige que los gobiernos, los responsables de formular políticas y los administradores de hospitales apoyen a los profesionales sanitarios capacitados que, a su vez, pueden ayudar a las mujeres en el trabajo de parto y el alumbramiento de manera respetuosa.

Cesárea , Trabajo de Parto , Embarazo , Femenino , Humanos , Incidencia , Parto Obstétrico , Periodo Posparto
BMJ Open ; 13(2): e070640, 2023 02 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36787978


OBJECTIVE: To synthesise the evidence from studies that implemented interventions to increase/reintroduce the use of assisted vaginal births (AVB). DESIGN: Systematic review. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: We included experimental, semi-experimental and observational studies that reported any intervention to reintroduce/increase AVB use. DATA SOURCES: We searched PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, LILACS, Scopus, Cochrane, WHO Library, Web of Science, and through September 2021. RISK OF BIAS: For trials, we used the Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care tool; for other designs we used Risk of Bias for Non-Randomised Studies of Interventions. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: Due to heterogeneity in interventions, we did not conduct meta-analyses. We present data descriptively, grouping studies according to settings: high-income countries (HICs) or low/middle-income countries (LMICs). We classified direction of intervention effects as (a) statistically significant increase or decrease, (b) no statistically significant change or (c) statistical significance not reported in primary study. We provide qualitative syntheses of the main barriers and enablers for success of the intervention. RESULTS: We included 16 studies (10 from LMICs), mostly of low or moderate methodological quality, which described interventions with various components (eg, didactic sessions, simulation, hands-on training, guidelines, audit/feedback). All HICs studies described isolated initiatives to increase AVB use; 9/10 LMIC studies tested initiatives to increase AVB use as part of larger multicomponent interventions to improve maternal/perinatal healthcare. No study assessed women's views or designed interventions using behavioural theories. Overall, interventions were less successful in LMICs than in HICs. Increase in AVB use was not associated with significant increase in adverse maternal or perinatal outcomes. The main barriers to the successful implementation of the initiatives were related to staff and hospital environment. CONCLUSIONS: There is insufficient evidence to indicate which intervention, or combination of interventions, is more effective to safely increase AVB use. More research is needed, especially in LMICs, including studies that design interventions taking into account theories of behaviour change. PROSPERO REGISTRATION NUMBER: CRD42020215224.

Parto , Embarazo , Femenino , Humanos
BJOG ; 130(6): 586-598, 2023 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36660890


BACKGROUND: Prolonged second stage of labour is an important cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Vacuum extraction (VE) and second-stage caesarean section (SSCS) are the most commonly performed obstetric interventions, but the procedure chosen varies widely globally. OBJECTIVES: To compare maternal and perinatal morbidity, mortality and other adverse outcomes after VE versus SSCS. SEARCH STRATEGY: A systematic search was conducted in PubMed, Cochrane and EMBASE. Studies were critically appraised using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale. SELECTION CRITERIA: All artictles including women in second stage of labour, giving birth by vacuum extraction or cesarean section and registering at least one perinatal or maternal outcome were selected. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: The chi-square test, Fisher exact's test and binary logistic regression were used and various adverse outcome scores were calculated to evaluate maternal and perinatal outcomes. MAIN RESULTS: Fifteen articles were included, providing the outcomes for a total of 20 051 births by SSCS and 32 823 births by VE. All five maternal deaths resulted from complications of anaesthesia during SSCS. In total, 133 perinatal deaths occurred in all studies combined: 92/20 051 (0.45%) in the SSCS group and 41/32 823 (0.12%) in the VE group. In studies with more than one perinatal death, both conducted in low-resource settings, more perinatal deaths occurred during the decision-to-birth interval in the SSCS group than in the VE group (5.5% vs 1.4%, OR 4.00, 95% CI 1.17-13.70; 11% vs 8.4%, OR 1.39, 95% CI 0.85-2.26). All other adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes showed no statistically significant differences. CONCLUSIONS: Vacuum extraction should be the recommended mode of birth, both in high-income countries and in low- and middle-income countries, to prevent unnecessary SSCS and to reduce perinatal and maternal deaths when safe anaesthesia and surgery is not immediately available.

Muerte Materna , Muerte Perinatal , Embarazo , Femenino , Humanos , Cesárea , Muerte Perinatal/etiología , Extracción Obstétrica por Aspiración/efectos adversos , Muerte Materna/etiología , Segundo Periodo del Trabajo de Parto
Trop Med Int Health ; 28(3): 194-202, 2023 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36708235


OBJECTIVES: We sought to understand the facilitators and barriers impacting utilisation of follow-up services for children born preterm as perceived by parents in a low-resource setting. METHODS: We conducted a qualitative study at Mulago Hospital, Uganda, with parents of children born preterm and aged 22-38 months at the time of the study. We collected data using five in-depth interviews and four focus group discussions. Data were analysed using thematic analysis informed by the social-ecological model. RESULTS: Ten subthemes emerged that could be grouped into three main themes: (1) Individual: parents' knowledge, parenting skills, perception of follow-up and infant's condition; (2) Relationship: support for the mother and information sharing; (3) Institution: facility setup, cost of care, available personnel and distance from the facility. Parents of preterm infants perceived receiving timely information, better understanding of prematurity and its complications, support from spouses, availability of free services and encouragement from health workers as facilitators for utilisation of follow-up services. Limited male involvement, parents' negative perception of follow-up, stable condition of infant, health facility challenges especially congestion at the hospital, distance and care costs were key barriers. CONCLUSION: An interplay of facilitators and barriers at individual, interpersonal and health system levels encourage or deter parents from taking their preterm children for follow-up services. Improving utilisation of services will require educating parents on the importance of follow-up even when children are not sick, eliciting maternal support from spouses and peers and addressing health system gaps that make follow-up unattractive and costly.

Recien Nacido Prematuro , Padres , Femenino , Lactante , Humanos , Masculino , Recién Nacido , Niño , Estudios de Seguimiento , Madres , Investigación Cualitativa
Trop Med Int Health ; 24(5): 553-562, 2019 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30803113


OBJECTIVES: To investigate what women who have experienced vacuum extraction or second stage caesarean section (CS) would recommend as mode of birth in case of prolonged second stage of labour. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted in a tertiary referral hospital in Uganda. Between November 2014 and July 2015, women with a term singleton in vertex presentation who had undergone vacuum extraction or second stage CS were included. The first day and 6 months after birth women were asked what they would recommend to a friend: vacuum extraction or CS and why. Outcome measures were: proportions of women choosing vacuum extraction vs. CS and reasons for choosing this mode of birth. RESULTS: The first day after birth, 293/318 (92.1%) women who had undergone vacuum extraction and 176/409 (43.0%) women who had undergone CS recommended vacuum extraction. Of women who had given birth by CS in a previous pregnancy and had vacuum extraction this time, 31/32 (96.9%) recommended vacuum extraction. Six months after birth findings were comparable. Less pain, shorter recovery period, avoiding surgery and the presumed relative safety of vacuum extraction to the mother were the main reasons for preferring vacuum extraction. Main reasons to opt for CS were having experienced CS without problems, CS presumed as being safer for the neonate, CS being the only option the woman was aware of, as well as the concern that vacuum extraction would fail. CONCLUSIONS: Most women would recommend vacuum extraction over CS in case of prolonged second stage of labour.

OBJECTIFS: Investiguer ce que les femmes qui ont subi une extraction sous vide ou une césarienne au second stade du travail recommanderaient comme mode d'accouchement en cas de second stade prolongé du travail. MÉTHODES: Une étude de cohorte prospective a été menée dans un hôpital de référence tertiaire en Ouganda. Entre novembre 2014 et juillet 2015, les femmes avec un singleton à terme en présentation de vertex ayant subi une extraction sous vide ou une césarienne de second stade ont été incluses. Le premier jour et six mois après la naissance, on a demandé aux femmes ce qu'elles recommanderaient à une amie: l'extraction sous vide ou la césarienne et pourquoi. Les résultats mesurés étaient: les proportions de femmes choisissant l'extraction sous vide par rapport à la césarienne et les raisons de choisir ce mode d'accouchement. RÉSULTATS: Le premier jour après l'accouchement, 293/318 femmes (92,1%) ayant subi une extraction sous vide et 176/409 (43,0%) femmes ayant subi une césarienne ont recommandé l'extraction sous vide. Parmi les femmes qui avaient accouché par césarienne dans une grossesse précédente et qui avaient eu une extraction sous vide cette fois-ci, 31/32 (96,9%) ont recommandé l'extraction sous vide. Six mois après la naissance, les résultats étaient comparables. Moins de douleur, une période de convalescence plus courte, l'évitement de la chirurgie et la sécurité relative présumée de l'extraction sous vide pour la mère étaient les principales raisons de préférer l'extraction sous vide. Les principales raisons d'opter pour la césarienne étaient l'expérience d'avoir subi une césarienne sans problèmes, la césarienne étant supposée être plus sûre pour le nouveau-né, la césarienne étant la seule option dont la femme était au courant, ainsi que la crainte d'un éventuel échec de l'extraction sous vide. CONCLUSIONS: La plupart des femmes recommanderaient l'extraction sous vide plutôt que la césarienne en cas de second stade prolongé du travail.

Actitud , Cesárea , Segundo Periodo del Trabajo de Parto , Complicaciones del Trabajo de Parto , Prioridad del Paciente , Extracción Obstétrica por Aspiración , Adolescente , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Presentación en Trabajo de Parto , Madres , Parto , Embarazo , Estudios Prospectivos , Uganda , Adulto Joven
Trop Med Int Health ; 23(8): 914-922, 2018 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29873887


OBJECTIVE: To assess perceptions of women undergoing vacuum extraction or second-stage caesarean section (SSCS) in a tertiary referral hospital in sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS: Prospective cohort study, with six-month follow-up, of women who gave birth to a term singleton in cephalic presentation by vacuum extraction (n = 289) or SSCS (n = 357) between 25 November 2014, to 8 July 2015, in Mulago Hospital, Uganda. Excluded were women who had failed vacuum extraction, severe birth complications and those whose babies had died. Outcome measures were birthing experience satisfaction, physical component summary (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) of the SF-12 quality-of-life questionnaire, pain scores and dyspareunia. RESULTS: One day after vacuum extraction, 63.7% (181/284) of women were feeling well vs. 48.1% (167/347) after SSCS (OR 1.89; 95%CI 1.37-2.61) and mean pain sores were 2.70 vs. 3.87 (P < 0.001). In both groups, >90% of women were satisfied with their birthing experience. At six weeks, in vacuum extraction vs. SSCS, mean pain sores were 0.40 vs. 0.89 (P < 0.001); mean PCS was 48.67 vs. 44.03 (P < 0.001); mean MCS was 52.80 vs. 51.23 (P = 0.203); 40% (70/175) vs. 28.3% (70/247) of women had resumed sexual intercourse (OR 1.69; 95%CI 1.12-2.54) and 21.4% (15/70) vs. 28.6% (20/70) had dyspareunia (OR 0.68; 95%CI 0.32-1.47). No differences were found at six months after birth. CONCLUSION: One day and six weeks after birth, outcomes were better in women who had vacuum extraction. At six months, outcomes were similar. To promote quick recovery, vacuum extraction should be the first intervention considered in the second stage of labour.

Estado de Salud , Satisfacción del Paciente/estadística & datos numéricos , Periodo Posparto/psicología , Calidad de Vida/psicología , Extracción Obstétrica por Aspiración/estadística & datos numéricos , Adulto , Cesárea/estadística & datos numéricos , Estudios de Cohortes , Femenino , Estudios de Seguimiento , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Segundo Periodo del Trabajo de Parto , Embarazo , Estudios Prospectivos , Uganda , Extracción Obstétrica por Aspiración/psicología , Adulto Joven
Int J Gynaecol Obstet ; 142(1): 28-36, 2018 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29630724


OBJECTIVE: To compare maternal and perinatal outcomes between vacuum extraction and second-stage cesarean delivery (SSCD). METHODS: The present observational cohort study was conducted among women with term vertex singleton pregnancies who underwent vacuum extraction or SSCD at Mulago National Referral Hospital, Kampala, Uganda, between November 25, 2014, and July 8, 2015. Severe maternal outcomes (mortality, uterine rupture, hysterectomy, re-laparotomy) and perinatal outcomes (mortality, trauma, low Apgar score, convulsions) were compared between initial delivery mode. RESULTS: Among 13 152 deliveries, 358 women who underwent vacuum extraction and 425 women who underwent SSCD were enrolled in the study. No maternal deaths occurred after vacuum extraction versus five deaths from complications of SSCD. Vacuum extraction was associated with less severe maternal outcomes compared with SSCD (3 [0.8%] vs 18 [4.2%]; adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 0.24, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.07-0.84). Fetal death during the decision-to-delivery interval was also less common in the vacuum extraction group (3 [0.9%] vs 18 [4.4%]; aOR 0.24, 95% CI 0.07-0.84); however, the perinatal mortality rate did not differ between the vacuum extraction and SSCD groups (29 [8.4%] vs 45 [11.0%], respectively; aOR 0.83, 95% CI 0.49-1.41). One infant in each group exhibited neurodevelopmental anomalies at 6 months. CONCLUSION: Vacuum extraction had better maternal outcomes and equivalent perinatal outcomes compared with SSCD. These findings encourage re-introduction of vacuum extraction.

Cesárea/métodos , Extracción Obstétrica por Aspiración/métodos , Adulto , Cesárea/efectos adversos , Estudios de Cohortes , Femenino , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Masculino , Oportunidad Relativa , Mortalidad Perinatal , Embarazo , Estudios Prospectivos , Centros de Atención Terciaria , Uganda , Rotura Uterina/etiología , Extracción Obstétrica por Aspiración/efectos adversos , Adulto Joven
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth ; 16: 258, 2016 09 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27590680


BACKGROUND: Prolonged second stage of labour is a major cause of perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality in low-income countries. Vacuum extraction is a proven effective intervention, hardly used in Africa. Many authors and organisations recommend (re)introduction of vacuum extraction, but successful implementation has not been reported. In 2012, a program to increase the use of vacuum extraction was implemented in Mulago Hospital, Uganda. The program consisted of development of a vacuum extraction guideline, supply of equipment and training of staff. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of the program. METHODS: Audit of a quality improvement intervention with before and after measurement of outcome parameters. SETTING: Mulago Hospital, the national referral hospital for Uganda with approximately 33 000 deliveries per year. It is the university teaching hospital for Makerere University and most of the countries doctors and midwives are trained here. Data was collected from hospital registers and medical files for a period of two years. Main outcome measures were vacuum extraction rate, intrapartum stillbirth, neonatal death, uterine rupture, maternal death and decision to delivery interval. RESULTS: Mode of delivery and outcome of 12 143 deliveries before and 34 894 deliveries after implementation of the program were analysed. The vacuum extraction rate increased from 0.6 - 2.4 % of deliveries (p < 0.01) and was still rising after 18 months. There was a decline in intrapartum stillbirths from 34 to 26 per 1000 births (-23.6 %, p < 0.01) and women with uterine rupture from 1.1 - 0.8 per 100 births (-25.5 %, p < 0.01). Decision to delivery interval for vacuum extraction was four hours shorter than for caesarean section. CONCLUSIONS: A program to increase the use of vacuum extraction was successful in a high-volume university hospital in sub-Saharan Africa. The use of vacuum extraction increased. An association with improved maternal and perinatal outcome is strongly suggested. We recommend broad implementation of vacuum extraction, whereby university hospitals like Mulago Hospital can play an important role.To support implementation, we recommend further research into outcome of vacuum extraction and into vacuum extraction devices for low-income countries. Such studies are now in progress at Mulago Hospital.

Auditoría Médica , Complicaciones del Trabajo de Parto/cirugía , Extracción Obstétrica por Aspiración/estadística & datos numéricos , Adulto , Cesárea/estadística & datos numéricos , Femenino , Humanos , Segundo Periodo del Trabajo de Parto , Mortalidad Materna , Complicaciones del Trabajo de Parto/mortalidad , Embarazo , Mortinato/epidemiología , Factores de Tiempo , Resultado del Tratamiento , Uganda/epidemiología , Rotura Uterina/epidemiología , Rotura Uterina/etiología , Extracción Obstétrica por Aspiración/efectos adversos
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd ; 156(18): A4547, 2012.
Artículo en Holandés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22551759


A 29-year-old female complained of abdominal swelling. Transvaginal sonography showed an unusual view of a cystic ovarian mass composed of various dense, round structures. A laparotomic right ovarian cystectomy was performed. The diagnosis was a mature teratoma or dermoid cyst, which is a benign germ cell tumor composed of differentiated, adult-type tissues.

Quiste Dermoide/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Ováricas/diagnóstico , Teratoma/diagnóstico , Adulto , Quiste Dermoide/cirugía , Femenino , Humanos , Neoplasias Ováricas/cirugía , Teratoma/cirugía