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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38546990


Geometry studies the spatial structure and location information of objects, providing a priori knowledge and intuitive explanation for classification methods. Considering samples from a geometric perspective offers a novel approach to understanding their information. In this article, we propose a method called local-global geometric information and view complementarity introduced multiview metric learning (GIVCMML). Our method effectively exploits the geometric information of multiview samples. The learned metric space retains the geometric relations of samples and makes them more separable. First, we propose the global geometrical constraint in the maximum margin criterion framework. By maximizing the distance between class centers in the metric space, we ensure that samples from different classes are well separated. Second, to maintain the manifold structure of the original space, we build an adjacency matrix that contains the sample label information. This helps explore the local geometric information of sample pairs. Finally, to better mine the complementary information of multiview samples, GIVCMML maximizes the correlation between each view in the metric space. This enables each view to adaptively learn from the others and explore the complementary information between views. We extensively evaluate the effectiveness of our method on real-world datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that GIVCMML achieves competitive performance compared with multiview metric learning (MvML) methods.
