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Ecol Appl ; 29(4): e01877, 2019 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30811075


Invertebrates are a major component of terrestrial ecosystems, however, estimating their biodiversity is challenging. We compiled an inventory of invertebrate biodiversity along an elevation gradient on the temperate forested island of Hauturu, New Zealand, by DNA barcoding of specimens obtained from leaf litter samples and pitfall traps. We compared the barcodes and biodiversity estimates from this data set with those from a parallel DNA metabarcoding analysis of soil from the same locations, and with pre-existing sequences in reference databases, before exploring the use of combined data sets as a basis for estimating total invertebrate biodiversity. We obtained 1,282 28S and 1,610 COI barcodes from a total of 1,947 invertebrate specimens, which were clustered into 247 (28S) and 366 (COI) OTUs, of which ≤ 10% were represented in GenBank. Coleoptera were most abundant (730 sequenced specimens), followed by Hymenoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Amphipoda. The most abundant OTU from both the 28S (153 sequences) and COI (140 sequences) data sets was an undescribed beetle from the family Salpingidae. Based on the occurrences of COI OTUs along the elevation gradient, we estimated there are ~1,000 arthropod species (excluding mites) on Hauturu, including 770 insects, of which 344 are beetles. A DNA metabarcoding analysis of soil DNA from the same sites resulted in the identification of similar numbers of OTUs in most invertebrate groups compared with the DNA barcoding, but less than 10% of the DNA barcoding COI OTUs were also detected by the metabarcoding analysis of soil DNA. A mark-recapture analysis based on the overlap between these data sets estimated the presence of approximately 6,800 arthropod species (excluding mites) on the island, including ~3,900 insects. Estimates of New Zealand-wide biodiversity for selected arthropod groups based on matching of the COI DNA barcodes with pre-existing reference sequences suggested over 13,200 insect species are present, including 4,000 Coleoptera, 2,200 Diptera, and 2,700 Hymenoptera species, and 1,000 arachnid species (excluding mites). These results confirm that metabarcoding analyses of soil DNA tends to recover different components of terrestrial invertebrate biodiversity compared to traditional invertebrate sampling, but the combined methods provide a novel basis for estimating invertebrate biodiversity.

Código de Barras del ADN Taxonómico , Ecosistema , Animales , Biodiversidad , ADN , Invertebrados , Islas , Nueva Zelanda
J Morphol ; 217(3): 327-335, 1993 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29865472


Larval and adult eyes of the capitellid Capitella spec. I have been investigated by electron microscopy. Developing larvae possess one pair of eyespots. Each eyespot is composed of one sensory cell, one pigment cell, and one supporting cell. The sensory cell bears a photosensory apparatus, an array of parallel microvilli containing a striking form of submicrovillar cisternae (SMC). A single basal body was observed near the basal end of the SMC only in 3-4-day-old larvae. This basal body was not observed in older larvae. A special, thus far unreported feature of the pigment cell is a ring of microvilli-like structures that project from the edge of the pigment cup and form a kind of diaphragm around the head of the sensory cell. Each of these microvilli-like structures is covered with closely packed rows of tiny plates, giving them a fimbriated appearance. After metamorphosis, the larval eyespots are reduced. Adult specimens possess one pair of eyes. In juvenile worms the eye is built of 2-3 pigment cells and one sensory cell. The volume of adult eyes increases by the addition of 2-3 sensory cells. The pigment cells are deposited one upon the other, wrapping the sensory complex in the center. Each sensory cell forms a deep depression at its apical end where up to three cilia and numerous microvilli arise. The sensory processes project into a common ocular cavity. Long microvilli of the uppermost pigment cells project into an extracellular channel that reaches from the ocular cavity up to the cuticle. A single fourth sensory cell of identical structure may occur next to the eye directly beneath the cuticle and close to the opening of the ocular channel. Signs of progressive disintegration of the pigment cells can be observed in adult specimens. Sensory cells are not affected by this reduction process. Eyes resembling those of Capitella spec. I have never been reported before. Their functional qualities are discussed. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

J Morphol ; 212(1): 71-85, 1992 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29865584


The nereid polychaete, Platynereis dumerilii, possess two pairs of post-trochophoral eyes with one vitreous body each. The development of these eyes has first been observed in 2-day-old larvae. Whether the eye anlagen arise from stem cells or from undifferentiated ectodermal tissue was not determined. At first, the anlagen of the anterior and the posterior eyes adjoin each other. They separate in late 3-day-old larvae. The first separated eye complexes consist each of two supporting and two sensory cells. The supporting cells synthesize two different kinds of granules, the pigment granules of the pigment cup and the prospective tubules of the vitreous body. These tubules accumulate in the distal process of the supporting cell. The vitreous body is formed by compartments of the supporting cells filled with the osmiophilic vitreous body tubules. The short, bulbar photosensory processes bear microvilli that emerge into the ocular cavity. At the apex of each sensory cell process, a single cilium (or occasionally two) arises. The sensory cells contain a different kind of pigment granule within their necks at the level of the pigment cup. The rate of eye development and differentiation varies. New supporting cells are added to the rim of the eye cup. They contribute to the periphery of the vitreous body like onion skins, and sensory cells move between supporting cells. The older the individual compartments of the vitreous body are, the more densely packed is their content of vitreous body tubules. Elongation of the sensory and supporting cell processes of the older cells increases the volume of the eye. The eyespots of the trochophore are briefly described as of the two-celled rhabdomeric type with a single basal body with ciliary rootlet.

J Morphol ; 209(2): 177-188, 1991 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29865551


The photoreceptors of four polychaete species were investigated by transmission electron microscopy: Eteone longa and Anaitides mucosa (Phyllodocidae), Scolelepis squamata (Spionidae), and Heteromastus filiformis (Capitellidae). Four different types of light-sensitive organs could be distinguished: 1) a simple, unpigmented rhabdomeric type; 2) a simple ocellus composed of a sensory and a pigmented cell; 3) complex eyes with a lens consisting of secretory granules; 4) a simple, unpigmented type with modified cilia. In spite of its simpler organization the fourth type is listed last, because its function as a photoreceptor seems dubious. The first type (unpigmented rhabdomeric receptor) occurs in all four species investigated. It is the only type of photoreceptor in Heteromastus. Additionally, the two phyllodocids Eteone and Anaitides possess another kind of receptor (type 4) in close proximity to the type 1 receptor. Simple ocelli (type 2) are found in Scolelepis. A pair of complex eyes (type 3) is present in both Eteone and Anaitides, but they show important differences in the two species. First, the eyes in Eteone exhibit ciliary rudiments within the sensory processes, but such rudiments are absent in the eyes of Anaitides. Secondly, the sensory cells in Anaitides possess pigment granules, whereas in Eteone they do not. Thirdly, the lens in Eteone is composed of secretion granules of equal electron density, whereas in Anaitides the lens granules show increased electron density centrally. Lens material appears to be secreted from a single corneal cell in Eteone, and from several corneal cells in Anaitides. In both species these corneal cells are located distally outside the lens.

J Morphol ; 205(2): 147-154, 1990 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29865744


The protandric hermaphrodite Ophryotrocha puerilis possesses one pair of eyes. They are located in the peristomium. Each light-sensitive organ consists of one sensory cell and one to two supporting cell(s) embedded in a cup-shaped reflector. The sensory-supporting cell complex is enveloped by a basal lamina. This lamina is supposed to be identical with the neural lamella. Thus the eyes proper have to be regarded as protrusions from the brain, while epidermal cells seem to differentiate to crystalline cells (reflector) and are deposited onto the sensory complex. The reflector is built up by several cup-shaped cells (juveniles, 4-5; adults, 10-12). Each of these cells comprises a multilayer of parallel-oriented, membrane-bound crystalline platelets which are thought to be guanine. The sensory cell is of the inverted rhabdomere type. Submicrovillar cisternae, typical for most polychaete eyes, are lacking. The first and always present supporting cell entirely envelops the sensory cell, thus forming the extracellular space around the rhabdomere. It does not contain any pigment granules. Often but not always a second supporting cell has been observed surrounding the sensory cell and first supporting cell. It is interpreted as a glial cell. In the sensory cell beneath the rhabdomere, pino- and phagocytosis can be observed and secondary lysosomes are found in high densities. Preliminary results seem to demonstrate that there is no distinct diurnal cycle of receptoral membrane recycling. In comparison with the ocelli of Dinophilidae, which have been interpreted as a dorvilleid-related family, morphological differences and their application to phylogenetic considerations are discussed.

J Morphol ; 206(1): 95-107, 1990 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29865752


Polychaetes normally possess one pair of nuchal organs at the posterior edge of the prostomium or peristomium. They have been regarded as chemosensory organs. The nuchal organs of four marine polychaete species with different habits were investigated by electron microscopy. Although the shapes of nuchal organs can vary greatly from simple ciliary bands (Scolelepis squamata, Spionidae) to retractile tongue-like, piston- or finger-shaped forms (Eteone longa, Anaitides mucosa, Phyllodocidae; Heteromastus filiformis, Capitellidae), the structural components, including the ciliated supporting cells, sensory cells, and nuchal epidermal cells, are essentially similar. The differences basically concern 1) the position of the sensory cells with relation to the ciliated supporting cells, 2) the location and structure of the nuchal nerve, and 3) the structure of the nuchal cuticle. The diverging nature of this modified cuticle is described and discussed in detail. Comparisons are made with the fine structure of nuchal organs of other polychaete species. Similarities of cellular components of nuchal organs are found not only in the four species studied here but also in all nuchal organs investigated so far. This is hypothesized to be due to the fact that the polychaete stem species already possessed nuchal organs with the respective cell types. Differences in the number and distribution of cellular components and in the overall shape of nuchal organs are thought to have evolved in correlation with the equipment of other cephalic appendages and with different habits and modes of nutrition.
