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Sci Adv ; 6(41)2020 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33033037


Thermal inertia and surface roughness are proxies for the physical characteristics of planetary surfaces. Global maps of these two properties distinguish the boulder population on near-Earth asteroid (NEA) (101955) Bennu into two types that differ in strength, and both have lower thermal inertia than expected for boulders and meteorites. Neither has strongly temperature-dependent thermal properties. The weaker boulder type probably would not survive atmospheric entry and thus may not be represented in the meteorite collection. The maps also show a high-thermal inertia band at Bennu's equator, which might be explained by processes such as compaction or strength sorting during mass movement, but these explanations are not wholly consistent with other data. Our findings imply that other C-complex NEAs likely have boulders similar to those on Bennu rather than finer-particulate regoliths. A tentative correlation between albedo and thermal inertia of C-complex NEAs may be due to relative abundances of boulder types.

Sci Adv ; 6(41)2020 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33033038


We investigate the shape of near-Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu by constructing a high-resolution (20 cm) global digital terrain model from laser altimeter data. By modeling the northern and southern hemispheres separately, we find that longitudinal ridges previously identified in the north extend into the south but are obscured there by surface material. In the south, more numerous large boulders effectively retain surface materials and imply a higher average strength at depth to support them. The north has fewer large boulders and more evidence of boulder dynamics (toppling and downslope movement) and surface flow. These factors result in Bennu's southern hemisphere being rounder and smoother, whereas its northern hemisphere has higher slopes and a less regular shape. We infer an originally asymmetric distribution of large boulders followed by a partial disruption, leading to wedge formation in Bennu's history.

Nat Geosci ; 12(4): 247-252, 2019 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31080497


The shapes of asteroids reflect interplay between their interior properties and the processes responsible for their formation and evolution as they journey through the Solar System. Prior to the OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer) mission, Earth-based radar imaging gave an overview of (101955) Bennu's shape. Here, we construct a high-resolution shape model from OSIRIS-REx images. We find that Bennu's top-like shape, considerable macroporosity, and prominent surface boulders suggest that it is a rubble pile. High-standing, north-south ridges that extend from pole to pole, many long grooves, and surface mass wasting indicate some low levels of internal friction and/or cohesion. Our shape model indicates that, similar to other top-shaped asteroids, Bennu formed by reaccumulation and underwent past periods of fast spin leading to its current shape. Today, Bennu might follow a different evolutionary pathway, with interior stiffness permitting surface cracking and mass wasting.

Nat Astron ; 3(4): 352-361, 2019 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32601603


The top-shape morphology of asteroid (101955) Bennu is commonly found among fast-spinning asteroids and binary asteroid primaries, and might have contributed significantly to binary asteroid formation. Yet a detailed geophysical analysis of this morphology for a fast-spinning asteroid has not been possible prior to the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) mission. Combining the measured Bennu mass and shape obtained during the Preliminary Survey phase of OSIRIS-REx, we find a significant transition in Bennu's surface slopes within its rotational Roche lobe, defined as the region where material is energetically trapped to the surface. As the intersection of the rotational Roche lobe with Bennu's surface has been most recently migrating towards its equator (given Bennu's increasing spin rate), we infer that Bennu's surface slopes have been changing across its surface within the last million years. We also find evidence for substantial density heterogeneity within this body, suggesting that its interior has a distribution of voids and boulders. The presence of such heterogeneity and Bennu's top-shape is consistent with spin-induced failure at some point in its past, although the manner of its failure cannot be determined yet. Future measurements by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will give additional insights and may resolve questions regarding the formation and evolution of Bennu's top-shape morphology and its link to the formation of binary asteroids.
