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Phys Rev Lett ; 131(22): 222502, 2023 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38101341


Collinear laser spectroscopy was performed on the isomer of the aluminium isotope ^{26m}Al. The measured isotope shift to ^{27}Al in the 3s^{2}3p ^{2}P_{3/2}^{○}→3s^{2}4s ^{2}S_{1/2} atomic transition enabled the first experimental determination of the nuclear charge radius of ^{26m}Al, resulting in R_{c}=3.130(15) fm. This differs by 4.5 standard deviations from the extrapolated value used to calculate the isospin-symmetry breaking corrections in the superallowed ß decay of ^{26m}Al. Its corrected Ft value, important for the estimation of V_{ud} in the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix, is thus shifted by 1 standard deviation to 3071.4(1.0) s.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(22): 222503, 2023 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38101393


Isomers close to doubly magic _{28}^{78}Ni_{50} provide essential information on the shell evolution and shape coexistence near the Z=28 and N=50 double shell closure. We report the excitation energy measurement of the 1/2^{+} isomer in _{30}^{79}Zn_{49} through independent high-precision mass measurements with the JYFLTRAP double Penning trap and with the ISOLTRAP multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer. We unambiguously place the 1/2^{+} isomer at 942(10) keV, slightly below the 5/2^{+} state at 983(3) keV. With the use of state-of-the-art shell-model diagonalizations, complemented with discrete nonorthogonal shell-model calculations which are used here for the first time to interpret shape coexistence, we find low-lying deformed intruder states, similar to other N=49 isotones. The 1/2^{+} isomer is interpreted as the bandhead of a low-lying deformed structure akin to a predicted low-lying deformed band in ^{80}Zn, and points to shape coexistence in ^{79,80}Zn similar to the one observed in ^{78}Ni. The results make a strong case for confirming the claim of shape coexistence in this key region of the nuclear chart.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(15): 152501, 2022 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35499902


The impact of nuclear deformation can been seen in the systematics of nuclear charge radii, with radii generally expanding with increasing deformation. In this Letter, we present a detailed analysis of the precise relationship between nuclear quadrupole deformation and the nuclear size. Our approach combines the first measurements of the changes in the mean-square charge radii of well-deformed palladium isotopes between A=98 and A=118 with nuclear density functional calculations using Fayans functionals, specifically Fy(std) and Fy(Δr,HFB), and the UNEDF2 functional. The changes in mean-square charge radii are extracted from collinear laser spectroscopy measurements on the 4d^{9}5s ^{3}D_{3}→4d^{9}5p ^{3}P_{2} atomic transition. The analysis of the Fayans functional calculations reveals a clear link between a good reproduction of the charge radii for the neutron-rich Pd isotopes and the overestimated odd-even staggering: Both aspects can be attributed to the strength of the pairing correlations in the particular functional which we employ.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 4596, 2021 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34321487


Understanding the evolution of the nuclear charge radius is one of the long-standing challenges for nuclear theory. Recently, density functional theory calculations utilizing Fayans functionals have successfully reproduced the charge radii of a variety of exotic isotopes. However, difficulties in the isotope production have hindered testing these models in the immediate region of the nuclear chart below the heaviest self-conjugate doubly-magic nucleus 100Sn, where the near-equal number of protons (Z) and neutrons (N) lead to enhanced neutron-proton pairing. Here, we present an optical excursion into this region by crossing the N = 50 magic neutron number in the silver isotopic chain with the measurement of the charge radius of 96Ag (N = 49). The results provide a challenge for nuclear theory: calculations are unable to reproduce the pronounced discontinuity in the charge radii as one moves below N = 50. The technical advancements in this work open the N = Z region below 100Sn for further optical studies, which will lead to more comprehensive input for nuclear theory development.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(4): 042502, 2019 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30768318


Even mass neutron-rich niobium isotopes are among the principal contributors to the reactor antineutrino energy spectrum. They are also among the most challenging to measure due to the refractory nature of niobium, and because they exhibit isomeric states lying very close in energy. The ß-intensity distributions of ^{100gs,100m}Nb and ^{102gs,102m}Nb ß decays have been determined using the total absorption γ-ray spectroscopy technique. The measurements were performed at the upgraded Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line facility at the University of Jyväskylä. Here, the double Penning trap system JYFLTRAP was employed to disentangle the ß decay of the isomeric states. The new data obtained in this challenging measurement have a large impact in antineutrino summation calculations. For the first time the discrepancy between the summation model and the reactor antineutrino measurements in the region of the shape distortion has been reduced.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(26): 262701, 2018 Jun 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30004755


The rare-earth peak in the r-process abundance pattern depends sensitively on both the astrophysical conditions and subtle changes in nuclear structure in the region. This work takes an important step towards elucidating the nuclear structure and reducing the uncertainties in r-process calculations via precise atomic mass measurements at the JYFLTRAP double Penning trap. ^{158}Nd, ^{160}Pm, ^{162}Sm, and ^{164-166}Gd have been measured for the first time, and the precisions for ^{156}Nd, ^{158}Pm, ^{162,163}Eu, ^{163}Gd, and ^{164}Tb have been improved considerably. Nuclear structure has been probed via two-neutron separation energies S_{2n} and neutron pairing energy metrics D_{n}. The data do not support the existence of a subshell closure at N=100. Neutron pairing has been found to be weaker than predicted by theoretical mass models. The impact on the calculated r-process abundances has been studied. Substantial changes resulting in a smoother abundance distribution and a better agreement with the solar r-process abundances are observed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(7): 072501, 2016 Feb 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26943530


The atomic mass relations among the mass triplet ^{96}Zr, ^{96}Nb, and ^{96}Mo have been determined by means of high-precision mass measurements using the JYFLTRAP mass spectrometer at the IGISOL facility of the University of Jyväskylä. We report Q values for the ^{96}Zr single and double ß decays to ^{96}Nb and ^{96}Mo, as well as the Q value for the ^{96}Nb single ß decay to ^{96}Mo, which are Q_{ß}(^{96}Zr)=163.96(13), Q_{ßß}(^{96}Zr)=3356.097(86), and Q_{ß}(^{96}Nb)=3192.05(16) keV. Of special importance is the ^{96}Zr single ß-decay Q value, which has never been determined directly. The single ß decay, whose main branch is fourfold unique forbidden, is an alternative decay path to the ^{96}Zr ßß decay, and its observation can provide one of the most direct tests of the neutrinoless ßß-decay nuclear-matrix-element calculations, as these can be simultaneously performed for both decay paths with no further assumptions. The theoretical single ß-decay rate has been re-evaluated using a shell-model approach, which indicates a ^{96}Zr single ß-decay lifetime within reach of an experimental verification. The uniqueness of the decay also makes such an experiment interesting for an investigation into the origin of the quenching of the axial-vector coupling constant g_{A}.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 86(12): 123501, 2015 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26724021


An inductively heated hot cavity catcher has been constructed for the production of low-energy ion beams of exotic, neutron-deficient Ag isotopes. A proof-of-principle experiment has been realized by implanting primary (107)Ag(21+) ions from a heavy-ion cyclotron into a graphite catcher. A variable-thickness nickel foil was used to degrade the energy of the primary beam in order to mimic the implantation depth expected from the heavy-ion fusion-evaporation recoils of N = Z (94)Ag. Following implantation, the silver atoms diffused out of the graphite and effused into the catcher cavity and transfer tube, where they were resonantly laser ionized using a three-step excitation and ionization scheme. Following mass separation, the ions were identified by scanning the frequency of the first resonant excitation step while recording the ion count rate. Ion release time profiles were measured for different implantation depths and cavity temperatures with the mean delay time varying from 10 to 600 ms. In addition, the diffusion coefficients for silver in graphite were measured for temperatures of 1470 K, 1630 K, and 1720 K, from which an activation energy of 3.2 ± 0.3 eV could be determined.
