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Rev Sci Tech ; 39(3): 725-735, 2020 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35275140


Emerging pathogens of honey bees represent an important threat to the development of the beekeeping sector. The implementation of biosecurity measures in beekeeping (BMBs) plays an essential role in supporting honey bee health within the beekeeping sector. A group of experts, in collaboration with the BPRACTICES (Grant Agreement No. 696231, European Research Area on Sustainable Animal Production Systems [ERA-Net SusAn]) project partners, has provided the definition of BMBs. Thus, BMBs are all those operational activities implemented to control the risk of introduction and spread of specific honey bee disease agents. In this paper, the BMBs in the European beekeeping context are identified for the most relevant honey bee diseases in Europe: varroosis, American foulbrood (AFB), European foulbrood (EFB), nosemosis and aethinosis. Moreover, BMBs were classified in â€Ëœcategories' adapted to consider productivity and the â€ËœOne Health' approach: human health, honey bee health and protection of the environment. The 84 BMBs described by the panel of experts were ranked according to the priority score attributed. The implementation of BMBs represents an essential step forwards to increase the resilience and sustainability of European beekeeping.

L'émergence de nouveaux agents pathogènes chez les abeilles mellifères représente une menace importante pour le développement du secteur apicole. La mise en oeuvre de mesures de biosécurité en apiculture est déterminante pour préserver la santé des abeilles mellifères dans les élevages. En collaboration avec des partenaires du projet BPRACTICES (convention de subvention n° 696231, programme ERA-Net SusAn [European Research Area on Sustainable Animal Production Systems]), un groupe d'experts a élaboré un cadre définissant ces mesures de biosécurité. Sont définies comme mesures de biosécurité en apiculture toutes les activités opérationnelles mises en oeuvre pour contrôler le risque d'introduction et de propagation d'agents pathogènes affectant spécifiquement les abeilles mellifères. Les auteurs décrivent les mesures de biosécurité applicables, dans le contexte apicole européen, aux maladies les plus importantes en Europe : la varroose, la loque américaine, la loque européenne, la nosémose et l'infestation par Aethina tumida. En outre, les mesures de biosécurité en apiculture ont été regroupées en « catégories ¼ afin de prendre en compte la productivité et l'approche « Une seule santé ¼ : santé humaine, santé des abeilles mellifères et protection de l'environnement. Les 84 mesures de biosécurité en apiculture décrites par le groupe d'experts ont été classées en fonction du niveau de priorité qui leur a été attribué. La mise en oeuvre de ces mesures représente une étape cruciale pour accroître la résilience et la durabilité de l'apiculture européenne.

Los agentes patógenos emergentes que afectan a la abeja melífera suponen una importante amenaza para el desarrollo del sector apícola. La aplicación de medidas de seguridad biológica dentro de este sector cumple una función esencial para proteger la salud de las abejas. En colaboración con asociados en el proyecto BPRACTICES (acuerdo de subvención nº 696231, programa ERA-Net SusAn [Espacio Europeo de Investigación - «Sistemas sostenibles de producción animal¼]), un grupo de expertos definió las «medidas de seguridad biológica en apicultura¼ como todas aquellas acciones realizadas para controlar el riesgo de penetración y propagación de agentes patógenos de la abeja melífera. Los autores, situándose en el contexto de la apicultura europea, exponen las medidas de seguridad biológica que ayudan a controlar las principales enfermedades de la abeja melífera en Europa: varroosis, loque americana, loque europea, nosemosis y aethinosis (infestación por el escarabajo de las colmenas). Por otra parte, estas medidas fueron divididas en diferentes «categorías¼ para poder tener en cuenta las cuestiones de productividad y el enfoque de «Una sola salud¼: salud humana, salud de la abeja melífera y protección del medio ambiente. Las 84 medidas de seguridad biológica en apicultura que describió el cuadro de expertos fueron jerarquizadas en función de una puntuación atribuida por su nivel de prioridad. La aplicación de este tipo de medidas representa un crucial paso adelante para conferir más resiliencia a la apicultura europea y hacerla más sostenible.

Rev Sci Tech ; 38(3): 879-890, 2019 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32286561


Modern European beekeeping is facing numerous challenges due to a variety of factors, mainly related to globalisation, agrochemical pollution and environmental changes. In addition to this, new pathogens threaten the health of European honey bees. In that context, correct colony management should encompass a wider vision, where productivity aspects are linked to a One Health approach in order to protect honey bees, humans and the environment. This paper describes a novel tool to be applied in beekeeping operations: good beekeeping practices (GBPs). The authors ranked a list of GBPs scored against their importance and validated by an international team, including researchers, national animal health authorities and international beekeepers' associations. These activities were carried out in the project 'BPRACTICES', approved within the transnational call of the European Research Area Network on Sustainable Animal Production (ERA-NET SusAn) in the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme of the European Union. This study, created through an international collaboration, aims to present an innovative and implementable approach, similar to applications already adopted in other livestock production systems.

L'apiculture moderne européenne est confrontée à de nombreuses difficultés dues à divers facteurs, pour la plupart liés à la mondialisation, à la pollution agrochimique et à la modification de l'environnement. À ces facteurs s'ajoute l'émergence de nouveaux agents pathogènes qui menacent la santé des abeilles mellifères d'Europe. Dans ce contexte, une gestion appropriée des colonies d'abeilles devrait reposer sur une vision plus large, dans laquelle les aspects relevant de la productivité sont examinés suivant une approche « Une seule santé ¼ afin de protéger les abeilles mellifères, les humains et l'environnement. Les auteurs décrivent un nouvel outil destiné à l'apiculture : les bonnes pratiques apicoles. Ils ont évalué et classé par ordre d'importance une liste de bonnes pratiques apicoles validées par une équipe internationale composée de chercheurs, d'autorités nationales de la santé animale et d'associations internationales d'apiculteurs. Ces activités ont été conduites dans le cadre du projet « BPRACTICES ¼, proposition retenue suite à l'appel à projets transnationaux du réseau ERA­NET SusAn (European Research Area Network on Sustainable Animal Production) au sein du Programme Horizon 2020 de l'Union européenne pour la recherche et l'innovation. Conçue sous forme de collaboration internationale, cette étude vise à proposer une approche innovante et pratique, similaire aux applications précédemment adoptées dans d'autres systèmes de production animale.

La apicultura europea hace frente a numerosos problemas resultantes de diversos factores, relacionados principalmente con la mundialización, la contaminación agroquímica y los cambios ambientales, a todo lo cual se suman nuevos patógenos que amenazan la salud de las abejas melíferas europeas. En este contexto, una correcta gestión de las colonias debe traer aparejada una visión más global, en la que las cuestiones de productividad se consideren en clave de «Una sola salud¼ con objeto de proteger tanto a las abejas melíferas como a las personas y el medio ambiente. En este artículo se describe una novedosa herramienta aplicable a la actividad apícola: las buenas prácticas de apicultura. Los autores jerarquizaron una serie de buenas prácticas de apicultura seleccionadas, validadas y puntuadas según su importancia por un equipo internacional que incluía a investigadores, autoridades nacionales de sanidad animal y asociaciones internacionales de apicultores. Este trabajo formaba parte del proyecto «BPRACTICES¼, aprobado con ocasión de la convocatoria internacional abierta por la Red del espacio europeo de investigación en sanidad animal sostenible (ERA­NET SusAn), inscrita a su vez en Horizonte 2020, el programa de investigación e innovación de la Unión Europea. El estudio aquí descrito, fruto de la colaboración internacional, tiene por objeto presentar un planteamiento novedoso y viable, parecido a las aplicaciones ya implantadas en otros sistemas de producción animal.

Apicultura/normas , Animales , Abejas , Unión Europea , Granjas
Prev Vet Med ; 111(1-2): 76-80, 2013 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23711505


The study was conducted to assess the technical feasibility of studying the spatial and temporal interaction of traditionally herded livestock and wildlife using global positioning system (GPS) tracking technology in Northern Kenya. Two types of collars were used on nine cows: radio frequency and global system for mobile communications (GSM) collars and GPS-satellite (SAT) collars. Full results of cattle tracking were available for eight cows (3 GSM and 5 SAT) tracked between July 2008 and September 2010. A cumulative total of 1556 tracking days was recorded over the 17 month period. On average cows walked 10,203 m/day (average total monthly distance walked was 234 km). Significant seasonal differences were found; on average cows walked 9.607 m and 10,392 m per day in the rainy and the dry seasons, respectively. This difference was also significant for total monthly and daily distance walked between the dry and the rainy season. On average cows walked daily 9607 m and 10,392 m on the rainy and the dry season respectively. During the dry months a 48 h cycle was observed with cows walking 15-25 km to water every 2nd day but only 5-8 km/day between watering days. There was a 24% overlap of cattle range with both elephants and zebras. This study demonstrated the feasibility of tracking cattle using radio collars. It shows the complexity of spatial use by cattle and wildlife. Such information can be used to understand the dynamics of disease transmission between livestock and wildlife.

Distribución Animal , Bovinos/fisiología , Elefantes/fisiología , Equidae/fisiología , Sistemas de Información Geográfica/instrumentación , Tecnología de Sensores Remotos/métodos , Crianza de Animales Domésticos , Animales , Kenia , Tecnología de Sensores Remotos/instrumentación
Zoonoses Public Health ; 60(3): 227-33, 2013 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22776734


We assessed the potential of white-tailed deer (WTD) (Odocoileus virginianus) to be a sentinel for human cases of Lyme disease (LD) in Indiana using location data from a 3-year survey of approximately 3400 hunted deer with associated tick Ixodes scapularis and Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) data. Data on human LD cases at the county level were obtained from the Indiana Department of Health. All data were assigned to county centroids to match the resolution of the LD data before creating optimized trend surfaces for LD incidence, hunted deer count, Ixodes scapularis and Bb prevalence. To determine whether LD was spatially associated with the areas of high densities of deer, deer with Ixodes scapularis and deer with ticks infected with Bb, we used spatial analysis with distance indices (SADIE). The SADIE analysis found significant spatial association between LD and the distribution of three organismal predictor variables, that is, WTD, Ixodes ticks and Bb. Lyme disease incident rate varied between 0.08 cases per 10,000 habitants (Johnson county) and 5.9 cases per 10,000 habitants (Warren county). In conclusion, WTD can be used as an accurate and cost-effective sentinel for human LD. This method will permit public health workers to identify potentially endemic areas independently of human case reports.

Borrelia burgdorferi/fisiología , Ciervos , Ixodes/microbiología , Enfermedad de Lyme/epidemiología , Infestaciones por Garrapatas/epidemiología , Animales , Recolección de Datos , Ciervos/microbiología , Ciervos/parasitología , Humanos , Incidencia , Indiana/epidemiología , Enfermedad de Lyme/microbiología , Enfermedad de Lyme/prevención & control , Prevalencia , Vigilancia de Guardia , Análisis Espacial
J Med Entomol ; 47(3): 458-65, 2010 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20496594


The objective of this study was to assess whether the distribution of Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, and its vector tick Ixodes scapularis Say (Acari: Ixodidae) across Indiana is influenced by large-scale landscape features, specifically the proportion of forest within the surrounding landscape and the distance to water features such as lakes and major streams. Hunter-killed deer were checked for ticks in designated check-stations in the opening firearm hunting season between 2005 and 2007. Hunting locations for approximately 3,600 deer were used in ArcGIS (ESRI, Redlands, CA) to examine the influence of forest and water features in the surrounding area on the occurrence of the tick and bacteria. In total, 82 of the 92 (89%) Indiana counties were sampled from 2005 to 2007. The proportion of tick-infested deer was 13.6, 15.8, and 25.5% in these years, respectively. There was a significant nonlinear response for I. scapularis to forest cover in 1 yr that indicated a greater probability of this tick presence at intermediate levels of forest area. Infested does were harvested in significantly more forested areas than bucks. No significant correlation was found neither between levels of forest area and B. burgdorferi nor between water bodies and both organisms.

Borrelia burgdorferi/genética , Ixodes/microbiología , Animales , Borrelia burgdorferi/aislamiento & purificación , Cartilla de ADN , Ciervos/microbiología , Humanos , Indiana , Insectos Vectores , Ixodes/genética , Enfermedad de Lyme/epidemiología , Enfermedad de Lyme/transmisión , Enfermedad de Lyme/veterinaria , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa , Densidad de Población , Análisis de Regresión , Árboles
J Dairy Sci ; 92(10): 4929-36, 2009 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19762809


Quantification of the financial effect of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection on lactation performance is essential to encourage participation of dairy cattle producers in Johne's disease (JD) control programs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the differences in net income per lactation of cows shedding Mycobacterium paratuberculosis before calving compared with test-negative cows. Two Minnesota dairies were enrolled in the study and fecal samples were collected from 1,048 cows during the close-up period. Milk production, clinical diseases (other than clinical JD), and reproductive performance data were recorded for each cow. Overall, fecal-culture-positive (FCP) cows produced 1,355 kg less than fecal-culture-negative (FCN) cows. Fecal-culture-positive cows that survived their current lactation produced $276 less in milk income than cows that were FCN ($1,956 vs. $1,680; SD $526, $570). Fecal-culture-positive cows were 3.0 (95% confidence interval: 1.6-5.8) times more likely to be culled than FCN cows. The mean days open (number of days from calving to conception) was not statistically significant and the cost differences for clinical disease other than JD were small and neither statistically nor economically significant between FCP and FCN cows. Among all FCP cows, income over feed costs losses were $366 per cow per lactation compared with FCN cows. Among FCP nonculled cows, income over feed costs losses were $276 more compared with FCN cows and this difference was statistically significant. There was a total loss of $155 per lactation for nonculled FCP cows retained in the herd compared with FCN cows retained in the herd. Among culled cows, FCP cow losses were $50 less because of age at culling and $120 for reduced beef value. This totaled a loss of $441 for culled FCP cows compared with culled FCN cows. The losses as a result of lower lactation performance and early culling from the herd should alarm dairy producers and motivate them to implement the appropriate control measures for the disease.

Bovinos/microbiología , Industria Lechera/economía , Lactancia/fisiología , Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis/aislamiento & purificación , Alimentación Animal/economía , Animales , Bovinos/fisiología , Enfermedades de los Bovinos/economía , Enfermedades de los Bovinos/microbiología , Enfermedades de los Bovinos/prevención & control , Costos y Análisis de Costo , Heces/microbiología , Femenino , Renta , Leche/economía , Minnesota , Paratuberculosis/economía , Paratuberculosis/prevención & control , Embarazo , Reproducción
J Wildl Dis ; 45(3): 653-60, 2009 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19617475


The objective of the current study was to elucidate the within-host dynamics of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) type-1 infection to better understand how this virus could be maintained in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus, WTD) populations. The BVDV type-1 used in this study was originally isolated from a free-ranging WTD in Indiana. Four fawns were intranasally inoculated with 2 ml BVDV type-1 strain 544 WTD at a 10(6) tissue culture infectious dose (TCID(50))/ml. Two fawns were inoculated with sham inoculum (negative controls). Animals were bled on days -7, 0, 1, 7, and 14 postinoculation (PID) for a complete blood count, chemistry panel, buffy coat (BC), real-time RT-PCR, and virus neutralization (VN). On days 7 and 14 PID, nasal and rectal swabs were obtained for RT-PCR and two of the virus-inoculated fawns and one of the negative controls fawns were euthanized. At necropsy, multiple samples were obtained for histopathology and in situ hybridization (ISH). Quantitative RT-PCR was performed on serum, BC, nasal, and rectal swabs. All animals tested negative for BVDV type 1 neutralizing antibodies on day 0 and animals in the control group remained seronegative throughout the study. No gross lesions were observed at necropsy. BVDV was isolated from lung and pooled lymph nodes from all BVDV-inoculated fawns on days 7 and 14 PID. Infected deer had lymphoid depletion, apoptosis, and lymphoid necrosis in the Peyer's patches and mesenteric lymph nodes. BVDV was detected in lymphoid tissues of infected animals by ISH. No lesions or virus were identified in control fawns. On day 7 PID, samples from two virus-inoculated fawns were positive for BVDV by virus isolation and RT-PCR from BC and nasal swab samples. One fawn was also positive on a rectal swab. Nasal and rectal swabs from all animals were negative on day 14. Results indicate that infection of WTD with BVDV is possible, and leads to histologic lesions in variety of tissues. In addition, virus shedding into the environment through feces and other secretions is likely.

Ciervos/inmunología , Ciervos/virología , Virus de la Diarrea Viral Bovina Tipo 1 , Infecciones por Pestivirus/veterinaria , Animales , Animales Recién Nacidos , Animales Salvajes , Virus de la Diarrea Viral Bovina Tipo 1/aislamiento & purificación , Virus de la Diarrea Viral Bovina Tipo 1/patogenicidad , Virus de la Diarrea Viral Bovina Tipo 1/fisiología , Susceptibilidad a Enfermedades/veterinaria , Interacciones Huésped-Patógeno , Hibridación in Situ/veterinaria , Pruebas de Neutralización/veterinaria , Infecciones por Pestivirus/inmunología , Infecciones por Pestivirus/transmisión , Infecciones por Pestivirus/virología , Especificidad de la Especie , Esparcimiento de Virus
J Dairy Sci ; 87(9): 2959-66, 2004 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15375057


The objective of this study was to characterize the distribution of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (Map) in the environment of infected and uninfected Minnesota dairy farms. Eighty herds known to be infected from Minnesota's Johne's Disease Control Program (JDCP) and 28 herds known to be uninfected from Minnesota Voluntary Johne's Disease Herd Status Program (VJDHSP) were sampled. Fecal samples from up to 100 cows in each herd were cultured in pools of 5 cows. Two environmental samples were obtained from each farm from various locations. All samples were tested using bacterial culture for Map. Eighty percent of the JDCP herds had at least one positive pool. Environmental samples were cultured positive in 78% of the JDCP herds. Two (7%) of the VJDHSP herds had one positive pool, and one herd had one positive environmental sample. Environmental samples were cultured positive in cow alleyways (77% of the herds), manure storage (68%), calving area (21%), sick cow pen (18%), water runoff (6%), and postweaned calves areas (3%). There was an association between maximum level of colonies per tube from cow alleyways and manure storage and fecal pool prevalence. Herds with both areas cultured negative were estimated to have 0.3 to 4% fecal pool prevalence. Herds with both areas having a heavy load of bacteria were estimated to have 53 to 73% fecal pool prevalence. The study results indicate that targeted sampling of cow alleyways and manure storage areas appears to be an alternative strategy for herd screening and Johne's infection status assessment and for estimating herd fecal prevalence.

Enfermedades de los Bovinos/microbiología , Industria Lechera , Microbiología Ambiental , Infecciones por Mycobacterium/veterinaria , Mycobacterium avium/aislamiento & purificación , Animales , Bovinos , Heces/microbiología , Femenino , Minnesota , Infecciones por Mycobacterium/microbiología
Artículo en Ruso | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14571671


The article addresses the problem of subjective body experience in patients with somatoform mental disorders. Perspectives of multi-axial model of subjective body experience and methodical approaches to its descriptions are discussed. Different variants of body experience organization are described. Clinical peculiarities of somatoform mental disorders were closely connected with the complicated structure of body experience. Main processes involving body experience are those of self-identification structuring: determination of the borders of subjectivity, relations with objects, representation of self-ego. An analysis of structure of subjective body experience enabled to work out differentiated psychotherapeutic approaches to complex rehabilitation of patients with somatoform mental disorders.

Imagen Corporal , Trastornos de la Percepción/etiología , Autoimagen , Trastornos Somatomorfos/psicología , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Trastornos Somatomorfos/diagnóstico
Artículo en Ruso | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14564772


Limitations and difficulties of clinical characteristics of mental disorders, manifesting in symptoms of body sphere, are described. The conceptions of body and subjective body experience, assuming that body sensations are involved in self-identification and self-ego formation and connected with cognitive, social and cultural aspects of subjective experience, are discussed. To evaluate phenomenological, biographical, psychodynamic, cognitive and socio-cultural context of body sensations appearance in somatoform mental disorders, the multi-axial model of subjective body experience description is suggested.

Hipocondriasis/psicología , Trastornos Somatomorfos/psicología , Humanos , Autoimagen
J Dairy Sci ; 85(5): 1157-64, 2002 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12086051


Our objectives were to evaluate the effect of left displacement of abomasum (LDA) after correction by toggle-pin suture (TPS) on lactation performance, reproduction and health in Holstein dairy cows in a commercial dairy farm. Cows diagnosed with LDA and corrected by the TPS procedure (188 cows) during the first 70 d postpartum were matched with control herd-mates (186 controls) according to lactation number, calving date, and previous lactation 305-d mature equivalent milk yield. Cows were grouped according to parity and days in milk and fed the same total mixed ration throughout a 321-d lactation. Data collected included yields of milk and 3.5% fat-corrected milk (FCM), concentration and yields of milk fat, somatic cell count, incidence of mastitis, abortion, death and culling, in addition to reproductive measures. Cows affected with LDA corrected by the TPS procedure produced less milk and tended to produce less 3.5% FCM than control cows, but the decrease in production occurred only during the first 4 mo of lactation. Left displacement of abomasum did not affect the interval from calving to conception and conception rates, but it extended the period from calving to first postpartum artificial insemination. Incidences of abortions and mastitis were not influenced by LDA. Cows affected with LDA remained in the study for a shorter period than their control herdmates, and higher proportions of cows with LDA were sold or died. Death and culling were more pronounced immediately after the diagnosis of LDA and the TPS procedure.

Abomaso , Enfermedades de los Bovinos/cirugía , Lactancia , Reproducción , Gastropatías/veterinaria , Abomaso/patología , Abomaso/cirugía , Animales , Bovinos , Enfermedades de los Bovinos/mortalidad , Enfermedades de los Bovinos/fisiopatología , Femenino , Estado de Salud , Mastitis Bovina/epidemiología , Embarazo , Gastropatías/fisiopatología , Gastropatías/cirugía , Tasa de Supervivencia