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Rev Sci Instrum ; 83(6): 066103, 2012 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22755669


The helical pulsed forming line (PFL) can generate longer duration rectangular pulse in a smaller length. A compact PFL using helical water line is designed and experimentally investigated. The impedance of the helical PFL is 22 [ohm sign]. The compactness is achieved in terms of reduction in length of the PFL by a factor of 5.5 using helical water PFL as compared to coaxial water PFL of same length. The helical PFL was pulsed charged to 200 kV using a high voltage pulse transformer in 4.5 µs and discharged into the matched 22 Ω resistive load through a self-breakdown pressurized spark gap switch. The rectangular voltage pulse of 100 kV, 260 ns (FWHM) is measured across the load. The effect of reduction in water temperature on the pulse width is also studied experimentally. The increase in pulse width up to 7% more is observed by reducing the temperature of the deionized water to 5 °C. It will further reduce the length of the PFL and make the system small for compact pulsed power drivers.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 82(11): 115102, 2011 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22129008


Ceramic material has very high relative permittivity, so compact pulse forming line can be made using these materials. Barium titanate (BaTiO(3)) has a relative permittivity of 1200 so it is used for making compact pulse forming line (PFL). Barium titanate also has piezoelectric effects so it cracks during high voltages discharges due to stresses developed in it. Barium titanate is mixed with rubber which absorbs the piezoelectric stresses when the PFL is charged and regain its original shape after the discharge. A composite mixture of barium titanate with the neoprene rubber is prepared. The relative permittivity of the composite mixture is measured to be 85. A coaxial pulse forming line of inner diameter 120 mm, outer diameter 240 mm, and length 350 mm is made and the composite mixture of barium titanate and neoprene rubber is filled between the inner and outer cylinders. The PFL is charged up to 120 kV and discharged into 5 Ω load. The voltage pulse of 70 kV, 21 ns is measured across the load. The conventional PFL is made up of oil or plastics dielectrics with the relative permittivity of 2-10 [D. R. Linde, CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 90th ed. (CRC, 2009); Xia et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 086113 (2008); Yang et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 43303 (2010)], which increases the length of PFL. We have reported the compactness in length achieved due to increase in relative permittivity of composite mixture by adding barium titanate in neoprene rubber.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 82(10): 106103, 2011 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22047341


The experimental results of an air-core pulse transformer are presented, which is very compact (<10 Kg in weight) and is primed by a capacitor bank that is fabricated in such a way that the capacitor bank with its switch takes the shape of single-turn rectangular shaped primary of the transformer. A high voltage capacitor assembly (pulse-forming-line capacitor, PFL) of 5.1 nF is connected with the secondary of transformer. The transformer output voltage is 160 kV in its second peak appearing in less than 2 µS from the beginning of the capacitor discharge. The primary capacitor bank can be charged up to a maximum of 18 kV, with the voltage delivery of 360 kV in similar capacitive loads.
