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Materials (Basel) ; 17(9)2024 Apr 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38730917


Efficient energy use is crucial for achieving carbon neutrality and reduction. As part of these efforts, research is being carried out to apply a phase change material (PCM) to a concrete structure together with an aggregate. In this study, an energy consumption simulation was performed using data from concrete mock-up structures. To perform the simulation, the threshold investigation was performed through the Bayesian approach. Furthermore, the spiking part of the spiking neural network was modularized and integrated into a recurrent neural network (RNN) to find accurate energy consumption. From the training-test results of the trained neural network, it was possible to predict data with an R2 value of 0.95 or higher through data prediction with high accuracy for the RNN. In addition, the spiked parts were obtained; it was found that PCM-containing concrete could consume 32% less energy than normal concrete. This result suggests that the use of PCM can be a key to reducing the energy consumption of concrete structures. Furthermore, the approach of this study is considered to be easily applicable in energy-related institutions and the like for predicting energy consumption during the summer.

Materials (Basel) ; 17(1)2023 Dec 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38203907


The cement industry emits a significant amount of carbon dioxide (CO2). Therefore, the cement industry should recycle the emitted CO2. However, sequestration by carbonation in cement composites absorbs a very small amount of CO2. Therefore, a direct way of achieving this is to improve the absorption performance of CO2 in cement composites. In this study, to improve absorption, unlike in existing studies, a granulation technique was applied, and the material used was calcium hydroxide (CH). In addition, granulated CH was coated to prevent a reaction during the curing of cement paste. The coated CH granule (CCHG) was applied to 5% of the cement weight as an additive material, and the specimens were cured for 91 days to wait for the coating of CCHG to fully phase-change. The experiment of CO2 absorption showed an unexpected result, where the use of blast furnace slag (BFS) and fly ash (FA) had a negative effect on CO2 sequestration. This was because BFS and FA had a filler effect in the cement matrix, and the filler effect caused the blocking of the path of CO2. In addition, BFS and FA are well-known pozzolanic materials; the pozzolan reaction caused a reduction in the amount of CH because the pozzolan reaction consumed the CH to produce a calcium silicate hydrate. Therefore, the pozzolan reaction also had a negative effect on the CO2 sequestration performance combined with the filler effect. The CO2 sequestration efficiency was decreased between ordinary cement paste and BFS-applied specimens by 45.45%. In addition, compared to cases of ordinary cement paste and FA-applied specimens, the CO2 sequestration performance was decreased by 63.64%. Comprehensively, CO2 sequestration performance depends on the porosity and amount of CH.

Materials (Basel) ; 14(15)2021 Jul 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34361257


To solve the problem of black ice, many studies are being carried out. The key in recent days is enhancing the thermal conductivity of concrete. In this study, to improve the thermal conductivity, silicon carbide was used to substitute 50% and 100% of the fine aggregate. In addition, steel fiber is not only for enhancing the mechanical properties but could enhance thermal conductive material. Hence, the arched-type steel fiber was used up to a 1% volume fraction in this study. Furthermore, graphite was used for 5% of the volume fraction for enhancing the thermal conductivity. However, thermal damage would occur due to the difference in thermal conductivity between materials. Therefore, the thermal durability must be verified first. The target application of the concrete in this study was its use as road paving material. To evaluate the thermal durability, freeze-thaw and rapid cyclic thermal attacks were performed. The thermal conductivity of the specimens was increased with the increase in thermal conductive materials. Graphite has already been reported to have a negative effect on mechanical properties, and the results showed that this was the case. However, the steel fiber compensated for the negative effect of graphite, and the silicon carbide provided a filler effect. Graphite also had a negative effect on the freeze-thaw and rapid cyclic thermal attack, but the steel fiber compensated for the reduction in thermal durability. The silicon carbide also helped to improve the thermal durability in the same way as steel fiber. Comprehensively, the steel fiber enhanced all of the properties of the tests. Using 100% silicon carbide was considered the acceptable range, but 50% of silicon carbide was the best. Graphite decreased all the properties except for the thermal conductivity. Therefore, the content of graphite or using other conductive materials used should be carefully considered in further studies.

Materials (Basel) ; 14(6)2021 Mar 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33801875


In this paper, the effect of nano-SiO2 (NS) and MgO on the hydration characteristics and anti-washout resistance of non-dispersible underwater concrete (UWC) was evaluated. A slump flow test, a viscosity test, and setting time measurement were conducted to identify the impacts of NS and MgO on the rheological properties of UWC. The pH and turbidity were measured to investigate the anti-washout performance of UWC mixes. To analyze the hydration characteristics and mechanical properties, hydration heat analysis, a compressive strength test, and thermogravimetric analyses were conducted. The experimental results showed that the fine particles of NS and MgO reduced slump flow, increased viscosity, and enhanced the anti-washout resistance of UWC. In addition, both NS and MgO shortened the initial and final setting times, and the replacement of MgO specimens slightly prolonged the setting time. NS accelerated the peak time and increased the peak temperature, and MgO delayed the hydration process and reduced the temperature due to the formation of brucite. The compressive results showed that NS improved the compressive strength of the UWC, and MgO slightly decreased the strength. The addition of NS also resulted in the formation of extra C-S-H, and the replacement of MgO caused the generation of a hydrotalcite phase.

Materials (Basel) ; 14(7)2021 Apr 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33918152


Post-tensioned anchorage zones need enough strength to resist large forces from jacking forces from prestress and need spiral reinforcement to give confinement effect. High-strength concrete (HSC) has high-strength and brings the advantage of reducing material using and simplifying reinforcing. We tested strain stabilization, load-displacement, and strain of lateral reinforcements. Specimens that used one and two lateral reinforcements without spiral reinforcement did not satisfy the strain stabilization. Load capacity also did not satisfy the condition of 1.1 times the nominal tensile strength of PS strands presented in ETAG 013. On the other hand, specimens that used three and four lateral reinforcements without spiral reinforcement satisfied the strain stabilization but did not satisfy 1.1 times the nominal tensile strength of PS strands. However, the secondary confinement effect could be confirmed from strain stabilization. In addition, the affection of HSC characteristics could be confirmed from a reinforcing level comparing other studies. The main confinement effect could be confirmed from the reinforcement strain results; there was a considerable difference between with and without spiral reinforcement at least 393 MPa. Comprehensively, main and secondary confinement effects are essential in post-tensioned anchorage zones. In addition, the performance of the anchorage zone could be increased by using HSC that the combination of high-strength and confinement effect.

Materials (Basel) ; 12(17)2019 Aug 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31438490


The purpose of this study was to prevent early age autogenous shrinkage in high-strength mortars with saturated tea waste particles. In general, high strength and high performance concretes are made with low water/binder ratios; hence, they are susceptible to shrink at early ages. This shrinkage occurs due to self-desiccation that leads to autogenous shrinkage. To overcome self-desiccation problems in high-strength cement composites, it is necessary to keep the composites moist for a long time. Pre-saturated porous lightweight aggregates and super absorbent polymers are the most commonly used materials in high-strength cement composites to keep them moist for a long time; however, in this study, porous tea waste particles were used to keep the cement mortars moist. Pre-saturated tea waste particles were used in two different size proportions, making up as much as 3% of the volume of the binder. Moreover, commonly used lightweight aggregate (perlite) was also used to compare the outcomes of specimens made with tea waste particles. Different parameters were observed, such as, flow of fresh mortars, autogenous shrinkage, mechanical strengths and microstructure of specimens. The addition of tea waste and perlite particles in mortars made with Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) as the only binder, showed a reduction in flow, autogenous shrinkage and mechanical strengths, as compared to mixes made with partial addition of silica fume. Although, the use of silica fume improved the mechanical strength of specimens. Moreover, the use of saturated tea waste and perlite particles also improved the microstructure of specimens at an age of 28 days. The results revealed that the saturated tea waste particles have the ability to prevent autogenous shrinkage but they reduce strength of high-strength mortars at early ages.
