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Chemphyschem ; 22(18): 1907-1913, 2021 09 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34250708


Estuaries are key ecosystems with unique biodiversity and are of high economic importance. Along the estuaries, variations in environmental parameters, such as salinity and light penetration, can modify the characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM). Nevertheless, there is still limited information about the atomic-level transformations of DOM in this ecosystem. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy provides unique insights into the nature of functional groups in DOM. A major limitation of this technique is its lack of sensivity, which results in experimental time of tens of hours for the acquisition of 13 C NMR spectra and generally precludes the observation of 15 N nuclei for DOM. We show here how the sensitivity of solid-state NMR experiments on DOM of Seine estuary can be enhanced using dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) under magic-angle spinning. This technique allows the acquisition of 13 C NMR spectra of these samples in few minutes, instead of hours for conventional solid-state NMR. Both conventional and DNP-enhanced 13 C NMR spectra indicate that the 13 C local environments in DOM are not strongly modified along the Seine estuary. Furthermore, the sensitivity gain provided by the DNP allows the detection of 15 N NMR signal of DOM, in spite of the low nitrogen content. These spectra reveal that the majority of nitrogen is in the amide form in these DOM samples and show an increased disorder around these amide groups near the mouth of the Seine.

Magn Reson (Gott) ; 2(1): 447-464, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37904781


Half-integer spin quadrupolar nuclei are the only magnetic isotopes for the majority of the chemical elements. Therefore, the transfer of polarization from protons to these isotopes under magic-angle spinning (MAS) can provide precious insights into the interatomic proximities in hydrogen-containing solids, including organic, hybrid, nanostructured and biological solids. This transfer has recently been combined with dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) in order to enhance the NMR signal of half-integer quadrupolar isotopes. However, the cross-polarization transfer lacks robustness in the case of quadrupolar nuclei, and we have recently introduced as an alternative technique a D-RINEPT (through-space refocused insensitive nuclei enhancement by polarization transfer) scheme combining a heteronuclear dipolar recoupling built from adiabatic pulses and a continuous-wave decoupling. This technique has been demonstrated at 9.4 T with moderate MAS frequencies, νR≈10-15 kHz, in order to transfer the DNP-enhanced 1H polarization to quadrupolar nuclei. Nevertheless, polarization transfers from protons to quadrupolar nuclei are also required at higher MAS frequencies in order to improve the 1H resolution. We investigate here how this transfer can be achieved at νR≈20 and 60 kHz. We demonstrate that the D-RINEPT sequence using adiabatic pulses still produces efficient and robust transfers but requires large radio-frequency (rf) fields, which may not be compatible with the specifications of most MAS probes. As an alternative, we introduce robust and efficient variants of the D-RINEPT and PRESTO (phase-shifted recoupling effects a smooth transfer of order) sequences using symmetry-based recoupling schemes built from single and composite π pulses. Their performances are compared using the average Hamiltonian theory and experiments at B0=18.8 T on γ-alumina and isopropylamine-templated microporous aluminophosphate (AlPO4-14), featuring low and significant 1H-1H dipolar interactions, respectively. These experiments demonstrate that the 1H magnetization can be efficiently transferred to 27Al nuclei using D-RINEPT with SR412(270090180) recoupling and using PRESTO with R2227(1800) or R1676(270090180) schemes at νR=20 or 62.5 kHz, respectively. The D-RINEPT and PRESTO recoupling schemes complement each other since the latter is affected by dipolar truncation, whereas the former is not. We also analyze the losses during these recoupling schemes, and we show how these magnetization transfers can be used at νR=62.5 kHz to acquire in 72 min 2D HETCOR (heteronuclear correlation) spectra between 1H and quadrupolar nuclei, with a non-uniform sampling (NUS).

Solid State Nucl Magn Reson ; 101: 116-143, 2019 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31189121


Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is a powerful technique for the characterization of the atomic-level structure and dynamics of materials. Nevertheless, the use of this technique is often limited by its lack of sensitivity, which can prevent the observation of surfaces, defects or insensitive isotopes. Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) has been shown to improve by one to three orders of magnitude the sensitivity of NMR experiments on materials under Magic-Angle Spinning (MAS), at static magnetic field B0 ≥ 5 T, conditions allowing for the acquisition of high-resolution spectra. The field of DNP-NMR spectroscopy of materials has undergone a rapid development in the last ten years, spurred notably by the availability of commercial DNP-NMR systems. We provide here an in-depth overview of MAS DNP-NMR studies of materials at high B0 field. After a historical perspective of DNP of materials, we describe the DNP transfers under MAS, the transport of polarization by spin diffusion and the various contributions to the overall sensitivity of DNP-NMR experiments. We discuss the design of tailored polarizing agents and the sample preparation in the case of materials. We present the DNP-NMR hardware and the influence of key experimental parameters, such as microwave power, magnetic field, temperature and MAS frequency. We give an overview of the isotopes that have been detected by this technique, and the NMR methods that have been combined with DNP. Finally, we show how MAS DNP-NMR has been applied to gain new insights into the structure of organic, hybrid and inorganic materials with applications in fields, such as health, energy, catalysis, optoelectronics etc.

J Magn Reson ; 303: 28-41, 2019 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30999136


It has previously been shown that 14N NMR spectra can be reliably obtained through indirect detection via HMQC experiments. This method exploits the transfer of coherence between single-(SQ) or double-quantum (DQ) 14N coherences, and SQ coherences of a suitable spin-1/2 'spy' nucleus, e.g., 1H. It must be noted that SQ-SQ methods require a carefully optimized setup to minimize the broadening related to the first-order quadrupole interaction (i.e., an extremely well-adjusted magic angle and a highly stable spinning speed), whereas DQ-SQ ones do not. In this work, the efficiencies of four 14N excitation schemes (DANTE, XiX, Hard Pulse (HP), and Selective Long Pulse (SLP)) are compared using J-HMQC based numerical simulations and either SQ-SQ or DQ-SQ 1H-{14N} D-HMQC experiments on l-histidine HCl and N-acetyl-l-valine at 18.8 T and 62.5 kHz MAS. The results demonstrate that both DANTE and SLP provide a more efficient 14N excitation profile than XiX and HP. Furthermore, it is shown that the SLP scheme: (i) is efficient over a large range of quadrupole interaction, (ii) is highly robust to offset and rf-pulse length and amplitude, and (iii) is very simple to set up. These factors make SLP ideally suited to widespread, non-specialist use in solid-state NMR analyses of nitrogen-containing materials.

Solid State Nucl Magn Reson ; 100: 11-25, 2019 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30908976


The acquisition of solid-state NMR spectra of "heavy" spin I = 1/2 nuclei, such as 119Sn, 195Pt, 199Hg or 207Pb can often prove challenging due to the presence of large chemical shift anisotropy (CSA), which can cause significant broadening of spectral lines. However, previous publications have shown that well-resolved spectra can be obtained via inverse 1H detection using HMQC experiments in combination with fast magic angle spinning. In this work, the efficiencies of different 195Pt excitation schemes are analyzed using SIMPSON numerical simulations and experiments performed on cis- and transplatin samples. These schemes include: hard pulses (HP), selective long pulses (SLP) and rotor-synchronized DANTE trains of pulses. The results show that for spectra of species with very large CSA, HP is little efficient, but that both DANTE and SLP provide efficient excitation profiles over a wide range of CSA values. In particular, it is revealed that the SLP scheme is highly robust to offset, pulse amplitude and length, and is simple to set up. These factors make SLP ideally suited to widespread use by "non-experts" for carrying out analyses of materials containing "heavy" spin I = 1/2 nuclei that are subject to very large CSAs. Finally, the existence of an "intermediate" excitation regime, with an rf-field strength in between those of HP and SLP, which is effective for large CSA, is demonstrated. It must be noted that in some samples, multiple sites may exist with very different CSAs. This is the case for 195Pt species with either square-planar or octahedral structures, with large or small CSA, respectively. These two types of CSAs can only be excited simultaneously with DANTE trains, which scale up the effective rf-field. Another way to obtain all the information is to perform two different experiments: one with SLP and the second with HP to excite the sites with moderate/large and small/moderate CSAs, respectively. These two complementary experiments, recorded with two different spinning speeds, can also be used to discriminate the center-band resonances from the spinning sidebands.

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 121(41): 22977-22984, 2017 Oct 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29234484


Isotopic enrichment of 29Si and DNP-enhanced NMR spectroscopy are combined to determine the detailed surface structure of a silicated alumina catalyst. The significant sensitivity enhancement provided by DNP is vital to the acquisition of multinuclear and multidimensional experiments that provide information on the atomic-level structure of the species present at the surface. Isotopic enrichment not only facilitates spectral acquisition, particularly given the low (1.5 wt %) Si loading, but also enables spectra with higher resolution than those acquired using DNP to be obtained. The unexpected similarity of conventional, CP, and DNP NMR spectra is attributed to the presence of adventitious surface water that forms a sufficiently dense 1H network at the silica surface so as to mediate efficient polarization transfer to all Si species regardless of their chemical nature. Spectra reveal the presence of Si-O-Si linkages at the surface (identified as Q4(3Al)-Q4(3Al)) and confirm that the anchoring of the surface overlayer with the alumina occurs through AlIV and AlV species only. This suggests the presence of Q3/Q4 Si at the surface affects the neighboring Al species, modifying the surface structure and making it less likely AlVI environments are in close spatial proximity. In contrast, Q1/Q2 species, bonded to the surface by fewer covalent bonds, have less of an effect on the surface, and more AlVI species are consequently found nearby. The combination of isotropic enrichment and DNP provides a definitive and fully quantitative description of the Si-modified alumina surface, and we demonstrate that almost one-third of the silicon at the surface is connected to another Si species, even at the low level of coverage used, lowering the propensity for the formation of Brønsted acid sites. This suggests that a variation in the synthetic procedure might be required to obtain a more even coverage for optimum performance. The work here will allow for more rigorous future investigations of structure-function relationships in these complex materials.
