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Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 88(4): 633-641, July-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394149


Abstract Introduction: Cocaine is one of the most often used psychoactive drugs worldwide, being extracted from the leaves of Erytroxylus coca plant. Its abusive use can trigger several consequences for the human body, including the oral cavity. Objective: To identify the oral disorders that are most commonly found in individuals who abuse cocaine, in addition to the main diagnostic and treatment methods. Methods: An integrative review was carried out on the databases: LILACS, BBO, LIS, MEDLINE, SciELO, Science Direct and PubMed. The following keywords were used: ‟Cocaína", ‟Boca", ‟Palato" and ‟Odontologia", together with their synonyms and variations in English, obtained from DeCS andMeSH. The inclusion criteria were original articles, articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, studies involving individuals, without restriction related to the year of publication. Animal studies, literature reviews, book chapters, theses and dissertations were excluded. Results: In total, 1373 records were identified. Of these, 22 articles were selected to comprise the review. Several oral alterations caused by cocaine abuse were found, primarily perforation of the palate, predisposition to periodontal diseases, temporomandibular disorders, bruxism, damage to oral tissues, dental caries, destructive lesions of the facial midline, xerostomia and ageusia. Among the diagnostic methods used by the professionals, anamnesis, intraoral examinations and head and neck computed tomography were the most frequently mentioned. As for treatment, in patients with palatal perforation, the reconstruction of the affected area or the use of prosthetic obturators is carried out. Conclusion: The management of these patients is not an easy task, as many of the users do not even seek professional help. The health professionals must be able to recognize these manifestations and alterations to establish timely and accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. © 2021 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( HIGHLIGHTS Integrative review aiming to detect oral changes in cocaine abusers. The main oral changes, methods of diagnosis and treatment were identified. Good anamnesis and qualified health professionals are necessary.

Resumo Introdução: A cocaína é uma das drogas psicoativas mais usadas no mundo, é extraída das folhas da Erytroxylus coca. Seu uso abusivo pode desencadear inúmeras consequências para o corpo humano, inclusive na cavidade oral. Objetivo: Identificar quais as alterações orais mais comumente encontradas nos indivíduos que fazem uso abusivo de cocaína, além das principais formas de diagnóstico e tratamento. Método: Fez-se uma revisão integrativa nas bases de dados Lilacs, BBO, LIS, Medline, Sci-ELO, Science Direct e PubMed. Foram usados os descritores ‟cocaína", ‟boca", ‟palato" e ‟odontologia" junto de seus sinônimos e variações em inglês, retirados do DeCS e MeSH. Os critérios de inclusão foram artigos originais, artigos nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola, estudos que envolveram pessoas e sem restrição quanto ao ano de publicação. Foram excluídos estudos feitos em animais, revisões da literatura, capítulos de livros, teses e dissertações. Resultados: Foram identificados 1.373 registros. Desses, 22 artigos foram selecionados para compor a revisão. Diversas alterações orais causadas por uso abusivo de cocaína foram encontradas. As principais foram perfuração do palato, predisposição para doenças periodontais, desordens temporomandibulares, bruxismo, danos aos tecidos orais, cárie dentária, lesões destrutivas da linha média facial, xerostomia e ageusia. Entre as formas de diagnóstico usadas pelos profissionais, a anamnese, exames físicos intraorais e a tomografia computadorizada da região da cabeça e pescoço foram as mais mencionadas. Como tratamento, nos pacientes com perfuração palatina, é feita a reconstrução da área afetada ou o uso de obturadores protéticos. Conclusão: O manejo desses pacientes não é tarefa fácil, pois muitos usuários sequer procuram ajuda profissional. Os profissionais da saúde devem ser capazes de reconhecer tais alterações e manifestações para que sejam feitos diagnósticos e planejamentos de tratamentos oportunos e precisos. DESTAQUES Revisão integrativa que visa detectar alterações orais em usuários de cocaína. Identificaram-se as principais manifestações orais, formas de diagnóstico e tratamento. Necessidade da feitura de boa anamnese e profissionais da saúde capacitados.

Braz J Otorhinolaryngol ; 88(4): 633-641, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34034978


INTRODUCTION: Cocaine is one of the most often used psychoactive drugs worldwide, being extracted from the leaves of Erytroxylus coca plant. Its abusive use can trigger several consequences for the human body, including the oral cavity. OBJECTIVE: To identify the oral disorders that are most commonly found in individuals who abuse cocaine, in addition to the main diagnostic and treatment methods. METHODS: An integrative review was carried out on the databases: LILACS, BBO, LIS, MEDLINE, SciELO, Science Direct and PubMed. The following keywords were used: "Cocaína", "Boca", "Palato" and "Odontologia", together with their synonyms and variations in English, obtained from DeCS and MeSH. The inclusion criteria were original articles, articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, studies involving individuals, without restriction related to the year of publication. Animal studies, literature reviews, book chapters, theses and dissertations were excluded. RESULTS: In total, 1373 records were identified. Of these, 22 articles were selected to comprise the review. Several oral alterations caused by cocaine abuse were found, primarily perforation of the palate, predisposition to periodontal diseases, temporomandibular disorders, bruxism, damage to oral tissues, dental caries, destructive lesions of the facial midline, xerostomia and ageusia. Among the diagnostic methods used by the professionals, anamnesis, intraoral examinations and head and neck computed tomography were the most frequently mentioned. As for treatment, in patients with palatal perforation, the reconstruction of the affected area or the use of prosthetic obturators is carried out. CONCLUSION: The management of these patients is not an easy task, as many of the users do not even seek professional help. The health professionals must be able to recognize these manifestations and alterations to establish timely and accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Trastornos Relacionados con Cocaína , Cocaína , Caries Dental , Enfermedades de la Boca , Xerostomía , Cocaína/efectos adversos , Trastornos Relacionados con Cocaína/complicaciones , Trastornos Relacionados con Cocaína/patología , Caries Dental/inducido químicamente , Humanos , Enfermedades de la Boca/diagnóstico
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 8(1): e24913, 2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1348739


Introdução:O sorriso gengival tem mostrado ser um fator de desconforto estético e psicológico, além de afetar as relações interpessoais e a autoestima dos pacientes. Di-ante disso, procedimentos estéticos têm sido desenvolvidos com o intuito de melhorar a qualidade de vida de quem os procuram. Objetivo:Analisar qual o impacto que os procedimentos odontológicos estéticos possuem na recuperação da autoestima e satis-fação dos pacientes com sorriso gengival. Metodologia:A temática é abordada por meio da revisão integrativa da literatura. Para a seleção dos artigos utilizou-se as bases dedados: MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, BBO e PubMed, publicações escritas em in-glês, português ou espanholno período de 2010 a 2020. A amostra desta revisão cons-tituiu-se de 06 artigos. Resultados:Foi observado que o sorriso gengival causa descon-forto estético e psicológico ao indivíduo. As prevalências das etiologias relacionadas foram erupção passiva ou tardia dos dentes, extrusão dentoalveolar anterior, excesso maxilar e lábio superior curto. Os procedimentos mais utilizados foram a aplicação de toxina botulínica, a qual mostrou-se ser promissora para a correção do sorriso gen-gival assim como o reposicionamento labial. Conclusões:Os estudos mostraram que os procedimentos odontológicos estéticos para correção do sorriso gengival contri-buem para satisfação do paciente e melhora da autoestima e as técnicas menos invasi-vas e com melhor pós-operatório apontadas, são a aplicação da toxina botulínica e o reposicionamento labial (AU).

Introduction:The gingival smile currently is a factor of aesthetic and psychological discomfort and affects interpersonal relationships and self-esteem of patients. There-fore, aesthetic procedures have been developed in order to improve the quality of life of those who seek it. Objective:To analyze the impact that aesthetic dental procedures have on the recovery of self-esteem and satisfaction of patients with a gingival smile. Methodology:The theme is addressed through an integrative literature review. The followingdatabases were used for the selection of articles: Medline via VHL, Lilacs, SciElo, BBOand PubMed, publications written in English, Portuguese or Spanish, from 2010 to 2020. The sample of this review consisted of 06 articles. Results: It was observed that the gingival smile causes aesthetic and psychological discomfort to the individual. The most used procedures are applying botulinum toxin, which has shown to be promising for the correction of the gingival smile and lip repositioning. The prev-alence of related etiologies was passive or delayed tooth eruption, anterior dentoalve-olar extrusion, maxillary excess, and short upper lip. Conclusions:Studies have shown that aesthetic dental procedures to correct gingival smile contribute to patient satisfactionand improve self-esteem. Less invasive techniques with better post-oper-ative results are the application of botulinum toxin and lip repositioning (AU).

Introducción: La sonrisa gingival ha demostrado ser un factor de incomodidad esté-tica y psicológica, además de afectar las relaciones interpersonales y la autoestima de los pacientes. Por lo tanto, se han desarrollado procedimientos estéticos con el fin demejorar la calidad de vida de quienes los buscan. Objetivo: Analizar el impacto que los procedimientos dentales estéticos tienen en la recuperación de la autoestima y la satisfacción de los pacientes con sonrisa gingiva . Metodología: El tema se aborda a través de la revisión integrativa de la literatura. Para la selección de artículos, se utili-zaron las siguientes bases de datos: MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO ,BBO y PubMed, pu-blicaciones escritas en inglés, portugués o español, de 2010 a 2020. La muestra de esta revisión consistió en 06 artículos.Resultados:Se observó que la sonrisa gingival causa molestias estéticas y psicológicas al individuo. La prevalencia de etiologías relaciona-das fue erupción pasiva o tardía de los dientes, extrusión dentoalveolar anterior, ex-ceso maxilar y labio superior corto. Los procedimientos más utilizados fueron la apli-cación de toxina botulínica, que resultó ser prometedora para la corrección de la son-risa gingival, así como el reposicionamiento de labios.Conclusiones: Se observó que la sonrisa gingival causa molestias estéticas y psicológicas al individuo. La prevalencia de etiologías relacionadas fue erupción pasiva o tardía de los dientes, extrusión den-toalveolar anterior, exceso maxilar y labio superior corto. Los procedimientos más utilizados fueron la aplicación de toxina botulínica, que resultó ser prometedora para la corrección de la sonrisa gingival, así como el reposicionamiento de labios (AU).

Humanos , Autoimagen , Sonrisa , Toxinas Botulínicas/uso terapéutico , Estética Dental , Calidad de Vida , Satisfacción del Paciente
Arq. odontol ; 56: 1-7, jan.-dez. 2020. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1118600


Objetivo:Avaliar a prevalência das lesões de mucosa bucal e seu impacto na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal em crianças matriculadas nas escolas municipais de Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Métodos:Foram selecionados 71 escolares entre 8 a 10 anos de idade regularmente matriculados em Escolas Municipais de Caicó/RN. A amostra foi divida em dois grupos: Grupo lesão (GL): composto por 26 crianças com presença de lesões bucais e Grupo controle (GC): composto por 45 crianças que não apresentaram lesões bucais. A identificação das lesões bucais se deu pelo exame clínico com o auxílio de espátulas de madeira. As crianças responderam questionários (CPQ8-10) acerca da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal. Foi realizada a comparação intergrupos para a avaliação da qualidade de vida e seus componentes por meio do teste t. Em todos os testes foram adotados níveis de significância de 5%. Resultados:A prevalência de crianças que apresentaram lesão de mucosa foi igual a 36,61%, (n = 26). Os tipos mais comuns de lesões foram úlceras aftosas 23,94% (n = 17) e mucocele com 5,63% (n = 4). Houve diferença estatisticamente significante para qualidade de vida entre os grupos avaliados. Pacientes sem lesões bucais apresentaram uma melhor qualidade de vida em detrimento ao grupo das lesões (p = 0,045). Conclusão: Lesões bucais causam um impacto negativo na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal em crianças de 8 a 10 anos.

Aim: To evaluate the prevalence of oral mucosa lesions and their impact on oral health-related quality of life in children enrolled in the city schools of Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil. Methods: Seventy-one schoolchildren, from 8 to 10 years of age, regularly enrolled in the Caicó/RN City School System, were selected. The sample was divided into two groups: the Injury Group (IG): comprised of 26 children with oral lesions and the Control Group (CG): comprised of 45 children who did not present oral lesions. Oral lesions were identified by clinical examination with the aid of wooden spatulas. The children answered questionnaires (CPQ8-10) about oral health-related quality of life. Intergroup comparison was performed to assess the quality of life and its components by the Student's t-test. In all tests, significance levels of 5% were adopted. Results: The prevalence of children with mucosal lesions was 36.61% (n = 26). The most common types of lesions were aphthous ulcers, at 23.94% (n = 17), and mucocele, at 5.63% (n = 4). A statistically significant difference was observed in the quality of life correlation between the evaluated groups. Patients without oral lesions had a better quality of life than did the group of lesions (p = 0.045). Conclusion: Oral lesions have a negative impact on the oral health-related quality of life in children from 8 to 10 years of age.

Niño , Calidad de Vida , Estudiantes , Heridas y Lesiones , Niño , Salud Bucal , Perfil de Impacto de Enfermedad , Mucosa Bucal , Prevalencia , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop ; 152(1): 58-65, 2017 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28651769


INTRODUCTION: The aims of this study were to compare the changes in posterior dental inclination and angulation, and the posterior tooth crown sizes and alveolar ridge thicknesses consequent to the orthodontic procedures of closing and opening of mandibular first molar edentulous spaces. METHODS: The sample comprised 16 patients (4 men, 12 women) with an initial mean age of 34.17 years and unilateral or bilateral absence of mandibular permanent first molars. The space closure group (SCG) comprised 12 hemiarches with a mandibular first molar edentulous space varying from 2 to 7 mm, orthodontically treated with space closure. The space opening group (SOG) comprised 14 quadrants with a mandibular first molar edentulous space varying from 7.1 to 12 mm, orthodontically treated with space reopening for prosthetic replacement. Digital dental models were obtained before treatment and after space closure or opening, and posterior tooth angulation and inclination, cervico-occlusal crown height, and alveolar ridge thickness were evaluated. Interphase and intergroup comparisons were performed with dependent t tests and t tests, respectively (P <0.05). RESULTS: Mandibular second molar uprighting and changes in buccolingual inclination of the posterior teeth were similar in the groups. The second molar cervico-occlusal crown height increased in the SCG and decreased in the SOG. The alveolar ridge thickness increased in the SCG and remained stable in the SOG. CONCLUSIONS: The only significant intergroup differences were that the second molar cervico-occlusal crown height and the alveolar ridge thickness increased in the SCG, and decreased and remained stable in the SOG.

Proceso Alveolar/patología , Arcada Parcialmente Edéntula/patología , Modelos Dentales , Migración del Diente/patología , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Arcada Parcialmente Edéntula/diagnóstico por imagen , Masculino , Diente Molar/patología , Radiografía Panorámica , Técnicas de Movimiento Dental
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop ; 151(5): 907-913, 2017 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28457268


INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the thickness and height of buccal and lingual alveolar bone of mandibular teeth moved to edentulous areas with a remodeled alveolar ridge. METHODS: The sample included 18 adult patients with unilateral or bilateral absence of mandibular permanent first molars with a mean age of 36.1 years before treatment. The mandibular hemiarches were divided into 3 groups: reopening group (15 hemiarches), closure group (12 hemiarches), and control group (9 hemiarches with no missing teeth). Cone-beam computed tomography scans with a 0.2-mm voxel size were performed 4 months after space closure or reopening. Cross sections 0.2 mm thick passing through the center of the mandibular permanent second molar and second premolar roots were used for measurements of the buccal and lingual bone plate thickness and level. Intergroup comparisons were performed with 1-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey tests (P <0.05). RESULTS: No intergroup differences were found for the alveolar bone statuses of the mandibular second premolar. For the mandibular second molar, the closing group showed significantly smaller buccal and lingual crest levels compared with the control group. CONCLUSIONS: Space closure of missing mandibular first molars caused slight buccal and lingual dehiscences at the mandibular second molar areas.

Proceso Alveolar/diagnóstico por imagen , Diente Molar/diagnóstico por imagen , Técnicas de Movimiento Dental/métodos , Adulto , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico , Humanos , Arcada Edéntula
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 21(6): 43-50, Sept.-Oct. 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-840195


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of two methods of visual magnification (operating microscope and light head magnifying glass) for removal of composite flash around orthodontic metal brackets. Material and Methods: Brackets were bonded in the center of the clinical crown of sixty well-preserved human premolars. Half of the sample was bonded with conventional Transbond XT (3M Unitek TM, USA), whereas the other half was bonded with Transbond TM Plus Color Change (3M Unitek TM, USA). For each type of composite, the choice of method to remove the flash was determined by randomly distributing the teeth into the following subgroups: A (removal by naked eye, n = 10), B (removal with the aid of light head magnifying glass, under 4x magnification, n = 10), and C (removal with the aid of an operating microscope, under 40x magnification, n = 10). Brackets were debonded and teeth taken to a scanning electron microscope (SS-x-550, Shimadzu, Japan) for visualization of their buccal surface. Quantification of composite flash was performed with Image Pro Plus software, and values were compared by Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn’s post-hoc test at 5% significance level. Results: Removal of pigmented orthodontic adhesive with the aid of light head magnifying glass proved, in general, to be advantageous in comparison to all other methods. Conclusion: There was no advantage in using Transbond TM Plus Color Change alone. Further studies are necessary to draw a more definitive conclusion in regards to the benefits of using an operating microscope.

RESUMO Objetivo: este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia de dois métodos de magnificação visual (microscópio cirúrgico e lupa de pala) para remoção da resina residual em torno de braquetes ortodônticos metálicos. Material e Métodos: os braquetes foram colados no centro da coroa clínica de 60 pré-molares humanos bem preservados. Metade da amostra foi colada com Transbond XT convencional (3M UnitekTM, EUA), enquanto a outra metade foi colada com TransbondTM Plus Color Change (3M-UnitekTM, EUA). Para cada tipo de resina, a escolha do método para remover o resíduo foi determinada por meio da distribuição aleatória dos dentes nos seguintes subgrupos: A (remoção a olho nu, n = 10), B (remoção com a ajuda de lupa de pala, sob uma ampliação de 4x, n = 10) e C (remoção com auxílio de um microscópio cirúrgico, sob uma ampliação de 40x, n = 10). Os braquetes foram descolados e os dentes, levados a um microscópio eletrônico de varredura (SS-X-550, Shimadzu, Japão) para visualização de sua superfície vestibular. A quantificação da resina residual foi realizada por meio do software Image Pro Plus, onde os valores foram comparados utilizando-se o teste de Kruskal-Wallis e o teste post-hoc de Dunn, ao nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: a remoção da resina ortodôntica pigmentada com o auxílio da lente de aumento de pala provou, em geral, ser mais vantajosa, em comparação aos outros métodos testados. Conclusão: não houve vantagem em se usar a TransbondTM Plus Color Change sozinha. Estudos adicionais são necessários para se chegar a uma conclusão definitiva sobre os benefícios da utilização de microscópio cirúrgico.

Humanos , Ortodoncia Correctiva/métodos , Soportes Ortodóncicos , Cementos Dentales/uso terapéutico , Ortodoncia Correctiva/instrumentación , Diente Premolar , Técnicas In Vitro , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Recubrimiento Dental Adhesivo/instrumentación , Recubrimiento Dental Adhesivo/métodos , Microscopía/instrumentación , Microscopía/métodos
Dental Press J Orthod ; 21(6): 43-50, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28125139


OBJECTIVE:: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of two methods of visual magnification (operating microscope and light head magnifying glass) for removal of composite flash around orthodontic metal brackets. MATERIAL AND METHODS:: Brackets were bonded in the center of the clinical crown of sixty well-preserved human premolars. Half of the sample was bonded with conventional Transbond XT (3M Unitek TM, USA), whereas the other half was bonded with Transbond TM Plus Color Change (3M Unitek TM, USA). For each type of composite, the choice of method to remove the flash was determined by randomly distributing the teeth into the following subgroups: A (removal by naked eye, n = 10), B (removal with the aid of light head magnifying glass, under 4x magnification, n = 10), and C (removal with the aid of an operating microscope, under 40x magnification, n = 10). Brackets were debonded and teeth taken to a scanning electron microscope (SS-x-550, Shimadzu, Japan) for visualization of their buccal surface. Quantification of composite flash was performed with Image Pro Plus software, and values were compared by Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn's post-hoc test at 5% significance level. RESULTS:: Removal of pigmented orthodontic adhesive with the aid of light head magnifying glass proved, in general, to be advantageous in comparison to all other methods. CONCLUSION:: There was no advantage in using Transbond TM Plus Color Change alone. Further studies are necessary to draw a more definitive conclusion in regards to the benefits of using an operating microscope.

Cementos Dentales/uso terapéutico , Soportes Ortodóncicos , Ortodoncia Correctiva/métodos , Diente Premolar , Recubrimiento Dental Adhesivo/instrumentación , Recubrimiento Dental Adhesivo/métodos , Humanos , Técnicas In Vitro , Microscopía/instrumentación , Microscopía/métodos , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Ortodoncia Correctiva/instrumentación
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 19(3): 36-43, May-Jun/2014. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-723157


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed at evaluating buccal and lingual bone plate changes caused by rapid maxillary expansion (RME) in the mixed dentition by means of computed tomography (CT). METHODS: The sample comprised spiral CT exams taken from 22 mixed dentition patients from 6 to 9 years of age (mean age of 8.1 years) presenting constricted maxillary arch treated with Haas-type expanders. Patients were submitted to spiral CT scan before expansion and after the screw activation period with a 30-day interval between T1 and T2. Multiplanar reconstruction was used to measure buccal and lingual bone plate thickness and buccal bone crest level of maxillary posterior deciduous and permanent teeth. Changes induced by expansion were evaluated using paired t test (p < 0.05). RESULTS: Thickness of buccal and lingual bone plates of posterior teeth remained unchanged during the expansion period, except for deciduous second molars which showed a slight reduction in bone thickness at the distal region of its buccal aspect. Buccal bone dehiscences were not observed in the supporting teeth after expansion. CONCLUSION: RME performed in mixed dentition did not produce immediate undesirable effects on periodontal bone tissues. .

OBJETIVO: o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar alterações das tábuas ósseas vestibulares e linguais decorrentes da expansão rápida da maxila (ERM), em pacientes na dentição mista, por meio de tomografia computadorizada (TC). MÉTODOS: a amostra foi constituída por exames de TC helicoidal, realizados de 22 pacientes com dentição mista, dos 6 aos 9 anos de idade (média de 8,1 anos), com atresia maxilar, tratados com expansores do tipo Haas. Os pacientes foram submetidos a tomografia computadorizada helicoidal antes da expansão e após o período de ativação de parafuso expansor, com 30 dias de intervalo entre as fases T1 e T2. A reconstrução multiplanar foi usada para medir a espessura da tábua óssea vestibular e lingual e a altura da crista óssea alveolar dos dentes posteriores decíduos e dos dentes permanentes. As alterações induzidas pela expansão foram avaliadas usando o teste t pareado (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: a espessura das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual dos dentes posteriores permaneceu inalterada durante o período de expansão, com exceção dos segundos molares decíduos, que mostraram uma ligeira redução da espessura do osso na região distal. Deiscências ósseas vestibulares não foram observadas nos dentes de suporte após a expansão. CONCLUSÃO: a ERM, realizada na dentição mista, não produziu efeitos imediatos indesejáveis sobre os tecidos ósseos periodontais. .

Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Proceso Alveolar , Dentición Mixta , Técnica de Expansión Palatina , Tomografía Computarizada Espiral/métodos , Diente Premolar , Cefalometría/métodos , Diente Canino , Arco Dental , Estudios de Seguimiento , Procesamiento de Imagen Asistido por Computador/métodos , Maxilar , Diente Molar , Diseño de Aparato Ortodóncico , Técnica de Expansión Palatina/instrumentación , Germen Dentario , Diente Primario
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 19(1): 86-91, Jan-Feb/2014. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-709640


INTRODUCTION: Fixed orthodontic appliances have been regarded as a common causative factor of oral lesions. To manage soft tissue discomfort, most orthodontists recommend using a small amount of utility wax over the brackets in order to alleviate trauma. This in vitro study aimed at evaluating friction generated by two types of bracket protectors (customized acetate protector [CAP] and temporary resin protector [TRP]) during the initial stages of orthodontic treatment. METHODS: An experimental model (test unit) was used to assess friction. In order to measure the friction produced in each test, the model was attached to a mechanical testing machine which simulated maxillary canines alignment. Intergroup comparison was carried out by one-way ANOVA with level of significance set at 5%. RESULTS: The friction presented by the TRP group was statistically higher than that of the control group at 6 mm. It was also higher than in the control and CAP groups in terms of maximum friction. CONCLUSION: The customized acetate protector (CAP) demonstrated not to interfere in friction between the wire and the orthodontic bracket slot. .

INTRODUÇÃO: o aparelho ortodôntico fixo é considerado um fator causador de traumas na mucosa bucal. Com o intuito de controlar o desconforto no tecido mole, diversos ortodontistas recomendam a utilização de uma pequena quantidade de cera utilidade sobre os braquetes como forma de proteção. Esse estudo teve como objetivo avaliar, in vitro, o atrito gerado por dois tipos de protetores de braquetes (protetor de acetato e de resina - PPA e PRT) durante os estágios iniciais do tratamento ortodôntico. MÉTODOS: o atrito gerado pelos protetores no fio ortodôntico foi avaliado em unidades de teste de modelos experimentais. Esses modelos foram ligados a uma máquina de ensaios mecânicos que simulava o alinhamento do canino superior. A comparação intergrupos foi realizada pela ANOVA, com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: a fricção apresentada pelo grupo PRT foi estatisticamente maior do que a do grupo controle ao nível de 6mm. Para o atrito máximo, a média do grupo PRT foi estatisticamente maior do que a dos grupos controle e PPA. CONCLUSÃO: o protetor de acetato demonstrou não interferir no atrito entre o fio e a ranhura do braquete ortodôntico. .

Humanos , Acetatos/química , Resinas Compuestas/química , Fricción , Protectores Bucales , Soportes Ortodóncicos , Aleaciones Dentales/química , Análisis del Estrés Dental/instrumentación , Elasticidad , Diseño de Equipo , Ensayo de Materiales , Níquel/química , Diseño de Aparato Ortodóncico , Alambres para Ortodoncia , Propiedades de Superficie , Acero Inoxidable/química , Titanio/química
J. appl. oral sci ; 21(6): 547-553, Nov-Dec/2013. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-697814


Objective: This prospective study assessed the stability of Class II treatment with the Bionator, followed by fixed appliances, 10 years after treatment. Material and Methods: The experimental group comprised 23 patients of both sexes (10 boys, 13 girls) at a mean initial age of 11.74 years (late mixed or early permanent dentitions), treated for a mean period of 3.55 years who were evaluated at three stages: initial (T1), final (T2) and long-term posttreatment (T3). A total of 69 lateral cephalograms were evaluated and 69 dental casts were measured using the PAR index. The difference between initial and final PAR indexes, the percentage of occlusal improvement obtained with therapy and the percentage of relapse were calculated, using the PAR index. The variables were compared by repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey tests. Results: The significant improvement in apical base relationship, the palatal inclination of the maxillary incisors and the labial inclination of the mandibular incisors, and the significant improvement in molar relationship and reduction of overjet and overbite, obtained with treatment, remained stable in the long-term posttreatment period. There was also significant improvement in the occlusal relationships which remained stable in the long-term posttreatment period. The percentage of occlusal improvement obtained was of 81.78% and the percentage of relapse was of 4.90%. Conclusions: Treatment of Class II division 1 malocclusions with the Bionator associated with fixed appliances showed to be stable in the long-term posttreatment period. .

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Aparatos Activadores , Maloclusión Clase II de Angle/terapia , Ortodoncia Correctiva/métodos , Análisis de Varianza , Cefalometría , Oclusión Dental , Estudios Prospectivos , Valores de Referencia , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Factores de Tiempo , Resultado del Tratamiento
J Appl Oral Sci ; 21(6): 547-53, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24473721


OBJECTIVE: This prospective study assessed the stability of Class II treatment with the Bionator, followed by fixed appliances, 10 years after treatment. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The experimental group comprised 23 patients of both sexes (10 boys, 13 girls) at a mean initial age of 11.74 years (late mixed or early permanent dentitions), treated for a mean period of 3.55 years who were evaluated at three stages: initial (T1), final (T2) and long-term posttreatment (T3). A total of 69 lateral cephalograms were evaluated and 69 dental casts were measured using the PAR index. The difference between initial and final PAR indexes, the percentage of occlusal improvement obtained with therapy and the percentage of relapse were calculated, using the PAR index. The variables were compared by repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey tests. RESULTS: The significant improvement in apical base relationship, the palatal inclination of the maxillary incisors and the labial inclination of the mandibular incisors, and the significant improvement in molar relationship and reduction of overjet and overbite, obtained with treatment, remained stable in the long-term posttreatment period. There was also significant improvement in the occlusal relationships which remained stable in the long-term posttreatment period. The percentage of occlusal improvement obtained was of 81.78% and the percentage of relapse was of 4.90%. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of Class II division 1 malocclusions with the Bionator associated with fixed appliances showed to be stable in the long-term posttreatment period.

Aparatos Activadores , Maloclusión Clase II de Angle/terapia , Ortodoncia Correctiva/métodos , Adolescente , Adulto , Análisis de Varianza , Cefalometría , Niño , Oclusión Dental , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Estudios Prospectivos , Valores de Referencia , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Factores de Tiempo , Resultado del Tratamiento , Adulto Joven
Braz. oral res ; 26(4): 360-365, July-Aug. 2012. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-640711


The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of two manual toothbrushes (conventional and orthodontic). The following clinical parameters were used: VPI (visible plaque index) and GBI (gingival bleeding index). Patients, 64 total (30 males and 34 females), in the permanent dentition, with a mean age of 17.8 years, were randomly selected from a practice specializing in orthodontics. Each participant received audio-visual instructions on oral hygiene as well as a kit of materials containing two manual toothbrushes (orthodontic and conventional). Each toothbrush was randomly allocated to one side of the mouth (split-mouth design) and used for a period of approximately 4 weeks. The VPI and GBI were measured by a single calibrated examiner before (T0) and after (T1) the implementation of interventions. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the VPI values between the groups, and the Student t-test for independent samples was used to compare GBI values. The level of significance was set at 5%. No statistically significant difference was observed between the groups at T0 for both VPI and GBI, and at T1 for the GBI. The manual orthodontic toothbrush produced a statistically lower VPI (P < 0.05) at T1, but this did not seem to be of clinical importance.

Adolescente , Femenino , Humanos , Dispositivos para el Autocuidado Bucal , Cepillado Dental/instrumentación , Índice de Placa Dental , Diseño de Equipo , Aparatos Ortodóncicos , Higiene Bucal/métodos , Índice Periodontal , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Cepillado Dental/métodos
Braz Oral Res ; 26(4): 360-5, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22790501


The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of two manual toothbrushes (conventional and orthodontic). The following clinical parameters were used: VPI (visible plaque index) and GBI (gingival bleeding index). Patients, 64 total (30 males and 34 females), in the permanent dentition, with a mean age of 17.8 years, were randomly selected from a practice specializing in orthodontics. Each participant received audio-visual instructions on oral hygiene as well as a kit of materials containing two manual toothbrushes (orthodontic and conventional). Each toothbrush was randomly allocated to one side of the mouth (split-mouth design) and used for a period of approximately 4 weeks. The VPI and GBI were measured by a single calibrated examiner before (T0) and after (T1) the implementation of interventions. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the VPI values between the groups, and the Student t-test for independent samples was used to compare GBI values. The level of significance was set at 5%. No statistically significant difference was observed between the groups at T0 for both VPI and GBI, and at T1 for the GBI. The manual orthodontic toothbrush produced a statistically lower VPI (P < 0.05) at T1, but this did not seem to be of clinical importance.

Dispositivos para el Autocuidado Bucal , Cepillado Dental/instrumentación , Adolescente , Índice de Placa Dental , Diseño de Equipo , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Higiene Bucal/métodos , Aparatos Ortodóncicos , Índice Periodontal , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Cepillado Dental/métodos