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J Magn Reson ; 365: 107742, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39116460


The dielectric properties of materials play a crucial role in the propagation and absorption of microwave beams employed in Magic Angle Spinning - Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (MAS-DNP) NMR experiments. Despite ongoing optimization efforts in sample preparation, routine MAS-DNP NMR applications often fall short of theoretical sensitivity limits. Offering a different perspective, we report the refractive indices and extinction coefficients of diverse materials used in MAS-DNP NMR experiments, spanning a frequency range from 70 to 960 GHz. Knowledge of their dielectric properties enables the accurate simulation of electron nutation frequencies, thereby guiding the design of more efficient hardware and sample preparation of biological or material samples. This is illustrated experimentally for four different rotor materials (sapphire, yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ), aluminum nitride (AlN), and SiAlON ceramics) used for DNP at 395 GHz/1H 600 MHz. Finally, electromagnetic simulations and state-of-the-art MAS-DNP numerical simulations provide a rational explanation for the observed magnetic field dependence of the enhancement when using nitroxide biradicals, offering insights that will improve MAS-DNP NMR at high magnetic fields.

Chem Sci ; 15(6): 2181-2196, 2024 Feb 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38332836


This study demonstrates the application of 103Rh solid-state NMR (SSNMR) spectroscopy to inorganic and organometallic coordination compounds, in combination with relativistic density functional theory (DFT) calculations of 103Rh chemical shift tensors and their analysis with natural bond orbital (NBO) and natural localized molecular orbital (NLMO) protocols, to develop correlations between 103Rh chemical shift tensors, molecular structure, and Rh-ligand bonding. 103Rh is one of the least receptive NMR nuclides, and consequently, there are very few reports in the literature. We introduce robust 103Rh SSNMR protocols for stationary samples, which use the broadband adiabatic inversion-cross polarization (BRAIN-CP) pulse sequence and wideband uniform-rate smooth-truncation (WURST) pulses for excitation, refocusing, and polarization transfer, and demonstrate the acquisition of 103Rh SSNMR spectra of unprecedented signal-to-noise and uniformity. The 103Rh chemical shift tensors determined from these spectra are complemented by NBO/NLMO analyses of contributions of individual orbitals to the 103Rh magnetic shielding tensors to understand their relationship to structure and bonding. Finally, we discuss the potential for these experimental and theoretical protocols for investigating a wide range of materials containing the platinum group elements.

CrystEngComm ; 26(9): 1219-1233, 2024 Feb 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38419975


This study describes the discovery of a unique ionic cocrystal of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) ponatinib hydrochloride (pon·HCl), and characterization using single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXRD) and solid-state NMR (SSNMR) spectroscopy. Pon·HCl is a multicomponent crystal that features an unusual stoichiometry, with an asymmetric unit containing both monocations and dications of the ponatinib molecule, three water molecules, and three chloride ions. Structural features include (i) a charged imidazopyridazine moiety that forms a hydrogen bond between the ponatinib monocations and dications and (ii) a chloride ion that does not feature hydrogen bonds involving any organic moiety, instead being situated in a "square" arrangement with three water molecules. Multinuclear SSNMR, featuring high and ultra-high fields up to 35.2 T, provides the groundwork for structural interpretation of complex multicomponent crystals in the absence of diffraction data. A 13C CP/MAS spectrum confirms the presence of two crystallographically distinct ponatinib molecules, whereas 1D 1H and 2D 1H-1H DQ-SQ spectra identify and assign the unusually deshielded imidazopyridazine proton. 1D 35Cl spectra obtained at multiple fields confirm the presence of three distinct chloride ions, with density functional theory calculations providing key relationships between the SSNMR spectra and H⋯Cl- hydrogen bonding arrangements. A 2D 35Cl → 1H D-RINEPT spectrum confirms the spatial proximities between the chloride ions, water molecules, and amine moieties. This all suggests future application of multinuclear SSNMR at high and ultra-high fields to the study of complex API solid forms for which SCXRD data are unavailable, with potential application to heterogeneous mixtures or amorphous solid dispersions.

Magn Reson Chem ; 62(3): 179-189, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38230444


This paper reports the principal values of the 13 C chemical shift tensors for five nitrogen-dense compounds (i.e., cytosine, uracil, imidazole, guanidine hydrochloride, and aminoguanidine hydrochloride). Although these are all fundamentally important compounds, the majority do not have 13 C chemical shift tensors reported in the literature. The chemical shift tensors are obtained from 1 H→13 C cross-polarization magic-angle spinning (CP/MAS) experiments that were conducted at a high field of 18.8 T to suppress the effects of 14 N-13 C residual dipolar coupling. Quantum chemical calculations using density functional theory are used to obtain the 13 C magnetic shielding tensors for these compounds. The best agreement with experiment arises from calculations using the hybrid functional PBE0 or the double-hybrid functional PBE0-DH, along with the triple-zeta basis sets TZ2P or pc-3, respectively, and intermolecular effects modeled using large clusters of molecules with electrostatic embedding through the COSMO approach. These measurements are part of an ongoing effort to expand the catalog of accurate 13 C chemical shift tensor measurements, with the aim of creating a database that may be useful for benchmarking the accuracy of quantum chemical calculations, developing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) crystallography protocols, or aiding in applications involving machine learning or data mining. This work was conducted at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory as part of a 2-week school for introducing undergraduate students to practical laboratory experience that will prepare them for scientific careers or postgraduate studies.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(45): 9621-9634, 2023 Nov 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37922436


Cross-polarization (CP) is a technique commonly used for the signal enhancement of NMR spectra; however, applications to quadrupolar nuclei have heretofore been limited due to a number of problems, including poor spin-locking efficiency, inconvenient relaxation times, and reduced CP efficiencies over broad spectral bandwidths─this is unfortunate, since they constitute 73% of NMR-active nuclei in the periodic table. The Broadband Adiabatic Inversion CP (BRAIN-CP) pulse sequence has proven useful for the signal enhancement of wideline and ultra-wideline (i.e., 250 kHz to several MHz in breadth) powder patterns arising from stationary samples; however, a comprehensive investigation of its application to half-integer quadrupolar nuclei (HIQN) is currently lacking. Herein, we present theoretical and experimental considerations for applying BRAIN-CP to acquire central-transition (CT, +1/2 ↔ -1/2) powder patterns of HIQN. Consideration is given to parameters crucial to the success of the experiment, such as the Hartmann-Hahn (HH) matching conditions and the phase modulation of the contact pulse. Modifications to the BRAIN-CP sequence such as flip-back (FB) pulses and ramped contact pulses applied to the 1H spins are used for the reduction of experimental times and increased CP bandwidth capabilities, respectively. Spectra for a series of quadrupolar nuclei with broad CT powder patterns, including 35Cl (S = 3/2), 55Mn (S = 5/2), 59Co (S = 7/2), and 93Nb (S = 9/2), are acquired via direct excitation (CPMG and WCPMG) and indirect excitation (CP/CPMG and BRAIN-CP) methods. We demonstrate that proper implementation of the sequence can enable 1H-S broadband CP over a bandwidth of 1 MHz, which to the best of our knowledge is the largest CP bandwidth reported to date. Finally, we establish the basic principles necessary for simplified optimization and execution of the BRAIN-CP pulse sequence for a wide range of HIQNs.

Anal Chem ; 95(46): 16936-16942, 2023 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37931115


High-pressure nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy finds remarkable applications in catalysis, protein biochemistry and biophysics, analytical chemistry, material science, energy, and environmental control but requires expensive probe heads and/or sample cells. This contribution describes the design, construction, and testing of a low-cost 5 mm NMR tube suitable for high-pressure NMR measurements of up to 30 MPa. The sample cell comprises a standard, 5 mm single-crystal sapphire tube that has been fitted to a section of a relatively inexpensive polyether ether ketone (PEEK) HPLC column. PEEK HPLC tubing and connectors enable integration with a gas rig or a standard HPLC pump located outside the stray field of the magnet. The cell is compatible with any 5 mm static NMR probe head, exhibits almost zero background in NMR experiments, and is compatible with any liquid, gas, temperature, or pressure range encountered in HPLC experimentation. A specifically designed transport case enables the safe handling of the pressurized tube outside the probe head. The performance of the setup was evaluated using in situ high-field NMR spectroscopy and MRI performed during the formation of bulk and nanoconfined clathrate hydrates occluding methane, ethane, and hydrogen.

J Magn Reson ; 354: 107528, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37632988


Efficient acquisition of wideline solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra with patterns affected by large inhomogeneous broadening is accomplished with the use of broadband pulse sequences. These specialized pulse sequences often use frequency-swept pulses, which feature time-dependent phase and amplitude modulations that in turn deliver broad and uniform excitation across large spectral bandwidths. However, the resulting NMR spectra are often affected by complex frequency-dependent phase dispersions, owing to the interplay between the frequency-swept excitations and anisotropic resonance frequencies. Such phase distortions necessitate the use of multi-order non-linear corrections in order to obtain absorptive, distortion-free patterns with uniform phasing. Performing such corrections is often challenging due to the complex interdependence of the linear and non-linear phase contributions, and how these may affect the NMR signal. Hence, processing of these data usually involves calculating the spectra in magnitude mode wherein the phase information is discarded. Herein, we present a fully automated phasing routine that is capable of processing and phase correcting such wideline NMR spectra. Its performance is corroborated via processing of NMR data acquired using both the WURST-CPMG (Wideband, Uniform-Rate, Smooth Truncation with Carr-Purcell Meiboom-Gill acquisition) and BRAIN-CP (BRoadband Adiabatic Inversion Cross Polarization) pulse sequences for a variety of nuclei (i.e., 119Sn, 195Pt, 35Cl, 87Rb, and 14N). Based on both simulated and experimental NMR datasets, it is demonstrated that automatic phase corrections up to and including second order can be readily achieved without a priori information regarding the nature of the phase-distorted NMR datasets, and independently of the exact manner in which time-domain NMR data are collected and subsequently processed. In addition, it is shown that NMR spectra acquired at both single and multiple transmitter frequencies that are processed with this automated phasing routine have improved signal-to-noise properties than those processed with conventional magnitude calculations, along with powder patterns that better match those of ideal NMR spectra, even for datasets possessing low signal-to-noise ratios and/or affected by spectral artifacts.

J Magn Reson ; 346: 107320, 2023 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36470176


NMR spectroscopy is an inherently insensitive technique with respect to the amount of observable signal. A common element in all NMR spectra is random thermal noise that is often characterized by a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). SNR can be generically improved experimentally with repetitive signal averaging or during post-processing with apodization; the former of which often results in long experimental times and the latter results in the loss of spectral resolution. Denoising techniques can instead be used during post-processing to enhance SNR without compromising resolution. The most common approach relies on the singular-value decomposition (SVD) to discard noisy components of NMR data. SVD-based approaches work well, such as Cadzow and PCA, but are computationally expensive when used for large datasets that are often encountered in NMR (e.g., Carr-Purcell/Meiboom-Gill and nD datasets). Herein, we describe the implementation of a new wavelet transform (WT) routine for the fast and robust denoising of 1D and 2D NMR spectra. Several simulated and experimental datasets are denoised with both SVD-based Cadzow or PCA and WT's, and the resulting SNR enhancements and spectral uniformity are compared. WT denoising offers similar and improved denoising compared with SVD and operates faster by several orders-of-magnitude in some cases. All denoising and processing routines used in this work are included in a free and open-source Python library called DESPERATE.

Solid State Nucl Magn Reson ; 122: 101837, 2022 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36434925


This study uses 35Cl and 2H solid-state NMR (SSNMR) spectroscopy and dispersion-corrected plane-wave density functional theory (DFT) calculations to characterize the molecular-level structures and dynamics of hydrates of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). We use 35Cl SSNMR to measure the EFG tensors of the chloride ions to characterize hydrated forms of hydrochloride salts of APIs, along with two corresponding anhydrous forms. DFT calculations are used to refine the crystal structures of the APIs and determine relationships between the 35Cl EFG tensors and the spatial arrangements of proximate hydrogen bonds, which are particularly influenced by interactions with water molecules. We find that the relationship between 35Cl EFG tensors and local hydrogen bonding geometries is complex, but meaningful structure/property relationships can be garnered through use of DFT calculations. Specifically, for every case in which such a comparison could be made, we find that the hydrate has a smaller magnitude of CQ than the corresponding anhydrous form, indicating a chloride ion environment with a ground-state electron density of higher spherical symmetry in the former. Finally, variable-temperature 35Cl and 2H SSNMR experiments on a deuterium-exchanged sample of the API cimetidine hydrochloride monohydrate are used to monitor temperature-dependent influences on the spectra that may arise from motional influences on the 35Cl and 2H EFG tensors. From the 2H SSNMR spectra, we determine that the motions of water molecules are characterized by jump-like motions about their C2 rotational axes that occur on timescales that are unlikely to influence the 35Cl central-transition (+1/2 ↔︎ -1/2) powder patterns (this is confirmed by 35Cl SSNMR). Together, these methods show great promise for the future study of APIs in their bulk and dosage forms, especially variable hydrates in which crystallographic water content varies with external conditions such as humidity.

Cloruros , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Halógenos , Agua , Polvos
Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(37): 22792-22805, 2022 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36112060


There are currently no methods for the acquisition of ultra-wideline (UW) solid-state NMR spectra under static conditions that enable reliable separation and resolution of overlapping powder patterns arising from magnetically distinct nuclei. This stands in contrast to the variety of techniques available for spin-1/2 or half-integer quadrupolar nuclei with narrow central transition patterns under magic-angle spinning (MAS). Resolution of overlapping signals is routinely achieved in MRI and solution-state NMR by exploiting relaxation differences between nonequivalent sites. Preliminary studies of relaxation assisted separation (RAS) for separating overlapping UWNMR patterns using pseudo-inverse Laplace Transforms have reported two-dimensional spectra featuring relaxation rates correlated to NMR interaction frequencies. However, RAS methods are inherently sensitive to experimental noise, and require that relaxation rates associated with overlapped patterns be significantly different from one another. Herein, principal component analysis (PCA) denoising is implemented to increase the signal-to-noise ratios of the relaxation datasets and RAS routines are stabilized with truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) and elastic net (EN) regularization to resolve overlapped patterns with a larger tolerance for differences in relaxation rates. We extend these methods for improved pattern resolution by utilizing 3D frequency-R1-R2 correlation spectra. Synthetic and experimental datasets, including 35Cl (I = 3/2), 2H (I = 1), and 14N (I = 1) NMR of organic and biological compounds, are explored with both regularized 2D RAS and 3D RAS; comparison of these data reveal improved resolution in the latter case. These methods have great potential for separating overlapping powder patterns under both static and MAS conditions.

Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Espectroscopía de Resonancia Magnética/métodos , Polvos , Relación Señal-Ruido
J Magn Reson ; 337: 107174, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35279507


The Carr-Purcell/Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) pulse sequence, initially introduced for measuring transverse relaxation time constants (T2), can provide significant signal enhancements for solid-state NMR (SSNMR) spectra. The proper implementation of CPMG for acquiring spectra influenced by chemical shift anisotropies (CSAs), first and/or second order quadrupolar interactions, or paramagnetic broadening has been well documented to date, as have the effects of heteronuclear dipolar coupling on CPMG echo trains and T2 lifetimes. Homonuclear dipolar coupling can also impact T2 lifetimes and CPMG echo trains; these effects have been thoroughly investigated for spectra of homonuclear dipolar coupled spin-1/2 nuclei typically acquired under static conditions that are predominantly influenced by dipolar broadening (e.g., 1H, 19F, etc.). In particular, it has been shown that short refocusing pulses with small flip angles can extend the effective T2 (T2eff, the observed T2 constant as impacted by experimental conditions) measured by CPMG sequences for strong homonuclear dipolar coupled spin-1/2 pairs under static conditions. To date, these effects have not been explored for (i) spin-1/2 nuclei that have significant CSAs and simultaneously feature weak homonuclear dipolar couplings, (ii) for quadrupolar nuclei that are also weakly homonuclear dipolar coupled, and (iii) for either of these cases under magic-angle spinning (MAS) conditions. Herein, we demonstrate that short refocusing pulses that cause small flip angles can reduce the attenuation of signal in CPMG echo trains resulting from dipolar dephasing caused by the weak homonuclear dipolar couplings. For both spin-1/2 and quadrupolar nuclei, this can lead to significant extensions in T2eff and signal enhancements of up to three times compared to conventional CPMG in favourable cases. These phenomena can occur under both static and magic-angle spinning (MAS) conditions, in the latter of which homonuclear couplings are reintroduced by rotational resonance (R2) recoupling. Experimental examples of 13C (I = 1/2), 2H (I = 1), 87Rb (I = 3/2), 23Na (I = 3/2), and 35Cl (I = 3/2) NMR under static and MAS conditions, as well as simulations of these phenomena, are shown and discussed.

Algoritmos , Branquias , Animales , Anisotropía , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Espectroscopía de Resonancia Magnética/métodos
J Phys Chem B ; 126(13): 2452-2465, 2022 04 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35333061


We describe the application of the microscopic-order-macroscopic-disorder (MOMD) approach, developed for the analysis of dynamic 2H NMR lineshapes in the solid state, to unravel interactions among the constituents of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) that comprise mobile components. MOMD was applied recently to University of Windsor Dynamic Material (UWDM) MOFs with one mobile crown ether per cavity. In this work, we study UWDM-9-d4, which comprises a mobile 2H-labeled phenyl-ring residue along with an isotopically unlabeled 24C8 crown ether. We also study UiO-68-d4, which is structurally similar to UWDM-9-d4 but lacks the crown ether. The physical picture consists of the NMR probe─the C-D bonds of the phenyl-d4 rotor─diffusing locally (diffusion tensor R) in the presence of a local ordering potential, u. For UiO-68-d4, we find it sufficient to expand u in terms of four real Wigner functions, D0|K|L, overall 2-3 kT in magnitude, with R∥ relatively fast, and R⊥ in the (2.8-5.0) × 102 s-1 range. For UWDM-9-d4, u requires only two terms 2-3 kT in magnitude and slower rate constants R∥ and R⊥. In the more crowded macrocycle-containing UWDM-9-d4 cavity, phenyl-d4 dynamics is more isotropic and is described by a simpler ordering potential. This is ascribed to cooperative phenyl-ring/macrocycle motion, which yields a dynamic structure more uniform in character. The experimental 2H spectra used here were analyzed previously with a multi-simple-mode (MSM) approach where several independent simple motional modes are combined. Where possible, similar features have been identified and used to compare the two approaches.

Éteres Corona , Estructuras Metalorgánicas , Difusión , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Espectroscopía de Resonancia Magnética
Mol Pharm ; 19(2): 440-455, 2022 02 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34792373


This study uses 35Cl and 14N solid-state NMR (SSNMR) spectroscopy and dispersion-corrected plane-wave density functional theory (DFT) calculations for the structural characterization of chloride salts of nutraceuticals in their bulk and dosage forms. For eight nutraceuticals, we measure the 35Cl EFG tensor parameters of the chloride ions and use plane-wave DFT calculations to elucidate relationships between NMR parameters and molecular-level structure, which provide rapid NMR crystallographic assessments of structural features. We employ both 35Cl direct excitation and 1H→35Cl cross-polarization methods to characterize a dosage form containing α-d-glucosamine HCl, observe possible impurity and/or adulterant phases, and quantify the weight percent of the active ingredient. To complement this, we also investigate 14N SSNMR spectroscopy and DFT calculations to characterize nitrogen atoms in the nutraceuticals. This includes a discussion of targeted acquisition experimental protocols (i.e., acquiring a select region of the overall pattern that features key discontinuities) that allow ultrawideline spectra to be acquired rapidly, even for unreceptive samples (i.e., those with long values of T1(14N), short values of T2eff(14N), or very broad patterns). It is hoped that these experimental and computational protocols will be useful for the characterization of various solid forms of nutraceuticals (i.e., salts, polymorphs, hydrates, solvates, cocrystals, amorphous solid dispersions, etc.), help detect impurity and counterfeit solid phases in dosage forms, and serve as a foundation for future NMR crystallographic studies of nutraceutical solid forms, including studies using ab initio crystal structure prediction algorithms.

Cloruros , Suplementos Dietéticos , Cloruros/química , Teoría Funcional de la Densidad , Espectroscopía de Resonancia Magnética/métodos , Estructura Molecular
J Am Chem Soc ; 143(47): 19778-19784, 2021 12 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34793152


Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) enhances solution-state NMR signals of labile and otherwise invisible chemical sites, by indirectly detecting their signatures as a highly magnified saturation of an abundant resonance─for instance, the 1H resonance of water. Stimulated by this sensitivity magnification, this study presents PROgressive Saturation of the Proton Reservoir (PROSPR), a method for enhancing the NMR sensitivity of dilute heteronuclei in static solids. PROSPR aims at using these heteronuclei to progressively deplete the abundant 1H polarization found in most organic and several inorganic solids, and implements this 1H signal depletion in a manner that reflects the spectral intensities of the heteronuclei as a function of their chemical shifts or quadrupolar offsets. To achieve this, PROSPR uses a looped cross-polarization scheme that repeatedly depletes 1H-1H local dipolar order and then relays this saturation throughout the full 1H reservoir via spin-diffusion processes that act as analogues of chemical exchanges in the CEST experiment. Repeating this cross-polarization/spin-diffusion procedure multiple times results in an effective magnification of each heteronucleus's response that, when repeated in a frequency-stepped fashion, indirectly maps their NMR spectrum as sizable attenuations of the abundant 1H NMR signal. Experimental PROSPR examples demonstrate that, in this fashion, faithful wideline NMR spectra can be obtained. These 1H-detected heteronuclear NMR spectra can have their sensitivity enhanced by orders of magnitude in comparison to optimized direct-detect experiments targeting unreceptive nuclei at low natural abundance, using modest hardware requirements and conventional NMR equipment at room temperature.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 57(66): 8210-8213, 2021 Aug 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34308949


An H-shaped [2]rotaxane comprising a bis(benzimidazole) axle and a 24-membered crown ether wheel appended with four trityl groups forms a highly crystalline material with enough free volume to allow large amplitude motion of the interlocked macrocycle. Variable-temperature (VT) 2H solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (SSNMR) was used to characterize the dynamics of the [2]rotaxane wheel in this material.

J Am Chem Soc ; 143(31): 12053-12062, 2021 08 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34324323


The organic components in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are unique: they are embedded in a crystalline lattice, yet, as they are separated from each other by tunable free space, a large variety of dynamic behavior can emerge. These rotational dynamics of the organic linkers are especially important due to their influence over properties such as gas adsorption and kinetics of guest release. To fully exploit linker rotation, such as in the form of molecular machines, it is necessary to engineer correlated linker dynamics to achieve their cooperative functional motion. Here, we show that for MIL-53, a topology with closely spaced rotors, the phenylene functionalization allows researchers to tune the rotors' steric environment, shifting linker rotation from completely static to rapid motions at frequencies above 100 MHz. For steric interactions that start to inhibit independent rotor motion, we identify for the first time the emergence of coupled rotation modes in linker dynamics. These findings pave the way for function-specific engineering of gear-like cooperative motion in MOFs.

Chem Sci ; 12(11): 3944-3951, 2021 Feb 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34163664


A new [2]rotaxane molecular shuttle linker based on the binding of a 24-crown-8 ether macrocycle at a benzimidazole recognition site was synthesised. The shuttling dynamics of the linker were studied in solution and the structure confirmed by X-ray crystallography. A multivariate Zr(iv) MOF, UWDM-11, containing the new MIM linker and primary linker tetramethylterphenyldicarboxylate was synthesised and the translational motion of the molecular shuttle studied in the solid state. The use of a 13C enriched MIM linker allowed the dynamics of both activated and mesitylene-solvated UWDM-11 to be elucidated by VT 13C CPMAS SSNMR. The incorporation of mesitylene into the pores of UWDM-11 resulted in a significant increase in the barrier for thermally driven translation of the macrocycle.

Magn Reson Chem ; 59(9-10): 1009-1023, 2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33634894


Solid-state NMR (SSNMR) spectroscopy of integer-spin quadrupolar nuclei is important for the molecular-level characterization of a variety of materials and biological solids; of the integer spins, 2 H (S = 1) is by far the most widely studied, due to its usefulness in probing dynamical motions. SSNMR spectra of integer-spin nuclei often feature very broad powder patterns that arise largely from the effects of the first-order quadrupolar interaction; as such, the acquisition of high-quality spectra continues to remain a challenge. The broadband adiabatic inversion cross-polarization (BRAIN-CP) pulse sequence, which is capable of cross-polarization (CP) enhancement over large bandwidths, has found success for the acquisition of SSNMR spectra of integer-spin nuclei, including 14 N (S = 1), especially when coupled with Carr-Purcell/Meiboom-Gill pulse sequences featuring frequency-swept WURST pulses (WURST-CPMG) for T2 -based signal enhancement. However, to date, there has not been a systematic investigation of the spin dynamics underlying BRAIN-CP, nor any concrete theoretical models to aid in its parameterization for applications to integer-spin nuclei. In addition, the BRAIN-CP/WURST-CPMG scheme has not been demonstrated for generalized application to wideline or ultra-wideline (UW) 2 H SSNMR. Herein, we provide a theoretical description of the BRAIN-CP pulse sequence for spin-1/2 → spin-1 CP under static conditions, featuring a set of analytical equations describing Hartmann-Hahn matching conditions and numerical simulations that elucidate a CP mechanism involving polarization transfer, coherence exchange, and adiabatic inversion. Several experimental examples are presented for comparison with theoretical models and previously developed integer-spin CP methods, demonstrating rapid acquisition of 2 H NMR spectra from efficient broadband CP.

J Chem Phys ; 154(3): 034202, 2021 Jan 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33499635


Accurate measurements of longitudinal relaxation time constants (T1) in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (SSNMR) experiments are important for the study of molecular-level structure and dynamics. Such measurements are often made under magic-angle spinning conditions; however, there are numerous instances where they must be made on stationary samples, which often give rise to broad powder patterns arising from large anisotropic NMR interactions. In this work, we explore the use of wideband uniform-rate smooth-truncation pulses for the measurement of T1 constants. Two experiments are introduced: (i) BRAIN-CPT1, a modification of the BRAIN-CP (BRoadband Adiabatic-INversion-Cross Polarization) sequence, for broadband CP-based T1 measurements and (ii) WCPMG-IR, a modification of the WURST-CPMG sequence, for direct-excitation (DE) inversion-recovery experiments. A series of T1 constants are measured for spin-1/2 and quadrupolar nuclei with broad powder patterns, such as 119Sn (I = 1/2), 35Cl (I = 3/2), 2H (I = 1), and 195Pt (I = 1/2). High signal-to-noise spectra with uniform patterns can be obtained due to signal enhancements from T2 eff-weighted echo trains, and in favorable cases, BRAIN-CPT1 allows for the rapid measurement of T1 in comparison to DE experiments. Protocols for spectral acquisition, processing, and analysis of relaxation data are discussed. In most cases, relaxation behavior can be modeled with either monoexponential or biexponential functions based upon measurements of integrated powder pattern intensity; however, it is also demonstrated that one must interpret such T1 values with caution, as demonstrated by measurements of T1 anisotropy in 119Sn, 2H, and 195Pt NMR spectra.

Faraday Discuss ; 225: 358-370, 2021 02 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33089860


Zr(iv) metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) UiO-68 and PCN-57, containing triphenylene dicarboxylate (TPDC) and tetramethyl-triphenylene dicarboxylate (TTDC) linkers, respectively, were doped with an H-shaped tetracarboxylate linker that contains a [2]rotaxane molecular shuttle. The new MOFs, UWDM-8 and UWDM-9, contain a [2]rotaxane crossbar spanning the tetrahedral cavities of the fcu topology while the octahedral cavities remain empty. 13C solid-state NMR (SSNMR) spectra and solution 1H NMR spectra verified that the [2]rotaxanes were included as designed. Variable-temperature (VT) cross polarization (CP) magic-angle spinning (MAS) 13C SSNMR was used to explore the translational motion of the macrocyclic ring in both MOFs. The SSNMR results clearly show that the structure of the linker (TPDCvs.TTDC) affects the shuttling rate of the macrocyclic ring, although questions remain as to how rotation of the central phenylene unit of the strut might also affect the motion of the macrocycle.
