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Conserv Biol ; 38(4): e14261, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38571408


Amid a global infrastructure boom, there is increasing recognition of the ecological impacts of the extraction and consumption of construction minerals, mainly processed as concrete, including significant and expanding threats to global biodiversity. We investigated how high-level national and international biodiversity conservation policies address mining threats, with a special focus on construction minerals. We conducted a review and quantified the degree to which threats from mining these minerals are addressed in biodiversity goals and targets under the 2011-2020 and post-2020 biodiversity strategies, national biodiversity strategies and action plans, and the assessments of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Mining appeared rarely in national targets but more frequently in national strategies. Yet, in most countries, it was superficially addressed. Coverage of aggregates mining was greater than coverage of limestone mining. We outline 8 key components, tailored for a wide range of actors, to effectively mainstream biodiversity conservation into the extractive, infrastructure, and construction sectors. Actions include improving reporting and monitoring systems, enhancing the evidence base around mining impacts on biodiversity, and modifying the behavior of financial agents and businesses. Implementing these measures could pave the way for a more sustainable approach to construction mineral use and safeguard biodiversity.

Amenazas de la minería a las políticas de alto nivel para la conservación de la biodiversidad Resumen Enmedio del auge global del desarrollo de infraestructura, hay un mayor reconocimiento de los impactos ecológicos de la extracción y consumo de materiales para construcción, procesados predominantemente como concreto. Estos materiales representan amenazas significativas y en expansión para la biodiversidad global. Investigamos cómo son abordadas las amenazas de la minería por las políticas nacionales e internacionales de alto nivel para la conservación de la biodiversidad, con enfoque especial en los minerales para construcción. Realizamos una revisión exhaustiva y cuantificamos el grado en el cual son abordadas las amenazas de la extracción de estos minerales en los objetivos y metas para la biodiversidad bajo estrategias 2011­2020 y post 2020, las estrategias y planes de acción nacionales para la biodiversidad, y las evaluaciones de la Plataforma Intergubernamental Científico­normativa sobre Diversidad Biológica y Servicios de los Ecosistemas. La minería raramente apareció en los objetivos nacionales, pero fue más frecuente en las estrategias nacionales. Sin embargo, fue abordada superficialmente en la mayoría de los países. La cobertura de minería de agregados fue mayor que la cobertura de la minería de caliza. Describimos ocho componentes clave, adaptados para una amplia gama de actores, para incorporar eficazmente la conservación de la biodiversidad en los sectores extractivo, desarrollo de infraestructura y construcción. Las acciones incluyen la mejora de los sistemas de informes y monitoreo, el reforzamiento de la base de evidencias en torno a los impactos de la minería sobre la biodiversidad y la modificación del comportamiento de los agentes financieros y comerciales. La implementación de estas medidas podría allanar el camino para un enfoque más sostenible en el uso de minerales para la construcción y la salvaguarda de la biodiversidad.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Política Ambiental , Minería , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Política Ambiental/legislación & jurisprudencia
Sci Adv ; 8(9): eabi5548, 2022 Mar 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35245118


Policy and legislation rarely acknowledge the importance of keeping intact ecosystems road- and railroad-free. By modeling Brazil's remaining roadless and railroad-less (RLRL) areas, we found that, although they hold the vast majority of the country's remaining native vegetation (81.5%), because of their limited protection status, only 38% of Brazil's remaining native vegetation is both protected and in RLRL areas. Current federal policy aims to develop transportation infrastructure designed with antiquated planning methods that threaten remaining intact ecosystems, while concurrently weakening the country's hallmark environmental protections and commitments. Where Brazil builds its new roads and railroads matters for conservation planning. The occurrence of native vegetation and anthropic land use is associated, at varying degrees, to transportation infrastructure throughout most of Brazil. We highlight that by pursuing conservation opportunities in RLRL areas, Brazil could instead make impactful steps for conservation, restoration planning, and tangible progress toward achieving national and international environmental and conservation commitments.

Biol Lett ; 16(7): 20200140, 2020 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32692946


Roads and traffic impacts on wildlife populations are well documented. Three major mechanisms can cause them: reduced connectivity, increased mortality and reduced habitat quality. Researchers commonly recommend mitigation based on the mechanism they deem responsible. We reviewed the 2012-2016 literature to evaluate authors' inferences, to determine whether they explicitly acknowledge all possible mechanisms that are consistent with their results. We found 327 negative responses of wildlife to roads, from 307 studies. While most (84%) of these responses were consistent with multiple mechanisms, 60% of authors invoked a single mechanism. This indicates that many authors are over-confident in their inferences, and that the literature does not allow estimation of the relative importance of the mechanisms. We found preferences in authors' discussion of mechanisms. When all three mechanisms were consistent with the response measured, authors were 2.4 and 2.9 times as likely to infer reduced habitat quality compared to reduced connectivity or increased mortality, respectively. When both reduced connectivity and increased mortality were consistent with the response measured, authors were 5.2 times as likely to infer reduced connectivity compared to increased mortality. Given these results, road ecologists and managers are likely over-recommending mitigation for improving habitat quality and connectivity, and under-recommending measures to reduce road-kill.

Animales Salvajes , Ecología , Animales , Ecosistema
Sci Total Environ ; 707: 135403, 2020 Mar 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31864000


There has been a body of research examining the sounds produced in landscapes. These sounds are commonly defined as soundscapes, however, the term is often used in different contexts. To understand the various meanings attributed to soundscapes, we identified how soundscapes are represented in the scientific literature and identified current knowledge gaps in soundscape research focusing on terrestrial environments. We conducted a quantitative review of published papers with the keyword soundscape available at Web of Science and Scopus databases. A total of 1309 abstracts and a subset of about 5% (N = 68) complete papers and reviews published from 1985 to 2017 were read and analysed, identifying types of sound, types of environment and focal species studied, as well as study regions and climates. By identifying the current focus of research, we also identified gaps and research opportunities. Research was biased towards temperate regions, terrestrial environments, and the impacts on humans in urban areas. Although most of the world's biodiversity is concentrated in tropical wilderness areas, these regions had fewer studies attributed to them. Given the importance of tropical landscapes for biodiversity conservation, we strongly suggest that more research should be undertaken in the tropics, with a particular focus on wildlife in these regions. Furthermore, soundscape research (methods and tools) should increasingly target the anthropogenic impacts on wildlife, including behavioural and physiological changes, alongside the current focus on human-sound interactions and the approach used by bioacoustics methods.

Animales Salvajes , Animales , Biodiversidad , Aves , Clima , Humanos , Sonido
Sci Total Environ ; 660: 493-500, 2019 Apr 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30640116


Transportation infrastructures are directly responsible for killing billions of animals worldwide. Although the understanding about road impacts have recently increased, the impact of railroads on wildlife has received less attention. The current knowledge concerning the impacts of railroads focuses mainly on large mammals although amphibians might be affected. Our study aims to unravel temporal and spatial patterns of Rhinella toad fatalities on a Brazilian Amazonian railroad, to comprehend how toads are killed and to estimate the magnitude of toad fatalities. Data collection was carried out on foot on an 871-km stretch of the Estrada de Ferro Carajás from 2013 to 2017. We identified different potential causes for fatalities: being run over, desiccated or with barotrauma signs. We estimated a surprisingly high carcass persistence probability of about 38 days. After correcting for the bias from carcass detection and removal, we estimated that approximately 10,000 toads are killed per year (≈ 11 fatalities/km/year). A GLM model showed that toads were more likely to be killed in the dry to wet transition. We identified critical zones of fatalities and prioritized them according to their intensity. The highly critical segments encompass >10% of all fatalities although they cover only 1.5% of the railroad. Our study is the first one to address carcass detection and persistence on railroads and to unravel patterns of fatalities of an amphibian species in a tropical climate. A better understanding of the patterns of animal fatality on railroads is of fundamental importance to manage and mitigate this impact.

Bufonidae , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Vías Férreas , Animales , Brasil , Longevidad , Dinámica Poblacional
Ecology ; 99(11): 2625, 2018 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30229895


Mortality from collision with vehicles is the most visible impact of road traffic on wildlife. Mortality due to roads (hereafter road-kill) can affect the dynamic of populations of many species and can, therefore, increase the risk of local decline or extinction. This is especially true in Brazil, where plans for road network upgrading and expansion overlaps biodiversity hotspot areas, which are of high importance for global conservation. Researchers, conservationists and road planners face the challenge to define a national strategy for road mitigation and wildlife conservation. The main goal of this dataset is a compilation of geo-referenced road-kill data from published and unpublished road surveys. This is the first Data Paper in the BRAZIL series (see ATLANTIC, NEOTROPICAL, and BRAZIL collections of Data Papers published in Ecology), which aims make public road-kill data for species in the Brazilian Regions. The dataset encompasses road-kill records from 45 personal communications and 26 studies published in peer-reviewed journals, theses and reports. The road-kill dataset comprises 21,512 records, 83% of which are identified to the species level (n = 450 species). The dataset includes records of 31 amphibian species, 90 reptile species, 229 bird species, and 99 mammal species. One species is classified as Endangered, eight as Vulnerable and twelve as Near Threatened. The species with the highest number of records are: Didelphis albiventris (n = 1,549), Volatinia jacarina (n = 1,238), Cerdocyon thous (n = 1,135), Helicops infrataeniatus (n = 802), and Rhinella icterica (n = 692). Most of the records came from southern Brazil. However, observations of the road-kill incidence for non-Least Concern species are more spread across the country. This dataset can be used to identify which taxa seems to be vulnerable to traffic, analyze temporal and spatial patterns of road-kill at local, regional and national scales and also used to understand the effects of road-kill on population persistence. It may also contribute to studies that aims to understand the influence of landscape and environmental influences on road-kills, improve our knowledge on road-related strategies on biodiversity conservation and be used as complementary information on large-scale and macroecological studies. No copyright or proprietary restrictions are associated with the use of this data set other than citation of this Data Paper.
