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Microorganisms ; 12(6)2024 May 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38930434


Replication of the mitochondrial (mt) genome in filamentous fungi is under-studied, and knowledge is based mainly on data from yeasts and higher eukaryotes. In this study, the mitochondrial DNA polymerase γ (Mip1) of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum is characterized and analyzed with disruption experiments and its in silico interactions with key proteins implicated in mt gene transcription, i.e., mt RNA polymerase Rpo41 and mt transcription factor Mtf1. Disruption of mip1 gene and its partial expression influences cell growth, morphology, germination and stress tolerance. A putative in silico model of Mip1-Rpo41-Mtf1, which is known to be needed for the initiation of replication, was proposed and helped to identify potential amino acid residues of Mip1 that interact with the Rpo41-Mtf1 complex. Moreover, the reduced expression of mip1 indicates that Mip1 is not required for efficient transcription but only for replication. Functional differences between the M. brunneum Mip1 and its counterparts from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and higher eukaryotes are discussed.

Front Microbiol ; 14: 1121993, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36922966


The enzymatic arsenal of several soil microorganisms renders them particularly suitable for the degradation of lignocellulose, a process of distinct ecological significance with promising biotechnological implications. In this study, we investigated the spatiotemporal diversity and distribution of bacteria and fungi with 16S and Internally Trascribed Spacer (ITS) ribosomal RNA next-generation-sequencing (NGS), focusing on forest mainland Abies cephalonica and insular Quercus ilex habitats of Greece. We analyzed samples during winter and summer periods, from different soil depths, and we applied optimized and combined targeted meta-omics approaches aiming at the peroxidase-catalase family enzymes to gain insights into the lignocellulose degradation process at the soil microbial community level. The microbial communities recorded showed distinct patterns of response to season, soil depth and vegetation type. Overall, in both forests Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria were the most abundant bacteria phyla, while the other phyla and the super-kingdom of Archaea were detected in very low numbers. Members of the orders Agaricales, Russulales, Sebacinales, Gomphales, Geastrales, Hysterangiales, Thelephorales, and Trechisporales (Basidiomycota), and Pezizales, Sordariales, Eurotiales, Pleosporales, Helotiales, and Diaporthales (Ascomycota) were the most abundant for Fungi. By using optimized "universal" PCR primers that targeted the peroxidase-catalase enzyme family, we identified several known and novel sequences from various Basidiomycota, even from taxa appearing at low abundance. The majority of the sequences recovered were manganese peroxidases from several genera of Agaricales, Hysterangiales, Gomphales, Geastrales, Russulales, Hymenochaetales, and Trechisporales, while lignin -and versatile-peroxidases were limited to two to eight species, respectively. Comparisons of the obtained sequences with publicly available data allowed a detailed structural analysis of polymorphisms and functionally relevant amino-acid residues at phylogenetic level. The targeted metagenomics applied here revealed an important role in lignocellulose degradation of hitherto understudied orders of Basidiomycota, such as the Hysterangiales and Gomphales, while it also suggested the auxiliary activity of particular members of Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, and Gemmatimonadetes. The application of NGS-based metagenomics approaches allows a better understanding of the complex process of lignocellulolysis at the microbial community level as well as the identification of candidate taxa and genes for targeted functional investigations and genetic modifications.

Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat ; 158: 106606, 2022 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34923152


In the present work the entomopathogenic fungus B. bassiana lipids were studied against the potent pro-inflammatory and thrombotic mediators implicated in several disorders, platelet-activating factor (PAF) and thrombin. Bioactivities of lipid extracts from B. bassiana cells and culture supernatants and of their lipid fractions separated by a one-step HPLC-analysis ere assessed against the PAF/Thrombin-induced aggregation of washed rabbit platelets. Lipid extracts from both cell-biomass and supernatant inhibited strongly PAF/Thrombin-activities and platelet-aggregation, exhibiting higher specificity against PAF. Similarly, HPLC-derived lipid-fractions of phenolics/glycolipids, Sphingomyelins and Phosphatidylcholines (PC) showed strong anti-PAF potency. PC PAF-like molecules exhibited the strongest antagonistic anti-PAF effects, while in higher amounts they agonistically inhibited PAF-activities. Some bioactive lipids with strong anti-PAF effects are exo-cellularly secreted in the culture media during fungal growth, while others are not. The presence of such lipid bioactives in B. bassiana with strong anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic properties, provide new perspectives and putative future applications for this entomopathogenic fungus.

Beauveria , Animales , Antiinflamatorios/farmacología , Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Presión , Factor de Activación Plaquetaria/farmacología , Agregación Plaquetaria , Conejos
MethodsX ; 8: 101380, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34430276


Lipids are a very heterogeneous class of biomolecules with distinct structures and functions. Total lipids (TLs) obtained from natural sources are regularly further separated into lipid subclasses, with the two major ones being the polar lipids (PLs) and neutral lipids (NLs). Traditional analytical methods for fractionating TLs into NLs, PLs, and their subclasses, usually comprise difficult, costly and time-consuming steps. Instead, several benefits and applications are derived by implementing a novel one-step semi-preparative and reversed-phase HPLC-analysis for separating TLs into all kinds of lipid subclasses. This method allows a one-step separation/fractionation of several subclasses of bio-functional PLs (i.e. phospholipids, glycolipids, phenolic compounds, N-acyl-homoserine-lactones, etc.) and NLs (i.e. triacylglycerols, fatty acids, esters, etc.) from TL-extracts of a natural source, prior to further testing them for their bio-functionality (i.e. in bioassays/cell models) and structure-activity relationships (i.e. LC-MS/GC-MS).•This method can be applied in several natural sources, such as animal and marine sources, plants, microorganisms of biotechnological and agricultural interest, foods, beverages and related products, and by-products.•This method can also be applied for separating specific bio-functional lipids from complex medical and pharmaceutical samples (i.e. cells, tissues, blood, plasma, liposomes, etc.), either for evaluating their role in diseases (i.e. PAF/PAF-like molecules) or by elucidating their protective roles (i.e. PLs rich in ω3 PUFA) for supplements and nutraceuticals' applications.

Adv Microb Physiol ; 77: 37-88, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34756211


Zymomonas mobilis is an α-proteobacterium that interests the biofuel industry due to its perfect ethanol fermentation yields. From its first description as a bacterial isolate in fermented alcoholic beverages to date, Z. mobilis has been rigorously studied in directions basic and applied. The Z. mobilis powerful Entner-Doudoroff glycolytic pathway has been the center of rigorous biochemical studies and, aside from ethanol, it has attracted interest in terms of high-added-value chemical manufacturing. Energetic balances and the effects of respiration have been explored in fundamental directions as also in applications pursuing strain enhancement and the utilization of alternative carbon sources. Metabolic modeling has addressed the optimization of the biochemical circuitry at various conditions of growth and/or substrate utilization; it has been also critical in predicting desirable end-product yields via flux redirection. Lastly, stress tolerance has received particular attention, since it directly determines biocatalytical performance at challenging bioreactor conditions. At a genetic level, advances in the genetic engineering of the organism have brought forth beneficial manipulations in the Z. mobilis gene pool, e.g., knock-outs, knock-ins and gene stacking, aiming to broaden the metabolic repertoire and increase robustness. Recent omic and expressional studies shed light on the genomic content of the most applied strains and reveal landscapes of activity manifested at ambient or reactor-based conditions. Studies such as those reviewed in this work, contribute to the understanding of the biology of Z. mobilis, enable insightful strain development, and pave the way for the transformation of Z. mobilis into a consummate organism for biomass conversion.

Front Microbiol ; 10: 2533, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31798541


Acetaldehyde is a valuable product of microbial biosynthesis, which can be used by the chemical industry as the entry point for production of various commodity chemicals. In ethanologenic microorganisms, like yeast or the bacterium Zymomonas mobilis, this compound is the immediate metabolic precursor of ethanol. In aerobic cultures of Z. mobilis, it accumulates as a volatile, inhibitory byproduct, due to the withdrawal of reducing equivalents from the alcohol dehydrogenase reaction by respiration. The active respiratory chain of Z. mobilis with its low energy-coupling efficiency is well-suited for regeneration of NAD+ under conditions when acetaldehyde, but not ethanol, is the desired catabolic product. In the present work, we sought to improve the capacity Z. mobilis to synthesize acetaldehyde, based on predictions of a stoichiometric model of its central metabolism developed herein. According to the model analysis, the main objectives in the course of engineering acetaldehyde producer strains were determined to be: (i) reducing ethanol synthesis via reducing the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), and (ii) enhancing the respiratory capacity, either by overexpression of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase (NDH), or by mutation of other components of respiratory metabolism. Several mutants with elevated respiration rate, decreased alcohol dehydrogenase activity, or a combination of both, were obtained. They were extensively characterized by determining their growth rates, product yields, oxygen consumption rates, ADH, and NDH activities, transcription levels of key catabolic genes, as well as concentrations of central metabolites under aerobic culture conditions. Two mutant strains were selected, with acetaldehyde yield close to 70% of the theoretical maximum value, almost twice the previously published yield for Z. mobilis. These strains can serve as a basis for further development of industrial acetaldehyde producers.

Front Microbiol ; 10: 2393, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31681245


Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains are important human pathogens and a significant health hazard for hospitals and the food industry. They are resistant to ß-lactam antibiotics including methicillin and extremely difficult to treat. In this study, we show that the Staphylococcus aureus COL (MRSA) strain, with a known complete genome, can easily survive and grow under acidic and alkaline conditions (pH5 and pH9, respectively), both planktonically and as a biofilm. A microarray-based analysis of both planktonic and biofilm cells was performed under acidic and alkaline conditions showing that several genes are up- or down-regulated under different environmental conditions and growth modes. These genes were coding for transcription regulators, ion transporters, cell wall biosynthetic enzymes, autolytic enzymes, adhesion proteins and antibiotic resistance factors, most of which are associated with biofilm formation. These results will facilitate a better understanding of the physiological adjustments occurring in biofilm-associated S. aureus COL cells growing in acidic or alkaline environments, which will enable the development of new efficient treatment or disinfection strategies.

Biotechnol Biofuels ; 11: 125, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29743953


BACKGROUND: Zymomonas mobilis is a natural ethanologen being developed and deployed as an industrial biofuel producer. To date, eight Z. mobilis strains have been completely sequenced and found to contain 2-8 native plasmids. However, systematic verification of predicted Z. mobilis plasmid genes and their contribution to cell fitness has not been hitherto addressed. Moreover, the precise number and identities of plasmids in Z. mobilis model strain ZM4 have been unclear. The lack of functional information about plasmid genes in ZM4 impedes ongoing studies for this model biofuel-producing strain. RESULTS: In this study, we determined the complete chromosome and plasmid sequences of ZM4 and its engineered xylose-utilizing derivatives 2032 and 8b. Compared to previously published and revised ZM4 chromosome sequences, the ZM4 chromosome sequence reported here contains 65 nucleotide sequence variations as well as a 2400-bp insertion. Four plasmids were identified in all three strains, with 150 plasmid genes predicted in strain ZM4 and 2032, and 153 plasmid genes predicted in strain 8b due to the insertion of heterologous DNA for expanded substrate utilization. Plasmid genes were then annotated using Blast2GO, InterProScan, and systems biology data analyses, and most genes were found to have apparent orthologs in other organisms or identifiable conserved domains. To verify plasmid gene prediction, RNA-Seq was used to map transcripts and also compare relative gene expression under various growth conditions, including anaerobic and aerobic conditions, or growth in different concentrations of biomass hydrolysates. Overall, plasmid genes were more responsive to varying hydrolysate concentrations than to oxygen availability. Additionally, our results indicated that although all plasmids were present in low copy number (about 1-2 per cell), the copy number of some plasmids varied under specific growth conditions or due to heterologous gene insertion. CONCLUSIONS: The complete genome of ZM4 and two xylose-utilizing derivatives is reported in this study, with an emphasis on identifying and characterizing plasmid genes. Plasmid gene annotation, validation, expression levels at growth conditions of interest, and contribution to host fitness are reported for the first time.

Front Microbiol ; 8: 782, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28529502


The emergence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in food has provoked a great concern about the presence of MRSA in associated foodstuff. Although MRSA is often detected in various retailed meat products, it seems that food handlers are more strongly associated with this type of food contamination. Thus, it can be easily postulated that any food could be contaminated with this pathogen in an industrial environment or in household and cause food poisoning. To this direction, the effect of rocket (Eruca sativa) extract on MRSA growth and proteome was examined in the present study. This goal was achieved with the comparative study of the MRSA strain COL proteome, cultivated in rocket extract versus the standard Luria-Bertani growth medium. The obtained results showed that MRSA was able to grow in rocket extract. In addition, proteome analysis using 2-DE method showed that MRSA strain COL is taking advantage of the sugar-, lipid-, and vitamin-rich substrate in the liquid rocket extract, although its growth was delayed in rocket extract compared to Luria-Bertani medium. This work could initiate further research about bacterial metabolism in plant-based media and defense mechanisms against plant-derived antibacterials.

Genome Announc ; 2(1)2014 Jan 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24407627


Zymomonas mobilis subsp. mobilis is one of the most rigorous ethanol-producing organisms known to date, considered by many to be the prokaryotic alternative to yeast. The two most applied Z. mobilis subsp. mobilis strains, ZM4 and CP4, derive from Recife, Brazil, and have been isolated from sugarcane fermentations. Of these, ZM4 was the first Z. mobilis representative strain to be sequenced and analyzed. Here, we report the finishing of the genome sequence of strain CP4, which is highly similar but not identical to that of ZM4.

J Bacteriol ; 194(21): 5966-7, 2012 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23045486


Zymomonas mobilis is an ethanologenic bacterium that has been studied for use in biofuel production. Of the sequenced Zymomonas strains, ATCC 29191 has been described as the phenotypic centrotype of Zymomonas mobilis subsp. mobilis, the taxon that harbors the highest ethanol-producing Z. mobilis strains. ATCC 29191 was isolated in Kinshasa, Congo, from palm wine fermentations. This strain is reported to be a robust levan producer, while in recent years it has been employed in studies addressing Z. mobilis respiration. Here we announce the finishing and annotation of the ATCC 29191 genome, which comprises one chromosome and three plasmids.

ADN Bacteriano/química , ADN Bacteriano/genética , Etanol/metabolismo , Genoma Bacteriano , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN , Zymomonas/genética , Zymomonas/metabolismo , Congo , Fermentación , Fructanos/metabolismo , Redes y Vías Metabólicas , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Oxidación-Reducción , Plásmidos , Vino/microbiología , Zymomonas/aislamiento & purificación
Nat Rev Microbiol ; 10(11): 755-65, 2012 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23070556


To ensure faithful transmission of low-copy plasmids to daughter cells, these plasmids must replicate once per cell cycle and distribute the replicated DNA to the nascent daughter cells. RepABC family plasmids are found exclusively in alphaproteobacteria and carry a combined replication and partitioning locus, the repABC cassette, which is also found on secondary chromosomes in this group. RepC and a replication origin are essential for plasmid replication, and RepA, RepB and the partitioning sites distribute the replicons to predivisional cells. Here, we review our current understanding of the transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of the Rep proteins and of their functions in plasmid replication and partitioning.

Alphaproteobacteria/genética , Replicación del ADN , Plásmidos/genética , Alphaproteobacteria/crecimiento & desarrollo , Proteínas Bacterianas/genética , Proteínas Bacterianas/metabolismo , División Celular , Metilación de ADN , Proteínas de Unión al ADN/genética , Proteínas de Unión al ADN/metabolismo , Simbiosis , Transcripción Genética
Methods Mol Biol ; 765: 419-34, 2011.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21815107


Zymomonas mobilis is a facultatively anaerobic α-proteobacterium with a considerable potential for industrial ethanol production. An important tool in the generation of stable mutants for this organism is described in this chapter; it entails insertional mutagenesis with the help of the transposable element mini-Mu. The latter is delivered into Z. mobilis with the use of plasmid pULB113 (RP4::mini-Mu) that self-transfers in the organism at notable frequencies and remains highly stable even under nonselective conditions. Transposition of mini-Mu and subsequent mutagenesis occur readily in Z. mobilis pULB113 transconjugants and result in the generation of large numbers of random mutants. This can be demonstrated by the isolation of various auxotrophs with single or multiple nutritional requirements, the vast majority of which bears insertions at different chromosomal locations, even when exhibiting the same requirement. Therefore, transposon mutagenesis with the use of mini-Mu serves as a simple and effective tool for indiscriminate mutant production in Z. mobilis.

Bacteriófago mu/genética , Elementos Transponibles de ADN/genética , Mutagénesis Insercional/genética , Zymomonas/genética , Zymomonas/virología
J Bacteriol ; 193(18): 5051-2, 2011 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21725006


Zymomonas mobilis ATCC 10988 is the type strain of the Z. mobilis subsp. mobilis taxon, members of which are some of the most rigorous ethanol-producing bacteria. Isolated from Agave cactus fermentations in Mexico, ATCC 10988 is one of the first Z. mobilis strains to be described and studied. Its robustness in sucrose-substrate fermentations, physiological characteristics, large number of plasmids, and overall genomic plasticity render this strain important to the study of the species. Here we report the finishing and annotation of the ATCC 10988 chromosomal and plasmid genome.

ADN Bacteriano/química , ADN Bacteriano/genética , Genoma Bacteriano , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN , Zymomonas/genética , Agave/microbiología , Etanol/metabolismo , Fermentación , Microbiología de Alimentos , México , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Plásmidos , Sacarosa/metabolismo , Zymomonas/aislamiento & purificación , Zymomonas/metabolismo , Zymomonas/fisiología
J Bacteriol ; 193(18): 5049-50, 2011 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21742897


Zymomonas mobilis is an alphaproteobacterium studied for bioethanol production. Different strains of this organism have been hitherto sequenced; they all belong to the Z. mobilis subsp. mobilis taxon. Here we report the finished and annotated genome sequence of strain ATCC 29192, a cider-spoiling agent isolated in the United Kingdom. ATCC 29192 is the lectotype of the second-best-characterized subspecies of Z. mobilis, Z. mobilis subsp. pomaceae. The nucleotide sequence of ATCC 29192 deviates from that of Z. mobilis subsp. mobilis representatives, which justifies its distinct taxonomic positioning and proves particularly useful for comparative and functional genomic analyses.

ADN Bacteriano/química , ADN Bacteriano/genética , Genoma Bacteriano , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN , Zymomonas/genética , Etanol/metabolismo , Microbiología de Alimentos , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Reino Unido , Zymomonas/aislamiento & purificación , Zymomonas/metabolismo
Mutat Res ; 722(1): 1-6, 2011 May 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21256245


The potential genotoxic effects of several pure secondary metabolites produced by fungi used as biological control agents (BCAs) were studied with the Ames Salmonella/microsome mutagenicity assay and the Vitotox test, with and without metabolic activation. A complete set of Salmonella tester strains was used to avoid false negative results. To detect possible mutagenic and/or cytotoxic effects of fungal secondary metabolites due to synergistic action, crude extracts and fungal cell extracts of the BCAs were also examined. Although the sensitivity of the methods varied depending on the metabolite used, clearly no genotoxicity was observed in all cases. The results of the two assays are discussed in the light of being used in a complementary fashion for a convincing risk-assessment evaluation of fungal BCAs and their secondary metabolites.

Hongos/metabolismo , Pruebas de Mutagenicidad/métodos , Mutágenos/toxicidad , Micotoxinas/toxicidad , Control Biológico de Vectores , Micotoxinas/metabolismo , Salmonella typhimurium/genética
J Bacteriol ; 191(22): 7140-1, 2009 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19767433


Zymomonas mobilis is an ethanol-producing alphaproteobacterium currently considered a major candidate organism for bioethanol production. Here we report the finished and annotated genome sequence of Z. mobilis subsp. mobilis strain NCIMB 11163, a British ale-infecting isolate. This is the first Z. mobilis strain whose genome, chromosomal and plasmid, is presented in its entirety.

Etanol/metabolismo , Genoma Bacteriano/genética , Zymomonas/genética , Zymomonas/metabolismo , Cromosomas Bacterianos/genética , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Sistemas de Lectura Abierta/genética , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN
Plasmid ; 60(2): 89-107, 2008 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18664372


The Agrobacterium tumefaciens oncogenic Ti plasmids replicate and segregate to daughter cells via repABC cassettes, in which repA and repB are plasmid partitioning genes and repC encodes the replication initiator protein. repABC cassettes are encountered in a growing number of plasmids and chromosomes of the alpha-proteobacteria, and findings from particular representatives of agrobacteria, rhizobia and Paracoccus have began to shed light on their structure and functions. Amongst repABC replicons, Ti plasmids and particularly the octopine-type Ti have recently stood as model in regulation of repABC basal expression, which acts in plasmid copy number control, but also appear to undergo pronounced up-regulation of repABC, upon interbacterial and host-bacterial signaling. The last results in considerable Ti copy number increase and collective elevation of Ti gene expression. Inhibition of the Ti repABC is in turn conferred by a plant defense compound, which primarily affects Agrobacterium virulence and interferes with cell-density perception. Altogether, the above suggest that the entire Ti gene pool is subjected to the bacterium-eukaryote signaling network, a phenomenon quite unprecedented for replicons thought of as stringently controlled. It remains to be seen whether similar copy number variations characterize related replicons or if they are of even broader significance in plasmid biology.

Agrobacterium tumefaciens/genética , Regulación Bacteriana de la Expresión Génica , Plásmidos Inductores de Tumor en Plantas/genética , Tumores de Planta/microbiología , Percepción de Quorum , ADN Helicasas/genética , ADN Helicasas/metabolismo , Filogenia , Replicón/genética , Transducción de Señal/genética , Transactivadores/genética , Transactivadores/metabolismo
Mol Microbiol ; 53(3): 755-69, 2004 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15255890


Cell-cell communication via the production and detection of chemical signal molecules has been the focus of a great deal of research over the past decade. One class of chemical signals widely used by proteobacteria consists of N-acyl-homoserine lactones, which are synthesized by proteins related to LuxI of Vibrio fischeri and are detected by proteins related to the V. fischeri LuxR protein. A related marine bacterium, Vibrio harveyi, communicates using two chemical signals, one of which, autoinducer-2 (AI-2), is a furanone borate diester that is synthesized by the LuxS protein and detected by a periplasmic protein called LuxP. Evidence from a number of laboratories suggests that AI-2 may be used as a signal by diverse groups of bacteria, and might permit intergeneric signalling. These two families of signalling systems have been studied from the perspectives of physiology, ecology, biochemistry, and more recently, structural biology. Here, we review the biochemistry and structural biology of both acyl-homoserine-lactone-dependent and AI-2-dependent signalling systems.

Comunicación Celular/fisiología , Ligasas/metabolismo , Proteobacteria/fisiología , Transducción de Señal/fisiología , Proteínas Bacterianas/química , Proteínas Bacterianas/fisiología , Liasas de Carbono-Azufre , Proteínas Represoras/fisiología , Transactivadores/fisiología , Vibrio/fisiología