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J Ethnobiol Ethnomed ; 17(1): 3, 2021 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33413514


BACKGROUND: This article presents, from an ethnoecological perspective, the worldviews, traditional knowledge, and cultural practices of Amazonian riverine people involved in the extraction of miriti fruits (Mauritia flexuosa L.f.), in a context of increasing market demand for miriti fruits and of pressure for the intensification of açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) production on the Sirituba island, in Abaetetuba, Brazil. METHODS: Methods used were participant observation and non-directive interviews with 22 extractive families of miriti from the Santa Maria and Costa Sirituba communities, on Sirituba Island, in Abaetetuba, Pará, Brazil. Non-structured interviews were used to analyze the knowledge about the species, history of miriti extraction, the traditions, and innovations related to this activity over time. Participant observation took place when riverine individuals were working with miriti fruits, in order to grasp the "codes" that permeate the human-nature relationships embedded in this production system. RESULTS: It was verified that the riverine peoples have a great knowledge about the palm tree, which is reflected in their own classification systems and management practices that allow the sustainable extraction of the fruits, avoiding, for example, cutting the miriti palms. In addition, a reciprocity relationship was observed between riverine peoples and miriti palm that are personified and preserved, contributing to the conservation of the species in the floodplain, even with the intensification of açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) production. Another important aspect is the collective work involving all the members of the family, which allows the appropriation of the knowledge about the extraction of miriti by the young, allowing the resistance of the tradition that remains strong, contributing to the sustainability of the practice and conservation of biodiversity in the Amazonian floodplain. CONCLUSION: The k-c-p complex inherent to the riverine universe allows, even in face of the growing commercial demand for miriti fruits and the unchallenged increase in the extraction of this product, the conservation of floodplain biodiversity. Thus, we emphasize the importance of traditional knowledge and practices for biodiversity preservation, and they use them to guide public policies and natural resource management systems, aiming for sustainable ways to manage and use biodiversity.

Arecaceae , Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Etnobotánica , Conocimiento , Brasil , Frutas , Humanos , Islas
Ciênc. rural ; 46(2): 304-309, fev. 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-767643


ABSTRACT: Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) is a very important species in Brazil's domestic market, however feeding managements differ from fish breeders to aquarists, so the cost of feed and labor become relevant items when cultivating the species. The objective of this research was to assess feeding frequency and feed deprivation based on growth performance, parasite infestation and cost-benefit in farming this species. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design in a 3x2 factorial scheme with 3 daily feeding levels, 4 meals, 2 meals and 1 meal; with and without feed deprivation and two repetitions. Feed deprivation consisted of offering feed 5 days a week only. Feeding twice a day without deprivation and four times a day with or without feed deprivation resulted in higher growth performance than feeding once a day. Monogenean and nematode parasitic loads were not influenced by feeding management. The cost-benefit analysis enabled us to observe that the treatment with the best benefit was the one involving two feedings a day with no deprivation. Thus, considering the parameters mentioned above, we concluded that the two daily feedings with no feed deprivation is the most adequate for farming this specie.

RESUMO: O acará bandeira (Pterophyllum scalare) é uma espécie muito importante no mercado interno do Brasil, no entanto o manejo alimentar difere entre os criadores de peixes para os aquaristas, levando em consideração o custo da alimentação e mão de obra. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da frequência de alimentação no desempenho na infestação do parasita e custo-benefício em acará bandeira de cultivo. O ensaio foi conduzido em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em um esquema fatorial 3x2, sendo níveis de alimentação diários (4, 2 e 1 refeições) e 2 manejos (com e sem privação de alimentação), cada tratamento com duas repetições. Alimentação duas vezes por dia sem privação e quatro vezes por dia, com ou sem alimentação resultou no desempenho de crescimento, cargas parasitárias de monogeneas e nematoides não foram influenciados pelo manejo alimentar. A análise de custo-benefício nos permitiu observar que o tratamento envolvendo duas refeições por dia com nenhuma privação foi melhor. Conclui-se que o tratamento com duas refeições diárias sem privação alimentar é a mais adequada para o cultivo dessa espécie.

Acta amaz ; 43(4): 511-516, Dec. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455154


The current study presents a parasitological survey of larval nematodes from freshwater ornamental fish Iguanodectes spilurus caught in the watercourse of the Caete River, in the northeast region of the State of Para, Brazil. A total of 176 specimens, 1.36±0.75 g weight and 5.53±0.98 cm total length, were analyzed. Nematode larvae were identified as Capillaria sp., Procamallanus sp. and Anisakidae, with prevalence of 70.45% and infection intensity ranging from 1.81 to 4.70 larvae. The highest prevalence 57.38% occurred in the liver, but no seasonality was observed, indicating high infection throughout the year. Seasonality was observed in fish parasitized in the stomach, intestine and caecum, with prevalence and mean intensity of 17.61% and 2.32 parasites, 12.5% and 1.81 parasites, 10.79% and 2.21 parasites, respectively. The highest degree of infection was observed in the rainy season, probably due to increased availability of intermediate hosts or food.

O presente estudo apresenta um levantamento parasitológico de larvas de nematóides de Iguanodectes spilurus capturados no fluxo do Rio Caeté, nordeste do Pará, Brasil. Um total de 176 espécimes com médias de 1,36 ± 0,75 g de peso e 5,53 ± 0,98 cm de comprimento total foram analisados. Foram identificados em 124 peixes os nematóides Capillaria sp., Procamallanus sp. e da família Anisakidae, apresentaram uma prevalência de 70,45% e intensidade de infecção de 1,81 a 4,70 larvas. A maior prevalência foi de 57,38% no fígado, mas não foi observada sazonalidade, indicando alta potência de infecção ao longo do ano. A sazonalidade foi observada em peixes parasitados no intestino, estômago e ceco com prevalência e intensidade média de 17,61% e 2,32 parasitas, 12,5% e 1,81 parasitas, 10,79% e 2,21 parasitas, respectivamente. A maior infecção foi encontrada na estação chuvosa, provavelmente devido ao aumento da disponibilidade de hospedeiros intermediários ou de alimentos.

Animales , Anisakis , Camallanina , Capillaria , Characidae/parasitología , Enfermedades Parasitarias/clasificación , Estación Lluviosa , Estación Seca , Estaciones del Año
Acta amaz ; 43(2): 211-216, jun. 2013. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455122


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of formalin and copper sulphate to controlm onogeneans injuvenile Hemigrammus spand its effect on leukocyte count. We used acompletely randomized design with five treatments and three replications. All treatments lasted for three days and consisted of: T1, control; T2 and T3 immersion bath for one hour in formalin, an of two concentrations of 0.25ml formalin and the other 0.1mlL-1; the T4 bath for 24 hours with 0,025 ml of formalin-L -1; and T5, bath 24 hours with copper sulphate (0.3 mgL-1). After the experimental period was observed that T2, 100% mortality. The T3 and T5 provided 100% efficiency, however, fish presented mortalities and intoxication of the 66 and 80% respectively. T4 showed an efficacy of 77.7% and decrease in parasitological indices: total number of parasites of 11, 3 ± 9, mean infection intensity of 3.2 ± 2 and a prevalence of 47.1%. As the leukocytes was observed that at T3, T4 and T5 occurred differences in the proportionof lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophilsas compared to control. The CuSO4 and formalin reduce the parasite load, but presented to be toxicat higher concentrations.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia da formalina e sulfato de cobre no controle de monogenéticos em juvenis de Hemigrammus sp e seu efeito na contagem diferencial de leucócitos. Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 5 tratamentos e 3 repetições. Todos os tratamentos tiveram duração de três dias e corresponderam a: T1, controle; T2 e T3 banho por imersão de uma hora em formalina, em duas concentrações uma de 0,25 ml e outra 0,1 ml formalina L-1; o T4, banho de 24 horas com 0,025 ml de formalina L-1; e o T5, banho de 24 horas com sulfato de cobre (0,3 mg L-1). Após o período experimental observou-se que em T2 ocorreu 100% de mortalidade. O T3 e T5 proporcionaram eficácia de 100%, porém os peixes apresentaram intoxicação e mortalidades de 66 e 80%, respectivamente. T4 apresentou eficácia de 77,7% e diminuição dos índices parasitológicos: número total de parasitos de 11,3± 9, intensidade média de infecção de 3,2± 2 e prevalência de 47,1%. Quanto aos leucócitos observou-se que no T3, T4 e T5 ocorreram diferenças na proporção de linfócitos, monócitos e neutrófilos em relação ao controle. O CuSO4 e a formalina reduzem a carga parasitária, mas apresentaram-se tóxicos nas maiores concentrações.

Animales , Characidae/parasitología , Recuento de Leucocitos/veterinaria , Formaldehído/análisis , Sulfato de Cobre/análisis , Intoxicación/veterinaria