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Gen Dent ; 71(3): 73-77, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37083618


The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of cervical preflaring on the choice of reciprocating file size (Reciproc system) and the difficulty in reaching the working length for instrumentation of molar root canals. A total of 352 human molars were divided into 2 groups of 176 molars each. In the no preflaring (NPF) group, no cervical preflaring was performed. A reciprocating file (R25, R40, or R50) was selected, and instrumentation was performed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. In the preflaring (PF) group, a file was selected, and cervical preflaring was performed with the use of No. 30/.10 or No. 25/.08 orifice shaper instruments. The clinician then selected a new reciprocating file or used the originally selected file to perform the instrumentation as done in the NPF group. Any changes in choice of file after preflaring were documented for the PF group, and the number of insertions required to reach the working length was recorded for both groups. After preflaring, the selected file was changed from R25 to R40 in 20.08% of canals, from R25 to R50 in 0.40% of canals, and from R40 to R50 in 42.14% of canals. After preflaring, 2.88% of the canals with an initial selection of an R50 file required an instrument with a larger diameter for effective preparation. There was a statistically significant difference between the groups for all file size changes (P < 0.001; χ² test). The mean numbers of instrument insertions needed for the NPF and PF groups, respectively, were 4.09 and 2.42 (R25); 3.49 and 2.31 (R40); and 2.70 and 1.81 (R50). There was a statistically significant difference between the groups for all file sizes (P < 0.001; Kruskal-Wallis test). Under the conditions of this study, preflaring enabled a more suitable selection of reciprocating instrument, which, in turn, allowed for fewer insertions of the file up to the working length.

Preparación del Conducto Radicular , Ápice del Diente , Humanos , Raíz del Diente , Diente Molar/cirugía , Cavidad Pulpar , Diseño de Equipo
J Endod ; 49(5): 544-548, 2023 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36841383


INTRODUCTION: The obturation quality of the mandibular molar mesial canals and isthmuses with two thermoplastic techniques, ultrasonic vertical condensation (UVC) and continuous wave of condensation (CWC), was evaluated using computed microtomography (µCT). METHODS: Thirty-six human mandibular molars had been previously scanned and analyzed using µCT for mesial roots with morphologically similar isthmuses for this study. Coronal access and confirmation of foraminal patency were performed, and the actual length of the teeth was established using a clinical microscope (40X magnification). The canals were prepared using ProTaper Gold instruments up to #F3, with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite as the irrigant solution, followed by a passive ultrasonic irrigation protocol. The specimens were randomly divided into the UVC and CWC groups based on the obturation technique to be used. Obturation was performed with #F3 gutta-percha cones cemented using AH Plus Jet sealer. The µCT scans were performed after 15 days, and the images were evaluated by a calibrated examiner blinded to the experimental groups to determine the filling rate of the entire canal area, including the main canal and isthmus. Student's t-test was used for statistical analysis; P values ≤0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: Neither of the thermoplastic obturation techniques achieved complete filling of the canals (86.3% for UVC and 91.4% for CWC), with a statistically significant difference between them (P = .029). CONCLUSIONS: Under the conditions of the study, it can be concluded that none of the techniques completely filled the canal/isthmus of the mandibular molars; however, the CWC exhibited better performance.

Materiales de Obturación del Conducto Radicular , Humanos , Cavidad Pulpar/diagnóstico por imagen , Cavidad Pulpar/anatomía & histología , Gutapercha , Diente Molar/diagnóstico por imagen , Diente Molar/anatomía & histología , Materiales de Obturación del Conducto Radicular/uso terapéutico , Obturación del Conducto Radicular/métodos , Preparación del Conducto Radicular , Ultrasonido , Microtomografía por Rayos X
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(7): 3947-3958, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443158


The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of ultrasonic activation (UA) on the setting time and flow of four endodontic sealers: AH Plus (AH), Sealer Plus (SP), MTA Fillapex (MTAF), and BioRoot RCS (BIO). Properties were evaluated as required by ANSI/ADA Specification N° 57 (2008); only the size of the specimens was modified. UA was applied using a smooth tapered ultrasonic tip coupled to a piezoelectric ultrasonic device (30% power) on the freshly mixed materials in two cycles of 20 seconds. The results were statistically analyzed using the ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests, followed by the Tukey and Dunn posthoc tests, respectively, depending on the normality of the data. The shortest setting times, initial and final, were, 115 (BIO/UA) and 148.6 (BIO/UA) min, whereas the longest were 1215 (AH) and 1928 (AH) min. The MTAF sealer did not set throughout the experimental period (2880 minutes). Significant differences were observed between BIO and MTAF and the other sealers, with or without UA, both in the initial and final setting time (P < 0.05). UA did not change the initial setting times; however, it reduced the final setting of BIO (P < 0.05). The highest and lowest flow values observed were 25.52 mm (AH/UA) and 18.66 mm (BIO/UA), respectively. The AH sealer, regardless of UA, exhibited higher flow values compared to the other sealers (P < 0.05), except for the MTAF/UA group, which was the only sealer in which UA promoted a significant flow increase (P < 0.05). Under the conditions of the study, it can be concluded that the BIO, under UA, presented the lowest setting time; however, it exhibited the lowest flow values. The MTAF sealer did not reach its final setting. Moreover, the SP groups exhibited intermediate results in all analyses. In summary, only the final setting time of the BIO group and the flow values of the MTAF group were influenced by UA.

O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a influência da ativação ultrassônica (UA) no tempo e fluxo de ajuste de quatro selantes endodônticos: AH Plus (AH), Sealer Plus (SP), MTA Fillapex (MTAF) e BioRoot RCS (BIO). As propriedades foram avaliadas conforme exigido pela Especificação N° 57 (2008) da ANSI/ADA; apenas o tamanho dos espécimes foi modificado. O UA foi aplicado usando uma ponta de ultrassom suave cônica acoplada a um dispositivo ultrassônico piezoelétrico (30% de potência) nos materiais recém-misturados em dois ciclos de 20 segundos. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente usando os testes ANOVA e Kruskal-Wallis, seguidos pelos testes póstticos de Tukey e Dunn, respectivamente, dependendo da normalidade dos dados. Os tempos de ajuste mais curtos, iniciais e finais, foram 115 (BIO/UA) e 148,6 (BIO/UA) min, enquanto os mais longos foram 1215 (AH) e 1928 (AH) min. O selador da MTAF não foi colocado durante todo o período experimental (2880 minutos). Foram observadas diferenças significativas entre o BIO e o MTAF e os demais seladores, com ou sem UA, tanto no tempo de ajuste inicial quanto final (P < 0,05). A UA não alterou os tempos de ajuste inicial; no entanto, reduziu o ajuste final da BIO (P < 0,05). Os valores de fluxo mais alto e mais baixo observados foram 25,52 mm (AH/UA) e 18,66 mm (BIO/UA), respectivamente. O selador AH, independentemente do UA, apresentou valores de fluxo mais elevados em comparação com os outros seladores (P < 0,05), exceto para o grupo MTAF/UA, que foi o único selador no qual o UA promoveu um aumento significativo do fluxo (P < 0,05). Nas condições do estudo, pode-se concluir que o BIO, sob UA, apresentou o menor tempo de ajuste; no entanto, exibiu os menores valores de fluxo. O selador MTAF não atingiu seu ajuste final. Além disso, os grupos de SP apresentaram resultados intermediários em todas as análises. Em resumo, apenas o tempo de ajuste final do grupo BIO e os valores de fluxo do grupo MTAF foram influenciados pelo UA.

El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la influencia de la activación ultrasónica (AU) sobre el tiempo de ajuste y flujo de cuatro selladores endodónticos: AH Plus (AH), Sealer Plus (SP), MTA Fillapex (MTAF) y BioRoot RCS (BIO). Las propiedades se evaluaron según lo requerido por la especificación ANSI/ADA N° 57 (2008), sólo se modificó el tamaño de los ejemplares. El AU se aplicó utilizando una punta ultrasónica cónica lisa acoplada a un dispositivo piezoeléctrico ultrasónico (30% de potencia) sobre los materiales recién mezclados en dos ciclos de 20 segundos. Los resultados se analizaron estadísticamente mediante las pruebas ANOVA y Kruskal- Wallis, seguidas de las pruebas postcográficas de Tukey y Dunn, respectivamente, dependiendo de la normalidad de los datos. Los tiempos de fraguado más cortos, inicial y final, fueron 115 (BIO/UA) y 148,6 (BIO/UA) min, mientras que los más largos fueron 1215 (AH) y 1928 (AH) min. El sellador MTAF no se ajustó durante todo el período experimental (2880 minutos). Se observaron diferencias significativas entre BIO y MTAF y los demás selladores, con o sin AU, tanto en el tiempo de ajuste inicial como final (P < 0,05). La AU no modificó los tiempos de ajuste inicial, pero redujo el ajuste final de BIO (P < 0,05). Los valores más altos y más bajos de caudal observados fueron 25,52 mm (AH/UA) y 18,66 mm (BIO/UA), respectivamente. El sellador AH, independientemente del AU, presentó valores de caudal más altos en comparación con los demás selladores (P < 0,05), excepto para el grupo MTAF/AU, que fue el único sellador en el que el AU promovió un incremento significativo del caudal (P < 0,05). Bajo las condiciones del estudio, se puede concluir que el BIO, bajo AU, presentó el menor tiempo de fraguado, sin embargo, presentó los menores valores de caudal. El sellador MTAF no alcanzó su ajuste final. Por otra parte, los grupos SP presentaron resultados intermedios en todos los análisis. En resumen, solo el tiempo de ajuste final del grupo BIO y los valores de flujo del grupo MTAF fueron influenciados por el AU.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(8): 4340-4350, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés, Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444291


Avaliou-se a influência da utilização da agitação ultrassônica na resistência de união à dentina, por meio de push-out, proporcionada pelos cimentos MTA-Angelus branco (MTA) e Biodentine (BD), empregados no selamento de perfurações de furca. Foram utilizados 48 primeiros ou segundos molares inferiores, com raízes não fusionadas, distantes cerca de 2 mm entre si na porção cervical das mesmas. Os dentes foram acessados e, em seguida, as raízes foram seccionadas transversalmente abaixo da junção cemento-esmalte. Os dentes foram montados em blocos de silicona de adição e perfurações de furca realizadas em seus assoalhos paralelamente ao longo eixo dos dentes e perpendiculares aos assoalhos dentais. A amostra foi dividida em quatro grupos (n = 12) em função do material reparador e da utilização ou não da agitação ultrassônica (AU). Quando empregada, a AU foi aplicada em 2 ciclos de 20 segundos por meio de inserto cônico liso acionado por ultrassom piezoelétrico. Concluídos os selamentos eles foram protegidos com cimento de ionômero de vidro e os dentes imersos em PBS. Decorridos 7 dias discos com 1 mm de altura foram retirados dos assoalhos dentais com auxílio de cortadora metalográfica e levados à máquina de ensaio universal. Os resultados expressos em MPa foram submetidos aos testes ANOVA dois fatores e de Bonferroni. Os maiores valores de resistência obtidos foram no grupo Biodentine com ultrassom (29,41 MPa), seguidos em ordem decrescente pelos grupos Biodentine sem ultrassom; MTA com ultrassom e MTA sem ultrassom (3,72 MPa). Nas condições do estudo concluiu-se que o BD apresentou maior resistência de união à dentina radicular; ainda, que a agitação ultrassônica influenciou positivamente na resistência de união do material à dentina.

We evaluated the influence of the use of ultrasonic agitation on the resistance to the dentin, by means of push-out, provided by the white MTA-Angelus (MTA) and Biodentine (BD) cements, used in the sealing of drilling holes. 48 first or second lower molars were used, with unfused roots, about 2 mm apart in the cervical portion of them. The teeth were accessed and then the roots were sectioned transversely below the cementenamel junction. The teeth were mounted in addition silicon blocks and hole drills performed on their floors parallel along the axis of the teeth and perpendicular to the dental floorings. The sample was divided into four groups (n = 12) depending on the repair material and whether ultrasonic agitation (AU) was used. When employed, the AU was applied in 2 20-second cycles by means of a smooth conical insert activated by piezoelectric ultrasound. Once the seals were completed, they were protected with glass ionomer cement and the teeth immersed in PBS. After 7 days, 1 mm high disks were removed from the dental floorboards with the aid of a metallographic cutter and taken to the universal test machine. Results expressed in MPa were submitted to two-factor and Bonferroni ANOVA tests. The highest resistance values obtained were in the group Biodentine with ultrasound (29.41 MPa), followed in descending order by the groups Biodentine without ultrasound; MTA with ultrasound and MTA without ultrasound (3.72 MPa). Under the conditions of the study, it was concluded that BD showed greater resistance to root dentin binding; also, that ultrasonic agitation positively influenced the resistance of the material to dentin binding.

influencia del uso de la agitación ultrasónica sobre la resistencia de la unión a la dentina se evaluó mediante un estiramiento, proporcionado por los cementos blancos (MTA) y biodentinos (BD) MTA-Angelus, empleados en el sello de los taladros. Se utilizaron los primeros o segundos molares inferiores, con raíces sin fundir, a unos 2 mm de distancia en la porción cervical de las raíces. Se accedió a los dientes y luego las raíces se seccionaron transversalmente por debajo de la unión cemento-enamel. Los dientes se ensamblaron además bloques de silicona y agujeros de perforación en sus pisos a lo largo del eje de los dientes y perpendiculares al suelo dental. La muestra se dividió en cuatro grupos (n = 12) según el material de reparación y si se utilizó o no la agitación ultrasónica (AU). Cuando se empleó, la UA se aplicó en 2 ciclos de 20 segundos mediante una inserción cónica suave activada por ultrasonido piezoeléctrico. Una vez concluidos los sellos, se protegieron con cemento ionómero de vidrio y los dientes se sumergieron en PBS. Al cabo de 7 días, los discos de 1 mm de altura se retiraron del suelo de corte metálico y se llevaron a la máquina de ensayo universal. Los resultados expresados como MPa se presentaron a las pruebas de dos factores ANOVA y Bonferroni. Los valores de resistencia más altos obtenidos fueron en el grupo de Biodentina con ultrasonido (29,41 MPa), seguidos en orden descendente por los grupos de Biodentina sin ultrasonido; MTA de ultrasonido y MTA libre de ultrasonido (3,72 MPa). En las condiciones del estudio se concluyó que la DB mostró mayor resistencia de la unión a la dentina raíz; y que la agitación ultrasónica tuvo una influencia positiva en la resistencia del material a la dentina.

Braz Oral Res ; 36: e080, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35703706


This study aimed to evaluate the root canal real length (RL) changes due to the mechanical instrumentation use with different flaring magnitudes. After access cavity, 60 mesial root canals of mandibular molars were randomly separated in three groups: Hyflex EDM (HF; #25/.12, #10/.05 e #25/~), Reciproc Blue (RB; R25), and MTwo (M2; #10/.04, #15/.05, #20/.06 e #25/.06). The RL was defined as the apical limit, and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite irrigating solution was chosen. After the access cavity (RL 1), cervical flaring (RL 2), and complete chemical-mechanical preparation (RL 3), the RL was evaluated. The RL was evaluated by a blind examiner with the aid of a microscope (16x) placing the endodontic file stop at the coronary reference. When comparing length measurements, the RL was shorter before instrumentation than that after instrumentation. A reduction of 0.65 mm (HF), 0.61 mm (RB), and 0.48 mm (M2) was observed. However, among groups, no statistical differences were found (p > 0.05). Under the conditions tested, it can be inferred that all mechanical systems provoked RL variations, which emphasizes the need for constant verification of the odontometry, mainly before root canal obturation.

Cavidad Pulpar , Preparación del Conducto Radicular , Instrumentos Dentales , Diente Molar , Obturación del Conducto Radicular
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 36: e080, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1384188


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the root canal real length (RL) changes due to the mechanical instrumentation use with different flaring magnitudes. After access cavity, 60 mesial root canals of mandibular molars were randomly separated in three groups: Hyflex EDM (HF; #25/.12, #10/.05 e #25/~), Reciproc Blue (RB; R25), and MTwo (M2; #10/.04, #15/.05, #20/.06 e #25/.06). The RL was defined as the apical limit, and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite irrigating solution was chosen. After the access cavity (RL 1), cervical flaring (RL 2), and complete chemical-mechanical preparation (RL 3), the RL was evaluated. The RL was evaluated by a blind examiner with the aid of a microscope (16x) placing the endodontic file stop at the coronary reference. When comparing length measurements, the RL was shorter before instrumentation than that after instrumentation. A reduction of 0.65 mm (HF), 0.61 mm (RB), and 0.48 mm (M2) was observed. However, among groups, no statistical differences were found (p > 0.05). Under the conditions tested, it can be inferred that all mechanical systems provoked RL variations, which emphasizes the need for constant verification of the odontometry, mainly before root canal obturation.

J Contemp Dent Pract ; 22(11): 1232-1236, 2021 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35343446


AIM AND OBJECTIVE: To evaluate morphologic changes in the main foramen after enlargement with four different systems. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred and twenty canals (buccal of maxillary molars and mesial of mandibular molars) with patency and apical foramen ≤200 µm were included. These apical foramina were photographed and then randomly divided into four experimental groups, according to the ProDesign Logic (PDL), ProDesign R (PDR), twisted file adaptive (TFA), and WaveOne Gold (WOG) systems, all of which were composed of three sequential instruments (Glidepath, #25 and #35). Root canals were prepared 1 mm beyond the main foramen (n = 30). The specimens were photographed again to capture intermediate (#25) and final enlargement (#35) images. These were analyzed using an image software that allowed comparison of the enlarged area and shape of the main foramen. RESULTS: In the Intragroup comparison, the Friedman's test showed a statistical difference between each phase of foramen enlargement (p <0.05). In the intergroup comparison, the percentage of foramen enlargement showed statistically significant difference between Groups PDR and TFA only in the analysis from #25 to #35, with 42.88 and 67.34% of foramen area widening, respectively. Relative to the final foramen shape, 81.7% were observed to be circular, 17.5% oval, and 0.8% flattened. CONCLUSION: Our results showed that foramen enlargement allowed an increase in area, maintained the circular shape of the foramen in the majority of cases, irrespective of the system used, and was a feasible option for use during preparation of the root canal system.

Níquel , Preparación del Conducto Radicular , Cavidad Pulpar/anatomía & histología , Cavidad Pulpar/diagnóstico por imagen , Diseño de Equipo , Preparación del Conducto Radicular/métodos , Titanio
J Endod ; 47(3): 404-408, 2021 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33326836


INTRODUCTION: This cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT)-based study evaluated the root canal configurations of mandibular anterior teeth in a large Brazilian population, along with the influence of sex and the frequency of symmetry between the contralateral teeth. METHODS: Overall, 2543 CBCT scans, including those of 4773 lower central incisors (LCIs), 4835 lower lateral incisors (LLIs), and 4805 lower canines (LCs), were analyzed. The scans were obtained from a private radiologic clinic using the PreXion 3D device (Yoshida Dental Mfg Co, Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) with a 0.14-mm voxel size; exposure parameters of 90 kV, 4 mA, and 19 seconds; and a field of view of 80 × 80 mm. Root canal anatomy was analyzed according to the Vertucci classification. Sex influence on the canal distribution and symmetry between the contralateral teeth were analyzed. The data were analyzed statistically and were considered significant when P < .05. RESULTS: All LCIs and LLIs had 1 root, whereas 2.4% of LCs had 2 roots. Two root canals were observed in approximately 20% of LCIs and LLIs and in approximately 11% of LCs. The most common configuration was type I followed by type III. Bilateral symmetry occurred in a majority of the individuals (ie, 91% in LCIs, 87% in LLIs, and 87% in LCs). No sex influence was noted with LLIs and LCs (P > .05). However, LCIs showed a higher prevalence of 2 canals in men (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of 2 root canals in the mandibular anterior teeth in Brazilians was approximately 20% for central and lateral incisors and 10% for canines.

Cavidad Pulpar , Raíz del Diente , Brasil/epidemiología , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico , Estudios Transversales , Cavidad Pulpar/diagnóstico por imagen , Humanos , Masculino , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagen
Braz Dent J ; 31(4): 404-408, 2020 Sep 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32901717


The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different coronal preflaring protocols (absent, conservative and conventional) on the accuracy of Root ZX II, Raypex 6, and RomiApex A-15 electronic foramen locators (EFLs). Twenty mandibular molars with Vertucci's type IV mesial roots were subjected to endodontic exploration and foraminal patency confirmation. Under 16x magnification, its real lengths (RL) were measured and registered (RL1). The canals were then irrigated with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and electronically measured (EM1) employing the alginate model; all measurements were performed in triplicate by a blind operator using adjusted endodontic hand-files introduced until the apex foramen. Coronal preflaring procedures were sequentially performed with #25/.06 (conservative) and #25/.12 (conventional) instruments; new RLs extents were performed after each coronal preparation protocol (RL2/RL3), as same as electronic measurements (EM2/EM3). The devices error (mm) was evaluated considering the difference between RLs and EMs at each preparation stage; their precision was stablished adopting ±0.5 mm as tolerance margin. The EFLs error significantly reduced after conventional coronal preflaring protocol (p<0.05), which not occur after the conservative one. The best precisions values were noted after conventional preparation as 90% (Root ZX II), 97.5% (Raypex 6), and 92.5% (RomiApex A-15). No significant differences were found in EFLs comparisons, regardless of the coronal protocol tested (p>0.05). Under the conditions tested it can be concluded that the EFLs evaluated were precise. Moreover, the preflaring protocols influences its accuracy's, where the less conservative one produced the best results.

Preparación del Conducto Radicular , Ápice del Diente , Cavidad Pulpar , Electrónica , Odontometría
Braz. dent. j ; 31(4): 404-408, July-Aug. 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1132324


Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different coronal preflaring protocols (absent, conservative and conventional) on the accuracy of Root ZX II, Raypex 6, and RomiApex A-15 electronic foramen locators (EFLs). Twenty mandibular molars with Vertucci's type IV mesial roots were subjected to endodontic exploration and foraminal patency confirmation. Under 16x magnification, its real lengths (RL) were measured and registered (RL1). The canals were then irrigated with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and electronically measured (EM1) employing the alginate model; all measurements were performed in triplicate by a blind operator using adjusted endodontic hand-files introduced until the apex foramen. Coronal preflaring procedures were sequentially performed with #25/.06 (conservative) and #25/.12 (conventional) instruments; new RLs extents were performed after each coronal preparation protocol (RL2/RL3), as same as electronic measurements (EM2/EM3). The devices error (mm) was evaluated considering the difference between RLs and EMs at each preparation stage; their precision was stablished adopting ±0.5 mm as tolerance margin. The EFLs error significantly reduced after conventional coronal preflaring protocol (p<0.05), which not occur after the conservative one. The best precisions values were noted after conventional preparation as 90% (Root ZX II), 97.5% (Raypex 6), and 92.5% (RomiApex A-15). No significant differences were found in EFLs comparisons, regardless of the coronal protocol tested (p>0.05). Under the conditions tested it can be concluded that the EFLs evaluated were precise. Moreover, the preflaring protocols influences its accuracy's, where the less conservative one produced the best results.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de diferentes protocolos de pré-alargamento cervical (ausente, conservador e convencional) na precisão dos localizadores eletrônicos foraminais (LEFs) Root ZX II, Raypex 6 e RomiApex A-15. Vinte molares inferiores com raízes mesiais do tipo IV de Vertucci foram submetidos à exploração endodôntica e confirmação da patência foraminal. Sob ampliação de 16x, seus comprimentos reais (CR) foram medidos e registrados (CR1). Os canais foram então irrigados com hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5% e medidos eletronicamente (ME1) utilizando o modelo em alginato; todas as medidas foram realizadas em triplicata por um operador cego, utilizando limas endodônticas ajustadas introduzidas até o forame apical. Os procedimentos de pré-alargamento cervical foram realizados sequencialmente com os instrumentos #25/.06 (conservador) e #25/.12 (convencional); novas determinações de CRs foram realizadas após cada protocolo de preparação cervical (CR2/CR3), da mesma forma que as medidas eletrônicas (ME2/ME3). O erro dos dispositivos (mm) foi avaliado considerando a diferença entre CRs e MEs em cada estágio de preparação; sua precisão foi estabelecida adotando ± 0,5 mm como margem de tolerância. O erro dos LEFs reduziu significativamente após o protocolo convencional de alargamento cervical (p<0,05), o que não ocorreu após o conservador. Os melhores valores de precisão foram observados após a preparação convencional como 90% (Root ZX II), 97,5% (Raypex 6) e 92,5% (RomiApex A-15). Não foram encontradas diferenças significantes nas comparações entre os LEFs, independentemente do protocolo cervical testado (p>0,05). Sob as condições testadas, pode-se concluir que os LEFs avaliados foram precisos. Além disso, os protocolos de alargamento influenciam sua precisão, onde o menos conservador produziu os melhores resultados.

Preparación del Conducto Radicular , Ápice del Diente , Cavidad Pulpar , Electrónica , Odontometría
Dent. press endod ; 10(2): 29-33, maio-ago.2020. Tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1344315


Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar três sistemas de instrumentação de NiTi, tratados termicamente, quanto ao número de condutos instrumentados até a fratura. Métodos: Foram utilizados 210 molares humanos inferiores e superiores com curvaturas leves a moderadas, comprimentos reais entre 19 e 21 mm e forames apicais até 200µm. Esses foram randomicamente divididos em três grupos de acordo com o sistema de instrumentação utilizado: Reciproc (REC; R25), ProDesign Duo Híbrido (PDH; #25/.01 e #25/.08) e TF Adaptive (TFA; #25/.08). Foram utilizados 5 instrumentos/kits de cada sistema. Registrou-se, então, o número de condutos instrumenta- dos até a fratura e o número de reinserções necessárias até o alcance do comprimento de trabalho. Resultados: A análise estatística apontou diferenças significativas quando comparada a durabilidade dos sistemas, tendo os instrumentos do grupo PDH oferecido os maiores valores (29,2), seguido de REC (21,6) e TFA (15,4) (p<0,05). Quanto ao número de reinserções, o sistema TFA foi o que necessitou do menor número de reinserções (p<0,05). Conclusão: Nas condições do estudo, pode-se concluir que o sistema ProDesign Duo Híbrido foi o mais durável; ainda que o sistema TF Adaptive tenha alcançado o comprimento de trabalho com maior facilidade

Objective: The present study compared three systems of thermally treated NiTi endodontic files regarding their achieved number of prepared root canals before fracture. Methods: Two hundred and ten slightly and moderately curved upper and lower molars with actual length ranging from 19 to 21 mm and apex foramens diameters up to 200 µm were used. The sample was allotted to three groups according to the instrumentation system in use: Reciproc (REC; R25), ProDesign Duo Hybrid (PDH; #25/.01 and #25/.08), and TF Adaptive (TFA; #25/.08). Five instruments/kits of each system were used. Then, it was registered the number of root canals prepared until the instrument fractured and the number of reinsertions needed until the working length was achieved. Results: The statistical analysis showed significant differences among the durability of the three systems, being the instruments of group PDH the ones that yielded higher reuses (29.2) followed by groups REC (21.6), and TFA (15.4) (P < .05). Regarding the number of insertions, the TFA system was the one that needed the lowest number of reinsertions (P < .05). Conclusion: Under this study conditions, ProDesign Duo Hybrid was the most durable system, whereas TF Adaptive system was the one that most easily achieved the working length.

Humanos , Fracturas por Estrés , Instrumentos Dentales , Diente Molar
J Contemp Dent Pract ; 20(4): 405-408, 2019 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31308268


AIM: This study was aimed to analyze, through an ex vivo test, the durability of two rotary systems used in curved root canals of extracted molars. MATERIALS AND METHODS: At first, 150 upper and lower molars were selected, presenting curvature at least in one of the root canals. They underwent access cavity and radiographed with a # 15 file into the canal to determine their maximum curvatures, classified as schneider. The teeth with one or more curved canals were included in this study. Finally, 120 curved root canals were statistically divided into six sets of 20 curved canals. Two rotatory systems, K3 XF (RCS sequence) and twisted file (Large Kit), both treatment R-Phase, were analyzed. Three kits were used for each system, each one instrumented one of the six sets of 20 curved canals. File deformations were noted, and the files were used until a fracture occurs or until completion of 20 canals preparation. Fractured files before the end of the instrumentation of the 20 canals were replaced, continuing the full instrumentation set. Statistical analysis was performed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) (p >0.05), and a qualitative assessment was also made. RESULTS: It was found that there was no statistical difference between the K3 XF and TF systems regarding fracture. CONCLUSION: There were no statistical differences between the K3 XF systems in the RCS sequence and the twisted file kit Large system, as to the number of instrumented conduits to the deformation or fracture. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The findings of this study reinforce that, it is necessary to choose files that support curved roots preventing accidents inside the root canal. Therefore, it is important for professionals to have knowledge and command of these protocols to obtain more satisfactory results.

Cavidad Pulpar , Preparación del Conducto Radicular , Diente Molar , Tratamiento del Conducto Radicular , Rotación , Titanio
Dent. press endod ; 9(2): 57-61, maio 2019. tab
Artículo en Portugués | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1024831


Introdução: a clorexidina demonstra resultados efetivos na Endodontia como uma substância de irrigação ou como medicação intracanal. Objetivo: o objetivo do presente estudo foi revisar a literatura sobre as propriedades da clorexidina, enfatizando novos achados sobre o uso dessa substância como uma medicação intracanal e como uma substância de irrigação. Métodos: foi realizada uma pesquisa nos bancos de dados online Bireme e Google Scholar, usando como palavras-chave as substâncias de irrigação clorexidina e hipoclorito de sódio, restringindo a pesquisa ao período de 2000 a agosto de 2015. Resultados: verificou-se que a clorexidina apresenta uma ampla gama de propriedades que aumentam seu potencial como uma substância de irrigação, quando comparada ao hipoclorito de sódio, como: efeito antimicrobiano, substantividade e baixa toxicidade. Devido a todas as características mencionadas anteriormente, a clorexidina tem sido considerada uma perspectiva inovadora no tratamento de infecções endodônticas, embora o hipoclorito de sódio ainda seja a substância de irrigação de escolha entre os clínicos. Conclusão: esse estudo demonstrou que a clorexidina é uma alternativa efetiva para a desinfecção e o tratamento dos canais radiculares (AU).

Introduction: Chlorhexidine demonstrates effective results in endodontics as an irrigation substance, or as an intra-canal medication. Aim: The aim of this study is to review the literature about the properties of chlorhexidine, emphasizing new findings about the use of this substance as an intra-canal medication, and as an irrigation substance. Methods: Thus, a search was performed on the online databases Bireme and Google Scholar using the keywords irrigation substances, chlorhexidine, and sodium hypochlorite, restricting the search to the period from the year of 2000 to August of 2015. Results: It was found that Chlorhexidine presents a wide range of properties that enhance its potential as an irrigation substance when compared to sodium hypochlorite, such as antimicrobial effect, substantivity, and low toxicity. Due to all the before mentioned characteristics, chlorhexidine has been considered a novel perspective in the treatmentof endodontic infections, even though sodium hypochlorite is still the irrigation substance of choice among clinicians. Conclusion: Therefore, this study demonstrated that chlorhexidine is an effective alternative to the disinfection and treatment of the root canals (AU).

Clorhexidina , Preparación del Conducto Radicular , Irrigantes del Conducto Radicular , Tratamiento del Conducto Radicular , Desinfección
J Contemp Dent Pract ; 19(9): 1087-1094, 2018 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30287709


AIM: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of widening the apical root canal preparation (RCP) on the efficiency of different ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) agitation protocols on smear layer removal: EDTA; EDTA + Easy Clean in rotary movement (ECROT); EDTA + Easy Clean in reciprocating movement (ECREC); and EDTA + Passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 80 mandibular premolars had their crowns sectioned and then were divided into two groups according to widening: size 25 or 40, 0.08 taper. Sequentially they were once again allocated to subgroups according to the agitation protocol performing eight experimental groups (n = 10). Ten additional teeth were prepared for controls (C+/C-). The specimens were then submitted to the cleaning protocols and thereafter cleaved and microphotographed by variable pressure scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at previously determined points along their root thirds (750*). Scores were attributed to the images, and data were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis, Student-Newman-Keuls and Friedman tests. RESULTS: A higher widening was observed to have a positive influence on cleaning efficiency offering significant differences in global and apical third evaluations (p < 0.05). Relative to the agitation, significant differences were observed mainly in the apical third, with PUI and ECROT providing the best results (p < 0.05); no difference for C+ was observed when higher widening was employed. CONCLUSION: A greater widening of the apical third provided a significant improvement in the action of the agitation/activation protocols. Moreover, the PUI and ECROT activation methods were shown to be superior to the use of EDTA solely, particularly in the apical third. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The findings of this study reinforce the need for clinical use of additional methods to complement cleaning. Therefore, it is important for professionals to have knowledge and command of these protocols to obtain more satisfactory results.

Cavidad Pulpar/ultraestructura , Ácido Edético/administración & dosificación , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Irrigantes del Conducto Radicular/administración & dosificación , Preparación del Conducto Radicular/métodos , Irrigación Terapéutica/métodos , Ápice del Diente , Diente Premolar , Humanos , Mandíbula , Capa de Barro Dentinario , Ultrasonido
J Appl Oral Sci ; 26: e20170215, 2018 Jan 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29364346


To evaluate the amount of apically extruded debris, percentage of foraminal enlargement and apical foramen (AF) deformation that occurred during root canal preparation with different reciprocation systems: Reciproc, WaveOne (M-Wire), and ProDesign R (Shape Memory Technology Wire) at two different working lengths (WLs): 0.0 and 1.0 mm beyond the AF. The AF of 120 root canals in 60 mesial roots of mandibular molars were photographed with stereomicroscope and randomly assigned into four groups: manual, Reciproc (REC), WaveOne (WO), and ProDesign R (PDR); subsequently, they were further subdivided according to the WL (n=15). Teeth were instrumented, coupled to a dual collecting chamber, and then another photograph of each AF was captured. Extrusion was analysed by determining the weight of extruded debris. Each AF diameter was measured in pre- and post-instrumentation images to determine deformation, which was analysed, and afterwards the final format of AFs was classified (circular/oval/deformed). We found no significant differences when analysing each system at different WLs. When considering each WL, REC and WO showed highest extrusion values (P<.05); for AF enlargement, differences were observed only for WO, when it was used beyond the AF; differences were observed among M-Wire groups beyond the AF (P<.05). AF deformation was observed in all groups; PDR showed the lowest AF deformation values at both WLs; M-Wire groups showed 50% strain beyond the AF. Authors concluded that beyond the apical limit, the alloy and taper are important aspects when considering extrusion and deformation.

Níquel/química , Preparación del Conducto Radicular/efectos adversos , Preparación del Conducto Radicular/instrumentación , Titanio/química , Ápice del Diente/lesiones , Instrumentos Dentales/efectos adversos , Diseño de Equipo , Humanos , Distribución Aleatoria , Valores de Referencia , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Preparación del Conducto Radicular/métodos , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Ápice del Diente/anatomía & histología
J. appl. oral sci ; 26: e20170215, 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-893700


Abstract Objective To evaluate the amount of apically extruded debris, percentage of foraminal enlargement and apical foramen (AF) deformation that occurred during root canal preparation with different reciprocation systems: Reciproc, WaveOne (M-Wire), and ProDesign R (Shape Memory Technology Wire) at two different working lengths (WLs): 0.0 and 1.0 mm beyond the AF. Material and methods The AF of 120 root canals in 60 mesial roots of mandibular molars were photographed with stereomicroscope and randomly assigned into four groups: manual, Reciproc (REC), WaveOne (WO), and ProDesign R (PDR); subsequently, they were further subdivided according to the WL (n=15). Teeth were instrumented, coupled to a dual collecting chamber, and then another photograph of each AF was captured. Extrusion was analysed by determining the weight of extruded debris. Each AF diameter was measured in pre- and post-instrumentation images to determine deformation, which was analysed, and afterwards the final format of AFs was classified (circular/oval/deformed). Results We found no significant differences when analysing each system at different WLs. When considering each WL, REC and WO showed highest extrusion values (P<.05); for AF enlargement, differences were observed only for WO, when it was used beyond the AF; differences were observed among M-Wire groups beyond the AF (P<.05). AF deformation was observed in all groups; PDR showed the lowest AF deformation values at both WLs; M-Wire groups showed 50% strain beyond the AF. Conclusion Authors concluded that beyond the apical limit, the alloy and taper are important aspects when considering extrusion and deformation.

Humanos , Titanio/química , Preparación del Conducto Radicular/efectos adversos , Preparación del Conducto Radicular/instrumentación , Ápice del Diente/química , Níquel/química , Valores de Referencia , Distribución Aleatoria , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Preparación del Conducto Radicular/métodos , Ápice del Diente/anatomía & histología , Instrumentos Dentales/efectos adversos , Diseño de Equipo
J Endod ; 43(10): 1663-1667, 2017 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28693895


INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of 5 electronic apex locators (EALs): Root ZX II (RZX; J Morita, Tokyo, Japan), Raypex 6 (RAY; VDW GmbH, Munich, Germany), Apex ID (AID; SybronEndo, Orange, CA), Propex II (PRO; Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland), and Propex Pixi (PIXI, Dentsply Maillefer) when used in the following protocols: (1) -1.0, insertion up to 1.0 mm below the apical foramen (AF); (2) 0.0/-1.0, insertion until the AF and withdrawn 1.0 mm short of the AF; (3) 0.0, insertion until the AF; and (4) over/0.0, insertion until "over" and withdrawal to AF. METHODS: Thirty human lower premolars had coronary accesses and cervical and middle thirds preparations performed, allowing AF standardization (200 µm). Using an alginate experimental model, root canal length (RCL) measurements were performed sequentially with EALs following each of the protocols. RESULTS: Considering the suggested protocols, the lowest mean error values were observed in 0.0, 0.10 mm (RZX), 0.13 mm (RAY), 0.16 mm (AID), 0.23 mm (PRO), and 0.10 mm (PIXI), without a significant difference for over/0.0 (P > .05). Comparing the results obtained in 0.0 with those found in -1.0 and 0.0/-1.0, significant differences were observed for most EALs (P < .05). For the comparison between EALs, significant differences were observed only in protocols -1.0 and over/0.0 (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Under the conditions of the study, it was concluded that, regardless of the mechanism of the device, the best results were found when electronic RCL measurement was performed at the AF; furthermore, the electronic withdrawal did not offer any additional advantage over the reach of the AF.

Instrumentos Dentales , Diseño de Equipo , Preparación del Conducto Radicular/instrumentación , Ápice del Diente , Raíz del Diente/anatomía & histología , Diente Premolar/anatomía & histología , Humanos
J Endod ; 42(11): 1683-1686, 2016 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27616540


INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to determine the variations in root canal length (RCL) occurring during endodontic treatment stages (initial, preflared, and concluded) and correlate them with the accuracy of Root ZX II (RZX). METHODS: After coronal access, 26 mandibular molars had the apical foramen of the 52 mesial canals standardized (250 µm) and their respective initial RCL was recorded (RCL1 = initial) by using a clinical microscope (×16) and manual K-file instruments. By using the alginate model, sequential electronic measurements were taken with the RZX. After the initial measurement (EM1), WaveOne Primary instruments were used to prepare the cervical and middle thirds of the root canals, and then the second RCL and EM measurements (RCL2/EM2 = preflared) were obtained. Finally, mechanical preparation was concluded, and the measurement procedures were repeated to obtain the final RCL and EM measurements (RCL3/EM3 = concluded). RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were observed in all comparisons in the RCL (P < .05). The RCL1 - RCL3 showed the highest variation (0.6 mm), with the extent of specimens reduced by up to 1.75 mm. No statistically significant differences were found in the accuracy of the RZX (P > .05); 100% precision (± 0.5 mm) was found in all stages. CONCLUSIONS: Under the conditions of this study, the authors concluded that during endodontic treatment, the extent of the RCL was reduced, thereby jeopardizing control of the apical limit during instrumentation and/or obturation. The RZX was extremely accurate in all evaluated stages.

Cavidad Pulpar/anatomía & histología , Odontometría/instrumentación , Preparación del Conducto Radicular/instrumentación , Raíz del Diente/anatomía & histología , Cavidad Pulpar/diagnóstico por imagen , Humanos , Diente Molar/anatomía & histología , Diente Molar/diagnóstico por imagen , Tratamiento del Conducto Radicular/instrumentación , Ápice del Diente/anatomía & histología , Raíz del Diente/diagnóstico por imagen
J Endod ; 42(1): 8-11, 2016 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26549220


INTRODUCTION: The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the postoperative pain that followed root canal treatments performed with a single-file reciprocating system on asymptomatic uniradicular necrotic teeth with and without foraminal enlargements (FEs). METHODS: Forty-six volunteers were randomly divided into 2 groups according to the established working lengths. The FE group had a working length of 0.0 mm from the apex, and the control group had a working length of 1.0 mm short of the apex. The treatments of both groups were performed with a Reciproc R40 (VDW, Munich, Germany) instrument. Both groups underwent the same treatment protocol with the exception of the established working length. The volunteers were instructed to record their pain (none, mild, moderate, or severe) on a visual analog scale at 24 hours, 72 hours, and 1 week after the procedures. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to identify significant differences. RESULTS: Overall, 82.22% of the patients indicated no pain or mild pain. A greater proportion of the patients in the FE group reported mild pain compared with patients in the control group in the first 24 hours (P < .05). At 72 hours and 1 week, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups (P > .05). CONCLUSIONS: FEs during endodontic treatments of asymptomatic necrotic, uniradicular teeth that were performed in single visits using the Reciproc R40 reciprocating file resulted in a low incidence of pain. After 24 hours, the FEs resulted in more patients reporting mild pain compared with the control group, but no differences were observed at 72 hours or 1 week.

Necrosis de la Pulpa Dental/cirugía , Dolor Postoperatorio/diagnóstico , Tratamiento del Conducto Radicular/efectos adversos , Tratamiento del Conducto Radicular/métodos , Adolescente , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Estudios Prospectivos , Adulto Joven
J Endod ; 41(9): 1551-4, 2015 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26210483


INTRODUCTION: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the accuracy of electronic foramen locators (EFLs), Root ZX II (RZX; J. Morita, Tokyo, Japan), Propex II (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland), and Apex ID (AID; SybronEndo, Glendora, CA), in root canals with an obstructed apical foramen (OAF) and to compare them with those 1.0 mm short of the apical foramen (AF; -1.0) and at the AF (0.0). METHODS: Thirty human mandibular molars had their coronal and cervical preparations accessed. Then, the AFs were standardized (250 µm). Electronic root canal measurements were performed for the -1.0 and 0.0 working lengths, and the canals were obstructed with dentinal debris. The distance to the AF displayed by the EFLs was then recorded. The last instrument used was fixed with a cyanoacrylate-based adhesive; the apical portions of the roots were scraped, allowing for the determination of the distance between the tips of the instruments and the AFs. RESULTS: The precision rates at 0.0, -1.0, and the OAF were 94.7%, 43.9%, and 1.8% (RZX); 93.0%, 54.4%, and 54.4% (Propex II); and 93.0%, 68.5%, and 75.4% (AID), respectively (±0.5 mm). No significant differences were found between the devices at 0.0; however, for the measurements at -1.0 and the OAF, the AID offered significantly better results than RZX (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: The absence of foraminal patency caused by dentin debris obstruction affects the accuracy of the EFLs differently, suggesting distinctive interactions with their operating mechanisms.

Cavidad Pulpar/anatomía & histología , Odontometría/instrumentación , Preparación del Conducto Radicular/instrumentación , Ápice del Diente/anatomía & histología , Electrónica Médica/instrumentación , Humanos