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Sci Total Environ ; 760: 143410, 2021 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33213925


Drained peatlands are major sources of CO2 to the atmosphere, yet the effects of land management and hydrological extremes have been little-studied at spatial scales relevant to agricultural enterprises. We measured fluxes of CO2 using the eddy covariance (EC) technique at two adjacent dairy farms on a drained peatland in Aotearoa New Zealand with remaining peat depths 5.5-8 m. One site (SD) had shallow surface drains and mean water table depth (WTD) -657 mm, while the other site (BD) had deep field border drains and mean WTD -838 mm. Net ecosystem CO2 production (NEP) was similar at the two sites when the soils were moist but diverged during late-summer drying, with site BD having 4.56 t C ha-1 greater CO2 emission than site SD over the four-month dry period. Soil drying reduced gross primary production (GPP) at both sites, while ecosystem respiration (ER) was reduced at site SD but not at site BD. The low dry season respiration rates at site SD contributed to near-zero annual NEP, while higher respiration rates at site BD led to annual CO2 loss of -4.95 ± 0.59 t C ha-1 yr-1. Accounting for other imports and exports of carbon, annual net ecosystem carbon balances were -2.23 and -8.47 t C ha-1 yr-1 at sites SD and BD, respectively. It is likely that the contrasting dry season respiration rates resulted from differences in soil physical properties affecting soil moisture vertical redistribution and availability to plants and microbes rather than from the relatively small differences in WTD. These differences could be caused by soil physical disturbances during pasture renewal or paddock recontouring, or time since initial drainage. Therefore, improved soil management might provide practical mitigation against excessive CO2 emissions during dry conditions, including droughts.

Sci Total Environ ; 715: 136917, 2020 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32041047


In New Zealand, pasture renewal is a routine management method for maintaining pasture productivity. However, knowledge of the renewal effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks is still limited. Here we use a process-based model, CenW, to comprehensively assess the effects of pasture renewal on the carbon balance of a temperate pasture in the Waikato region of New Zealand. We investigated the effects of renewal frequency, length of fallow period, renewal timing, and the importance and quantification of age-related reductions in productivity. Our results suggest that SOC change depends on the combined effects of renewal on gross primary productivity (GPP), autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration, carbon removal by grazing and carbon allocation to roots. Pasture renewal reduces grazing removal proportionately more than GPP because newly established plants need to allocate more carbon to re-build their root system following renewal which limits foliage production. That lengthens the time before above-ground biomass has grown sufficiently to be grazed again. New plants have a lower ratio of autotrophic respiration to GPP, however, which partly compensates for the GPP loss during renewal. Our simulations suggested an average SOC loss of 0.16 tC ha-1 yr-1 if pastures were renewed every 25 years, but could gain an average of 0.3 tC ha-1 yr-1 if pastures were renewed every year. For maximizing pasture production, the optimal renewal frequency depends on the rate of pasture deterioration with more rapid deterioration rates favouring more frequent renewal. Additionally, the length of the fallow period, renewal timing, and associated environmental conditions are important factors that can affect SOC temporally, but the importance of those effects diminishes at the annual or longer time scales. A major uncertainty for a full understanding of the renewal effect on SOC lies in the rate of pasture deterioration with time since previous renewal.

Sci Total Environ ; 718: 134613, 2020 May 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31839309


Peatland biological, physical and chemical properties change over time in response to alterations in long-term water table position. Such changes complicate our ability to predict the response of peatland carbon stocks to sustained drying. In order to better understand the effect of sustained lowering of the water table on peatland carbon dynamics, we re-visited a drainage-affected bog, repeating eddy covariance measurements of CO2 flux after a 16-year interval. We found the ecosystem CO2 sink to have strengthened across the intervening period, despite a deep and fluctuating water table. This was mostly due to an increase in CO2 uptake through photosynthesis associated with increased shrub growth. We also observed a decline in CO2 loss through ecosystem respiration. These changes could not be attributed to environmental conditions. Air temperature was the only significant contemporaneous driver of monthly anomalies in CO2 fluxes, with higher temperatures decreasing the net CO2 sink via increased ecosystem respiration. However, the effect of air temperature was weak in comparison to the underlying differences between time periods. Therefore, we demonstrate that for drying peatlands, long-term changes within the ecosystem can be of primary importance as drivers of CO2 exchange. In this peatland, the ecosystem carbon sink has shown resilience to water table drawdown, with internal feedbacks leading to a recovery of the CO2 sink after a 16-year interval.

Sci Total Environ ; 655: 1037-1046, 2019 Mar 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30577098


High water tables (WT) stabilise peatland carbon (C) through regulation of biogeochemical processes. The impact of peatland WT on ecosystem function, including C exchange, alters over time, and the factors that cause some peatlands to display resilience and others to undergo degradation are poorly understood. Here we use CO2 flux measurements, measured by eddy covariance, to compare ecosystem function between two raised bogs; one drainage-affected, with a deep and fluctuating water table and the other near-natural, with a shallow and stable water table. The drainage-affected bog was found to be a moderate sink for CO2 (69 g C m-2 yr-1), which was 134 g C m-2 yr-1 less than the near-natural bog (203 g C m-2 yr-1). Greater ecosystem productivity has allowed the drainage-impacted bog to act as a CO2 sink despite higher ecosystem respiration; most likely due to an increase in photosynthetic capacity caused by expansion of ericaceous shrub cover. The tolerance of the vegetation community, particularly the main peat former Empodisma robustum (Restionaceae), to low and fluctuating WT appears to have been key in allowing the site to remain a sink. Despite the current resilience of the ecosystem CO2 sink, we found gross primary production to be limited under both high and low water tables, even in a year with typical rainfall. This is best explained by the limited physiological ability of ericaceous shrubs to tolerate a fluctuating WT. As such we hypothesise that if the WT continues to drop and become even more unstable, then without further vegetation change, a reduction in gross primary production is likely which may in turn cause the site to become a source for CO2.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Ciclo del Carbono , Dióxido de Carbono/análisis , Agua Subterránea/análisis , Humedales , Secuestro de Carbono , Finlandia
Sci Total Environ ; 512-513: 273-286, 2015 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25634732


We used two years of eddy covariance (EC) measurements collected over an intensively grazed dairy pasture to better understand the key drivers of changes in soil organic carbon stocks. Analysing grazing systems with EC measurements poses significant challenges as the respiration from grazing animals can result in large short-term CO2 fluxes. As paddocks are grazed only periodically, EC observations derive from a mosaic of paddocks with very different exchange rates. This violates the assumptions implicit in the use of EC methodology. To test whether these challenges could be overcome, and to develop a tool for wider scenario testing, we compared EC measurements with simulation runs with the detailed ecosystem model CenW 4.1. Simulations were run separately for 26 paddocks around the EC tower and coupled to a footprint analysis to estimate net fluxes at the EC tower. Overall, we obtained good agreement between modelled and measured fluxes, especially for the comparison of evapotranspiration rates, with model efficiency of 0.96 for weekly averaged values of the validation data. For net ecosystem productivity (NEP) comparisons, observations were omitted when cattle grazed the paddocks immediately around the tower. With those points omitted, model efficiencies for weekly averaged values of the validation data were 0.78, 0.67 and 0.54 for daytime, night-time and 24-hour NEP, respectively. While not included for model parameterisation, simulated gross primary production also agreed closely with values inferred from eddy covariance measurements (model efficiency of 0.84 for weekly averages). The study confirmed that CenW simulations could adequately model carbon and water exchange in grazed pastures. It highlighted the critical role of animal respiration for net CO2 fluxes, and showed that EC studies of grazed pastures need to consider the best approach of accounting for this important flux to avoid unbalanced accounting.
