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Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e81243, jan. -dez. 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556462


Objetivo: analisar os fatores intervenientes na gerência do cuidado de enfermagem à criança hospitalizada com cardiopatia reumática. Método: estudo descritivo-exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, que utilizou a Teoria Fundamentada em Dados e o Interacionismo Simbólico, respectivamente, como referencial metodológico e teórico. A coleta de dados foi realizada em uma instituição especializada em atendimento cardiológico, no munícipio do Rio de Janeiro. Foram entrevistados 19 profissionais de enfermagem através de um roteiro semiestruturado. Resultado: emergiram os seguintes fatores intervenientes na prática da gerência do cuidado: condição socioeconômica da família, comportamento da criança, condições de trabalho, comunicação ineficaz, educação permanente, trabalho em equipe e experiência profissional. Conclusão: os resultados apontam para a necessidade de proposição de estratégias de ação e interação que facilitem a prática gerencial de cuidado à criança com cardiopatia reumática e sua família face aos fatores intervenientes identificados.

Objective: to analyze the factors involved in the management of nursing care for children hospitalized with rheumatic heart disease. Method: this is a descriptive-exploratory study with a qualitative approach, which used Data-Based Theory and Symbolic Interactionism, respectively, as methodological, and theoretical references. Data was collected in an institution specializing in cardiac care in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Nineteen nursing professionals were interviewed using a semi-structured script. Result: the following intervening factors in the practice of care management emerged: the family's socioeconomic status, the child's behavior, working conditions, ineffective communication, continuing education, teamwork, and professional experience. Conclusion: the results point to the need to propose strategies for action and interaction that facilitate management practice in caring for children with rheumatic heart disease and their families, given the intervening factors identified.

Objetivo: analizar los factores que intervienen en la gestión del cuidado de enfermería al niño hospitalizado con cardiopatía reumática. Método: estudio descriptivo-exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo, cuyos marcos metodológico y teórico fueron la Teoría Fundamentada y el Interaccionismo Simbólico, respectivamente. La recolección de datos se realizó en una institución especializada en atención cardiológica, en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro. Fueron entrevistados 19 profesionales de enfermería mediante un cuestionario semiestructurado. Resultado: surgieron los siguientes factores intervinientes en la práctica de la gestión del cuidado: condición socioeconómica de la familia, comportamiento del niño, condiciones de trabajo, comunicación ineficaz, educación continua, trabajo en equipo y experiencia profesional. Conclusión: los resultados indican que es necesario proponer estrategias de acción e interacción que faciliten la práctica de la gestión del cuidado al niño con cardiopatía reumática y a sus familiares, con respecto a los factores intervinientes identificados.

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e81089, jan. -dez. 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566280


Objetivo: analisar os registros perioperatórios baseados nas etapas de sistematização da assistência de enfermagem perioperatória em um hospital regional público do agreste de Pernambuco. Método: estudo transversal, descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, obtido com dados secundários, conduzido em um hospital público. A amostra foi composta por 276 prontuários de indivíduos que se submeteram a procedimentos anestésico-cirúrgicos, durante os meses de janeiro a maio de 2023. Utilizou-se a análise descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: a efetuação dos registros da sistematização da assistência de enfermagem perioperatória foi predominante na maioria do período perioperatório, com respectiva significância principalmente no pré-operatório. Conclusão: as atividades satisfatórias corresponderam à visita pré-operatória de enfermagem, histórico, diagnóstico e prescrição de enfermagem. Já as fragilidades identificadas destacaram-se a ausência de reservas sanguíneas, a verificação de alergia e a colocação de placa de eletrocautério, inserção de sonda vesical, a efetuação do controle de perdas sanguíneas, fisiológicas e secreção gástrica.

Objective: analyzing perioperative records based on the phases of systematization of perioperative nursing care in a public regional hospital in Pernambuco's harsh region. Method: a cross-sectional, descriptive study with a quantitative approach, using secondary data, conducted in a public hospital. The sample consisted of 276 medical records of individuals who underwent anesthetic-surgical procedures between January and May 2023. Descriptive and inferential analysis was used. Results: the recording of the systematization of perioperative nursing care was predominant in the majority of the perioperative period, with significance mainly in the preoperative period. Conclusion: the satisfactory activities corresponded to the preoperative nursing visit, history, diagnosis, and nursing prescription. The weaknesses identified were the lack of blood reserves, checking for allergies and placing the electrocautery plate, inserting a urinary catheter, controlling blood loss, physiological loss, and gastric secretion.

Objetivo: analizar los registros perioperatorios a partir de las etapas de sistematización de la atención de enfermería perioperatoria en un hospital público regional de la zona rural de Pernambuco. Método: estudio descriptivo transversal, con enfoque cuantitativo, a partir de datos secundarios, realizado en un hospital público. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 276 historias clínicas de personas sometidas a procedimientos anestésico-quirúrgicos, de enero a mayo de 2023. Se utilizó análisis descriptivo e inferencial. Resultados: el registro de la sistematización de la atención de enfermería perioperatoria predominó en la mayor parte del periodo perioperatorio, con significación principalmente en el periodo preoperatorio. Conclusión: las actividades satisfactorias correspondieron a la visita de enfermería preoperatoria, registro, diagnóstico y prescripción de enfermería. Las debilidades identificadas incluyeron falta de reservas de sangre, comprobación de alergias y colocación de placa de electrocauterio, inserción de sonda vesical, control de la pérdida de sangre, fisiológica y secreción gástrica.

Eur Soc ; 26(4): 1012-1045, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39247460


Prior research has examined the relationship between ethnic outgroup-size at the neighbourhood level and Brexit support, yet there is a lack of understanding on the factors that moderate these effects. This paper critically extends prior debate by focusing on how personality traits moderate not only the extent to which the levels (2011) of ethnic outgroup-size in individuals' residential neighbourhoods but also the increase thereof (2001-2011) are associated with individuals' preferences about the 2016 Brexit referendum. Using data from Understanding Society, we find that two personality traits, agreeableness and openness, are key moderators affecting the above-mentioned relationship. High-agreeable and high-open individuals are less likely than low-agreeable and low-open individuals to support Brexit. However, while the gap between low and highly agreeable individuals shrinks as ethnic outgroup-size increases, the gap widens between those higher vs. lower in openness. Our findings highlight the multifaceted role of personality traits as a driver of heterogeneous effects on political behaviour. In sum, this paper shows that analysing the complex and intertwined nature of both contextual and individual factors is fundamental for a better understanding, not only of the Brexit referendum but, more broadly, of anti-immigrant sentiment.

J Migr Health ; 10: 100252, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39184240


Background: The crisis in Venezuela has forced almost eight million people to flee to mainly neighbouring countries, including Brazil. Half of the displaced Venezuelans are women and girls, with adolescent girls facing distinctive challenges to their sexual and reproductive health during displacement and settlement. The aim of this study is to understand the barriers and facilitators for the sexual and reproductive health of adolescent Venezuelan girls residing in Brazil. Methods: The study used qualitative methods, including semi-structured interviews with 19 Venezuelan migrant adolescent girls conducted in Boa Vista and Manaus. We analysed transcripts using thematic analysis, and mapped findings to a theoretical framework based on the Bronfenbrenner Socio-ecological Model, which we adapted to explore how intersectional vulnerabilities at the individual level interact with contextual factors creating barriers and facilitators for health and rights of migrant adolescent girls. Results: Venezuelan adolescent migrants in Brazil face practical and structural barriers in realising their sexual and reproductive health and rights in four areas: menstruation; family planning, contraception and sexually transmitted infection; prenatal, childbirth and postnatal care; and preventing gender-based violence. The reported barriers were lack of knowledge around sexual and reproductive health rights, exposure to violence and lack of access to age-appropriate healthcare services. Mitigating factors included education (both in the family setting and at school); prevention activities undertaken by health services; care provision from non-governmental organisations and international agencies; and best practices in local health services. Conclusions: Host states must take action to enhance the right to sexual and reproductive health for adolescent migrants to allow them to make autonomous, independent and informed choices. A socioecological perspective on sexual and reproductive health and rights can help formulate intersectional policies that interconnect different levels of adolescent migrants' experience.

Int J Cancer Med ; 7(1): 28-34, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39193355


Despite enormous recent advances in stage IV melanoma treatment, it continues to have a significant mortality. Five-years survival is below 50% even when granted full access to effective therapeutic regimens. Considering the real world, mostly with low or medium-income countries like Brazil, where 75% of population depends on public health system receiving ineffective Dacarbazine chemotherapy, more than 95% of stage IV patients are dead before 5 years. Knowing the survival process of melanoma end-of-life time is imperative to help physicians to establish better symptoms control and improve the quality of death of these patients. METHODS: Relative caregiver of melanoma end of life patients were invited to participate in a specific interview answering questions for the purpose of gathering information regarding symptoms and patients' complaints at the last 30 days, 7 days and at the day of death. RESULTS: Although melanoma has a highest propensity for brain dissemination, seizure and focal neurological deficits were not a major complaint. Most of dying melanoma symptoms are shared among other solid terminality tumor process and get worse from 30 days to 7 days, but the majority of symptoms kept unchanged from 7 days till time to death. Wound bleeding and bad odor were the only complaints that got worse during the whole terminality process and could be improved with better commitment of assistant team. CONCLUSIONS: although a strong effort is made to control brain metastasis, local and regional open wound metastasis represents a major remediable complaint that should receive more attention at end-of-life melanoma patients.

Cancer Drug Resist ; 7: 27, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39143954


Cancer drug resistance constitutes a severe limitation for the satisfactory outcome of these patients. This is a complex problem due to the co-existence in cancer cells of multiple and synergistic mechanisms of chemoresistance (MOC). These mechanisms are accounted for by the expression of a set of genes included in the so-called resistome, whose effectiveness often leads to a lack of response to pharmacological treatment. Additionally, genetic variants affecting these genes further increase the complexity of the question. This review focuses on a set of genes encoding members of the transportome involved in drug uptake, which have been classified into the MOC-1A subgroup of the resistome. These proteins belong to the solute carrier (SLC) superfamily. More precisely, we have considered here several members of families SLC2, SLC7, SLC19, SLC22, SLCO, SLC28, SLC29, SLC31, SLC46, and SLC47 due to the impact of their expression and genetic variants in anticancer drug uptake by tumor cells or, in some cases, general bioavailability. Changes in their expression levels and the appearance of genetic variants can contribute to the Darwinian selection of more resistant clones and, hence, to the development of a more malignant phenotype. Accordingly, to address this issue in future personalized medicine, it is necessary to characterize both changes in resistome genes that can affect their function. It is also essential to consider the time-dependent dimension of these features, as the genetic expression and the appearance of genetic variants can change during tumor progression and in response to treatment.

J Food Sci ; 2024 Aug 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39150760


Unripe banana flour starch possesses a high degree of resistance to enzymatic hydrolysis, a unique and desirable property that could be exploited in the development of functional food products to regulate blood sugar levels and promote digestive health. However, due to a multifactorial phenomenon in the banana flour matrix-from the molecular to the micro level-there is no consensus regarding the complex mechanisms behind the slow enzymatic hydrolysis of unripe banana flour starch. This work therefore explores factors that influence the enzymatic hydrolysis resistance of raw and modified banana flour and its starch including the proportion and distribution of the amorphous and crystalline phases of the starch granules; granule morphology; amylose-amylopectin ratio; as well as the presence of nonstarch components such as proteins, lipids, and phenolic compounds. Our findings revealed that the relative contributions of these factors to banana starch hydrolytic resistance are apparently dependent on the native or processed state of the starch as well as the cultivar type. The interrelatability of these factors in ensuring amylolytic resistance of unripe banana flour starch was further highlighted as another reason for the multifactorial phenomenon. Knowledge of these factors and their contributions to enzymatic hydrolysis resistance individually and interconnectedly will provide insights into enhanced ways of extraction, processing, and utilization of unripe banana flour and its starch.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev ; 8: CD016013, 2024 08 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39177079


BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) is amongst the leading causes of death from an infectious disease, with an estimated 1.3 million deaths from TB in 2022. Approximately 25% of the global population is estimated to be infected with the TB bacterium, giving rise to 10.6 million episodes of TB disease in 2022. The prevalence of diabetes influences TB incidence and TB mortality. It is associated not only with an increased risk of TB disease but also death during TB treatment, TB relapse after treatment completion and multidrug-resistant TB. Since 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended collaborative TB and diabetes activities as outlined in the Collaborative Framework for Care and Control of TB and Diabetes. OBJECTIVES: To determine the prognostic value of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the general population of adults, adolescents and children for predicting tuberculosis disease. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the literature databases MEDLINE (via PubMed) and WHO Global Index Medicus, and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) on 3 May 2023 (date of last search for all databases); we placed no restrictions on the language of publication. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included retrospective and prospective cohort studies, irrespective of publication status or language. The target population comprised adults, adolescents and children from diverse settings, encompassing outpatient and inpatient cohorts, with varying comorbidities and risk of exposure to tuberculosis. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We used standard Cochrane methodology and the Quality In Prognosis Studies (QUIPS) tool. Prognostic factors assessed at enrolment/baseline included diabetes, as defined by the individual studies, encompassing patient-reported status, abstracted from medical records or claims data, or diagnosed by plasma glucose/glycosylated haemoglobin. The primary outcome was the incidence of tuberculosis disease. The secondary outcome was recurrent TB disease. We performed a random-effects meta-analysis for the adjusted hazard ratios, risk ratios, or odds ratios, employing the restricted maximum likelihood estimation. We rated the certainty of the evidence using the GRADE approach. MAIN RESULTS: We included 48 cohort studies with over 61 million participants from the six WHO regions. However, the representation was variable as eight population-based studies were from South Korea and 19 from China, with overlapping study periods, and only one from the African region (Ethiopia). All studies included adults, and nine studies also included children and adolescents. Most studies diagnosed DM based on clinical records, including fasting blood glucose levels or glucose-lowering treatments. The studies did not distinguish between type 1 and type 2 DM; only one study focused on type 1 DM. Diagnosis and exclusion of TB were performed using culture or molecular WHO-recommended rapid diagnostic tests (mWRD) in only 12 studies, which could have biassed the effect estimate. The median follow-up time was five years (interquartile range 1.5 to 10, range 1 to 16.9), and the studies primarily reported an adjusted hazard ratio from a multivariable Cox-proportional hazard model. Hazard Ratios (HR) The HR estimates represent the highest certainty of the evidence, explored through sensitivity analyses and excluding studies at high risk of bias. We present 95% confidence intervals (CI) and prediction intervals, which show between-study heterogeneity represented in measuring the variability of effect sizes (i.e. the interval within which the effect size of a new study would fall considering the same population of studies included in the meta-analysis). DM may increase the risk of tuberculosis disease (HR 1.90, 95% CI 1.51 to 2.40; prediction interval 0.83 to 4.39; 10 studies; 11,713,023 participants). The certainty of the evidence is low, due to a moderate risk of bias across studies and inconsistency. Considering a risk without diabetes of 129 cases per 100,000 population, this represents 102 more (59 to 153 more) cases per 100,000. When stratified by follow-up time, the results are more consistent across < 10 years follow-up (HR 1.52, 95% CI 1.47 to 1.57; prediction interval 1.45 to 1.59; 7 studies; 10,380,872 participants). This results in a moderate certainty of the evidence due to a moderate risk of bias across studies. However, at 10 or more years of follow-up, the estimates yield a wider CI and a higher HR (HR 2.44, 95% CI 1.22 to 4.88; prediction interval 0.09 to 69.12; 3 studies; 1,332,151 participants). The certainty of the evidence is low due to the moderate risk of bias and inconsistency. Odds Ratio (OR) DM may increase the odds of tuberculosis disease (OR 1.61, 95% CI 1.27 to 2.04; prediction interval 0.96 to 2.70; 4 studies; 167,564 participants). Stratification by follow-up time was not possible as all studies had a follow-up < 10 years. The certainty of the evidence is low due to a moderate risk of bias and inconsistency. Risk Ratio (RR) The RR estimates represent the highest certainty of the evidence, explored through sensitivity analyses and excluding studies at high risk of bias. DM probably increases the risk of tuberculosis disease (RR 1.60, 95% CI 1.42 to 1.80; prediction interval 1.38 to 1.85; 6 studies; 44,058,675 participants). Stratification by follow-up time was not possible as all studies had a follow-up < 10 years. The certainty of the evidence is moderate due to a moderate risk of bias. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Diabetes probably increases the risk of developing TB disease in the short term (< 10 years) and may also increase the risk in the long term (≥ 10 years). As glycaemic control and access to care may be potential effect modifiers of the association between diabetes and the risk of TB disease, the overall estimates should be interpreted with caution when applied locally. Policies targeted at reducing the burden of diabetes are needed to contribute to the aims of ending TB. Large population-based cohorts, including those derived from high-quality national registries of exposures (diabetes) and outcomes (TB disease), are needed to provide estimates with a high certainty of evidence of this risk across different settings and populations, including low- and middle-income countries from different WHO regions. Moreover, studies including children and adolescents and currently recommended methods for diagnosing TB would provide more up-to-date information relevant to practice and policy. FUNDING: World Health Organization (203256442) REGISTRATION: PROSPERO registration: CRD42023408807.

Diabetes Mellitus , Tuberculosis , Adolescente , Adulto , Niño , Humanos , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiología , Incidencia , Pronóstico , Factores de Riesgo , Tuberculosis/epidemiología
Braz J Microbiol ; 55(3): 2643-2654, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38955981


OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical-laboratory profile and analyze the factors associated with the severity of COVID-19. METHODS: A prospective cohort study involving patients with COVID-19 admitted to a tertiary hospital in Recife, Brazil. All cases were confirmed by RT-PCR and classified according to severity criteria. A descriptive statistical analysis of the population's characteristics was conducted. Risk factors associated with the outcome of the case according to severity were analyzed by calculating the odds ratio (OR) using the general equation estimation (GEE) model. RESULTS: Among the 75 cases included, 64% were female, and 62.7% were aged 65 years or older. The median length of stay was 9 days (6 - 14). Hypertension (65.3%) and Diabetes Mellitus (36%) were the most frequent comorbidities. Severe forms of COVID-19 constituted 41.3% of the sample. The factors associated with severity were a history of asthma (OR=4.58, 95%CI:1.13 - 18.7), report of anorexia (OR=1, 12, 95%CI:1.01-1.24), and laboratory changes that included elevated platelets (OR=1.00, 95% CI:1.00-1.01), elevated D'Dimer (OR=1, 26, 95% CI:1.04-1.52), elevated aspartate aminotransferase (OR=1.00, 95% CI:1.00-1.01), and gamma-glutamyl transferase (OR=1.22, IC95 %:0.98-1.51), hypernatremia (OR=1.31, 95%CI:1.12-1.52), and hyperkalemia (OR=1.21, 95% CI:1.04-1.41). CONCLUSION: Multisystemic involvement with a tendency for thrombophilia, electrolyte disturbances, and hepatic aggression, reflected by laboratory changes, were factors associated with the severity of COVID-19.

COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiología , COVID-19/diagnóstico , Femenino , Brasil/epidemiología , Masculino , Estudios Prospectivos , Anciano , Persona de Mediana Edad , Factores de Riesgo , SARS-CoV-2/genética , SARS-CoV-2/aislamiento & purificación , Adulto , Comorbilidad , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Centros de Atención Terciaria/estadística & datos numéricos
BMC Vet Res ; 20(1): 285, 2024 Jul 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38956597


Clade highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus was detected in the South American sea lions found dead in Santa Catarina, Brazil, in October 2023. Whole genome sequencing and comparative phylogenetic analysis were conducted to investigate the origin, genetic diversity, and zoonotic potentials of the H5N1 viruses. The H5N1 viruses belonged to the genotype B3.2 of clade H5N1 virus, which was identified in North America and disseminated to South America. They have acquired new amino acid substitutions related to mammalian host affinity. Our study provides insights into the genetic landscape of HPAI H5N1 viruses in Brazil, highlighting the continuous evolutionary processes contributing to their possible adaptation to mammalian hosts.

Subtipo H5N1 del Virus de la Influenza A , Filogenia , Leones Marinos , Secuenciación Completa del Genoma , Animales , Leones Marinos/virología , Brasil , Subtipo H5N1 del Virus de la Influenza A/genética , Subtipo H5N1 del Virus de la Influenza A/clasificación , Infecciones por Orthomyxoviridae/veterinaria , Infecciones por Orthomyxoviridae/virología , Genoma Viral , Genotipo , Variación Genética
Chronobiol Int ; 41(7): 941-958, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38845540


Food deprivation has been associated with the development of metabolic pathologies. Few studies have explored the repercussions of a partial food deprivation following the reestablishment of an ad libitum diet. This study investigates the impact of a partial food deprivation (an 8-hour food intake restriction coupled with a 4-hour feeding window during the active phase) and the subsequent return to ad libitum feeding on the glycemic curve, food intake, and locomotor behavior. Wistar rats aged 45 days were subjected to 6 weeks of a partial food deprivation followed by 6 weeks of ad libitum feeding. Body weight, visceral fat, food intake, circadian glycemia, oral glucose tolerance, and locomotor activity were evaluated. It was found that the partial food deprivation resulted in the reduction of both the body weight and food intake; however, it increased visceral fat by 60%. Circadian glycemic values were altered at all intervals during the light phase, and glucose sensitivity improved at 60 minutes in the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). In the food-deprived group, the locomotor activity rhythm was reduced, with an observed delay in the peak of activity, reduction in total activity, and a decrease in the rhythmicity percentage. After the reestablishment of the ad libitum feeding, there was recovery of body weight, no difference in visceral fat, normalization of the food intake pattern, circadian glycemia, and oral glucose tolerance. Additionally, the return to ad libitum feeding restored locomotor activity, although the duration required for its complete recovery warrants further investigation. In conclusion, partial food deprivation induces physio-metabolic changes in rats, most of which are reversed after reestablishing ad libitum feeding.

Glucemia , Ritmo Circadiano , Ingestión de Alimentos , Conducta Alimentaria , Privación de Alimentos , Grasa Intraabdominal , Ratas Wistar , Animales , Ritmo Circadiano/fisiología , Privación de Alimentos/fisiología , Masculino , Grasa Intraabdominal/metabolismo , Ingestión de Alimentos/fisiología , Glucemia/metabolismo , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Peso Corporal/fisiología , Prueba de Tolerancia a la Glucosa , Ratas , Actividad Motora/fisiología , Factores de Tiempo , Locomoción/fisiología
Cochrane Database Syst Rev ; 6: CD015890, 2024 06 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38860538


BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading cause of mortality due to an infectious disease, with an estimated 1.6 million deaths due to TB in 2022. Approximately 25% of the global population has TB infection, giving rise to 10.6 million episodes of TB disease in 2022. Undernutrition is a key risk factor for TB and was linked to an estimated 2.2 million TB episodes in 2022, as outlined in the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Tuberculosis Report. OBJECTIVES: To determine the prognostic value of undernutrition in the general population of adults, adolescents, and children for predicting tuberculosis disease over any time period. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the literature databases MEDLINE (via PubMed) and WHO Global Index Medicus, as well as the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) on 3 May 2023 (date of last search for all databases). We placed no restrictions on the language of publication. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included retrospective and prospective cohort studies, irrespective of publication status or language. The target population comprised adults, adolescents, and children from diverse settings, encompassing outpatient and inpatient cohorts, with varying comorbidities and risk of exposure to tuberculosis. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We used standard Cochrane methodology and the Quality In Prognosis Studies (QUIPS) tool to assess the risk of bias of the studies. Prognostic factors included undernutrition, defined as wasting, stunting, and underweight, with specific measures such as body mass index (BMI) less than two standard deviations below the median for children and adolescents and low BMI scores (< 18.5) for adults and adolescents. Prognostication occurred at enrolment/baseline. The primary outcome was the incidence of TB disease. The secondary outcome was recurrent TB disease. We performed a random-effects meta-analysis for the adjusted hazard ratios (HR), risk ratios (RR), or odds ratios (OR), employing the restricted maximum likelihood estimation. We rated the certainty of the evidence using the GRADE approach. MAIN RESULTS: We included 51 cohort studies with over 27 million participants from the six WHO regions. Sixteen large population-based studies were conducted in China, Singapore, South Korea, and the USA, and 25 studies focused on people living with HIV, which were mainly conducted in the African region. Most studies were in adults, four in children, and three in children and adults. Undernutrition as an exposure was usually defined according to standard criteria; however, the diagnosis of TB did not include a confirmatory culture or molecular diagnosis using a WHO-approved rapid diagnostic test in eight studies. The median follow-up time was 3.5 years, and the studies primarily reported an adjusted hazard ratio from a multivariable Cox-proportional hazard model. Hazard ratios (HR) The HR estimates represent the highest certainty of the evidence, explored through sensitivity analyses and excluding studies at high risk of bias. We present 95% confidence intervals (CI) and prediction intervals, which present between-study heterogeneity represented in a measurement of the variability of effect sizes (i.e. the interval within which the effect size of a new study would fall considering the same population of studies included in the meta-analysis). Undernutrition may increase the risk of TB disease (HR 2.23, 95% CI 1.83 to 2.72; prediction interval 0.98 to 5.05; 23 studies; 2,883,266 participants). The certainty of the evidence is low due to a moderate risk of bias across studies and inconsistency. When stratified by follow-up time, the results are more consistent across < 10 years follow-up (HR 2.02, 95% CI 1.74 to 2.34; prediction interval 1.20 to 3.39; 22 studies; 2,869,077 participants). This results in a moderate certainty of evidence due to a moderate risk of bias across studies. However, at 10 or more years of follow-up, we found only one study with a wider CI and higher HR (HR 12.43, 95% CI 5.74 to 26.91; 14,189 participants). The certainty of the evidence is low due to the moderate risk of bias and indirectness. Odds ratio (OR) Undernutrition may increase the odds of TB disease, but the results are uncertain (OR 1.56, 95% CI 1.13 to 2.17; prediction interval 0.61 to 3.99; 8 studies; 173,497 participants). Stratification by follow-up was not possible as all studies had a follow-up of < 10 years. The certainty of the evidence is very low due to the high risk of bias and inconsistency. Contour-enhanced funnel plots were not reported due to the few studies included. Risk ratio (RR) Undernutrition may increase the risk of TB disease (RR 1.95, 95% CI 1.72 to 2.20; prediction interval 1.49 to 2.55; 4 studies; 1,475,867 participants). Stratification by follow-up was not possible as all studies had a follow-up of < 10 years. The certainty of the evidence is low due to the high risk of bias. Contour-enhanced funnel plots were not reported due to the few studies included. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Undernutrition probably increases the risk of TB two-fold in the short term (< 10 years) and may also increase the risk in the long term (> 10 years). Policies targeted towards the reduction of the burden of undernutrition are not only needed to alleviate human suffering due to undernutrition and its many adverse consequences, but are also an important part of the critical measures for ending the TB epidemic by 2030. Large population-based cohorts, including those derived from high-quality national registries of exposures (undernutrition) and outcomes (TB disease), are needed to provide high-certainty estimates of this risk across different settings and populations, including low and middle-income countries from different WHO regions. Moreover, studies including children and adolescents and state-of-the-art methods for diagnosing TB would provide more up-to-date information relevant to practice and policy. FUNDING: World Health Organization (203256442). REGISTRATION: PROSPERO registration: CRD42023408807 Protocol:

Desnutrición , Tuberculosis , Humanos , Desnutrición/complicaciones , Desnutrición/epidemiología , Factores de Riesgo , Niño , Adolescente , Tuberculosis/epidemiología , Adulto , Pronóstico , Estudios Retrospectivos , Estudios Prospectivos
Int J Mol Sci ; 25(11)2024 May 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38891950


Piperine, an active plant alkaloid from black pepper (Piper nigrum), has several pharmacological effects, namely antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, which involve inhibiting molecular events associated with various stages of cancer development. The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular mechanisms of action of piperine in relation to its potential anticancer effect on head and neck cancer cells. Parameters related to neoplastic potential and cytokine, protein and gene expression were investigated in head and neck cancer cell lines (HEp-2 and SCC-25) treated with piperine. The results of the tests indicated that piperine modified morphology and inhibited viability and the formation of cell colonies. Piperine promoted genotoxicity by triggering apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in the G2/M and S phases. A decrease in cell migration was also observed, and there was decreased expression of MMP2/9 genes. Piperine also reduced the expression of inflammatory molecules (PTGS2 and PTGER4), regulated the secretion of cytokines (IFN-γ and IL-8) and modulated the expression of ERK and p38. These results suggest that piperine exerts anticancer effects on tumor cells by regulating signaling pathways associated with head and neck cancer.

Alcaloides , Apoptosis , Benzodioxoles , Neoplasias de Cabeza y Cuello , Inflamación , Piperidinas , Alcamidas Poliinsaturadas , Transducción de Señal , Alcamidas Poliinsaturadas/farmacología , Benzodioxoles/farmacología , Piperidinas/farmacología , Piperidinas/uso terapéutico , Alcaloides/farmacología , Humanos , Línea Celular Tumoral , Transducción de Señal/efectos de los fármacos , Neoplasias de Cabeza y Cuello/metabolismo , Neoplasias de Cabeza y Cuello/tratamiento farmacológico , Neoplasias de Cabeza y Cuello/patología , Neoplasias de Cabeza y Cuello/genética , Inflamación/metabolismo , Inflamación/tratamiento farmacológico , Inflamación/genética , Apoptosis/efectos de los fármacos , Movimiento Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Regulación Neoplásica de la Expresión Génica/efectos de los fármacos , Citocinas/metabolismo , Supervivencia Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Proliferación Celular/efectos de los fármacos
Microbiol Resour Announc ; 13(7): e0015824, 2024 Jul 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38860813


The whole genome sequence of a low pathogenicity avian influenza virus (H6N2) was sequenced from a Brazilian teal (Amazonetta brasiliensis) in Brazil, 2023. Phylogenetic analysis of the whole genome revealed a distinct genome pertaining to South American LPAIV from 2014 to 2016, indicating extensive circulation among South American wild birds.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants ; 0(0): 1-30, 2024 May 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38788137


Purpose - Compare the morphometric results of immediate implants (Type 1C) with a cylindrical (conventional) or triangular neck, in the anterior region of the maxilla, during 6 months of osseointegration. Materials and Methods - Prospective randomized clinical trial with a sample of 20 individuals randomly assigned to each group (10 triangular neck implants and 10 cylindrical neck implants). Consecutively direct measurements were performed: before (T-1) and after tooth extraction (T0), after implant placement (T1), after 1 month of the submerged implant healing (T2), when placing the healing abutment (T3), after placing the definitive crown (T3), and after 6 months of osseointegration (T4). Results - A significant difference between T1 and T3 in the buccal cortical thickness was identified (0.49Å}0.86mm). Although there was a significant increase in the buccal cortical thickness in both implants, this increase was greater for the triangular neck implants (cylindrical shape: 0.08Å}0.59 vs. triangular neck 0.90Å}0.91mm). It was also observed that implants placed below the buccal bone crest (í-1mm) promote less vertical buccal bone loss than implants placed Ñ-1mm at crest level (-0.65Å}0.52mm vs. -1.42Å}0.86mm). This observation needs to be further investigated in additional studies. Conclusions - The triangular neck implants present an increase in the cortical buccal thickness compared to the cylindrical implants. However, this increase does not fully compensate the remodulation after tooth loss.

Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) ; 70(5): e20231464, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38775534


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the predictors of survival among patients with coronavirus disease 2019 who underwent tracheal intubation, as part of a hospital cohort study. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study in the Rio do Sul County Hospital, Santa Catarina, Brazil, from April 2020 to May 2021, focused on patients aged 18 years or older intubated for coronavirus disease 2019. We assessed the 90-day survival of intubated patients by estimating the hazard ratio using a Cox proportional hazards regression model. RESULTS: The study included 132 participants, with an average age of approximately 60 years. Tracheal intubation was successfully accomplished in 97% of cases within two attempts. The overall mortality rate was 62.9%. Notably, mortality rates were significantly higher in patients aged over 60 years (hazard ratio=2.57; 95%CI 1.54-4.29; p<0.001), those with blood oxygen saturation below 85% (hazard ratio=1.92; 95%CI 1.03-3.57; p=0.04), instances where tracheal intubation was carried out using a conventional laryngoscope (hazard ratio=2.59; 95%CI 1.22-5.48; p=0.013), and when performed by emergency physicians (hazard ratio=3.96; 95%CI 1.51-10.4; p=0.005). CONCLUSION: Our analysis unveiled that the risk of death in intubated coronavirus disease 2019 patients is four times higher when an emergency physician, as opposed to an anesthesiologist, leads the tracheal intubation team.

COVID-19 , Intubación Intratraqueal , Humanos , Intubación Intratraqueal/estadística & datos numéricos , Intubación Intratraqueal/mortalidad , COVID-19/mortalidad , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Femenino , Estudios Retrospectivos , Brasil/epidemiología , Anciano , Adulto , SARS-CoV-2 , Modelos de Riesgos Proporcionales , Factores de Riesgo , Estudios de Cohortes
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 8027, 2024 04 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38580764


The aim of this study was to assess the effects of substituting traditional forage fiber sources with cottonseed cake in the diet on both the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of carcass and meat in Nelore young bulls. Twenty-four Nelore steers starting with an average weight of 377.8 ± 43.5 kg, were individually housed in stalls and provided with individualized feeding over a 112-day confinement period. The study followed a completely randomized design with two treatments and 12 replications. The diets incorporated either whole plant corn silage (WPCS) and, cottonseed cake (CSC) as fiber sources, at a rate of 300 g/kg of dry matter. The CSC diet promoted higher carcass weight. Aging animal meat for seven days significantly decreased the shear force from 83.4 to 71.6 N. Although diets did not influence meat composition, WPCS diet provided higher concentrations of C16:1, C18:1n9c, C18:3n3, and C22:2 acid, and CSC diet higher concentrations of C15:0, C18:1n9t, C18:2n6c, and 20:3n3. The WPCS diet provided higher concentrations of monounsaturated fatty acids and ω9, and the CSC diet had higher concentrations of ω6 and ω6:ω3 ratio in meat. Cottonseed cake used as a fiber source increases the concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids and ω6 fatty acids in the meat of young bulls finished in feedlot.

Alimentación Animal , Aceite de Semillas de Algodón , Masculino , Animales , Bovinos , Alimentación Animal/análisis , Fenómenos Fisiológicos Nutricionales de los Animales , Dieta/veterinaria , Carne/análisis , Zea mays
Nitric Oxide ; 146: 48-57, 2024 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38579898


The highly porous morphology of chitosan cryogels, with submicrometric-sized pore cell walls, provides a large surface area which leads to fast water absorption and elevated swelling degrees. These characteristics are crucial for the applications of nitric oxide (NO) releasing biomaterials, in which the release of NO is triggered by the hydration of the material. In the present study, we report the development of chitosan cryogels (CS) with a porous structure of interconnected cells, with wall thicknesses in the range of 340-881 nm, capable of releasing NO triggered by the rapid hydration process. This property was obtained using an innovative strategy based on the functionalization of CS with two previously synthesized S-nitrosothiols: S-nitrosothioglycolic acid (TGA(SNO)) and S-nitrosomercaptosuccinic acid (MSA(SNO)). For this purpose, CS was previously methacrylated with glycidyl methacrylate and subsequently submitted to photocrosslinking and freeze-drying processes. The photocrosslinked hydrogels thus obtained were then functionalized with TGA(SNO) and MSA(SNO) in reactions mediated by carbodiimide. After functionalization, the hydrogels were frozen and freeze-dried to obtain porous S-nitrosated chitosan cryogels with high swelling capacities. Through chemiluminescence measurements, we demonstrated that CS-TGA(SNO) and CS-MSA(SNO) cryogels spontaneously release NO upon water absorption at rates of 3.34 × 10-2 nmol mg-1 min-1 and 1.27 × 10-1 nmol mg-1 min-1, respectively, opening new perspectives for the use of CS as a platform for localized NO delivery in biomedical applications.

Quitosano , Criogeles , Óxido Nítrico , Quitosano/química , Óxido Nítrico/química , Óxido Nítrico/metabolismo , Criogeles/química , Porosidad , Procesos Fotoquímicos , Reactivos de Enlaces Cruzados/química
Eur J Pharmacol ; 972: 176554, 2024 Jun 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38582276


BACKGROUND: Currently there is no effective treatment for neonatal stroke, an acute neurologic syndrome with sequelae, due to focal ischemic, thrombotic, or hemorrhagic event occurring in the perinatal period. VCE-004.8, an aminoquinone exhibiting activity on CB2 and PPARγ receptors, is neuroprotective in adult mice models of acute and chronic brain damaging conditions. We hereby aimed to study VCE-004.8 neuroprotection in a rat model of neonatal stroke. METHODS: 7-day-old (P7) Wistar rats of both sexes were submitted to Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion (MCAO), receiving i.p. 30 min after vehicle (MCAO + VEH) or VCE-004.8 5 mg/kg (MCAO + VCE). Non-occluded rats served as controls (SHAM). MCAO consequences were assessed at P14 by MRI, histological (TUNEL staining), biochemical (lactate/n-acetyl aspartate ratio by 1H-NMR spectroscopy) and motor studies (grasp test), and at P37 assessing myelination (MBP signal), hemiparesis and hyperlocomotion. Effects of VCE-004.8 on excitotoxicity (glutamate/n-acetyl aspartate, 1H-NMR), oxidative stress (protein nitrosylation, Oxyblot) and neuroinflammation (Toll-like receptor 4 and TNFa expression, Western blot) were assessed at P14. Therapeutic window was assessed by delaying drug administration for 12 or 18 h. RESULTS: Post-MCAO administration of VCE-004.8 reduced the volume of infarct and histological and biochemical brain damage, reducing hyperlocomotion, restoring motor performance and preserving myelination, in a manner linked to the modulation of excitotoxicity, oxidative stress and neuroinflammation. VCE-004.8 was still effective being administered 12-18 h post-insult. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that this drug could be effective for the treatment of stroke in newborns.

Animales Recién Nacidos , Modelos Animales de Enfermedad , Fármacos Neuroprotectores , Estrés Oxidativo , Ratas Wistar , Animales , Fármacos Neuroprotectores/farmacología , Fármacos Neuroprotectores/uso terapéutico , Masculino , Ratas , Femenino , Estrés Oxidativo/efectos de los fármacos , Accidente Cerebrovascular/tratamiento farmacológico , Infarto de la Arteria Cerebral Media/tratamiento farmacológico , Infarto de la Arteria Cerebral Media/patología , Infarto de la Arteria Cerebral Media/complicaciones , Encéfalo/efectos de los fármacos , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Encéfalo/patología
Biochem Biophys Res Commun ; 712-713: 149938, 2024 Jun 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38640739


Polymerization of nucleotides under prebiotic conditions simulating the early Earth has been extensively studied. Several independent methods have been used to verify that RNA-like polymers can be produced by hot wet-dry cycling of nucleotides. However, it has not been shown that these RNA-like polymers are similar to biological RNA with 3'-5' phosphodiester bonds. In the results described here, RNA-like polymers were generated from 5'-monophosphate nucleosides AMP and UMP. To confirm that the polymers resemble biological RNA, ribonuclease A should catalyze hydrolysis of the 3'-5' phosphodiester bonds between pyrimidine nucleotides to each other or to purine nucleotides, but not purine-purine nucleotide bonds. Here we show AFM images of specific polymers produced by hot wet-dry cycling of AMP, UMP and AMP/UMP (1:1) solutions on mica surfaces, before and after exposure to ribonuclease A. AMP polymers were unaffected by ribonuclease A but UMP polymers disappeared. This indicates that a major fraction of the bonds in the UMP polymers is indeed 3'-5' phosphodiester bonds. Some of the polymers generated from the AMP/UMP mixture also showed clear signs of cleavage. Because ribonuclease A recognizes the ester bonds in the polymers, we show for the first time that these prebiotically produced polymers are in fact similar to biological RNA but are likely to be linked by a mixture of 3'-5' and 2'-5' phosphodiester bonds.

ARN , Ribonucleasa Pancreática , ARN/química , ARN/metabolismo , Ribonucleasa Pancreática/química , Ribonucleasa Pancreática/metabolismo , Uridina Monofosfato/química , Uridina Monofosfato/metabolismo , Microscopía de Fuerza Atómica , Calor , Polímeros/química , Adenosina Monofosfato/química , Adenosina Monofosfato/metabolismo , Hidrólisis , Polimerizacion