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Crit Ultrasound J ; 10(1): 34, 2018 Dec 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30564947


OBJECTIVES: To show that medical students can evaluate the internal jugular vein (IJV) and its anatomical variations after rapid and focused training. We also aimed to evaluate the success rate of IJV puncture in simulation following traditional techniques (TTs) and monitored via ultrasound (US). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Six medical students without experience with US were given 4 h of theoretical-practical training in US, and then evaluated the IJV and common carotid artery (CCA) of 105 patients. They also simulated a puncture of the IJV at a demarcated point, where a TT was theoretically performed. RESULTS: Adequate images were obtained from 95% of the patients; the IJV, on the right side, was more commonly found in the anterolateral position in relation to the CCA (38%). On the left side, the most commonly position observed was the anterior (36%). The caliber of the IJV relative to the CCA greatly varied. The success rate in the IJV puncture simulation, observed with US, by the TTs was 55%. CONCLUSION: The training of medical students to recognize large neck vessels is a simple, quick, and feasible task and that can be integrated into the undergraduate medical curriculum.

Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 20(3 supl.4): 31-35, out.-dez. 2010. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-907133


Introdução: A expansão do número de farmácias de manipulação tem levado ao desenvolvimento de estudos voltados à análise dos produtos manipulados, de modo a permitir a obtenção de dados específicos sobre a qualidade dos medicamentos produzidos por estes estabelecimentos. Estes dados podem ser indicativos sobre a real segurança com que os produtos manipulados vêm sendo dispensados à população. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se as farmácias de manipulação do município de Barbacena estavam em conformidade com o regulamento técnico que institui as Boas Práticas de Manipulação. Método: As amostras, que consistiam em um lote de cada uma das cinco farmácias avaliadas, foram submetidas aos ensaios de identificação, determinação de peso médio e doseamento do princípio ativo. Este foi realizado com solução de iodo 0,025 M, pelo método titrimétrico. Foi utilizado como substância química de referência um padrão secundário de captopril, com teor declarado de 99,8%. Resultados: Todas as amostras avaliadas cumpriram as especificações dos testes. Entretanto, um resultado encontrado no doseamento estava muito próximo do limite mínimo permitido para o ensaio. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios, entretanto sugerem a necessidade de constante avaliação da qualidade dos medicamentos manipulados. Dessa forma, possíveis deficiências no processo de manipulação podem ser detectadas e solucionadas; garantindo, assim, a dispensação de fármacos eficazes e seguros.(AU)

Introduction: Expanding the number of pharmacies has led to the development of studies analyzing the products handled, to allow the achievement of specific data on the quality of medicines produced by these establishments. These data may be indicative of the real security that the products are being handled dispensed to the population. Objective: This study sought to verify whether the pharmacies in the city of Barbacena were in accordance with the technical regulation establishing the Good Manipulation Practices. Method: The samples were formed by a lot for pharmacy. Five pharmaceutical establishments of manipulation were analysed. The capsules were submitted to identification tests, determination of average weight and determination of active principle dosage. This was done with 0,025 M iodine solution, by titrimetric assay. A secondary standard of captopril, with declared content of 99.8% was used as reference substance. Results: All samples met the specifications of the tests. However, a result found in the assay was very near the minimum allowed for the test. Conclusion: The results were satisfactory, however suggest the need for constant evaluation of the quality of compounded drugs. Thus, possible deficiencies in the handling process can be detected and resolved, thus ensuring the dispensation of drugs are effective and safe.(AU) .

Humanos , Captopril , Buenas Prácticas de Manipulación , Control de Calidad , Brasil