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Front Neurosci ; 15: 781786, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35069101


With recent advances in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) such as binarized neural networks (BNNs), a wide variety of vision applications with energy-optimized implementations have become possible at the edge. Such networks have the first layer implemented with high precision, which poses a challenge in deploying a uniform hardware mapping for the network implementation. Stochastic computing can allow conversion of such high-precision computations to a sequence of binarized operations while maintaining equivalent accuracy. In this work, we propose a fully binarized hardware-friendly computation engine based on stochastic computing as a proof of concept for vision applications involving multi-channel inputs. Stochastic sampling is performed by sampling from a non-uniform (normal) distribution based on analog hardware sources. We first validate the benefits of the proposed pipeline on the CIFAR-10 dataset. To further demonstrate its application for real-world scenarios, we present a case-study of microscopy image diagnostics for pathogen detection. We then evaluate benefits of implementing such a pipeline using OxRAM-based circuits for stochastic sampling as well as in-memory computing-based binarized multiplication. The proposed implementation is about 1,000 times more energy efficient compared to conventional floating-precision-based digital implementations, with memory savings of a factor of 45.

IEEE Trans Neural Netw Learn Syst ; 32(6): 2790-2796, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32701452


Deep learning and its applications have gained tremendous interest recently in both academia and industry. Restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) offer a key methodology to implement deep learning paradigms. This brief presents a novel approach for realizing hybrid CMOS-memristive-based deep generative models (DGMs). In our proposed DGM architecture, HfOx-based (filamentary-type switching) memristive devices are extensively used for realizing both computational as well as storage functions, such as: 1) synapses (weights); 2) internal neuron-state storage; 3) stochastic neuron activation; and 4) programmable signal normalization. To validate the proposed scheme, we have simulated two different architectures: 1) deep belief network (DBN) for classification and 2) stacked denoising autoencoder for the reconstruction of handwritten digits from the MNIST data set. The maximum test accuracy achieved by pretraining of the proposed DBN was 92.6%, whereas the best case mean squared error (mse) achieved by pretraining of the proposed SDA network was 0.046. When the proposed model-based weights are used for weight initialization, they offer a significant advantage in terms of learning performance in comparison with randomized initialization.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 2567, 2020 02 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32054872


von Neumann architecture based computers isolate computation and storage (i.e. data is shuttled between computation blocks (processor) and memory blocks). The to-and-fro movement of data leads to a fundamental limitation of modern computers, known as the Memory wall. Logic in-Memory (LIM)/In-Memory Computing (IMC) approaches aim to address this bottleneck by directly computing inside memory units thereby eliminating energy-intensive and time-consuming data movement. Several recent works in literature, propose realization of logic function(s) directly using arrays of emerging resistive memory devices (example- memristors, RRAM/ReRAM, PCM, CBRAM, OxRAM, STT-MRAM etc.), rather than using conventional transistors for computing. The logic/embedded-side of digital systems (like processors, micro-controllers) can greatly benefit from such LIM realizations. However, the pure storage-side of digital systems (example SSDs, enterprise storage etc.) will not benefit much from such LIM approaches as when memory arrays are used for logic they lose their core functionality of storage. Thus, there is the need for an approach complementary to existing LIM techniques, that's more beneficial for the storage-side of digital systems; one that gives compute capability to memory arrays not at the cost of their existing stored states. Fundamentally, this would require memory nanodevice arrays that are capable of storing and computing simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a novel 'Simultaneous Logic in-Memory' (SLIM) methodology which is complementary to existing LIM approaches in literature. Through extensive experiments we demonstrate novel SLIM bitcells (1T-1R/2T-1R) comprising non-filamentary bilayer analog OxRAM devices with NMOS transistors. Proposed bitcells are capable of implementing both Memory and Logic operations simultaneously. Detailed programming scheme, array level implementation, and controller architecture are also proposed. Furthermore, to study the impact of proposed SLIM approach for real-world implementations, we performed analysis for two applications: (i) Sobel Edge Detection, and (ii) Binary Neural Network- Multi layer Perceptron (BNN-MLP). By performing all computations in SLIM bitcell array, huge Energy Delay Product (EDP) savings of ≈75× for 1T-1R (≈40× for 2T-1R) SLIM bitcell were observed for edge-detection application while EDP savings of ≈3.5× for 1T-1R (≈1.6× for 2T-1R) SLIM bitcell were observed for BNN-MLP application respectively, in comparison to conventional computing. EDP savings owing to reduction in data transfer between CPU ↔ memory is observed to be ≈780× (for both SLIM bitcells).
