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Cureus ; 15(8): e43294, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37692632


Paratesticular leiomyosarcoma is a rare urologic cancer that arises from undifferentiated smooth muscles of the spermatic cord or epididymis. Few accounts of this cancer have been reported but previous reports have identified radiation and anabolic steroids as possible risk factors. We report a case of an 83-year-old man with a previous history of radiation therapy for prostate cancer, who presented with a painless left scrotal mass. Given the nonspecific presentation, a histopathological classification was warranted for a definitive diagnosis. The tumor was resected via simple orchiectomy and was diagnosed as a paratesticular grade III leiomyosarcoma without any further treatment. Patient had a follow-up CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis that was normal without metastasis. The patient's history of previous external beam radiation and now development of a secondary tumor sums to the few cases that have been previously reported with this association.

Educ. med. super ; 37(1)mar. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1440010


Introducción: Una vez diagnosticado el primer caso de COVID-19 en Cuba ya existía diseñado un escenario de capacitación para los estudiantes de todas las carreras de las ciencias médicas que en su formación deben interiorizar las responsabilidades que la medicina implica, y que no solo se limita a la adquisición de conocimientos científicos y académicos. Objetivo: Determinar los conocimientos de los estudiantes de las ciencias médicas de Camagüey para realizar la pesquisa activa a la COVID-19. Métodos: Se hizo un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal en septiembre de 2021. El universo de estudio fue de 2573 estudiantes, pertenecientes a todas las carreras de ciencias médicas, que se encontraban en el pesquisaje activo a la COVID-19 en el municipio Camagüey. Por muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia se seleccionó una muestra de 416 estudiantes en ocho áreas de salud de este municipio. Se elaboró y validó una encuesta descriptiva, cualitativa, personal, que contenía preguntas abiertas y cerradas. Resultados: La muestra estuvo representada por el sexo femenino en un 70,7 por ciento y el mayor porcentaje perteneció de la facultad de medicina con el 73 por ciento. El 55 por ciento respondió tener una buena preparación para la realización de la pesquisa activa a la COVID-19 y el 79,8 % reconoció a la televisión como la vía más significativa para la adquisición de los conocimientos. El 93,3 por ciento consideró los métodos clínico y epidemiológico como significativos para desarrollar la actividad. Conclusiones: En la presente investigación predominó el sexo femenino; asimismo, se reconoció a la televisión como la mejor vía para la adquisición de conocimientos y la mayoría de los participantes expresó el valor del método clínico epidemiológico para adquirir conocimientos. Se consideró que se debía dotar a los estudiantes de las herramientas para su autopreparación para explotar aún más el escenario virtual y las plataformas vigentes(AU)

Introduction: When the first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in Cuba, a training setting had already been designed for students of all the majors in the field of medical sciences who, as part of their training, should internalize the responsibilities that medicine implies, which is not only limited to the acquisition of scientific and academic knowledge. Objective: To determine the medical sciences students from Camagüey's knowledge for performing active COVID-19 screening. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in September 2021. The study universe was 2573 students, belonging to all the majors in the field of medical sciences who were involved in active COVID-19 screening within the Camagüey Municipality. A sample of 416 students was selected in eight health areas of this municipality, by using nonprobabilistic convenience sampling. A descriptive, qualitative, individual survey containing open and closed questions was elaborated and validated. Results: The sample was represented by the female sex in a 70.7 percent, while the highest percentage belonged to the medical school (73 percent). 55 percent responded that they had a good training for carrying out active COVID-19 screening and 79.8 percent recognized television as the most significant way for knowledge acquisition. 93.3 percent considered that the clinical and epidemiological methods were significant to develop the activity. Conclusions: In the present research, the female sex predominated. Likewise, television was recognized as the best way for knowledge acquisition and most of the participants expressed the value of the clinical-epidemiological method for acquiring knowledge. It was considered that students should be provided with the tools for self-training to exploit the virtual setting and the active platforms even more(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Investigación/educación , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , COVID-19/prevención & control , Televisión , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales , Estudio Observacional
Zookeys ; 1103: 79-122, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36761789


The US Virgin Islands (USVI) include St. John and St. Thomas on the Puerto Rican Platform (PRP) and St. Croix, isolated by 2000 m deep water 45 km south of that platform. Previous inventories of the marine fishes of these islands include a comprehensive 2014 checklist of the fishes of St. Croix and a list of the fishes of the PRP produced in 2000. The latter list noted the locations of many records of the plateau's fishes, allowing the construction of a combined inventory for St. John and St. Thomas. Those two islands are treated here as a single faunal unit because they are only 3.5 km apart on a shared shallow shelf with various islets and reefs in between. Here we provide updated information on those two USVI (St. Croix and St. John-Thomas) marine fish faunas. The additions to the St. Croix and St. John-Thomas inventories presented here are based on a combination of information from the two sources indicated above, more recent publications dealing with those faunas, a review of location records on various online sources of biogeographic data, and voucher photographs taken of fishes in the field by authors of this paper and other citizen scientists. This assessment increased the known fauna of St. Croix by 7.5% to 585 species. The inventory for St. John-Thomas increased by 39.9% from 401 species on the 2000 PRP list to 561 with the inclusion of records from other sources. On-site mtDNA (COI) barcodes are available for approximately one-third of the species of the St. John-Thomas fauna, but for only one species collected at St. Croix. A set of underwater photographs of 372 species (34 of them representing the sole record of a species) from St. John-Thomas and of 11 shallow-water species added to the St. Croix fauna is included. These represent occurrence vouchers and also are intended to facilitate future work that builds on the present compendium.

Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 25(4): e5063, 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341231


RESUMEN Introducción: el lenguaje oral está basado principalmente en la información acústica. La hipoacusia es la pérdida parcial de la capacidad auditiva. A partir de los 40 decibelios en adelante, su presencia repercute en la adquisición de las funciones del lenguaje y el desarrollo integral del niño. Objetivo: describir la evolución de un caso clínico hipoacúsico con implante coclear, tras la aplicación de una terapia auditivo-verbal. Presentación de caso: se presenta un niño de 10 años y siete meses de edad, con retraso en el desarrollo del lenguaje debido a una Hipoacusia Neurosensorial Bilateral Profunda de presunto origen congénito. Después de ser diagnosticado tempranamente con esta enfermedad, fue incluido en el Programa Nacional de Implante Coclear con vistas a mejorar sus capacidades auditivas y facilitar así la retroalimentación auditiva. Luego de la cirugía se le comenzó a aplicar una terapia auditivo verbal para propiciar la adquisición adecuada de las funciones del lenguaje. Conclusiones: los niños con problemas de audición pueden aprender a escuchar y a hablar mediante un diagnóstico y una intervención temprana, la tecnología apropiada y con la dedicación de padres y terapeutas que comparten la visión de darle voz al futuro del niño. Es importante tener en cuenta que el tratamiento adecuado, la capacidad intelectual de los niños y el ambiente familiar, condicionan la evolución exitosa de las terapias aplicadas.

ABSTRACT Introduction: oral language is mainly based on acoustic information. Hypoacusis is the partial loss of hearing capacity; from 40 decibels and above, its presence has an impact on the acquisition of language functions and the overall development of the child. Objective: to describe the evolution of a clinical case of a hearing impaired patient with cochlear implant after the application of an auditory-verbal therapy. Case report: a 10-year-old and 7 months boy with delayed language development due to a Deep Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss of presumed congenital origin, after being diagnosed early with this disease he was included in the National Cochlear Implant Program in order to improve his hearing abilities and thus facilitate auditory feedback. After surgery, he began to undergo auditory-verbal therapy to promote the proper acquisition of language functions. Conclusions: hearing impaired children can learn to listen and speak through early diagnosis and intervention, appropriate technology and with the perseverance of parents and therapists who share the vision of giving voice to the future of the child. It is important to keep in mind that the appropriate treatment, the intellectual capacity of children and the family environment condition the successful evolution of the therapies applied.

PeerJ ; 9: e11796, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35070514


Phytochemical diversity (PD) can be considered as a defensive trait; it can operate through single plant secondary metabolites or usually as complex mixtures of them. We tested the more diversity-better defense hypothesis correlating the leaf plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) with the incidence of plant enemies on Hass avocado trees. We expected a negative correlation between the occurrence of plant enemies and PD metrics. Also, as intraspecific PSMs polymorphisms in plant populations are common, we studied the incidence of plant enemies on Hass avocado trees representing chemical variants (chemotypes). We expected a differential incidence of plant enemies among trees grouped by their mono and sesquiterpene + phenylpropanoid chemotypes. We analyzed foliar hexane extracts from 236 trees in 17 orchards by gas chromatography and for the incidence of red mite, thrips, whitefly, avocado branch borer, fruit rot, scab, and peduncle collar blight. The predicted negative correlation between the plant enemies' incidence and the phytochemical metrics did not occur. To determine the relationship between enemy incidence and chemotypes we grouped the trees by cluster analysis using a matrix of PSMs in each tree. Most trees were grouped under four out of 23 chemotypes. Branch borers attacked trees of low-frequency chemotypes more frequently than trees with common chemotypes. The incidence of five plant enemies was different among the predominant chemotypes. The hypothesis of more diversity-better defense was not supported by the correlations between the phytochemical diversity and the incidence of pests and pathogens in Hass avocado orchards. Based on our results, we hypothesize that phytochemical diversity function as a defensive trait relies more on differentiation among individuals in a population than on the sole increase of chemical diversity. Also, the differential incidence of pests and pathogens on trees classified by their foliar chemotypes implies that these susceptibility or resistance markers represent potential useful tools for Hass avocado orchard pest management.

Zookeys ; 1007: 145-180, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33505184


Sint Eustatius (Statia) is a 21 km2 island situated in the northeastern Caribbean Sea. The most recent published sources of information on that island's marine fish fauna is in two non-governmental organization reports from 2015-17 related to the formation of a marine reserve. The species-list in the 2017 report was based on field research in 2013-15 using SCUBA diving surveys, shallow "baited underwater video surveys" (BRUVs), and data from fishery surveys and scientific collections over the preceding century. That checklist comprised 304 species of shallow (mostly) and deep-water fishes. In 2017 the Smithsonian Deep Reef Observation Project surveyed deep-reef fishes at Statia using the crewed submersible Curasub. That effort recorded 120 species, including 59 new occurrences records. In March-May 2020, two experienced citizen scientists completed 62 SCUBA dives there and recorded 244 shallow species, 40 of them new records for Statia. The 2017-2020 research effort increased the number of species known from the island by 33.6% to 406. Here we present an updated catalog of that marine fish fauna, including voucher photographs of 280 species recorded there in 2017 and 2020. The Statia reef-fish fauna likely is incompletely documented as it has few small, shallow, cryptobenthic species, which are a major component of the regional fauna. A lack of targeted sampling is probably the major factor explaining that deficit, although a limited range of benthic marine habitats may also be contributing.

PeerJ ; 6: e5444, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30128203


BACKGROUND: Despite numerous tests of Darwin's naturalization hypothesis (DNH) evidence for its support or rejection is still contradictory. We tested a DNH derived prediction stating that nonnative species (NNS) without native congeneric relatives (NCR) will spread to a greater number of localities than species with close relatives in the new range. This test controlled the effect of residence time (Rt) on the spread of NNS and used naturalized species beyond their lag phase to avoid the effect of stochastic events in the establishment and the lag phases that could obscure the NCR effects on NNS. METHODS: We compared the number of localities (spread) occupied by NNS with and without NCR using 13,977 herbarium records for 305 NNS of weeds. We regressed the number of localities occupied by NNS versus Rt to determine the effect of time on the spread of NNS. Then, we selected the species with Rt greater than the expected span of the lag phase, whose residuals were above and below the regression confidence limits; these NNS were classified as widespread (those occupying more localities than expected by Rt) and limited-spread (those occupying fewer localities than expected). These sets were again subclassified into two groups: NNS with and without NCR at the genus level. The number of NNS with and without NCR was compared using χ2 tests and Spearman correlations between the residuals and the number of relatives. Then, we grouped the NNS using 34 biological attributes and five usages to identify the groups' possible associations with spread and to test DNH. To identify species groups, we performed a nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis and evaluated the influences of the number of relatives, localities, herbarium specimens, Rt, and residuals of regression. The Spearman correlation and the Mann-Whitney U test were used to determine if the DNH prediction was met. Additionally, we used the clustering objects on subsets of attributes (COSA) method to identify possible syndromes (sets of biological attributes and usages) associated to four groups of NNS useful to test DNH (those with and without NCR and those in more and fewer localities than expected by Rt). RESULTS: Residence time explained 33% of the variation in localities occupied by nonnative trees and shrubs and 46% of the variation for herbs and subshrubs. The residuals of the regression for NNS were not associated with the number or presence of NCR. In each of the NMDS groups, the number of localities occupied by NNS with and without NCR did not significantly differ. The COSA analysis detected that only NNS with NCR in more and fewer localities than expected share biological attributes and usages, but they differ in their relative importance. DISCUSSION: Our results suggest that DNH does not explain the spread of naturalized species in a highly heterogeneous country. Thus, the presence of NCR is not a useful characteristic in risk analyses for naturalized NNS.

CCH, Correo cient. Holguín ; 21(1): 56-69, ene.-mar. 2017. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-839547


Introducción: la hipertensión arterial constituye actualmente un grave problema de salud a nivel mundial, que afecta por igual a las personas de países con mayor o menor desarrollo en materia de salud. La calidad de la atención en salud que se brinde es de vital importancia en la calidad de vida que tengan los individuos, de ahí, lo necesario de evaluar la calidad de la atención en salud dada a las personas hipertensas. Objetivo: elaborar una propuesta de criterios, indicadores y sus correspondientes estándares para la evaluación de las historias clínicas de los pacientes hipertensos en la Atención Primaria de Salud. Método: se realizó una investigación cualitativa tomando en consideración los aspectos que inciden en la evaluación de las historias clínicas de los pacientes hipertensos en la Atención Primaria de Salud. Se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos. Resultados: se diseña la propuesta de criterios, indicadores y estándares para la evaluación de las historias clínicas de los pacientes hipertensos en la Atención Primaria. Conclusiones: a partir de la revisión teórica realizada, se pudo llegar a una definición operativa para la construcción de cada uno de los criterios, indicadores y estándares a utilizar en la revisión de las historias clínicas de los pacientes hipertensos en la Atención Primaria de Salud.

Introduction: the hypertension constitutes a severe problem of worldwide health, which affects equally the people of countries with major or lesser development on the subject of health nowadays. The quality of health care is of vital importance in the quality of life of individuals, hence the need to evaluate the quality of health care for hypertensive individuals. Objective: to elaborate a proposal of criteria, indicators and their corresponding standards for the evaluation of the clinical histories of hypertensive patients in Primary Health Care. Method: a qualitative investigation was carried out taking into consideration the aspects that affect the evaluation of the clinical histories of hypertensive patients in the Primary Health Care. Theoretical and empirical methods were used. Results: the proposal of criteria, indicators and standards for the evaluation of clinical histories of hypertensive patients in Primary Health Care was designed. Conclusions: based on the theoretical review, an operational definition for the construction of each of the criteria, indicators and standards to be used in the review of the clinical histories of hypertensive patients in Primary Health Care was achieved.

Clin Drug Investig ; 35(7): 463-9, 2015 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26108190


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Status epilepticus (SE) is an important emergency situation associated with high morbidity and mortality. The goal of pharmacological therapy-rapid seizure termination-is only achieved in just over half of patients with first-line anti-epileptic drug (AED) therapy and many patients require second and higher lines of AEDs to achieve seizure termination; therefore, there is a clear need for more effective treatment options. Lacosamide is a relatively new AED and the intravenous formulation has shown promise for treatment of SE. The aim of the current study was to compare electroencephalographic (EEG) response and seizure termination with intravenous lacosamide (±other AEDs) in patients with convulsive versus non-convulsive SE, in a Spanish intensive care setting. METHODS: In this prospective, observational study, patients with convulsive or non-convulsive SE who received intravenous lacosamide 400 mg/day for 8 days were compared in terms of EEG response and seizure termination. Adverse events were not specifically assessed. RESULTS: Fifty-three patients (69.8 % male; mean age 55.2 years) were treated with lacosamide (mean dose 390.6 mg) as first- (20.8 %), second- (34 %), third (22.6 %) or fourth-line (22.6 %) treatment for convulsive (n = 23, 43.4 %) or non-convulsive (n = 30, 56.6 %) SE. The majority of patients (73.6 %) had a comorbid condition, predominantly hypertension (35.8 %), and most (79.2 %) received at least one concomitant AED, including midazolam (54.7 %), valproic acid (52.8 %), and levetiracetam (30.2 %). Patient characteristics and treatment received did not differ significantly between the convulsive and non-convulsive SE groups. EEG recordings following lacosamide treatment demonstrated the elimination of paroxysmal activity (disappearance and/or attenuation of epileptiform activity in >60 % of recording time) in 56.6 % of patients; 69.6 % of convulsive and 46.7 % of non-convulsive SE groups. Among all patients, 90.6 % showed some EEG improvement (disappearance of epileptiform activity in <30 % total recording time or disappearance and/or attenuation of epileptiform activity in 30-60 % total recording time); and there was no significant between-group difference for achievement of seizure termination (90.0 vs. 91.3 % for non-convulsive vs. convulsive SE). CONCLUSIONS: Intravenous lacosamide (±other AEDs) was similarly effective in patients with convulsive or non-convulsive SE. Further investigation into the use of lacosamide in the treatment of SE is warranted.

Acetamidas/uso terapéutico , Anticonvulsivantes/uso terapéutico , Estado Epiléptico/tratamiento farmacológico , Administración Intravenosa , Adulto , Anciano , Electroencefalografía/efectos de los fármacos , Femenino , Humanos , Lacosamida , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estudios Prospectivos , Estado Epiléptico/fisiopatología
Ginecol Obstet Mex ; 80(5): 373-7, 2012 May.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23301430

Feminismo , Ginecología
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; Rev. bras. anestesiol;55(5): 500-507, set.-out. 2005. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-422168


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As diferentes técnicas de oxigenação existentes têm o objetivo de produzir desnitrogenização prévia ao período de apnéia durante a indução. A principal razão em que a concentração inspirada de oxigênio (CIO2) não atinge 100 por cento é a falta de acoplamento adequado da máscara facial, permitindo a entrada de ar ambiente. Embora os anestesiologistas conheçam este princípio, nem todos o aplicam corretamente, facilitando a entrada de ar no fluxo de gases frescos (FGF) e, conseqüentemente, diluindo a CIO2. Este estudo procurou avaliar comparativamente, através da variação da CEO2, (concentração expirada de O2), a eficácia da técnica de oxigenação com máscara facial, nas condições habitualmente empregadas pelos anestesiologistas, simulando situações de vazamentos progressivos. MÉTODO: Foram estudadas as CEO2 de 15 voluntários, estado físico ASA I, submetidos à técnica de oxigenação com oito respirações profundas (capacidade vital) em 60s com fluxo de gás fresco de 10 L.min-¹. A máscara facial foi bem acoplada com CIO2 de 100 por cento (Ac100), ou variando de 50 por cento a 90 por cento (Ac50; Ac60; Ac70; Ac80; Ac90); máscara acoplada pela gravidade e CIO(2)100 por cento (Grav) e máscara a 1 cm da face e CIO2 a 100 por cento (Afast). A CEO2 foi registrada em intervalos de 10s até 60s. Nos testes estatísticos p < 0,05 foi considerado significativo. RESULTADOS: A CEO2 aumentou em todos os grupos (p < 0,001), mas somente o grupo Ac100 atingiu valores próximos do ideal (82,20 - 87). Comparando-se as CEO2 atingidas no final de 60s, observou-se diferença estatística significativa entre as técnicas Ac100 e Grav (82,20 e 65,87), mostrando que a utilização da máscara acoplada apenas pela gravidade não produziu oxigenação adequada. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos Grav e Ac70 (65,87 e 62,67) em todos momentos estudados, sugerindo que a técnica do acoplamento pela gravidade simula aos 60s, uma CIO2 de 70 por cento. A CEO2 média do grupo Afast atingiu valor de 47,20, que mostra que essa técnica pode ser associada a risco inaceitável de hipoxemia. CONCLUSÕES: Houve aumento progressivo da CEO2 em todos os grupos estudados, embora com redução da eficácia da técnica de oxigenação devida às várias situações de não acoplamento adequado...

Humanos , Máscaras Laríngeas , Oxígeno/administración & dosificación , Cuidados Preoperatorios
Rev Bras Anestesiol ; 55(5): 500-7, 2005 Oct.
Artículo en Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19468640


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Different oxygenation techniques aim at promoting denitrogenation before apnea during induction. The main reason why CIO2 = 100% cannot be reached is the lack of adequate face mask coupling, allowing the entry of room air. Although anesthesiologists know this principle, not all of them apply it correctly, facilitating the entry of air in fresh gases flow and consequently diluting CIO2. This prospective study was performed to comparatively evaluate, through the variation of oxygen expired concentration (CEO2), the efficacy of the oxygenation technique via face mask in the conditions routinely used by anesthesiologists, simulating situations of progressive leaks. METHODS: Oxygen end-tidal concentrations of 15 volunteers, physical status ASA I, were studied with 8 deep breaths (vital capacity) in 60 s with fresh gas flow of 10 L.min-1. The face mask was: tightly fitted with 100% CIO2 (Tf100) or varying from 50% to 90%, (Tf50, Tf60, Tf70, Tf80, Tf90); gravity-coupled to face and 100% CIO2 (Grav) and moved 1 cm away from face with 100% CIO2 (Aw). CEO2 was recorded at 10 s intervals. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: CEO2 has increased for all groups (p < 0.001), but only Tf100 reached values close to ideal (82.20 - 87). Comparing mean CEO2 of Grav and Tf100 at the end of 60s, (82.20 and 65.87) there was a difference of approximately 20% between both techniques, since gravity-coupled mask only did not provide adequate oxygenation. There were no significant differences between groups Tf70 and Grav (65.87 and 62.67) in all studied moments, suggesting that the latter simulates a 70% CIO2 at 60 s. Mean Aw group CEO2 increased to 47.20 at 60s showing that this technique may be associated to unacceptable risk of hypoxemia. CONCLUSIONS: All situations of face mask coupling gradually increased CEO2, although with decreased oxygenation efficacy due to situations of face mask malposition. This study has shown the need for attention during oxygenation, using well coupled face mask and eliminating normal practices of moved away or gravity-coupled masks.

Rev. bras. anestesiol ; Rev. bras. anestesiol;54(3): 335-342, maio-jun. 2004. tab
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-361723


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A pressão exercida pelo balonete do tubo traqueal contra a parede da traquéia deve permitir fluxo capilar adequado e prevenir escapes de ar ou aspiração pulmonar. Esta pesquisa procurou determinar as variações de pressão do balonete insuflado com ar ambiente ou com óxido nitroso a 100 por cento. MÉTODO: Trinta pacientes foram selecionados para receber anestesia geral balanceada com intubação orotraqueal. O balonete foi insuflado conforme critérios clínicos. As medidas de base foram realizadas após 15 minutos do início da anestesia com um manômetro aneróide calibrado em cm de H2O e forneceram os valores iniciais de pressão e volume. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: balonete reinsuflado com ar ambiente, grupo A, ou com óxido nitroso, grupo B. As medidas de pressão foram obtidas em intervalos até a primeira hora e os resultados comparados. RESULTADOS: Os grupos mostraram-se comparáveis para idade e sexo. Em ambos os grupos os valores basais médios para pressão foram próximos de 40 cmH2O com 8 ml de volume. No grupo com ar ambiente, as pressões aumentaram até 36 cmH2O em uma hora. No grupo de balonete insuflado com N2O, as pressões diminuíram abaixo de 20 cmH2O entre 20 e 30 minutos de anestesia. CONCLUSÕES: O uso de N2O a 100 por cento para insuflação do balonete de sonda traqueal não constitui método seguro, acarretando progressiva perda da capacidade de vedação. O uso de ar ambiente promove aumento de volume e de pressão no balonete, aumentando possibilidade de lesão da mucosa traqueal.

Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Humanos , Presión del Aire , Anestésicos por Inhalación/administración & dosificación , Intubación Intratraqueal/instrumentación , Óxido Nitroso/administración & dosificación
Rev Bras Anestesiol ; 54(3): 335-42, 2004 Jun.
Artículo en Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19471742


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Tracheal tube cuff pressure against tracheal wall should to prevent air leaked or pulmonary aspiration, allowing adequate capillary blood flow. This study aimed at determining pressure variations of tracheal tube cuffs filled with air or 100% nitrous oxide. METHODS: Participated in this study 30 patients submitted to balanced general anesthesia with tracheal intubation. Cuff was inflated according to clinical criteria. The intracuff pressure measurements were undertaken after 15 minutes of anesthesia by means of an aneroid manometer gaged in cm of H2O and have provided initial pressure and volume values. The patients was allocated in two groups: cuff inflated with air, group A, and with nitrous oxide, group B. Measurements were recorded during one hour and results were compared. Groups were homogeneous in gender and age. RESULTS: Both groups have shown baseline pressure values close to 40 cmH2O with 8 ml of volume. Group filled with air had pressures increased up to 36 cmH2O in one hour. Group filled with nitrous oxide had pressures decreased below 20 cmH2O after 20 to 30 minutes of anesthesia. CONCLUSIONS: 100% nitrous oxide to fill tracheal tube cuffs is not a safe method resulting in progressive air leakage. The cuff air promotes volume and pressure increase, with higher chances for tracheal mucosa injury.
