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Inorg Chem ; 63(30): 14086-14092, 2024 Jul 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39023431


Gd2Al3Rh was synthesized from the elements using arc-melting techniques, along with subsequent annealing. The title compound adopts the hexagonal MgZn2 type structure (space group P63/mmc, hP12, Wyckoff sequence hfa) with the Gd atoms found on the Mg positions (4f), the Rh (2a) and Al (6h) atoms occupying the two Zn sites of the prototype. In addition, mixing of Rh and Al on both crystallographic positions is observed. The magnetic susceptibility and magnetization experiments were conducted indicating ferromagnetic ordering below the Curie temperature of TC = 51.3(1) K and very high magnetization of 6.96(1) µB at 3 K and 70 kOe. In addition, heat capacity and electrical resistivity measurements were conducted. The magnetocaloric properties of ferromagnetic Gd2Al3Rh have been determined by means of magnetization measurements. For a field change of ΔH = 0 → 50 kOe the magnetic entropy change equals ΔSMmax = -4.8 J kg-1 K-1, leading to a relative cooling power of RCP = 283 J kg-1 for the same field change. The adiabatic temperature change was estimated to be ΔTadmax = 2.1 K using the heat capacity data.

Inorg Chem ; 59(15): 11089-11095, 2020 Aug 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32700899


The quaternary rare-earth-metal hafnium copper arsenides REHfCu2+δAs3 (where RE = La-Nd; δ ≈ 0.17) were obtained by direct reactions of the elements at 1073 K. They adopt a noncentrosymmetric orthorhombic crystal structure (space group Pmn21; a = 397.73(3)-392.37(2) pm, b = 1062.68(8)-1055.23(6) pm, c = 1307.25(9)-1291.40(7) pm for RE = La-Nd), which can be considered to be a Cu-deficient superstructure of the ternary Zr2Ni3P3-type structure found among metal-rich pnictides with a metal-to-nonmetal ratio close or equal to 2:1. The RE atoms occupy trigonal prismatic (CN6) and monocapped trigonal prismatic (CN7) sites, the latter resulting from the occurrence of Cu vacancies, the Hf atoms occupy octahedral sites (CN6), and the Cu atoms occupy tetrahedral sites (CN4). Band structure calculations on idealized models LaHfCu2As3 and LaHfCu2.5As3 suggest that the bonding situation improves by fractional occupation of the Cu3 site via depopulation of antibonding Cu-As states.

Dalton Trans ; 49(19): 6398-6406, 2020 May 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32352114


The new Y2Co3Ga9 and Gd3Ru4Al12 type representatives M2T3Al9 (M = Ca, Sr, Eu; T = Ir, Pt) and M3Rh4Al12 (M = Ca, Eu) have been synthesized from the elements by heating the respective elemental compositions in sealed tantalum tubes. The samples were analysed by powder X-ray diffraction to check their purity. By applying different temperature treatments, their phase purity and crystallinity were enhanced. The crystal structures of Ca3Rh4Al12 and Eu3Rh4Al12 (hexagonal Gd3Ru4Al12 type, P63/mmc) as well as Ca2Ir3Al9 and Ca2Pt3Al9 (orthorhombic Y2Co3Ga3 type, Cmcm) were refined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. All structures can be described based on distorted cube-like T@Al8 units that are connected to form strands. Additionally, an Al11 supertetrahedral building block can be identified within the structures. While the trigonal bipyramidal core of the cluster contains substantial bonding interactions in the case of the M3Rh4Al12 members, the connection via common edges in the case of the M2Ir3Al9 compounds seems to weaken these interactions. The differences in the bonding situation and the question why these different structure types are formed for the different transition metals has been targeted by quantum-chemical calculations. The calculated formation energy using three different reaction paths suggests that the stability of these phases is highly dependent on the side phases involved, even though Ca3T4Al12 phases are in general thermodynamically more favourable. According to the Bader analysis of the two polyanions, an improved covalent bonding can be observed in the [T4Al12]δ- over the [T3Al9]δ- framework.

Inorg Chem ; 59(2): 1137-1144, 2020 Jan 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31913024


TbPdAl2 and the solid solution Tb1-xLuxPdAl2 (x = 0.1-1) have been synthesized via arc-melting techniques using the elements as starting materials and crystallize in the orthorhombic MgCuAl2-type structure (Cmcm). As expected, the unit cell volumes decrease due to the lanthanide contraction from the Tb to Lu compounds, thus showing Vegard behavior because of the differences of the ionic radii of the trivalent rare-earth cations. TbPdAl2 orders ferromagnetically below TC = 85.5(5) K and shows partial magnetic saturation already at low fields. The magnetic phase transition has been additionally investigated by heat capacity measurements, showing a broadened λ anomaly at THC = 83.2(1) K. The electrical resistivity is almost linear above TC, indicating dominant electron-phonon interactions. Below the ordering temperature, electron-spin wave scattering with a ρ ∼ T2 behavior is evident. In the solid solution Tb1-xLuxPdAl2 (x = 0-1), the ferromagnetic Curie temperatures decrease in a linear fashion with increasing Lu content. Investigations of the magnetocaloric properties of TbPdAl2 obtained a maximum magnetic entropy change of -ΔSMmax = 1.2, 2.2, 3.1, and 3.6 J kg-1 K-1 for the field changes of ΔH = 10, 20, 50, and 70 kOe, respectively. The rather low values are caused by entropy losses due to hysteresis behavior. The relative cooling power for TbPdAl2, therefore, also exhibits comparably low values of 32, 81, 142, and 178 J kg-1.

Inorg Chem ; 58(23): 16211-16226, 2019 Dec 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31714071


Over 20 new compounds of the RE6T5Al7 series (RE = Sc, Y, Ce-Nd, Sm, Gd-Lu; T = Ru, Ir; Yb6Ir5Ga7 type structure; superstructure of MgZn2; fully ordered Nb6.4Ir4Al7.6 type) have been synthesized. They crystallize in the hexagonal crystal system with space group P63/mcm. Their lattice parameters are in the ranges of a = 935-963 and c = 851-874 pm for the RE6Ru5Al7 and a = 913-966 and c = 825-865 pm for the RE6Ir5Al7 series. Four structures (Ho6Ru5Al7, Yb6Ru4.68(1)Al7.32(1), Sc6Ir5Al7, and Ho6Ir4.53(1)Al7.47(1)) have been refined from single-crystal data, indicating fully ordered structures for Ho6Ru5Al7 and Sc6Ir5Al7; however, T/Al mixing was observed on one crystallographic site for Ho6Ir4.53(1)Al7.47(1) and on two sites for Yb6Ru4.68(1)Al7.32(1). The Sc-, Y-, and Lu-containing compounds exhibit Pauli paramagnetism in line with a filled d band for Ru and Ir. Ce6Ru5Al7 exhibits mixed-valent behavior, while Yb6Ru5Al7 is solely trivalent. The other compounds exhibit paramagnetism and ferromagnetic phase transitions up to temperatures of TC = 83.4(1) K for Gd6Ru5Al7. In addition to the basic magnetic characterizations and studies of the electrical resistivity and heat capacity, the magnetocaloric properties of Gd6Ru5Al7, Tb6Ru5Al7, and Dy6Ru5Al7 have been investigated, revealing magnetic entropy changes of -ΔSMmax = 6.2(1), 7.7(1), and 5.4(1) J kg-1 K-1 (0 → 5 T) and relative cooling powers RCP = 242, 207, and 135 J kg-1, respectively. For a deeper insight into the second-order magnetic phase transitions, the critical behavior was investigated according to the scaling hypothesis. The critical behavior of Gd6Ru5Al7 is in accordance with the mean-field theory; the critical exponents of Tb6Ru5Al7 and Dy6Ru5Al7, however, deviate strongly from this universality class. For comparison of the structural and magnetic properties, the thus far unstudied members of the RERuAl series (RE = Sc, Y, Sm, Gd-Lu; MgZn2 type) have additionally been prepared and characterized.

Dalton Trans ; 48(37): 14103-14114, 2019 Oct 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31495831


The new intermetallic compound Ba6Pt22Al53 was obtained from reaction of the elements. The title compound crystallizes in the hexagonal crystal system with lattice parameters of a = 1427.5(3) and c = 1614.3(4) pm and space group P63/mcm (Z = 2) and adopts a new structure type (Pearson code hP162, Wyckoff sequence l2k3j2i2hg2ecb). In the structure, the Pt and Al atoms form a complex polyanionic [Pt22Al53]δ- network, while the Ba cations reside in cavities. The structure can be described as a packing of layers, formed by the Pt@Aln polyhedra parallel to (001). The layers are stacked in an ABCB fashion. Within the [Pt22Al53] framework, one of the shortest Pt-Al distances (239 pm) reported is found, suggesting extremely strong covalent bonding interactions. Due to slightly enhanced displacement parameters of the Al9 site, temperature dependent single-crystal X-ray diffraction (285 and 90 K) and low-temperature heat capacity experiments were conducted. However, no structural phase transition was observed down to 2 K. With the help of DFT calculations, the bonding situation was elucidated in detail, verifying the strong heteroatomic bonding and the destabilization of the structure upon in silico distortions. Mulliken charge calculations confirm the picture of the polyanionic framework and cationic Ba atoms within the cavities.

Solid State Nucl Magn Reson ; 101: 63-67, 2019 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31125931


The feasibility of high-resolution 175Lu solid-state NMR spectroscopy in intermetallic compounds crystallizing with cubic crystal structures is explored by magic-angle spinning NMR at different magnetic flux densities. The large quadrupole moment of this isotope (3.49 × 10-28 m2) restricts observation of the NMR signal to nearly perfectly ordered crystalline samples. Signals are successfully detected and analyzed in the binary pnictides LuPn (NaCl-type structure; Pn = P, As, Sb) and the intermetallic compounds LuPtSb and LuAuSn, both crystallizing with the MgAgAs-type structure. Sources of line broadening are discussed based on field-dependent static and MAS-NMR spectra, providing guidance with respect to measurement conditions resulting in reliable results. The results highlight the importance of ionic/covalent bonding effects for the detectability of the signal, which reduce the probability of real structure effects commonly observed in intermetallic compounds. No 175Lu NMR signals can be observed in various cubic Heusler compounds. This is attributed to mixed site occupancies and other structural defects producing electric field gradients whose interaction with the 175Lu quadrupole moments broadens the signal beyond detection.

Chemistry ; 25(45): 10735-10747, 2019 Aug 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31141229


Four new MPtAl2 (M=Ca, Sr, Ba, Eu) compounds, adopting the orthorhombic MgCuAl2 -type structure, have been synthesized from the elements using tantalum ampoules. All compounds are obtained as platelet-shaped crystallites and exhibit an increasing moisture sensitivity with increasing size of the formal M cation. Structural investigations indicate a pronounced elongation of the crystallographic b-axis, which results in a significant distortion of the [PtAl2 ]δ- polyanion. Within the polyanion, layer-like arrangements can be found with bonding Pt-Al interactions within the slab; the increase of the b-axis can be attributed to increasing Al-Al distances and therefore decreasing interactions between the slabs, caused by the differently-sized formal M cations. While the alkaline earth (M=Ca, Sr) representatives exhibit Pauli paramagnetism, BaPtAl2 shows diamagnetic behavior, finally EuPtAl2 is ferromagnetic with TC =54.0(5) K. The effective magnetic moment indicates that the Eu atoms are in a divalent oxidation state, which is confirmed by 151 Eu Mössbauer spectroscopic investigations. Measurements below the Curie-temperature show a full magnetic hyperfine field splitting with Bhf =21.7(1) T. 27 Al and 195 Pt magic-angle spinning NMR spectroscopy corroborates the presence of single crystallographic sites for the Pt and Al atoms. The large 27 Al nuclear electric quadrupolar coupling constants confirm unusually strong electric field gradients, in agreement with the structural distortions and the respective theoretical calculations. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been utilized to investigate the charge transfer within the polyanion. The Pt 4f binding energy decreases with decreasing electronegativity / ionization energy of the alkaline earth elements, suggesting an increasing electron density at the Pt atoms. Theoretical investigations underline the platinide character of the investigated compounds by Bader charge calculations. The analysis of the integrated crystal orbital Hamilton population (ICOHP) values, electron localization function (ELF) and isosurface analyses lead to a consistent structural picture, indicating stable layer-like arrangements of the [PtAl2 ]δ- polyanion.

Inorg Chem ; 58(10): 7010-7025, 2019 May 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31062962


A total of 35 intermetallic aluminum compounds have been synthesized from the elements via arc melting and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction. A total of 15 of them have been previously reported; however, detailed property investigations were missing. Compounds of the RETMAl2 (rare earth metal RE = Sc, Y, La-Nd, Sm, Gd-Tm, Lu) series with transition metal TM = Ni, Pd, and Pt crystallize isostructurally in the orthorhombic MgCuAl2 type structure ( Cmcm, oC16, fc2). Single-crystal X-ray diffraction investigations were conducted on YNiAl2, LaNiAl2, YPdAl2, ScPtAl2, and YPtAl2. The TM and Al atoms form a [TMAl2]δ- polyanion, the RE atoms reside in cavities within the framework. While the Sc, Y, La, and Lu compounds exhibit Pauli-paramagnetic behavior, consistent with all atoms being closed shell, the other RETMAl2 compounds show paramagnetism along with magnetic ordering at low temperatures, in line with an open-shell trivalent oxidation state for the RE atoms. Solid-state 27Al NMR investigations were carried out on the Pauli-paramagnetic samples, all showing only a single central transition, in line with one crystallographic site for the respective atoms. The observed quadrupolar coupling constants and electric-field-gradient asymmetry parameters were found to be in good agreement with the density-functional-theory-calculated values. Isotropic resonance shifts are dominated by the Fermi-contact interactions with s-conduction electron densities at the Fermi edge (Knight shifts). The bonding characteristics mirror the electronic density of states and crystal chemistry of the family of intermetallic compounds under consideration. Both the Knight shifts and quadrupolar coupling constants can be predicted based on element-specific increments.

Chemistry ; 25(14): 3505-3509, 2019 Mar 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30663817


Eu2 Ir3 Al9 , synthesized from the elements in tantalum tubes, is one of the rare examples for trivalent europium in the field of intermetallic compounds. The compound crystallizes in the Y2 Co3 Ga9 -type structure (space group Cmcm), with lattice parameters fitting in between the isostructural samarium and gadolinium compounds. In the crystal structure, the Eu atoms form Al3 -triangle-centered honeycomb layers and exhibit a coordination number of 17 in the shape of a fivefold-capped hexagonal prism (Eu@Ir6 Al6 +Al5 ). Magnetic measurements indicate an overall low susceptibility, in line with van Vleck paramagnetism caused by the Eu3+ cations. Fits of the susceptibility yield a coupling constant of λ=290(10) K and an effective magnetic moment of µeff =4.56(1) µB , in line with a slight hybridization of the 7 F0 and 7 F1 state. 151 Eu Mössbauer spectroscopic investigations unambiguously prove the presence of solely Eu3+ in the bulk material.

Chem Sci ; 10(48): 11086-11094, 2019 Dec 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32206257


A temperature induced valence phase transition from Yb3+ at higher temperatures to Yb2+ at lower temperatures was observed at T = 110(1) K for intermetallic YbPd2Al3. The title compound has been prepared from the elements in sealed tantalum ampoules. The structure was refined from single-crystal data and the title compound was found to crystallize in the hexagonal YNi2Al3 type structure with space group P6/mmm and lattice parameters of a = 929.56(7) and c = 420.16(3) pm (300 K data). Full ordering of the Pd and Al atoms within the [Pd2Al3] δ- polyanion was observed. Magnetic measurements revealed an anomaly in the dc susceptibility data and intermediate valent Yb at higher temperature, as observed from the effective magnetic moment. The proposed valence phase transition was also observed as a λ-type anomaly in heat capacity measurements (T = 108.4(1) K), however, no systematic shift of the λ-peak was observed in field dependent heat capacity measurements. An antiferromagnetic ordering at this temperature, however, could be excluded, based on field-dependent susceptibility measurements and magnetization isotherms. No dynamic phenomenon was observed in ac susceptibility measurements, excluding e.g. spin-glass behavior. Subsequent temperature dependent single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction experiments indicated a steep increase in the length of the c axis around T = 110 K upon cooling. However, no structural phase transition was found via single-crystal diffraction experiments conducted at 90 K. The anomaly was also observed in other physical measurements of e.g. the electrical resistivity, indicating a clear change in the electronic structure of the material. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy conducted at room temperature shows the presence of both, Yb2+ and Yb3+, underlining the mixed-valent state. Members of the solid solution Yb1-x Ca x Pd2Al3 (x = 0.33, 0.67, 1) were finally used to further study the charge ordering and the present temperature induced valence phase transition.

J Am Chem Soc ; 140(28): 8950-8957, 2018 07 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29927577


Eu2Pt6Al15 has been prepared from the elements via arc-melting and subsequent temperature treatment; the structure was refined from single crystal X-ray diffraction data. The compound crystallizes in an orthorhombic (3 + 1)D commensurately modulated structure (Sc2Pt6Al15 type) with space group Cmcm(α,0,0)0 s0 (α = 2/3). Full ordering of the Pt and Al atoms within the [Pt6Al15]δ- polyanion was observed. Magnetic measurements revealed an anomaly in the susceptibility data at T = 41.6(1) K, which was also observed as λ-type anomaly in heat capacity measurements ( T = 40.7(1) K). Temperature dependent powder X-ray diffraction experiments indicated a drastic shortening of the c axis (-18 pm, -1.1%) around 45 K, while the a axis nearly remains the same (-1 pm, -0.2%). Measurements of the electrical resistivity verified the anomaly, indicating a clear change in the electronic structure of the material. The observed anomalies in the physical measurements can be explained by a temperature driven first order valence change from Eu2+ at higher temperatures (>55 K) to Eu3+ at low temperatures. This valence change was proven by temperature dependent 151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopic investigations. Isostructural Eu2Pt6Ga15 was prepared in comparison, and it shows divalent Eu atoms down to 2.5 K along with antiferromagnetic ordering at TN = 13.1(1) K.

Inorg Chem ; 56(4): 1919-1931, 2017 Feb 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28140577


Na2Au3Al, the first experimentally prepared compound in the ternary Na-Au-Al system, crystallizes in the cubic crystal system with space group P4132 (a = 771.42(2) pm). It can be described as a P-centered ternary ordered variant of the F-centered Laves phase MgCu2 and is isostructural to Mo3Al2C. A phase width was found for the series Na2Au4-xAlx allowing a successive substitution of Au by Al. The primitive structure forms for x ≥ 0.5. Na2Au3Al is diamagnetic at room temperature but metallic in nature, as seen from susceptibility and electrical resistivity measurements. Band structure calculations and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirm the metallic nature of the title compound as states are found at the Fermi level of the DOS, along with its "auride" character. 23Na and 27Al solid-state-NMR investigations show the existence of both a disordered (x = 0.5 and 0.75) and a fully ordered (x = 1.0) representative within this series. Both COHP and Bader charge analyses suggest the presence of strong Au-Al interactions forming an anionic [Au3Al]δ- network, with the Na cations occupying the cavities.

Chemistry ; 23(17): 4187-4196, 2017 Mar 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28139849


The three intermetallic compounds SrAuGa, BaAuAl and BaAuGa were synthesised from the elements in niobium ampoules. The Sr compound crystallises in the orthorhombic KHg2 -type structure (Imma, a=465.6(1), b=771.8(2), c=792.6(2) pm, wR2 =0.0740, 324 F2 values, 13 variables), whereas the Ba compounds were both found to crystallise in the cubic non-centrosymmetric LaIrSi-type structure (P21 3, BaAuAl: a=696.5(1) pm; wR2 =0.0427, 446 F2 values, 12 variables; BaAuGa: a=693.49(4) pm, wR2 =0.0717, 447 F2 values, 12 variables). The samples were investigated by powder X-ray diffraction and their structures refined on the basis of single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. The title compounds, along with references from the literature (CaAuAl, CaAuGa, CaAuIn, and SrAuIn), were characterised further by susceptibility measurements and 27 Al and 71 Ga solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Theoretical calculations of the density of states (DOS) and the NMR parameters were used for the interpretation of the spectroscopic data. The electron transfer from the alkaline-earth metals and the group 13 elements onto the gold atoms was investigated through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), classifying these intermetallics as aurides.

Dalton Trans ; 45(35): 13863-71, 2016 Sep 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27512911


During phase analytical investigations in the rare-earth element rich side of the ternary system cerium-gold-aluminum, the new ternary rare-earth (RE) gold aluminides with a composition of RE16AuxAl13-x (RE = La-Nd, Sm, x≤ 3.37) have been synthesized first by reactive eutectics of RE/Au with Al. Single crystals of high quality can be obtained by this method. The title compounds can be selectively prepared by annealing arc-melted beads of appropriate composition below the peritectic point of the respective system. Like prototypic La16Al13, the representatives of the solid solution RE16AuxAl13-x (RE = La-Nd, Sm; x≤ 3.37) crystallize in the hexagonal crystal system (space group P6[combining macron]2m, a = 916.6-890.4 pm, c = 1122.4-1090.1 pm) with one formula unit per unit cell. Single crystal investigations revealed Au/Al mixing on three of the four crystallographic aluminum sites. These sites form an empty (Au/Al)11 barrelane analogous unit, coordinated solely by the respective rare-earth atoms. In addition one independent Al site with a fivefold capped trigonal prismatic arrangement, a so called Edshammar polyhedron, exists. Magnetic measurements of Ce16Au3Al10 revealed two antiferromagnetic transitions with Neél-temperatures of 7.7(1) and 2.7(1) K and a magnetic moment of µeff = 2.48(1) µB, Pr16Au3Al10 shows ferromagentic ordering with a Curie-temperature of 19.8(1) K and a magnetic moment of µeff = 3.58(1) µB.

Inorg Chem ; 54(22): 10785-93, 2015 Nov 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26536164


Ba3Pt4Al4 was prepared from the elements in niobium ampules and crystallizes in an orthorhombic structure, space group Cmcm (oP44, a = 1073.07(3), b = 812.30(3), c = 1182.69(3) pm) isopointal to the Zintl phase A2Zn5As4 (A = K, Rb). The structure features strands of distorted [Pt4Al4] heterocubane-like units connected by condensation over Pt/Al edges. These are arranged in a hexagonal rod packing by further condensation over Pt and Al atoms with the barium atoms located inside cavities of the [Pt4Al4](δ-) framework. Structural relaxation confirmed the electronic stability of the new phase, while band structure calculations indicate metallic behavior. Crystal orbital Hamilton bonding analysis coupled with Bader effective charge analysis suggest a polar intermetallic phase in which strong Al-Pt covalent bonds are present, while a significant electron transfer from Ba to the [Pt4Al4](δ-) network is found. By X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements the Pt 4f5/2 and 4f7/2 energies for Ba3Pt4Al4 were found in the range of those of elemental Pt due to the electron transfer of Ba, while PtAl and PtAl2 show a pronounced shift toward a more cationic platinum state. (27)Al magic-angle spinning NMR investigations verified the two independent crystallographic Al sites with differently distorted tetrahedrally coordinated [AlPt4] units. Peak assignments could be made based on both geometrical considerations and in relation to electric field gradient calculations.
