We compare the ion-induced electron emission from freestanding monolayers of graphene and MoS_{2} to find a sixfold higher number of emitted electrons for graphene even though both materials have similar work functions. An effective single-band Hubbard model explains this finding by a charge-up in MoS_{2} that prevents low energy electrons from escaping the surface within a period of a few femtoseconds after ion impact. We support these results by measuring the electron energy distribution for correlated pairs of electrons and transmitted ions. The majority of emitted primary electrons have an energy below 10 eV and are therefore subject to the dynamic charge-up effects at surfaces.
SUMMARY: The currently available functional enrichment software focuses mostly on gene expression analysis, whereby server- and graphical-user-interface-based tools with specific scope dominate the field. Here we present an efficient, user-friendly, multifunctional command-line-based functional enrichment tool (fu-en-to), tailored for the bioinformatics researcher. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: Source code and binaries freely available for download at, implemented in C ++ and supported on Linux and OS X. CONTACT: or