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Sci Adv ; 10(11): eadk3539, 2024 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38478600


The field-induced quantum-disordered state of layered honeycomb magnet α-RuCl3 is a prime candidate for Kitaev spin liquids hosting Majorana fermions and non-Abelian anyons. Recent observations of anomalous planar thermal Hall effect demonstrate a topological edge mode, but whether it originates from Majorana fermions or bosonic magnons remains controversial. Here, we distinguish these origins from combined low-temperature measurements of high-resolution specific heat and thermal Hall conductivity with rotating magnetic fields within the honeycomb plane. A distinct closure of the low-energy bulk gap is observed for the fields in the Ru-Ru bond direction, and the gap opens rapidly when the field is tilted. Notably, this change occurs concomitantly with the sign reversal of the Hall effect. General discussions of topological bands show that this is the hallmark of an angle rotation-induced topological transition of fermions, providing conclusive evidence for the Majorana-fermion origin of the thermal Hall effect in α-RuCl3.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(21): e2208276120, 2023 May 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37186859


Iron-chalcogenide superconductors FeSe1-xSx possess unique electronic properties such as nonmagnetic nematic order and its quantum critical point. The nature of superconductivity with such nematicity is important for understanding the mechanism of unconventional superconductivity. A recent theory suggested the possible emergence of a fundamentally new class of superconductivity with the so-called Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces (BFSs) in this system. However, such an ultranodal pair state requires broken time-reversal symmetry (TRS) in the superconducting state, which has not been observed experimentally. Here, we report muon spin relaxation (µSR) measurements in FeSe1-xSx superconductors for 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.22 covering both orthorhombic (nematic) and tetragonal phases. We find that the zero-field muon relaxation rate is enhanced below the superconducting transition temperature Tc for all compositions, indicating that the superconducting state breaks TRS both in the nematic and tetragonal phases. Moreover, the transverse-field µSR measurements reveal that the superfluid density shows an unexpected and substantial reduction in the tetragonal phase (x > 0.17). This implies that a significant fraction of electrons remain unpaired in the zero-temperature limit, which cannot be explained by the known unconventional superconducting states with point or line nodes. The TRS breaking and the suppressed superfluid density in the tetragonal phase, together with the reported enhanced zero-energy excitations, are consistent with the ultranodal pair state with BFSs. The present results reveal two different superconducting states with broken TRS separated by the nematic critical point in FeSe1-xSx, which calls for the theory of microscopic origins that account for the relation between nematicity and superconductivity.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 2966, 2023 May 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37221184


Chiral spin-triplet superconductivity is a topologically nontrivial pairing state with broken time-reversal symmetry, which can host Majorana quasiparticles. The heavy-fermion superconductor UTe2 exhibits peculiar properties of spin-triplet pairing, and the possible chiral state has been actively discussed. However, the symmetry and nodal structure of its order parameter in the bulk, which determine the Majorana surface states, remains controversial. Here we focus on the number and positions of superconducting gap nodes in the ground state of UTe2. Our magnetic penetration depth measurements for three field orientations in three crystals all show the power-law temperature dependence with exponents close to 2, which excludes single-component spin-triplet states. The anisotropy of low-energy quasiparticle excitations indicates multiple point nodes near the ky- and kz-axes in momentum space. These results can be consistently explained by a chiral B3u + iAu non-unitary state, providing fundamentals of the topological properties in UTe2.

Sci Adv ; 9(18): eabq5561, 2023 May 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37134174


Continued advances in quantum technologies rely on producing nanometer-scale wires. Although several state-of-the-art nanolithographic technologies and bottom-up synthesis processes have been used to engineer these wires, critical challenges remain in growing uniform atomic-scale crystalline wires and constructing their network structures. Here, we discover a simple method to fabricate atomic-scale wires with various arrangements, including stripes, X-junctions, Y-junctions, and nanorings. Single-crystalline atomic-scale wires of a Mott insulator, whose bandgap is comparable to those of wide-gap semiconductors, are spontaneously grown on graphite substrates by pulsed-laser deposition. These wires are one unit cell thick and have an exact width of two and four unit cells (1.4 and 2.8 nm) and lengths up to a few micrometers. We show that the nonequilibrium reaction-diffusion processes may play an essential role in atomic pattern formation. Our findings offer a previously unknown perspective on the nonequilibrium self-organization phenomena on an atomic scale, paving a unique way for the quantum architecture of nano-network.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 1260, 2023 Mar 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36898999


Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in quantum magnets, where bosonic spin excitations condense into ordered ground states, is a realization of BEC in a thermodynamic limit. Although previous magnetic BEC studies have focused on magnets with small spins of S ≤ 1, larger spin systems potentially possess richer physics because of the multiple excitations on a single site level. Here, we show the evolution of the magnetic phase diagram of S = 3/2 quantum magnet Ba2CoGe2O7 when the averaged interaction J is controlled by a dilution of magnetic sites. By partial substitution of Co with nonmagnetic Zn, the magnetic order dome transforms into a double dome structure, which can be explained by three kinds of magnetic BECs with distinct excitations. Furthermore, we show the importance of the randomness effects induced by the quenched disorder: we discuss the relevance of geometrical percolation and Bose/Mott glass physics near the BEC quantum critical point.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 9187, 2022 Jun 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35654914


A finite residual linear term in the thermal conductivity at zero temperature in insulating magnets indicates the presence of gapless excitations of itinerant quasiparticles, which has been observed in some candidate materials of quantum spin liquids (QSLs). In the organic triangular insulator ß'-EtMe3Sb[Pd(dmit)2]2, a QSL candidate material, the low-temperature thermal conductivity depends on the cooling process and the finite residual term is observed only in samples with large thermal conductivity. Moreover, the cooling rate dependence is largely sample dependent. Here we find that, while the low-temperature thermal conductivity significantly depends on the cooling rate, the high-temperature resistivity is almost perfectly independent of the cooling rate. These results indicate that in the samples with the finite residual term, the mean free path of the quasiparticles that carry the heat at low temperatures is governed by disorders, whose characteristic length scale of the distribution is much longer than the electron mean free path that determines the high-temperature resistivity. This explains why recent X-ray diffraction and nuclear magnetic resonance measurements show no cooling rate dependence. Naturally, these measurements are unsuitable for detecting disorders of the length scale relevant for the thermal conductivity, just as they cannot determine the residual resistivity of metals. Present results indicate that very careful experiments are needed when discussing itinerant spin excitations in ß'-EtMe3Sb[Pd(dmit)2]2.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(18): e2110501119, 2022 May 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35486694


SignificanceThe notion of the quantum critical point (QCP) is at the core of modern condensed matter physics. Near a QCP of the symmetry-breaking order, associated quantum-mechanical fluctuations are intensified, which can lead to unconventional superconductivity. Indeed, dome-shaped superconducting phases are often observed near the magnetic QCPs, which supports the spin fluctuation-driven superconductivity. However, the fundamental question remains as to whether a nonmagnetic QCP of electronic nematic order characterized by spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking can promote superconductivity in real materials. Here, we provide an experimental demonstration that a pure nematic QCP exists near the center of a superconducting dome in nonmagnetic FeSe[Formula: see text] Tex. This result evidences that nematic fluctuations enhanced around the nematic QCP can boost superconductivity.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 323, 2022 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35031621


Quantum spin liquids realize massive entanglement and fractional quasiparticles from localized spins, proposed as an avenue for quantum science and technology. In particular, topological quantum computations are suggested in the non-abelian phase of Kitaev quantum spin liquid with Majorana fermions, and detection of Majorana fermions is one of the most outstanding problems in modern condensed matter physics. Here, we propose a concrete way to identify the non-abelian Kitaev quantum spin liquid by magnetic field angle dependence. Topologically protected critical lines exist on a plane of magnetic field angles, and their shapes are determined by microscopic spin interactions. A chirality operator plays a key role in demonstrating microscopic dependences of the critical lines. We also show that the chirality operator can be used to evaluate topological properties of the non-abelian Kitaev quantum spin liquid without relying on Majorana fermion descriptions. Experimental criteria for the non-abelian spin liquid state are provided for future experiments.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(20)2021 May 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33980712


We use polarization-resolved electronic Raman spectroscopy to study quadrupolar charge dynamics in a nonmagnetic [Formula: see text] superconductor. We observe two types of long-wavelength [Formula: see text] symmetry excitations: 1) a low-energy quasi-elastic scattering peak (QEP) and 2) a broad electronic continuum with a maximum at 55 meV. Below the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural transition at [Formula: see text], a pseudogap suppression with temperature dependence reminiscent of the nematic order parameter develops in the [Formula: see text] symmetry spectra of the electronic excitation continuum. The QEP exhibits critical enhancement upon cooling toward [Formula: see text] The intensity of the QEP grows with increasing sulfur concentration x and maximizes near critical concentration [Formula: see text], while the pseudogap size decreases with the suppression of [Formula: see text] We interpret the development of the pseudogap in the quadrupole scattering channel as a manifestation of transition from the non-Fermi liquid regime, dominated by strong Pomeranchuk-like fluctuations giving rise to intense electronic continuum of excitations in the fourfold symmetric high-temperature phase, to the Fermi liquid regime in the broken-symmetry nematic phase where the quadrupole fluctuations are suppressed.

Sci Adv ; 6(45)2020 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33158862


The crossover from the superconductivity of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) regime to the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) regime holds a key to understanding the nature of pairing and condensation of fermions. It has been mainly studied in ultracold atoms, but in solid systems, fundamentally previously unknown insights may be obtained because multiple energy bands and coexisting electronic orders strongly affect spin and orbital degrees of freedom. Here, we provide evidence for the BCS-BEC crossover in iron-based superconductors FeSe1 - x S x from laser-excited angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The system enters the BEC regime with x = 0.21, where the nematic state that breaks the orbital degeneracy is fully suppressed. The substitution dependence is opposite to the expectation for single-band superconductors, which calls for a new mechanism of BCS-BEC crossover in this system.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(8): 083902, 2020 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32872945


Response to uniaxial stress has become a major probe of electronic materials. Tunable uniaxial stress may be applied using piezoelectric actuators, and so far two methods have been developed to couple samples to actuators. In one, actuators apply force along the length of a free, beam-like sample, allowing very large strains to be achieved. In the other, samples are affixed directly to piezoelectric actuators, allowing the study of mechanically delicate materials. Here, we describe an approach that merges the two: thin samples are affixed to a substrate, which is then pressurized uniaxially using piezoelectric actuators. Using this approach, we demonstrate the application of large elastic strains to mechanically delicate samples: the van der Waals-bonded material FeSe and a sample of CeAuSb2 that was shaped with a focused ion beam.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(12): 6424-6429, 2020 Mar 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32165540


Electronic nematicity, a correlated state that spontaneously breaks rotational symmetry, is observed in several layered quantum materials. In contrast to their liquid-crystal counterparts, the nematic director cannot usually point in an arbitrary direction (XY nematics), but is locked by the crystal to discrete directions (Ising nematics), resulting in strongly anisotropic fluctuations above the transition. Here, we report on the observation of nearly isotropic XY-nematic fluctuations, via elastoresistance measurements, in hole-doped Ba1-x Rb x Fe2As2 iron-based superconductors. While for [Formula: see text], the nematic director points along the in-plane diagonals of the tetragonal lattice, for [Formula: see text], it points along the horizontal and vertical axes. Remarkably, for intermediate doping, the susceptibilities of these two symmetry-irreducible nematic channels display comparable Curie-Weiss behavior, thus revealing a nearly XY-nematic state. This opens a route to assess this elusive electronic quantum liquid-crystalline state.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 32(7): 074001, 2020 Feb 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31648207


Searching for the ground state of a kagomé Heisenberg antiferromagnet (KHA) has been one of the central issues of condensed-matter physics, because the KHA is expected to host spin-liquid phases with exotic elementary excitations. Here, we show our longitudinal ([Formula: see text]) and transverse ([Formula: see text]) thermal conductivities measurements of the two kagomé materials, volborthite and Ca kapellasite. Although magnetic orders appear at temperatures much lower than the antiferromagnetic energy scale in both materials, the nature of spin liquids can be captured above the transition temperatures. The temperature and field dependence of [Formula: see text] is analyzed by spin and phonon contributions, and large sample variations of the spin contribution are found in volborthite. Clear changes in [Formula: see text] are observed at the multiple magnetic transitions in volborthite, showing different magnetic thermal conduction in different magnetic structures. These magnetic contributions are not clearly observed in low-[Formula: see text] crystals of volborthite, and are almost absent in Ca kapellasite, showing the high sensitivity of the magnetic excitation in [Formula: see text] to the defects in crystals. On the other hand, a clear thermal Hall signal has been observed in the lowest-[Formula: see text] crystal of volborthite and in Ca kapellasite. Remarkably, both the temperature dependence and the magnitude of [Formula: see text] of volborthite are found to be very similar to those of Ca kapellasite, despite of about an order of magnitude difference in [Formula: see text] We find that [Formula: see text] of both compounds is well reproduced, both qualitatively and quantitatively, by spin excitations described by the Schwinger-boson mean-field theory applied to KHA with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. This excellent agreement demonstrates not only that the thermal Hall effect in these kagomé antiferromagnets is caused by spins in the spin liquid phase, but also that the elementary excitations of this spin liquid phase are well described by the bosonic spin excitations.

Sci Adv ; 4(5): eaar6419, 2018 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29806028


Unconventional superconductivity often competes or coexists with other electronic orders. In iron-based superconductors, a central issue has been the relationship between superconductivity and electronic nematicity, spontaneous breaking of the lattice rotational symmetry. Using spectroscopic-imaging scanning tunneling microscopy, we simultaneously investigated the electronic structure and the superconducting gap in FeSe1-x S x , where the nematicity diminishes above the nematic end point (NEP) at x = 0.17. The nematic band structure appears as anisotropic quasiparticle-interference patterns that gradually become isotropic with increasing x without anomalies at the NEP. By contrast, the superconducting gap, which is intact in the nematic phase, discontinuously shrinks above the NEP. This implies that the presence or absence of nematicity results in two distinct pairing states, whereas the pairing interaction is insensitive to the strength of nematicity.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 282, 2018 01 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29348671


The structure of the superconducting gap in unconventional superconductors holds a key to understand the momentum-dependent pairing interactions. In superconducting FeSe, there have been controversial results reporting nodal and nodeless gap structures, raising a fundamental issue of pairing mechanisms of iron-based superconductivity. Here, by utilizing polarization-dependent laser-excited angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we report a detailed momentum dependence of the gap in single- and multi-domain regions of orthorhombic FeSe crystals. We confirm that the superconducting gap has a twofold in-plane anisotropy, associated with the nematicity due to orbital ordering. In twinned regions, we clearly find finite gap minima near the vertices of the major axis of the elliptical zone-centered Fermi surface, indicating a nodeless state. In contrast, the single-domain gap drops steeply to zero in a narrow angle range, evidencing for nascent nodes. Such unusual node lifting in multi-domain regions can be explained by the nematicity-induced time-reversal symmetry breaking near the twin boundaries.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(6): 1227-1231, 2018 02 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29363600


The emergence of the nematic electronic state that breaks rotational symmetry is one of the most fascinating properties of the iron-based superconductors, and has relevance to cuprates as well. FeSe has a unique ground state in which superconductivity coexists with a nematic order without long-range magnetic ordering, providing a significant opportunity to investigate the role of nematicity in the superconducting pairing interaction. Here, to reveal how the superconducting gap evolves with nematicity, we measure the thermal conductivity and specific heat of FeSe1 - x S x , in which the nematicity is suppressed by isoelectronic sulfur substitution and a nematic critical point (NCP) appears at [Formula: see text] We find that, in the whole nematic regime ([Formula: see text]), the field dependence of two quantities consistently shows two-gap behavior; one gap is small but highly anisotropic with deep minima or line nodes, and the other is larger and more isotropic. In stark contrast, in the tetragonal regime ([Formula: see text]), the larger gap becomes strongly anisotropic, demonstrating an abrupt change in the superconducting gap structure at the NCP. Near the NCP, charge fluctuations of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] orbitals are enhanced equally in the tetragonal side, whereas they develop differently in the orthorhombic side. Our observation therefore directly implies that the orbital-dependent nature of the nematic fluctuations has a strong impact on the superconducting gap structure and hence on the pairing interaction.

Sci Adv ; 3(6): e1601667, 2017 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28691082


In exotic superconductors, including high-Tc copper oxides, the interactions mediating electron Cooper pairing are widely considered to have a magnetic rather than a conventional electron-phonon origin. Interest in this exotic pairing was initiated by the 1979 discovery of heavy-fermion superconductivity in CeCu2Si2, which exhibits strong antiferromagnetic fluctuations. A hallmark of unconventional pairing by anisotropic repulsive interactions is that the superconducting energy gap changes sign as a function of the electron momentum, often leading to nodes where the gap goes to zero. We report low-temperature specific heat, thermal conductivity, and magnetic penetration depth measurements in CeCu2Si2, demonstrating the absence of gap nodes at any point on the Fermi surface. Moreover, electron irradiation experiments reveal that the superconductivity survives even when the electron mean free path becomes substantially shorter than the superconducting coherence length. This indicates that superconductivity is robust against impurities, implying that there is no sign change in the gap function. These results show that, contrary to long-standing belief, heavy electrons with extremely strong Coulomb repulsions can condense into a fully gapped s-wave superconducting state, which has an on-site attractive pairing interaction.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(33): 9177-81, 2016 08 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27482118


The spontaneous appearance of nematicity, a state of matter that breaks rotation but not translation symmetry, is one of the most intriguing properties of the iron-based superconductors (Fe SC), and has relevance for the cuprates as well. Establishing the critical electronic modes behind nematicity remains a challenge, however, because their associated susceptibilities are not easily accessible by conventional probes. Here, using FeSe as a model system, and symmetry-resolved electronic Raman scattering as a probe, we unravel the presence of critical charge nematic fluctuations near the structural/nematic transition temperature, [Formula: see text] 90 K. The diverging behavior of the associated nematic susceptibility foretells the presence of a Pomeranchuk instability of the Fermi surface with d-wave symmetry. The excellent scaling between the observed nematic susceptibility and elastic modulus data demonstrates that the structural distortion is driven by this d-wave Pomeranchuk transition. Our results make a strong case for charge-induced nematicity in FeSe.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(29): 8139-43, 2016 07 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27382157


In most unconventional superconductors, the importance of antiferromagnetic fluctuations is widely acknowledged. In addition, cuprate and iron-pnictide high-temperature superconductors often exhibit unidirectional (nematic) electronic correlations, including stripe and orbital orders, whose fluctuations may also play a key role for electron pairing. In these materials, however, such nematic correlations are intertwined with antiferromagnetic or charge orders, preventing the identification of the essential role of nematic fluctuations. This calls for new materials having only nematicity without competing or coexisting orders. Here we report systematic elastoresistance measurements in FeSe1-xSx superconductors, which, unlike other iron-based families, exhibit an electronic nematic order without accompanying antiferromagnetic order. We find that the nematic transition temperature decreases with sulfur content x; whereas, the nematic fluctuations are strongly enhanced. Near [Formula: see text], the nematic susceptibility diverges toward absolute zero, revealing a nematic quantum critical point. The obtained phase diagram for the nematic and superconducting states highlights FeSe1-xSx as a unique nonmagnetic system suitable for studying the impact of nematicity on superconductivity.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(31): 8653-7, 2016 08 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27439874


When quantum fluctuations destroy underlying long-range ordered states, novel quantum states emerge. Spin-liquid (SL) states of frustrated quantum antiferromagnets, in which highly correlated spins fluctuate down to very low temperatures, are prominent examples of such quantum states. SL states often exhibit exotic physical properties, but the precise nature of the elementary excitations behind such phenomena remains entirely elusive. Here, we use thermal Hall measurements that can capture the unexplored property of the elementary excitations in SL states, and report the observation of anomalous excitations that may unveil the unique features of the SL state. Our principal finding is a negative thermal Hall conductivity [Formula: see text] which the charge-neutral spin excitations in a gapless SL state of the 2D kagomé insulator volborthite Cu3V2O7(OH)2[Formula: see text]2H2O exhibit, in much the same way in which charged electrons show the conventional electric Hall effect. We find that [Formula: see text] is absent in the high-temperature paramagnetic state and develops upon entering the SL state in accordance with the growth of the short-range spin correlations, demonstrating that [Formula: see text] is a key signature of the elementary excitation formed in the SL state. These results suggest the emergence of nontrivial elementary excitations in the gapless SL state which feel the presence of fictitious magnetic flux, whose effective Lorentz force is found to be less than 1/100 of the force experienced by free electrons.
