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Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(3): 384-391, sept. 2023. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514386


Bell's palsy is defined as a lower motor neuron palsy that develops from a non-suppurative inflammation of the facial nerve at the stylomastoid foramen. The objective of this integrative review was to determine the effects of photobiomodulation as a therapeutic method for Bell's palsy. This qualitative study provided a broader understanding of the subject studied. Searches for articles were carried out in PubMed databases via Medline, LILACS, IBES, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, and CENTRAL using MeSH and DeCS descriptors to determine the search terms. A total of 143 articles were found. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 7 articles were included. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of low-level laser in the treatment of Bell's palsy is effective since the studies indicated significant and relevant improvements for the recovery of these patients when associating the laser with other types of treatments.

La parálisis de Bell se define como una parálisis de la neurona motora inferior que se desarrolla a partir de una inflamación no supurativa del nervio facial en el agujero estilomastoideo. El objetivo de esta revisión integradora fue determinar los efectos de la fotobiomodulación como método terapéutico para la parálisis de Bell. Este estudio cualitativo proporcionó una comprensión más amplia del tema estudiado. Las búsquedas de artículos se realizaron en las bases de datos PubMed a través de Medline, LILACS, IBES, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase y CENTRAL utilizando los descriptores MeSH y DeCS para determinar los términos de búsqueda. Se encontraron un total de 143 artículos. Después de aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se incluyeron 7 artículos. Por tanto, se puede concluir que la aplicación de láser de baja intensidad en el tratamiento de la parálisis de Bell es eficaz debido a que los estudios indicaron mejoras significativas y relevantes para la recuperación de estos pacientes al asociar el láser a otro tipo de tratamientos.

Humanos , Parálisis de Bell/terapia , Terapia por Luz de Baja Intensidad/métodos
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(1): 132-136, mar. 2021. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385710


Allergic reactions are host immune responses to endogenous or exogenous antigens, which can result in local and systemic problems. Among the main allergens are the dental materials used in orthodontics, which faces some challenges with regard to biocompatibility with oral tissues.This study aimed to analyze in the literature which materials used in orthodontics are related to the appearance of oral and perioral allergic reactions, as well as to investigate the most prevalen t manifestations.An integrative review was carried out with articles published between 2010 and 2020 on the PubMed, Embase, and ScienceDirect on-line database. For this, MeSH descriptors and synonyms were used following two semantic fields: "Hypersensitivity" in association with "Orthodontic Appliances", the selection of studies counted with the stages of identifica tion, screening, eligibility and inclusion. Randomized clinical trials, cross-sectional or cohort clinical trials; Patients with alle rgic reactions affecting the oral or perioral region due to contact with orthodontic material, were included in the review.From a to tal of 549 articles only 04 were selected for the study. In accordance with what has been analyzed in the evidence of these studies, periodontal changes such as gingival inflammation as well as erythema, edema, papules and blisters were the main reactions described. Furthermore, in all articles there was an association with nickel and in only one with chromium. It is possible to i nfer that inflammatory lesions are frequent manifestations on the use of nickel in orthodontic patients.

Las reacciones alérgicas son respuestas inmunes del huésped a antígenos endógenos o exógenos, los cuales pueden provocar problemas locales y sistémicos. Entre los principales alérgenos se encuentran los materiales dentales utilizados en la ortodoncia, la cual se enfrenta a algunos desafíos respecto a la biocompatibilidad de los tejidos orales. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar en la literatura que materiales utilizados en ortodoncia están relacionados con la aparición de reacciones alérgicas orales y periorales, así como investigar las manifestaciones más prevalentes. Se llevó a cabo una revisión con artículos publicados entre 2010 y 2020 en las bases de datos PubMed, Embase y ScienceDirect. Para ello, se utilizaron descriptores y sinónimos de MeSH siguiendo dos campos semánticos: "Hipersensibilidad" en asociación con "Aparatos de Ortodoncia", la selección de estudios contó con las etapas de identificación, cribado, elegibilidad e inclusión. Ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, ensayos clínicos transversales o de cohortes; en la revisión se incluyeron pacientes con reacciones alérgicas que afectaron a la regiones oral o perioral debido al contacto con material de ortodoncia. De un total de 549 artículos sólo cuatro fueron seleccionados para el estudio. De acuerdo con lo que se analizó en la evidencia, las principales reacciones descritas fueron cambios periodontales, como inflamación gingival, eritema, edema, pápulas y ampollas. Además, en todos los artículos hubo una asociación con níquel y solamente en uno con cromo. Es posible inferir que las lesiones inflamatorias son manifestaciones frecuentes sobre el uso de níquel en pacientes de ortodoncia.

Humanos , Queilitis/inducido químicamente , Dermatitis por Contacto , Hipersensibilidad/epidemiología , Ortodoncia , Materiales Biomédicos y Dentales , Níquel/efectos adversos
Arq. odontol ; 57: 244-252, jan.-dez. 2021. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1348380


Objetivo: Analisar na literatura quais são os hábitos associados à mordida aberta anterior em crianças. Métodos: Realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica referente aos artigos publicados de 2015 a 2020 nos bancos de dados on-line PubMed, Embase, SciELO, LILACS e BBO utilizando descritores e sinônimos MeSH, DeCS e Emtree com as seguintes etapas: identificação, triagem, elegibilidade e inclusão. Foram incluídos estudos observacionais, transversais ou de coorte, e artigos que demonstrassem hábitos associados à mordida aberta anterior em crianças de 2 a 12 anos de idade. Relatos de caso, revisões da literatura e outros tipos de estudos que não estavam de acordo com os critérios foram excluídos. Os artigos foram analisados por dois pesquisadores independentes e os estudos selecionados foram avaliados quanto à qualidade metodológica. Resultados: De um total de 462 artigos encontrados apenas 9 foram selecionados para o estudo. Desses, 8 (88,9%) apresentaram alta ou moderada qualidade metodológica, sendo apenas 1 (11,1%), dentre os artigos, de baixa qualidade. Mediante à análise dos estudos inclusos, observou-se que a manutenção de hábitos orais como sucção digital (66,6% dos artigos) e de chupeta (77,7%), bem como uso de mamadeira (33,3%) e duração do tempo de aleitamento materno (22,2%) pode ocasionar alterações na oclusão, fala, respiração, crescimento craniofacial, afetando diretamente a qualidade de vida da criança. Conclusão:Uma vez que a infância é a fase adequada para a implementação de novos hábitos saudáveis e tratamentos, é imprescindível que o cirurgião-dentista conheça essa associação, e adote medidas terapêuticas e preventivas.

Aim: To perform an analysis of in the literature regarding which habits are associated with anterior open bite in children. Methods:This was a bibliographic study conducted using articles published from 2015 to 2020 in the PubMed, Embase, SciELO, LILACS, and BBO online databases, using MeSH, DeCS, and Emtree descriptors and synonyms with the following steps: identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion. Observational, cross-sectional, or cohort studies, as well as and articles demonstrating habits associated with anterior open bite in children aged 2 to 12 years, were included. Case reports, literature reviews, and other types of studies that were not in accordance with the criteria were excluded. The articles were evaluated by two independent researchers, and the selected studies were evaluated for methodological quality. Results:Of a total of 462 articles found, only nine were selected for the study. Of these, eight (88.9%) presented high or moderate methodological quality, with only 1 (11.1%) of the articles presenting a low quality. Through the analysis of the included studies, it was observed that the maintenance of oral habits, such as finger sucking (66.6% of the articles) and pacifiers (77.7%), as well as the use of a bottle (33.3%) and the duration of breastfeeding time (22.2%), may cause changes in occlusion, speech, breathing, and craniofacial growth, directly affecting the child's quality of life. Conclusion: Since childhood is the appropriate phase for the implementation of new healthy habits and treatments, it is essential for the dentist to understand this association and adopt therapeutic and preventive measures.

Humanos , Preescolar , Niño , Conducta en la Lactancia , Mordida Abierta/etiología , Chupetes/efectos adversos , Biberones , Succión del Dedo , Factores de Riesgo , Atención Dental para Niños