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Front Plant Sci ; 15: 1389569, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39086915


Trees that are categorised by their light requirements have similarities in their growth strategies and adaptation mechanisms. We aimed to understand the complex responses of elevated air humidity on whole tree fine root carbon (C) exudation (ExC) and respiration rate, morphology, and functional distribution in species with different light requirements. Three light-demanding (LD) species, Populus × wettsteinii, Betula pendula, and Pinus sylvestris, and two shade-tolerant species, Picea abies and Tilia cordata saplings were grown in growth chambers under moderate and elevated air relative humidity (eRH) at two different inorganic nitrogen sources with constant air temperature and light availability. The proportion of assimilated carbon released by ExC, and respiration decreased at eRH; up to about 3 and 27%, respectively. There was an indication of a trade-off between fine root released C and biomass allocation. The elevated air humidity changed the tree biomass allocation and fine root morphology, and the responses were species-specific. The specific fine root area and absorptive root proportion were positively related to canopy net photosynthesis and leaf nitrogen concentration across tree species. The variation in ExC was explained by the trees' light-use strategy (p < 0.05), showing higher exudation rates in LD species. The LD species had a higher proportion of pioneer root tips, which related to the enhanced ExC. Our findings highlight the significant role of fine root functional distribution and morphological adaptation in determining rhizosphere C fluxes in changing environmental conditions such as the predicted increase of air humidity in higher latitudes.

Physiol Mol Biol Plants ; 29(8): 1193-1203, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37829697


Recent findings suggest that drought may affect plants' daytime and night-time stomatal regulation differently. However, knowledge of night-time stomatal behaviour in dwarf shrubs growing in boreal ecosystems is lacking. We sampled cut shoots from dwarf shrub species to elucidate their capacity to transpire at night and the effect of drought on stomatal regulation. The shoots' water relations and gas exchange were measured under controlled conditions in a growth chamber. The studied species demonstrated considerable differences in their diurnal water use. The night-time water use percentage of daytime water use (NWU) reached up to 90% in Andromeda polifolia and Vaccinium uliginosum. In Rhododendron tomentosum, Vaccinium myrtillus and Chamaedaphne calyculata, the NWU was 62, 27 and 26%, respectively. The shoots of C. calyculata showed a significant increase (P < 0.001) in the transpiration rate (E) during the night. However, in R. tomentosum, a decrease (P < 0.05) in nightly E was observed. The shoot conductance (g) at the end of the night was lower than daytime g in all studied species, but the difference was not significant for V. uliginosum. Across the species, NWU was negatively related (P < 0.001) to the soil volumetric water content (SWC) in the plant habitat. However, daytime E and g were positively related (P < 0.05) to the habitat SWC. Only in V. myrtillus was night-time E higher (P < 0.05) in dry conditions than in wet conditions. Our results demonstrate high variability in diurnal water relations in dwarf shrubs, which can keep stomata open in the dark even when drought limits daytime g and E.

Oecologia ; 202(2): 193-210, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37246972


Plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) defend plants against abiotic stresses, including those caused by climate change and against biotic stresses, such as herbivory and competition. There is a trade-off between allocating available carbon to growth and defence in stressful environments. However, our knowledge about trade-off is limited, especially when abiotic and biotic stresses co-occur. We aimed to understand the combined effect of increasing precipitation and humidity, the tree's competitive status, and canopy position on leaf secondary metabolites (LSMs) and fine root secondary metabolites (RSMs) in Betula pendula. We sampled 8-year-old B. pendula trees growing in the free air humidity manipulation (FAHM) experimental site, where treatments included elevated relative air humidity and elevated soil moisture. A high-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometer (HPLC-qTOF-MS) was used to analyse secondary metabolites. Our results showed accumulation of LSM depends on the canopy position and competitive status. Flavonoids (FLA), dihydroxybenzoic acids (HBA), jasmonates (JA) and terpene glucosides (TG) were higher in the upper canopy, and FLA, monoaryl compounds (MAR) and sesquiterpenoids (ST) were higher in dominant trees. The FAHM treatments had a more distinct effect on RSM than on LSM. The RSMs were lower in elevated air humidity and soil moisture conditions than in control conditions. The RSM content depended on the competitive status and was higher in suppressed trees. Our study suggests that young B. pendula will allocate similar amounts of carbon to constitutive chemical leaf defence, but a lower amount to root defence (per fine root biomass) under higher humidity.

Hojas de la Planta , Suelo , Humedad , Hojas de la Planta/química , Betula/metabolismo , Árboles , Carbono/metabolismo
Tree Physiol ; 42(3): 557-569, 2022 03 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34505158


Global climate change scenarios predict an increase in air temperature, precipitation and air humidity for northern latitudes. Elevated air humidity may significantly reduce the water flux through forest canopies and affect interactions between water and nutrient uptake. However, we have limited understanding of how altered transpiration would affect root respiration and carbon (C) exudation as fine root morphology acclimates to different water flux. We investigated the effects of elevated air relative humidity (eRH) and different inorganic nitrogen sources (NO3- and NH4+) on above and belowground traits in hybrid aspen (Populus × wettsteinii Hämet-Ahti), silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) grown under controlled climate chamber conditions. The eRH significantly decreased the transpiration flux in all species, decreased root mass-specific exudation in pine, and increased root respiration in aspen. eRH also affected fine root morphology, with specific root area increasing for birch but decreasing in pine. The species comparison revealed that pine had the highest C exudation, whereas birch had the highest root respiration rate. Both humidity and nitrogen treatments affected the share of absorptive and pioneer roots within fine roots; however, the response was species-specific. The proportion of absorptive roots was highest in birch and aspen, the share of pioneer roots was greatest in aspen and the share of transport roots was greatest in pine. Fine roots with lower root tissue density were associated with pioneer root tips and had a higher C exudation rate. Our findings underline the importance of considering species-specific differences in relation to air humidity and soil nitrogen availability that interactively affect the C input-output balance. We highlight the role of changes in the fine root functional distribution as an important acclimation mechanism of trees in response to environmental change.

Suelo , Árboles , Humedad , Nitrógeno/análisis , Raíces de Plantas/fisiología , Respiración
Funct Plant Biol ; 48(4): 422-433, 2021 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33287949


Recent studies have suggested that predawn stomatal opening may enhance early-morning photosynthesis (A) and improve the relative growth rate of trees. However, the causality between night-time stomatal conductance, A, and tree growth is disputable because stomatal opening in darkness can be mediated by previous day photosynthate loads and might be a consequence of growth-related processes like dark respiration (R). To identify linkages between night-time leaf conductance (gl_night), A, R, and tree growth, we conducted an experiment in hybrid aspen saplings grown under different air relative humidity (RH) conditions and previous day irradiance level (IR_pday). Predawn leaf conductance (gl_predawn) depended on RH, IR_pday and R (P < 0.05), whereas early-morning gross A (Agross_PAR500) depended on IR_pday and gl_predawn (P < 0.001). Daytime net A was positively related to Agross_PAR500 and leaf [N] (P < 0.05). Tree diameter and height increment correlated positively with gl at the beginning and middle of the night (P < 0.05) but not before dawn. Although our results demonstrate that gl_night was related to tree growth, the relationship was not determined by R. The linkage between gl_predawn and Agross_PAR500 was modified by IR_pday, indicating that daily CO2 assimilation probably provides feedback for stomatal opening before dawn.

Fotosíntesis , Hojas de la Planta , Oscuridad , Humedad , Árboles