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Soc Sci Comput Rev ; 42(3): 700-718, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38756825


The 2020 US elections news coverage was extensive, with new pieces of information generated rapidly. This evolving scenario presented an opportunity to study the performance of search engines in a context in which they had to quickly process information as it was published. We analyze novelty, a measurement of new items that emerge in the top news search results, to compare the coverage and visibility of different topics. Using virtual agents that simulate human web browsing behavior to collect search engine result pages, we conduct a longitudinal study of news results of five search engines collected in short bursts (every 21 minutes) from two regions (Oregon, US and Frankfurt, Germany), starting on election day and lasting until one day after the announcement of Biden as the winner. We find more new items emerging for election related queries ("joe biden," "donald trump," and "us elections") compared to topical (e.g., "coronavirus") or stable (e.g., "holocaust") queries. We demonstrate that our method captures sudden changes in highly covered news topics as well as multiple differences across search engines and regions over time. We highlight novelty imbalances between candidate queries which affect their visibility during electoral periods, and conclude that, when it comes to news, search engines are responsible for such imbalances, either due to their algorithms or the set of news sources that they rely on.

New Media Soc ; 26(6): 3541-3567, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38774557


Implicit and explicit gender biases in media representations of individuals have long existed. Women are less likely to be represented in gender-neutral media content (representation bias), and their face-to-body ratio in images is often lower (face-ism bias). In this article, we look at representativeness and face-ism in search engine image results. We systematically queried four search engines (Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex) from three locations, using two browsers and in two waves, with gender-neutral (person, intelligent person) and gendered (woman, intelligent woman, man, intelligent man) terminology, accessing the top 100 image results. We employed automatic identification for the individual's gender expression (female/male) and the calculation of the face-to-body ratio of individuals depicted. We find that, as in other forms of media, search engine images perpetuate biases to the detriment of women, confirming the existence of the representation and face-ism biases. In-depth algorithmic debiasing with a specific focus on gender bias is overdue.

J Inf Sci ; 50(2): 404-419, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618519


Algorithm audits have increased in recent years due to a growing need to independently assess the performance of automatically curated services that process, filter and rank the large and dynamic amount of information available on the Internet. Among several methodologies to perform such audits, virtual agents stand out because they offer the ability to perform systematic experiments, simulating human behaviour without the associated costs of recruiting participants. Motivated by the importance of research transparency and replicability of results, this article focuses on the challenges of such an approach. It provides methodological details, recommendations, lessons learned and limitations based on our experience of setting up experiments for eight search engines (including main, news, image and video sections) with hundreds of virtual agents placed in different regions. We demonstrate the successful performance of our research infrastructure across multiple data collections, with diverse experimental designs, and point to different changes and strategies that improve the quality of the method. We conclude that virtual agents are a promising venue for monitoring the performance of algorithms across long periods of time, and we hope that this article can serve as a basis for further research in this area.

Int. j. morphol ; 38(6): 1631-1638, Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134490


RESUMEN: En este estudio se analiza una deformación que afectó la aleta caudal de los alevines de salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar) y que les proporcionó un aspecto de "cola aguzada". Al momento de la eclosión se observaron completamente normales pero la deformación se detectó con posterioridad. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir los cambios anatómicos e histológicos de la aleta caudal deformada del alevín de salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar). Para esto se utilizaron 60 alevines para realizar análisis de laboratorio y descartar la presencia de patógenos virales o bacterianos. Otros 60 alevines con un estado de desarrollo entre 600 y 700 Unidades térmicas acumuladas (UTAs) fueron anestesiados con Benzocaína 5 %, fijados en formalina al 10 % pesados y medidos. De estos un grupo de 30 alevines (15 normales y 15 deformes) fueron sometidos a la técnica de Hanken y Wassersug para evaluar Lepidotriquias. Los otros 30 alevines (15 normales y 15 deformes), fueron procesados mediante las técnicas histoquímicas: H&E/azul de Alcián para evaluar las características histológicas generales. Adicionalmente se utilizó técnicas inmunohistoquímicas para reconocer la ubicación y la presencia de los centros de señales Sonic hedgehog (Shh) para la formación de Lepidotriquias. A los valores obtenidos para las variables cuantitativas peso y longitud de cuerpo, largo y ancho de aleta caudal, se les realizó estadística descriptiva y fueron sometidos a prueba de normalidad de Shapiro-Wilk. Las diferencias observadas entre peces normales y deformes, fueron analizadas mediante prueba t de Student o U de Mann Whitney, utilizando el paquete estadístico IBM SPSS 20.0. La deformación se observó desde las 600 UTA. El peso de los alevines deformes fue similar al de los peces normales (p>0,05), lo mismo sucedió con la longitud de la aleta (p>0,05). Por el contrario, el ancho de la aleta de los deformes fue muy reducida (p<0,05). El fenotipo de aleta aguzada presentó un cambio en la integridad de los bordes, fracturas de Lepidotriquias. La epidermis de la aleta caudal de los alevines deformados presentó sus centros de señalización Shh activos, pero el blastema interrayos presentó vasodilatación, congestión y hemorragias. La presentación de este caso se relacionó con incrementos bruscos de temperatura peri eclosional.

SUMMARY: This study analyzes the deformity of Atlantic salmon fry (Salmo salar) caudal fin, which gives it a "pointed tail" appearance. Although at hatching specimens were normal, the deformities were detected later. The objective of this work is to describe the anatomical and histological changes of the deformed caudal fin of the Atlantic salmon fry (Salmo salar). In this analysis we used 60 specimens for laboratory analyses, to rule out the presence of viral or bacterial pathogens. Another 60 fry, developmental stage between 600 and 700 Accumulated Thermal Units (UTAs) were anesthetized with 5 % Benzocaine, fixed in 10 % formalin, weighed and measured. Of these, a group of 30 fry (15 normal and 15 deformed) underwent the Hanken and Wassersug technique to evaluate lepidotrychia or dermal rays. The remaining 30 fry (15 normal and 15 deformed) were processed using H & E / Alcián blue histochemical techniques to evaluate general histological characteristics. Additionally, immunohistochemical techniques were used to determine the location and presence of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signal centers for lepidotrychia development. The values obtained for the quantitative variables body weight, length and width of the tail fin were described using the arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The deformity was observed from 600 UTA. Weight of deformed fry was less than normal fish, length of the fin was similar in normal and deformed fish. In contrast, width of the deformed fin was significantly reduced. The sharp fin phenotype presented a change in the conformity of the edges, lepidotrychia fractures. The epidermis presented active Shh signaling centers, but the interray blastema showed vasodilation, congestion and hemorrhages. The presentation of this case was related to sudden increases in perieclosional temperature.

Animales , Salmo salar/anomalías , Aletas de Animales/anomalías , Saco Vitelino , Salmo salar/embriología , Huevos , Aletas de Animales/embriología
PLoS One ; 11(4): e0153334, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27058247


In a connected world where people influence each other, what can cause a globalized monoculture, and which measures help to preserve the coexistence of cultures? Previous research has shown that factors such as homophily, population size, geography, mass media, and type of social influence play important roles. In the present paper, we investigate for the first time the impact that institutions have on cultural diversity. In our first three studies, we extend existing agent-based models and explore the effects of institutional influence and agent loyalty. We find that higher institutional influence increases cultural diversity, while individuals' loyalty to their institutions has a small, preserving effect. In three further studies, we test how bottom-up and top-down processes of institutional influence impact our model. We find that bottom-up democratic practices, such as referenda, tend to produce convergence towards homogeneity, while top-down information dissemination practices, such as propaganda, further increase diversity. In our last model--an integration of bottom-up and top-down processes into a feedback loop of information--we find that when democratic processes are rare, the effects of propaganda are amplified, i.e., more diversity emerges; however, when democratic processes are common, they are able to neutralize or reverse this propaganda effect. Importantly, our models allow for control over the full spectrum of diversity, so that a manipulation of our parameters can result in preferred levels of diversity, which will be useful for the study of other factors in the future. We discuss possible mechanisms behind our results, applications, and implications for political and social sciences.

Diversidad Cultural , Propaganda , Geografía , Humanos , Internacionalidad , Densidad de Población