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Science ; 246(4936): 1454-9, 1989 Dec 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17755999


The infrared interferometer spectrometer on Voyager 2 obtained thermal emission spectra of Neptune with a spectral resolution of 4.3 cm(-1). Measurements of reflected solar radiation were also obtained with a broadband radiometer sensitive in the visible and near infrared. Analysis of the strong C(2)H(2) emission feature at 729 cm(-1) suggests an acetylene mole fraction in the range between 9 x 10(-8) and 9 x 10(-7). Vertical temperature profiles were derived between 30 and 1000 millibars at 70 degrees and 42 degrees S and 30 degrees N. Temperature maps of the planet between 80 degrees S and 30 degrees N were obtained for two atmospheric layers, one in the lower stratosphere between 30 and 120 millibars and the other in the troposphere between 300 and 1000 millibars. Zonal mean temperatures obtained from these maps and from latitude scans indicate a relatively warm pole and equator with cooler mid-latitudes. This is qualitatively similar to the behavior found on Uranus even though the obliquities and internal heat fluxes of the two planets are markedly different. Comparison of winds derived from images with the vertical wind shear calculated from the temperature field indicates a general decay of wind speed with height, a phenomenon also observed on the other three giant planets. Strong, wavelike longitudinal thermal structure is found, some of which appears to be associated with the Great Dark Spot. An intense, localizd cold region is seen in the lower stratosphere, which does not appear to be correlated with any visible feature. A preliminary estimate of the effective temperature of the planet yields a value of 59.3 +/- 1.0 kelvins. Measurements of Triton provide an estimate of the daytime surface temperature of 38(+3)(-4) kelvins.

Science ; 233(4759): 70-4, 1986 Jul 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17812891


The infrared interferometer spectrometer (IRIS) on Voyager 2 recorded thermal emission spectra of Uranus between 200 and 400 cm(-1) and of Miranda and Ariel between 200 and 500 cm(-1) with a spectral resolution of 4.3 cm(-1). Reflected solar radiation was also measured with a single-channel radiometer sensitive in the visible and near infrared. By combining IRIS spectra with radio science results, a mole fraction for atmospheric helium of 0.15 +/- 0.05 (mass fraction, 0.26 +/- 0.08) is found. Vertical temperature profiles between 60 and 900 millibars were derived from average polar and equatorial spectra. Temperatures averaged over a layer between 400 to 900 millibars show nearly identical values at the poles and near the equator but are 1 or 2 degrees lower at mid-latitudes in both hemispheres. The cooler zone in the southern hemisphere appears darker in reflected sunlight than the adjacent areas. An upper limit for the effective temperature of Uranus is 59.4 kelvins. Temperatures of Miranda and Ariel at the subsolar point are 86 +/- 1 and 84 +/- 1 kelvins, respectively, implying Bond albedos of 0.24 +/- 0.06 and 0.31 +/- 0.06, respectively. Estimates of phase integrals suggest that these satellites have unusual surface microstructure.

Science ; 215(4532): 544-8, 1982 Jan 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17771275


During the passage of Voyager 2 through the Saturn system, infrared spectral and radiometric data were obtained for Saturn, Titan, Enceladus, Tethys, Iapetus, and the rings. Combined Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 observations of temperatures in the upper troposphere of Saturn indicate a seasonal asymmetry between the northern and southern hemispheres, with superposed small-scale meridional gradients. Comparison of high spatial resolution data from the two hemispheres poleward of 60 degrees latitude suggests an approximate symmetry in the small-scale structure, consistent with the extension of a symmetric system of zonal jets into the polar regions. Longitudinal variations of 1 to 2 K are observed. Disk- averaged infrared spectra of Titan show little change over the 9-month interval between Voyager encounters. By combining Voyager 2 temperature measurements with ground-based geometric albedo determinations, phase integrals of 0.91 +/- 0.13 and 0.89 +/- 0.09 were derived for Tethys and Enceladus, respectively. The subsolar point temperature of dark material on Iapetus must exceed 110 K. Temperatures (and infrared optical depths) for the A and C rings and for the Cassini division are 69 +/- 1 K (0.40 +/- 0.05), 85 +/- 1 K (0.10 +/- 0.03), and 85 +/- 2 K (0.07 +/- 0.04), respectively.

Science ; 212(4491): 192-200, 1981 Apr 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17783829


During the passage of Voyager 1 through the Saturn system, the infrared instrument acquired spectral and radiometric data on Saturn, the rings, and Titan and other satellites. Infrared spectra of Saturn indicate the presence of H(2), CH(4), NH(3), PH(3), C(2)H(2), C(2)H(6), and possibly C(3)H(4) and C(3)H(8). A hydrogen mole fraction of 0.94 is inferred with an uncertainty of a few percent, implying a depletion of helium in the atmosphere of Saturn relative to that of Jupiter. The atmospheric thermal structure of Saturn shows hemisphere asymmetries that are consistent with a response to the seasonally varying insolation. Extensive small-scale latitudinal structure is also observed. On Titan, positive identifications of infrared spectral features are made for CH(4), C(2)H(2), C(2)H(4), C(2)H(6), and HCN; tentative identifications are made for C(3)H(4) and C(3)H(8). The infrared continuum opacity on Titan appears to be quite small between 500 and 600 cm(-1), implying that the solid surface is a major contributor to the observed emission over this spectral range; between 500 and 200 cm(-1) theopacity increases with decreasing wave number, attaining an optical thickness in excess of 2 at 200 cm(-1). Temperatures near the 1-millibar level are independent of longitude and local time but show a decrease of approximately 20 K between the equator and north pole, which suggests a seasonally dependent cyclostrophic zonal flow in the stratosphere of approximately 100 meters per second. Measurements of the C ring of Saturn yield a temperature of 85 +/- 1 K and an infrared optical depth of 0.09 +/- 0.01. Radiometer observations of sunlight transmitted through the ring system indicate an optical depth of 10(-1.3 +/-0.3) for the Cassini division. A phase integral of 1.02 +/- 0.06 is inferred for Rhea, which agrees with values for other icy bodies in the solar system. Rhea eclipse observations indicate the presence of surface materials with both high and low thermal inertias, the former most likely a blocky component and the latter a frost.

Science ; 206(4421): 952-6, 1979 Nov 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17733912


Infrared spectra obtainedfrom Voyager 2 have provided additional data on the Jovian system, complementing those obtained from Voyager 1. The abundance ratio of ethane to acetylene in Jupiter's atmosphere appears to be about three times larger in the polar regions than at lower latitudes. A decidedly hemispherical asymmetry exists, with somewhat higher ratios prevailing in northern latitudes. An overall increase in the abundance ratio by a factor of about 1.7 appears to have occurred between the Voyager 1 and 2 encounters. Global brightness temperature maps of Jupiter at 226 and 602 cm(-1) exhibit a large amount of local- and planetary-scale structure, as well as temporal variability. Although heterogeneous cloud structure and ammonia concentration in the lower troposphere may contribute to the appearance of the 226-cm(-1) map, the detail in the 602-cm(-1) maps probably represents the actual horizontal thermal structure near the tropopause and suggests that dynamical heating and cooling processes are important. Low-latitude surface temperatures on the Galilean satellites rangefrom approximately 80 K on the dark sides to 155 K at the subsolar point on Callisto. Below a thin insulating layer, the thermal inertia of Callisto is somewhat greater than that of Earth's moon. Upper limits on the infrared optical depth of the Jovian ring rangingfrom approximately 3 x 10(-4) at 250 cm(-1) to 3 x 10(-3) at 600 cm(-1) have been found.

Science ; 204(4396): 972-6, 1979 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17800431


The infrared spectroscopy and radiometry investigation has obtained spectra of Jupiter and its satellites between approximately 180 and 2500 cm(-1) with a spectral resolution of 4.3 cm(-1). The Jupiter spectra show clear evidence of H(2), CH(4) C(2)H(2), C(2)H(6), CH(3)D, NH(3), PH(3), H(2)O, and GeH(4). A helium concentration of 0.11 +/- 0.03 by volume is obtained. Meridional temperature cross sections show considerable structure. At high latitudes, the stratosphere is warmer in the north than in the south. The upper troposphere and lower stratosphere are locally cold over the Great Red Spot. Amalthea is warmer than expected. Considerable thermal structure is observed on Io, including a relatively hot region in the vicinity of a volcanic feature.
