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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38717887


Recently, a novel multimodal reasoning task named Explanatory Visual Question Answering (EVQA) has been introduced, which combines answering visual questions with multimodal explanation generation to expound upon the underlying reasoning processes. In contrast to conventional Visual Question Answering (VQA) that merely concentrates on providing answers, EVQA aims to improve the explainability and verifiability of reasoning by providing user-friendly explanations. Despite the improved explainability of inferred results, the existing EVQA models still adopt black-box neural networks to infer results, lacking the explainability of the reasoning process. Moreover, existing EVQA models commonly predict answers and explanations in isolation, overlooking the inherent causal correlation between them. To handle these challenges, we propose a Program-guided Variational Causal Inference Network (Pro-VCIN) that integrates neural-symbolic reasoning with variational causal inference and constructs causal correlations between the predicted answers and explanations. First, we utilize pretrained models to extract visual features and convert questions into the corresponding programs. Secondly, we propose a multimodal program Transformer to translate programs and the related visual features into coherent and rational explanations of the reasoning processes Finally, we propose a variational causal inference to construct the target structural causal model and predict answers based on the causal correlation to explanations. Comprehensive experiments conducted on EVQA benchmark datasets reveal the superiority of Pro-VCIN in terms of both performance and explainability over state-of-the-art EVQA methods.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(4): 4794-4811, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35788462


With the growing amount of multimodal data, cross-modal retrieval has attracted more and more attention and become a hot research topic. To date, most of the existing techniques mainly convert multimodal data into a common representation space where similarities in semantics between samples can be easily measured across multiple modalities. However, these approaches may suffer from the following limitations: 1) They overcome the modality gap by introducing loss in the common representation space, which may not be sufficient to eliminate the heterogeneity of various modalities; 2) They treat labels as independent entities and ignore label relationships, which is not conducive to establishing semantic connections across multimodal data; 3) They ignore the non-binary values of label similarity in multi-label scenarios, which may lead to inefficient alignment of representation similarity with label similarity. To tackle these problems, in this article, we propose two models to learn discriminative and modality-invariant representations for cross-modal retrieval. First, the dual generative adversarial networks are built to project multimodal data into a common representation space. Second, to model label relation dependencies and develop inter-dependent classifiers, we employ multi-hop graph neural networks (consisting of Probabilistic GNN and Iterative GNN), where the layer aggregation mechanism is suggested for using propagation information of various hops. Third, we propose a novel soft multi-label contrastive loss for cross-modal retrieval, with the soft positive sampling probability, which can align the representation similarity and the label similarity. Additionally, to adapt to incomplete-modal learning, which can have wider applications, we propose a modal reconstruction mechanism to generate missing features. Extensive experiments on three widely used benchmark datasets, i.e., NUS-WIDE, MIRFlickr, and MS-COCO, show the superiority of our proposed method.
