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Opt Lett ; 43(16): 3850-3853, 2018 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30106899


With the emergence of high-repetition-rate few-cycle laser pulse amplifiers aimed at investigating ultrafast dynamics in atomic, molecular, and solid-state science, the need for ever faster carrier-envelope phase (CEP) detection and control has arisen. Here we demonstrate a high-speed, continuous, every-single-shot measurement and fast feedback scheme based on a stereo above-threshold ionization time-of-flight spectrometer capable of detecting the CEP and pulse duration at a repetition rate of up to 400 kHz. This scheme is applied to a 100 kHz optical parametric chirped pulse amplification few-cycle laser system, demonstrating improved CEP stabilization and allowing for CEP tagging.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(21): 14708-14717, 2018 May 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29774327


We study the Strong-Field Ionization (SFI) of the hydrocarbon 1-butene as a function of wavelength using photoion-photoelectron covariance and coincidence spectroscopy. We observe a striking transition in the fragment-associated photoelectron spectra: from a single Above Threshold Ionization (ATI) progression for photon energies less than the cation D0-D1 gap to two ATI progressions for a photon energy greater than this gap. For the first case, electronically excited cations are created by SFI populating the ground cationic state D0, followed by sequential post-ionization excitation. For the second case, direct sub-cycle SFI to the D1 excited cation state contributes significantly. Our experiments access ionization dynamics in a regime where strong-field and resonance-enhanced processes can interplay.

Sci Adv ; 4(5): eaap8148, 2018 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29736412


Electrons released by strong-field ionization from atoms and molecules or in solids can be accelerated in the oscillating laser field and driven back to their ion core. The ensuing interaction, phase-locked to the optical cycle, initiates the central processes underlying attosecond science. A common assumption assigns a single, well-defined return direction to the recolliding electron. We study laser-induced electron rescattering associated with two different ionization continua in the same, spatially aligned, polyatomic molecule. We show by experiment and theory that the electron return probability is molecular frame-dependent and carries structural information on the ionized orbital. The returning wave packet structure has to be accounted for in analyzing strong-field spectroscopy experiments that critically depend on the interaction of the laser-driven continuum electron, such as laser-induced electron diffraction.

J Chem Phys ; 147(1): 013919, 2017 Jul 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28688405


A new ion-ion coincidence imaging spectrometer based on a pixelated complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor detector has been developed for the investigation of molecular ionization and fragmentation processes in strong laser fields. Used as a part of a velocity map imaging spectrometer, the detection system is comprised of a set of microchannel plates and a Timepix detector. A fast time-to-digital converter (TDC) is used to enhance the ion time-of-flight resolution by correlating timestamps registered separately by the Timepix detector and the TDC. In addition, sub-pixel spatial resolution (<6 µm) is achieved by the use of a center-of-mass centroiding algorithm. This performance is achieved while retaining a high event rate (104 per s). The spectrometer was characterized and used in a proof-of-principle experiment on strong field dissociative double ionization of carbon dioxide molecules (CO2), using a 400 kHz repetition rate laser system. The experimental results demonstrate that the spectrometer can detect multiple ions in coincidence, making it a valuable tool for studying the fragmentation dynamics of molecules in strong laser fields.

Opt Express ; 24(17): 19293-310, 2016 Aug 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27557209


Non-collinear optical parametric amplification has become the leading technology for amplifying few-cycle carrier-envelope phase (CEP) stable pulses to high energy at extreme repetition rates. In this work, a parametric amplifier system devoted to ultrafast photoionization experiments with coincidence detection is reported. The amplifier delivers CEP-stable few-cycle pulses with an average power of 5 W, and operates at repetition rates between 400 and 800 kHz. Close to transform-limited compression of the few-cycle pulses is achieved with minimized spatio-temporal distortions. Potential limitations introduced by spatio-temporal couplings to applications in attosecond science are analyzed. In particular, it is shown that pulse front tilt resulting from non-collinear amplification can considerably reduce the asymmetry in stereo above threshold ionization (stereo-ATI) experiments.

J Chem Phys ; 139(12): 124309, 2013 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24089769


Valence band photoionization of CO2 has been studied by photoelectron spectroscopy using a velocity map imaging spectrometer and synchrotron radiation. The measured data allow retrieving electronic and vibrational branching ratios, vibrationally resolved asymmetry parameters, and the total electron yield which includes multiple strong resonances. Additionally, the spectrum of low kinetic energy electrons has been studied in the resonant region, and the evolution with photon energy of one of the forbidden transitions present in the slow photoelectrons spectrum has been carefully analyzed, indicating that in the presence of auto-ionizing resonances the vibrational populations of the ion are significantly redistributed.

Opt Express ; 21(19): 22671-82, 2013 Sep 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24104154


Coincident electron-ion detection after photoionization in a "reaction microscope" is a very powerful tool to study atomic and molecular dynamics. However, the implementation of this tool in the field of attosecond science has so far been rather limited, due to the lack of high repetition rate laser sources capable of delivering few-cycle pulses with sufficient energy per pulse. In this article, the development of a Non-collinear Optical Parametric Amplifier (NOPA) capable of delivering Carrier-Envelope Phase (CEP) stable pulses with sub-6 fs duration and pulse energies in the few-µJ range is presented. The potential of combining the high repetition rate source and a reaction microscope operating at this high frequency is demonstrated in a proof-of-principle experiment on strong field ionization of Ar atoms.

Eur J Esthet Dent ; 7(1): 6-16, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22319761


Minimally invasive treatment modalities allow for the preservation of sound tooth substance. However, by limiting the preparation to the extent of a defect, the transition between restoration and natural tooth may be moved to more visible areas. The materials available for the restoration of a limited defect in the anterior area are either resin composite materials or porcelain. A patient was presented who asked for the replacement of a discolored filling on the maxillary right central incisor. Tooth preparation was limited to the extent of the old filling, and a porcelain partial veneer restoration was fabricated. Despite the horizontal finish line in the middle of the clinical crown, a result could be achieved that was regarded as a success by the patient. This type of restoration proves to be a suitable alternative to direct composite restorations in the anterior area for the reconstruction of a limited defect, eg, due to a dental trauma.

Porcelana Dental , Coronas con Frente Estético , Incisivo/patología , Preparación del Diente/métodos , Adulto , Silicatos de Aluminio/química , Cementación/métodos , Color , Diseño de Prótesis Dental , Fracaso de la Restauración Dental , Estética Dental , Femenino , Humanos , Satisfacción del Paciente , Compuestos de Potasio/química , Retratamiento
J Chem Phys ; 129(20): 204308, 2008 Nov 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19045865


Strong-field excitation and energy redistribution dynamics of C(60) fullerenes are studied by means of time-resolved mass spectrometry in a two-color femtosecond pump-probe setup. Resonant pre-excitation of the electronic system via the first dipole-allowed HOMO-->LUMO+1(t(1g)) (HOMO denotes highest occupied molecular orbital and LUMO denotes lowest unoccupied molecular orbital) transition with ultrashort 25 fs pulses at 399 nm of some 10(12) W cm(-2) results in a highly nonequilibrium distribution of excited electrons and vibrational modes in the neutral species. The subsequent coupling among the electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom is monitored by probing the system with time-delayed 27 fs pulses at 797 nm of some 10(13) W cm(-2). Direct information on the characteristic relaxation time is derived from the analysis of transient singly and multiply charged parent and fragment ion signals as a function of pump-probe delay and laser pulse intensity. The observed relaxation times tau(el) approximately 60-400 fs are attributed to different microcanonical ensembles prepared in the pre-excitation process and correspond to different total energy contents and energy sharing between electronic and vibrational degrees. The characteristic differences and trends allow one to extract a consistent picture for the formation dynamics of ions in different charge states and their fullerenelike fragments and give evidence to collective effects in multiple ionization such as plasmon-enhanced energy deposition.

J Phys Chem A ; 111(31): 7537-41, 2007 Aug 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17461563


The dynamics of vibrational wave packets excited in Na2 dimers in the triplet ground and excited states is investigated by means of helium nanodroplet isolation (HENDI) combined with femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy. Different pathways in the employed resonant multiphoton ionization scheme are identified. Within the precision of the method, the wave packet dynamics appears to be unperturbed by the helium droplet environment.

J Chem Phys ; 125(19): 194320, 2006 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17129116


The interaction of C60 fullerenes with 765-797 nm laser pulses as short as 9 fs at intensities of up to 3.7 x 10(14) W cm(-2) is investigated with photoion spectroscopy. The excitation time thus addressed lies well below the characteristic time scales for electron-electron and electron-phonon couplings. Thus, energy deposition into the system is separated from energy redistribution among the various electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom. Insight into fundamental photoinduced processes such as ionization and fragmentation is obtained from the analysis of the resulting mass spectra as a function of pulse duration, laser intensity, and time delay between pump and probe pulses, the latter revealing a memory effect for storing electronic energy in the system with a relaxation time of about 50 fs. Saturation intensities and relative abundances of (multiply charged) parent and fragment ions (C60(q+), q=1-6) are fingerprints for the ionization and fragmentation mechanisms. The observations indicate that for final charge states q>1 the well known C60 giant plasmon resonance is involved in creating ions and a significant amount of large fragments even with 9 fs pulses through a nonadiabatic multielectron dynamics. In contrast, for energetic reasons singly charged ions are generated by an essentially adiabatic single active electron mechanism and negligible fragmentation is found when 9 fs pulses are used. These findings promise to unravel a long standing puzzle in understanding C60 mass spectra generated by intense femtosecond laser pulses.

J Chem Phys ; 122(5): 54310, 2005 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15740325


The ultrafast relaxation dynamics of Cu(H(2)O)(2) is investigated using femtosecond photodetachment-photoionization spectroscopy. In addition, stationary points on the Cu(H(2)O)(2) anion, neutral, and cation potential energy surfaces are characterized by ab initio electronic structure calculations. Electron photodetachment from Cu(-)(H(2)O)(2) initiates the dynamics on the ground-state potential energy surface of neutral Cu(H(2)O)(2). The resulting Cu(H(2)O)(2) complexes experience large-amplitude H(2)O reorientation and dissociation. The time evolution of the Cu(H(2)O)(2) fragmentation products is monitored by time-resolved resonant multiphoton ionization. The parent ion, Cu(+)(H(2)O)(2), is not detected above background levels. The rise to a maximum of the Cu(+) signal from Cu(-)(H(2)O)(2), and the decay of the Cu(+)(H(2)O) signal from Cu(-)(H(2)O)(2) have similar tau approximately 10 ps time dependences to the corresponding signals from Cu(-)(H(2)O), but display clear differences at very short and long times. The experimental observations can be understood in terms of the following picture. Prompt dissociation of H(2)O from nascent Cu(H(2)O)(2) gives rise to a vibrationally excited Cu(H(2)O) complex, which dissociates to Cu+H(2)O due to coupling of H(2)O internal rotation to the dissociation coordinate. This prompt dissociation removes all intra-H(2)O vibrational excitation from the intermediate Cu(H(2)O) fragment, which quenches the long time vibrational predissociation to Cu+H(2)O previously observed in analogous experiments on Cu(-)(H(2)O).
