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Bioelectron Med ; 9(1): 9, 2023 Apr 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37118841


BACKGROUND: Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is a FDA approved therapy regularly used to treat a variety of neurological disorders that impact the central nervous system (CNS) including epilepsy and stroke. Putatively, the therapeutic efficacy of VNS results from its action on neuromodulatory centers via projections of the vagus nerve to the solitary tract nucleus. Currently, there is not an established large animal model that facilitates detailed mechanistic studies exploring how VNS impacts the function of the CNS, especially during complex behaviors requiring motor action and decision making. METHODS: We describe the anatomical organization, surgical methodology to implant VNS electrodes on the left gagus nerve and characterization of target engagement/neural interface properties in a non-human primate (NHP) model of VNS that permits chronic stimulation over long periods of time. Furthermore, we describe the results of pilot experiments in a small number of NHPs to demonstrate how this preparation might be used in an animal model capable of performing complex motor and decision making tasks. RESULTS: VNS electrode impedance remained constant over months suggesting a stable interface. VNS elicited robust activation of the vagus nerve which resulted in decreases of respiration rate and/or partial pressure of carbon dioxide in expired air, but not changes in heart rate in both awake and anesthetized NHPs. CONCLUSIONS: We anticipate that this preparation will be very useful to study the mechanisms underlying the effects of VNS for the treatment of conditions such as epilepsy and depression, for which VNS is extensively used, as well as for the study of the neurobiological basis underlying higher order functions such as learning and memory.

J Neural Eng ; 20(1)2023 02 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36649655


Electrical stimulation of the cervical vagus nerve using implanted electrodes (VNS) is FDA-approved for the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy, treatment-resistant depression, and most recently, chronic ischemic stroke rehabilitation. However, VNS is critically limited by the unwanted stimulation of nearby neck muscles-a result of non-specific stimulation activating motor nerve fibers within the vagus. Prior studies suggested that precise placement of small epineural electrodes can modify VNS therapeutic effects, such as cardiac responses. However, it remains unclear if placement can alter the balance between intended effect and limiting side effect. We used an FDA investigational device exemption approved six-contact epineural cuff to deliver VNS in pigs and quantified how epineural electrode location impacts on- and off-target VNS activation. Detailed post-mortem histology was conducted to understand how the underlying neuroanatomy impacts observed functional responses. Here we report the discovery and characterization of clear neuroanatomy-dependent differences in threshold and saturation for responses related to both effect (change in heart rate) and side effect (neck muscle contractions). The histological and electrophysiological data were used to develop and validate subject-specific computation models of VNS, creating a well-grounded quantitative framework to optimize electrode location-specific activation of nerve fibers governing intended effect versus unwanted side effect.

Estimulación del Nervio Vago , Animales , Porcinos , Nervio Vago/fisiología , Corazón/fisiología , Frecuencia Cardíaca/fisiología , Electrodos Implantados
Front Hum Neurosci ; 16: 725715, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35874158


An increasing number of research teams are investigating the efficacy of brain-computer interface (BCI)-mediated interventions for promoting motor recovery following stroke. A growing body of evidence suggests that of the various BCI designs, most effective are those that deliver functional electrical stimulation (FES) of upper extremity (UE) muscles contingent on movement intent. More specifically, BCI-FES interventions utilize algorithms that isolate motor signals-user-generated intent-to-move neural activity recorded from cerebral cortical motor areas-to drive electrical stimulation of individual muscles or muscle synergies. BCI-FES interventions aim to recover sensorimotor function of an impaired extremity by facilitating and/or inducing long-term motor learning-related neuroplastic changes in appropriate control circuitry. We developed a non-invasive, electroencephalogram (EEG)-based BCI-FES system that delivers closed-loop neural activity-triggered electrical stimulation of targeted distal muscles while providing the user with multimodal sensory feedback. This BCI-FES system consists of three components: (1) EEG acquisition and signal processing to extract real-time volitional and task-dependent neural command signals from cerebral cortical motor areas, (2) FES of muscles of the impaired hand contingent on the motor cortical neural command signals, and (3) multimodal sensory feedback associated with performance of the behavioral task, including visual information, linked activation of somatosensory afferents through intact sensorimotor circuits, and electro-tactile stimulation of the tongue. In this report, we describe device parameters and intervention protocols of our BCI-FES system which, combined with standard physical rehabilitation approaches, has proven efficacious in treating UE motor impairment in stroke survivors, regardless of level of impairment and chronicity.

Front Neurosci ; 15: 676680, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34899151


Background: Placement of the clinical vagus nerve stimulating cuff is a standard surgical procedure based on anatomical landmarks, with limited patient specificity in terms of fascicular organization or vagal anatomy. As such, the therapeutic effects are generally limited by unwanted side effects of neck muscle contractions, demonstrated by previous studies to result from stimulation of (1) motor fibers near the cuff in the superior laryngeal and (2) motor fibers within the cuff projecting to the recurrent laryngeal. Objective: Conventional non-invasive ultrasound, where the transducer is placed on the surface of the skin, has been previously used to visualize the vagus with respect to other landmarks such as the carotid and internal jugular vein. However, it lacks sufficient resolution to provide details about the vagus fascicular organization, or detail about smaller neural structures such as the recurrent and superior laryngeal branch responsible for therapy limiting side effects. Here, we characterize the use of ultrasound with the transducer placed in the surgical pocket to improve resolution without adding significant additional risk to the surgical procedure in the pig model. Methods: Ultrasound images were obtained from a point of known functional organization at the nodose ganglia to the point of placement of stimulating electrodes within the surgical window. Naïve volunteers with minimal training were then asked to use these ultrasound videos to trace afferent groupings of fascicles from the nodose to their location within the surgical window where a stimulating cuff would normally be placed. Volunteers were asked to select a location for epineural electrode placement away from the fascicles containing efferent motor nerves responsible for therapy limiting side effects. 2-D and 3-D reconstructions of the ultrasound were directly compared to post-mortem histology in the same animals. Results: High-resolution ultrasound from the surgical pocket enabled 2-D and 3-D reconstruction of the cervical vagus and surrounding structures that accurately depicted the functional vagotopy of the pig vagus nerve as confirmed via histology. Although resolution was not sufficient to match specific fascicles between ultrasound and histology 1 to 1, it was sufficient to trace fascicle groupings from a point of known functional organization at the nodose ganglia to their locations within the surgical window at stimulating electrode placement. Naïve volunteers were able place an electrode proximal to the sensory afferent grouping of fascicles and away from the motor nerve efferent grouping of fascicles in each subject (n = 3). Conclusion: The surgical pocket itself provides a unique opportunity to obtain higher resolution ultrasound images of neural targets responsible for intended therapeutic effect and limiting off-target effects. We demonstrate the increase in resolution is sufficient to aid patient-specific electrode placement to optimize outcomes. This simple technique could be easily adopted for multiple neuromodulation targets to better understand how patient specific anatomy impacts functional outcomes.

Front Hum Neurosci ; 15: 725645, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34776902


Stroke is a leading cause of acquired long-term upper extremity motor disability. Current standard of care trajectories fail to deliver sufficient motor rehabilitation to stroke survivors. Recent research suggests that use of brain-computer interface (BCI) devices improves motor function in stroke survivors, regardless of stroke severity and chronicity, and may induce and/or facilitate neuroplastic changes associated with motor rehabilitation. The present sub analyses of ongoing crossover-controlled trial NCT02098265 examine first whether, during movements of the affected hand compared to rest, ipsilesional Mu rhythm desynchronization of cerebral cortical sensorimotor areas [Brodmann's areas (BA) 1-7] is localized and tracks with changes in grip force strength. Secondly, we test the hypothesis that BCI intervention results in changes in frequency-specific directional flow of information transmission (direct path functional connectivity) in BA 1-7 by measuring changes in isolated effective coherence (iCoh) between cerebral cortical sensorimotor areas thought to relate to electrophysiological signatures of motor actions and motor learning. A sample of 16 stroke survivors with right hemisphere lesions (left hand motor impairment), received a maximum of 18-30 h of BCI intervention. Electroencephalograms were recorded during intervention sessions while outcome measures of motor function and capacity were assessed at baseline and completion of intervention. Greater desynchronization of Mu rhythm, during movements of the impaired hand compared to rest, were primarily localized to ipsilesional sensorimotor cortices (BA 1-7). In addition, increased Mu desynchronization in the ipsilesional primary motor cortex, Post vs. Pre BCI intervention, correlated significantly with improvements in hand function as assessed by grip force measurements. Moreover, the results show a significant change in the direction of causal information flow, as measured by iCoh, toward the ipsilesional motor (BA 4) and ipsilesional premotor cortices (BA 6) during BCI intervention. Significant iCoh increases from ipsilesional BA 4 to ipsilesional BA 6 were observed in both Mu [8-12 Hz] and Beta [18-26 Hz] frequency ranges. In summary, the present results are indicative of improvements in motor capacity and behavior, and they are consistent with the view that BCI-FES intervention improves functional motor capacity of the ipsilesional hemisphere and the impaired hand.

Front Neurosci ; 15: 664740, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33994937


Background: The auricular branch of the vagus nerve runs superficially, which makes it a favorable target for non-invasive stimulation techniques to modulate vagal activity. For this reason, there have been many early-stage clinical trials on a diverse range of conditions. These trials often report conflicting results for the same indication. Methods: Using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool we conducted a systematic review of auricular vagus nerve stimulation (aVNS) randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to identify the factors that led to these conflicting results. The majority of aVNS studies were assessed as having "some" or "high" risk of bias, which makes it difficult to interpret their results in a broader context. Results: There is evidence of a modest decrease in heart rate during higher stimulation dosages, sometimes at above the level of sensory discomfort. Findings on heart rate variability conflict between studies and are hindered by trial design, including inappropriate washout periods, and multiple methods used to quantify heart rate variability. There is early-stage evidence to suggest aVNS may reduce circulating levels and endotoxin-induced levels of inflammatory markers. Studies on epilepsy reached primary endpoints similar to previous RCTs testing implantable vagus nerve stimulation therapy. Preliminary evidence shows that aVNS ameliorated pathological pain but not evoked pain. Discussion: Based on results of the Cochrane analysis we list common improvements for the reporting of results, which can be implemented immediately to improve the quality of evidence. In the long term, existing data from aVNS studies and salient lessons from drug development highlight the need for direct measures of local neural target engagement. Direct measures of neural activity around the electrode will provide data for the optimization of electrode design, placement, and stimulation waveform parameters to improve on-target engagement and minimize off-target activation. Furthermore, direct measures of target engagement, along with consistent evaluation of blinding success, must be used to improve the design of controls-a major source of concern identified in the Cochrane analysis. The need for direct measures of neural target engagement and consistent evaluation of blinding success is applicable to the development of other paresthesia-inducing neuromodulation therapies and their control designs.

Front Neurosci ; 15: 613844, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33790731


Sieve electrodes stand poised to deliver the selectivity required for driving advanced prosthetics but are considered inherently invasive and lack the stability required for a chronic solution. This proof of concept experiment investigates the potential for the housing and engagement of a sieve electrode within the medullary canal as part of an osseointegrated neural interface (ONI) for greater selectivity toward improving prosthetic control. The working hypotheses are that (A) the addition of a sieve interface to a cuff electrode housed within the medullary canal of the femur as part of an ONI would be capable of measuring efferent and afferent compound nerve action potentials (CNAPs) through a greater number of channels; (B) that signaling improves over time; and (C) that stimulation at this interface generates measurable cortical somatosensory evoked potentials through a greater number of channels. The modified ONI was tested in a rabbit (n = 1) amputation model over 12 weeks, comparing the sieve component to the cuff, and subsequently compared to historical data. Efferent CNAPs were successfully recorded from the sieve demonstrating physiological improvements in CNAPs between weeks 3 and 5, and somatosensory cortical responses recorded at 12 weeks postoperatively. This demonstrates that sieve electrodes can be housed and function within the medullary canal, demonstrated by improved nerve engagement and distinct cortical sensory feedback. This data presents the conceptual framework for housing more sophisticated sieve electrodes in bone as part of an ONI for improving selectivity with percutaneous connectivity toward improved prosthetic control.

Front Neurosci ; 14: 931, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33013309


Automated computational analysis techniques utilizing machine learning have been demonstrated to be able to extract more data from different imaging modalities compared to traditional analysis techniques. One new approach is to use machine learning techniques to existing multiphoton imaging modalities to better interpret intrinsically fluorescent cellular signals to characterize different cell types. Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) is a high-resolution quantitative imaging tool that can detect metabolic cellular signatures based on the lifetime variations of intrinsically fluorescent metabolic co-factors such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide [NAD(P)H]. NAD(P)H lifetime-based discrimination techniques have previously been used to develop metabolic cell signatures for diverse cell types including immune cells such as macrophages. However, FLIM could be even more effective in characterizing cell types if machine learning was used to classify cells by utilizing FLIM parameters for classification. Here, we demonstrate the potential for FLIM-based, label-free NAD(P)H imaging to distinguish different cell types using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-based machine learning. For our biological use case, we used the challenge of differentiating microglia from other glia cell types in the brain. Microglia are the resident macrophages of the brain and spinal cord and play a critical role in maintaining the neural environment and responding to injury. Microglia are challenging to identify as most fluorescent labeling approaches cross-react with other immune cell types, are often insensitive to activation state, and require the use of multiple specialized antibody labels. Furthermore, the use of these extrinsic antibody labels prevents application in in vivo animal models and possible future clinical adaptations such as neurodegenerative pathologies. With the ANN-based NAD(P)H FLIM analysis approach, we found that microglia in cell culture mixed with other glial cells can be identified with more than 0.9 True Positive Rate (TPR). We also extended our approach to identify microglia in fixed brain tissue with a TPR of 0.79. In both cases the False Discovery Rate was around 30%. This method can be further extended to potentially study and better understand microglia's role in neurodegenerative disease with improved detection accuracy.

Front Neurosci ; 14: 95, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32733179


Advances in neural engineering have brought about a number of implantable devices for improved brain stimulation and recording. Unfortunately, many of these micro-implants have not been adopted due to issues of signal loss, deterioration, and host response to the device. While glial scar characterization is critical to better understand the mechanisms that affect device functionality or tissue viability, analysis is frequently hindered by immunohistochemical tissue processing methods that result in device shattering and tissue tearing artifacts. Devices are commonly removed prior to sectioning, which can itself disturb the quality of the study. In this methods implementation study, we use the label free, optical sectioning method of second harmonic generation (SHG) to examine brain slices of various implanted intracortical electrodes and demonstrate collagen fiber distribution not found in normal brain tissue. SHG can easily be used in conjunction with multiphoton microscopy to allow direct intrinsic visualization of collagen-containing glial scars on the surface of cortically implanted electrode probes without imposing the physical strain of tissue sectioning methods required for other high resolution light microscopy modalities. Identification and future measurements of these collagen fibers may be useful in predicting host immune response and device signal fidelity.

Neurophotonics ; 7(3): 035003, 2020 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32821772


Significance: A major obstacle to studying resident microglia has been their similarity to infiltrating immune cell types and the lack of unique protein markers for identifying the functional state. Given the role of microglia in all neural diseases and insults, accurate tools for detecting their function beyond morphologic alterations are necessary. Aims: We hypothesized that microglia would have unique metabolic fluxes in reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) that would be detectable by relative changes in fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) parameters, allowing for identification of their activation status. Fluorescence lifetime of NADH has been previously demonstrated to show differences in metabolic fluxes. Approach: Here, we investigate the use of the label-free method of FLIM-based detection of the endogenous metabolic cofactor NADH to identify microglia and characterize their activation status. To test whether microglial activation would also confer a unique NADH lifetime signature, murine primary microglial cultures and adult mice were treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Results: We found that LPS-induced microglia activation correlates with detected changes in NADH lifetime and its free-bound ratio. This indicates that NADH lifetime can be used to monitor microglia activation in a label-free fashion. Moreover, we found that there is an LPS dose-dependent change associated with reactive microglia lifetime fluxes, which is also replicated over time after LPS treatment. Conclusion: We have demonstrated a label-free way of monitoring microglia activation via quantifying lifetime of endogenous metabolic coenzyme NADH. Upon LPS-induced activation, there is a significant change in the fluorescence lifetime following activation. Together, these results indicate that NADH FLIM approaches can be used as a method to characterize microglia activation state, both in vitro and ex vivo.

J Neural Eng ; 17(4): 046017, 2020 07 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32554888


Objective: Clinical data suggest that efficacious vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is limited by side effects such as cough and dyspnea that have stimulation thresholds lower than those for therapeutic outcomes. VNS side effects are putatively caused by activation of nearby muscles within the neck, via direct muscle activation or activation of nerve fibers innervating those muscles. Our goal was to determine the thresholds at which various VNS-evoked effects occur in the domestic pig­an animal model with vagus anatomy similar to human­using the bipolar helical lead deployed clinically. Approach: Intrafascicular electrodes were placed within the vagus nerve to record electroneurographic (ENG) responses, and needle electrodes were placed in the vagal-innervated neck muscles to record electromyographic (EMG) responses. Main results: Contraction of the cricoarytenoid muscle occurred at low amplitudes (~0.3 mA) and resulted from activation of motor nerve fibers in the cervical vagus trunk within the electrode cuff which bifurcate into the recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus. At higher amplitudes (~1.4 mA), contraction of the cricoarytenoid and cricothyroid muscles was generated by current leakage outside the cuff to activate motor nerve fibers running within the nearby superior laryngeal branch of the vagus. Activation of these muscles generated artifacts in the ENG recordings that may be mistaken for compound action potentials representing slowly conducting Aδ-, B-, and C-fibers. Significance: Our data resolve conflicting reports of the stimulation amplitudes required for C-fiber activation in large animal studies (>10 mA) and human studies (<250 µA). After removing muscle-generated artifacts, ENG signals with post-stimulus latencies consistent with Aδ- and B-fibers occurred in only a small subset of animals, and these signals had similar thresholds to those that caused bradycardia. By identifying specific neuroanatomical pathways that cause off-target effects and characterizing the stimulation dose-response curves for on- and off-target effects, we hope to guide interpretation and optimization of clinical VNS.

Estimulación del Nervio Vago , Potenciales de Acción , Animales , Músculos Laríngeos , Sus scrofa , Porcinos , Nervio Vago
Brain Stimul ; 13(4): 1024-1030, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32388045


INTRODUCTION: Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is an FDA-approved neuromodulatory treatment used in the clinic today for epilepsy, depression, and cluster headaches. Moreover, evidence in the literature has led to a growing list of possible clinical indications, with several small clinical trials applying VNS to treat conditions ranging from neurodegenerative diseases to arthritis, anxiety disorders, and obesity. Despite the growing list of therapeutic applications, the fundamental mechanisms by which VNS achieves its beneficial effects are poorly understood. In parallel, the glymphatic and meningeal lymphatic systems have recently been described as methods by which the brain maintains a healthy homeostasis and removes waste without a traditionally defined lymphatic system. In particular, the glymphatic system relates to the interchange of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and interstitial fluid (ISF) whose net effect is to wash through the brain parenchyma removing metabolic waste products and misfolded proteins. OBJECTIVE/HYPOTHESIS: As VNS has well-documented effects on many of the pathways recently linked to the clearance systems of the brain, we hypothesized that VNS could increase CSF penetrance in the brain. METHODS: We injected a low molecular weight lysine-fixable fluorescent tracer (TxRed-3kD) into the CSF system of mice with a cervical vagus nerve cuff implant and measured the amount of CSF penetrance following an application of a clinically-derived VNS paradigm (30 Hz, 10% duty cycle). RESULTS: We found that the clinical VNS group showed a significant increase in CSF tracer penetrance as compared to the naïve control and sham groups. CONCLUSION: (s): This study demonstrates that VNS therapeutic strategies already being applied in the clinic today may induce intended effects and/or unwanted side effects by altering CSF/ISF exchange in the brain. This may have broad ranging implications in the treatment of various CNS pathologies.

Encéfalo/metabolismo , Líquido Cefalorraquídeo/metabolismo , Estimulación del Nervio Vago/métodos , Animales , Encéfalo/fisiología , Líquido Cefalorraquídeo/fisiología , Colorantes Fluorescentes/farmacocinética , Masculino , Ratones , Nervio Vago/fisiología , Xantenos/líquido cefalorraquídeo
J Surg Res ; 251: 311-320, 2020 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32200322


BACKGROUND: Outcome assessments that evaluate post-transection nerve repair do not often correlate with one another. The aims of this study were twofold: to compare four nerve repair techniques with each other and incorporate both negative and positive control groups and to identify possible correlations between outcome assessments. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sciatic nerve transection and repair was performed in Lewis rats using one of the following techniques: interrupted epineural, running epineural, grouped fascicular, epineural with absorbable type I collagen wrap, and high tension for incorporation of a negative control. A sham surgery group was also included as a positive control group. Outcomes were compared using assessments of functional recovery (behavior and electrophysiology) and nerve regrowth (imaging and histomorphometry). Three-dimensional printed custom electrode stabilization and imaging devices were designed and fabricated to provide standardization in assessment between subjects. RESULTS: Nerve repair was performed in 48 male Lewis rats. In all animals, functional testing was performed at week 13. The sham group (n = 7) performed the best on both behavioral assays (P < 0.001) and electrophysiology assessments (P < 0.001). The negative control group (high tension) performed poorest on multiple assessments, and there were no significant differences observed for any of the four repair types. Positive correlations were observed between behavioral and histomorphometric tests. CONCLUSIONS: There was no difference in outcome between the four types of nerve repair. High-tension nerve repair represents an ideal negative control. Not all assessment methods correlate equally, and consistent use of complimentary outcome assessments could allow for improved comparison between studies.

Regeneración Nerviosa , Procedimientos Neuroquirúrgicos/métodos , Nervio Ciático/lesiones , Animales , Masculino , Procedimientos Neuroquirúrgicos/rehabilitación , Ratas Endogámicas Lew , Prueba de Desempeño de Rotación con Aceleración Constante , Nervio Ciático/fisiología
Mil Med ; 185(Suppl 1): 462-469, 2020 01 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32074371


INTRODUCTION: While debate persists over how to best prevent or treat amputation neuromas, the more pressing question of how to best marry residual nerves to state-of-the-art robotic prostheses for naturalistic control of a replacement limb has come to the fore. One potential solution involves the transposition of terminal nerve ends into the medullary canal of long bones, creating the neural interface within the bone. Nerve transposition into bone is a long-practiced, clinically relevant treatment for painful neuromas. Despite neuropathic pain relief, the physiological capacity of transposed nerves to conduct motor and sensory signals required for prosthesis control remains unknown. This pilot study addresses the hypotheses that (1) bone provides stability to transposed nerves and (2) nerves transposed into bone remain physiologically active, as they relate to the creation of an osseointegrated neural interface. METHODS: New Zealand white rabbits received transfemoral amputation, with the sciatic nerve transposed into the femur. RESULTS: Morphological examination demonstrates that nerves remain stable within the medullary canal, while compound nerve action potentials evoked by electrical stimulation of the residual nerve within the bone could be achieved at 12 weeks (p < 0.0005). CONCLUSION: Transposed nerves retain a degree of physiological function suitable for creating an osseointegrated neural interface.

Prótesis Anclada al Hueso/veterinaria , Red Nerviosa/fisiopatología , Conducción Nerviosa/fisiología , Prótesis e Implantes/veterinaria , Potenciales de Acción , Animales , Proyectos Piloto , Conejos/lesiones , Robótica/métodos , Robótica/tendencias
J Neural Eng ; 17(2): 026022, 2020 04 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32108590


OBJECTIVE: Given current clinical interest in vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), there are surprisingly few studies characterizing the anatomy of the vagus nerve in large animal models as it pertains to on-and off-target engagement of local fibers. We sought to address this gap by evaluating vagal anatomy in the pig, whose vagus nerve organization and size approximates the human vagus nerve. APPROACH: Here we combined microdissection, histology, and immunohistochemistry to provide data on key features across the cervical vagus nerve in a swine model, and compare our results to other animal models (mouse, rat, dog, non-human primate) and humans. MAIN RESULTS: In a swine model we quantified the nerve diameter, number and diameter of fascicles, and distance of fascicles from the epineural surface where stimulating electrodes are placed. We also characterized the relative locations of the superior and recurrent laryngeal branches of the vagus nerve that have been implicated in therapy limiting side effects with common electrode placement. We identified key variants across the cohort that may be important for VNS with respect to changing sympathetic/parasympathetic tone, such as cross-connections to the sympathetic trunk. We discovered that cell bodies of pseudo-unipolar cells aggregate together to form a very distinct grouping within the nodose ganglion. This distinct grouping gives rise to a larger number of smaller fascicles as one moves caudally down the vagus nerve. This often leads to a distinct bimodal organization, or 'vagotopy'. This vagotopy was supported by immunohistochemistry where approximately half of the fascicles were immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase, and reactive fascicles were generally grouped in one half of the nerve. SIGNIFICANCE: The vagotopy observed via histology may be advantageous to exploit in design of electrodes/stimulation paradigms. We also placed our data in context of historic and recent histology spanning multiple models, thus providing a comprehensive resource to understand similarities and differences across species.

Estimulación del Nervio Vago , Animales , Perros , Ratones , Ratas , Sus scrofa , Porcinos , Nervio Vago
J Neurosci Methods ; 336: 108602, 2020 04 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31981569


BACKGROUND: A number of peripheral nerve interfaces for nerve stimulation and recording exist for the purpose of controlling neural prostheses, each with a set of advantages and disadvantages. The ultimate goal of neural prostheses is a seamless bi-directional communication between the peripheral nervous system and the prosthesis. Here, we developed an interfacing electrode array, the "cuff and sieve electrodes" (CASE), integrating microfabricated cuff and sieve electrodes to a single unit, to decrease the weaknesses faced by these electrode designs in isolation. This paper presents the design and fabrication of CASE with ex vivo and in vivo testing towards chronic application. METHODS: Electroplating on electrode sites was performed to improve electrical properties of CASE. The surface morphology and chemical compound were characterized using scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive spectroscopy, respectively. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry were performed to evaluate the electrical properties of CASE and determine viability for in vivo applications. Terminal CASE implantations were performed in a rat sciatic transection model to test the ease of implantation and capacity to write sensory information into the biological system. RESULTS: The modified platinum film resulted in reducing impedance magnitude (9.18 kΩ and 2.27 kΩ) and increasing phase angle (over 70°). CASE stimulation of the sciatic nerve at different amplitudes elicited significantly different cortical responses (p < 0.005) as demonstrated by somatosensory evoked potentials, recorded via micro-electrocorticography. CONCLUSIONS: The ability to elicit cortical responses from sciatic nerve stimulation demonstrates the proof of concept for both the implantation and chronic monitoring of CASE interfaces for innovative prosthetic control.

Miembros Artificiales , Prótesis Neurales , Animales , Impedancia Eléctrica , Estimulación Eléctrica , Electrodos , Electrodos Implantados , Nervios Periféricos , Ratas
J Neurosci Methods ; 331: 108504, 2020 02 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31711884


BACKGROUND: Chronic stability and high degrees of selectivity are both essential but somewhat juxtaposed components for creating an implantable bi-directional PNI capable of controlling of a prosthetic limb. While the more invasive implantable electrode arrays provide greater specificity, they are less stable over time due to compliance mismatch with the dynamic soft tissue environment in which the interface is created. NEW METHOD: This paper takes the surgical approach of transposing nerves into bone to create neural interface within the medullary canal of long bones, an osseointegrated neural interface, to provide greater stability for implantable electrodes. In this context, we describe the surgical model for transfemoral amputation with transposition of the sciatic nerve into the medullary canal in rabbits. We investigate the capacity to create a neural interface within the medullary canal histolomorphologically. In a separate proof of concept experiment, we quantify the chronic physiological capacity of transposed nerves to conduct compound nerve action potentials evoked via an Osseointegrated Neural Interface. COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHOD(S): The rabbit serves as an important animal model for both amputation neuroma and osseointegration research, but is underutilized for the exploration neural interfacing in an amputation setting. RESULTS: Our findings demonstrate that transposed nerves remain stable over 12 weeks. Creating a neural interface within the medullary canal is possible and does not impede nerve regeneration or physiological capacity. CONCLUSIONS: This article represents the first evidence that an Osseointegrated Neural Interface can be surgically created, capable of chronic stimulation/recording from amputated nerves required for future prosthetic control.

Amputados , Miembros Artificiales , Animales , Electrodos Implantados , Humanos , Regeneración Nerviosa , Oseointegración , Diseño de Prótesis , Conejos
Adv Healthc Mater ; 8(23): e1900892, 2019 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31697052


Implanted neural stimulation and recording devices hold vast potential to treat a variety of neurological conditions, but the invasiveness, complexity, and cost of the implantation procedure greatly reduce access to an otherwise promising therapeutic approach. To address this need, a novel electrode that begins as an uncured, flowable prepolymer that can be injected around a neuroanatomical target to minimize surgical manipulation is developed. Referred to as the Injectrode, the electrode conforms to target structures forming an electrically conductive interface which is orders of magnitude less stiff than conventional neuromodulation electrodes. To validate the Injectrode, detailed electrochemical and microscopy characterization of its material properties is performed and the feasibility of using it to stimulate the nervous system electrically in rats and swine is validated. The silicone-metal-particle composite performs very similarly to pure wire of the same metal (silver) in all measures, including exhibiting a favorable cathodic charge storage capacity (CSCC ) and charge injection limits compared to the clinical LivaNova stimulation electrode and silver wire electrodes. By virtue of its simplicity, the Injectrode has the potential to be less invasive, more robust, and more cost-effective than traditional electrode designs, which could increase the adoption of neuromodulation therapies for existing and new indications.

Nervios Periféricos/fisiología , Polímeros/química , Materiales Biocompatibles/química , Espectroscopía Dieléctrica , Electroquímica , Electrodos , Porosidad
Front Neurosci ; 13: 1017, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31632232


The studies described in this paper for the first time characterize the acute and chronic performance of optically transparent thin-film micro-electrocorticography (µECoG) grids implanted on a thinned skull as both an electrophysiological complement to existing thinned skull preparation for optical recordings/manipulations, and a less invasive alternative to epidural or subdurally placed µECoG arrays. In a longitudinal chronic study, µECoG grids placed on top of a thinned skull maintain impedances comparable to epidurally placed µECoG grids that are stable for periods of at least 1 month. Optogenetic activation of cortex is also reliably demonstrated through the optically transparent µECoG grids acutely placed on the thinned skull. Finally, spatially distinct electrophysiological recordings were evident on µECoG electrodes placed on a thinned skull separated by 500-750 µm, as assessed by stimulation evoked responses using optogenetic activation of cortex as well as invasive and epidermal stimulation of the sciatic and median nerve at chronic time points. Neural signals were collected through a thinned skull in mice and rats, demonstrating potential utility in neuroscience research applications such as in vivo imaging and optogenetics.
