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J Phys Chem A ; 128(20): 4150-4159, 2024 May 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38718293


Exactly solvable Hamiltonians that can be diagonalized by using relatively simple unitary transformations are of great use in quantum computing. They can be employed for the decomposition of interacting Hamiltonians either in Trotter-Suzuki approximations of the evolution operator for the quantum phase estimation algorithm or in the quantum measurement problem for the variational quantum eigensolver. One of the typical forms of exactly solvable Hamiltonians is a linear combination of operators forming a modestly sized Lie algebra. Very frequently, such linear combinations represent noninteracting Hamiltonians and thus are of limited interest for describing interacting cases. Here, we propose an extension in which the coefficients in these combinations are substituted by polynomials of the Lie algebra symmetries. This substitution results in a more general class of solvable Hamiltonians, and for qubit algebras, it is related to the recently proposed noncontextual Pauli Hamiltonians. In fermionic problems, this substitution leads to Hamiltonians with eigenstates that are single Slater determinants but with different sets of single-particle states for different eigenstates. The new class of solvable Hamiltonians can be measured efficiently using quantum circuits with gates that depend on the result of a midcircuit measurement of the symmetries.

npj Quantum Inf ; 9(1): 14, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38665255


Obtaining the expectation value of an observable on a quantum computer is a crucial step in the variational quantum algorithms. For complicated observables such as molecular electronic Hamiltonians, one of the strategies is to present the observable as a linear combination of measurable fragments. The main problem of this approach is a large number of measurements required for accurate estimation of the observable's expectation value. We consider three previously studied directions that minimize the number of measurements: (1) grouping commuting operators using the greedy approach, (2) involving non-local unitary transformations for measuring, and (3) taking advantage of compatibility of some Pauli products with several measurable groups. The last direction gives rise to a general framework that not only provides improvements over previous methods but also connects measurement grouping approaches with recent advances in techniques of shadow tomography. Following this direction, we develop two measurement schemes that achieve a severalfold reduction in the number of measurements for a set of model molecules compared to previous state-of-the-art methods.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 18(12): 7394-7402, 2022 Dec 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36332111


Reducing the number of measurements required to estimate the expectation value of an observable is crucial for the variational quantum eigensolver to become competitive with state-of-the-art classical algorithms. To measure complicated observables such as a molecular electronic Hamiltonian, one of the common strategies is to partition the observable into linear combinations (fragments) of mutually commutative Pauli products. The total number of measurements for obtaining the expectation value is then proportional to the sum of variances of individual fragments. We propose a method that lowers individual fragment variances by modifying the fragments without changing the total observable expectation value. Our approach is based on adding Pauli products ("ghosts") that are compatible with members of multiple fragments. The total expectation value does not change because a sum of coefficients for each "ghost" Pauli product introduced to several fragments is zero. Yet, these additions change individual fragment variances because of the non-vanishing contributions of "ghost" Pauli products within each fragment. The proposed algorithm minimizes individual fragment variances using a classically efficient approximation of the quantum wavefunction for variance estimations. Numerical tests on a few molecular electronic Hamiltonian expectation values show several-fold reductions in the number of measurements in the "ghost" Pauli algorithm compared to those in the other recently developed techniques.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(39): 7007-7012, 2022 Oct 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36150139


Measuring quantum observables by grouping terms that can be rotated to sums of only products of Pauli z operators (Ising form) is proven to be efficient in near term quantum computing algorithms. This approach requires extra unitary transformations to rotate the state of interest so that the measurement of a fragment's Ising form would be equivalent to the measurement of the fragment for the unrotated state. These extra rotations allow one to perform a fewer number of measurements by grouping more terms into the measurable fragments with a lower overall estimator variance. However, previous estimations of the number of measurements did not take into account nonunit fidelity of quantum gates implementing the additional transformations. Through a circuit fidelity reduction, additional transformations introduce extra uncertainty and increase the needed number of measurements. Here we consider a simple model for errors introduced by additional gates needed in schemes involving groupings of commuting Pauli products. For a set of molecular electronic Hamiltonians, we confirm that the numbers of measurements in schemes using nonlocal qubit rotations are still lower than those in their local qubit rotation counterparts, even after accounting for uncertainties introduced by additional gates.

J Chem Phys ; 152(12): 124114, 2020 Mar 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32241154


Solving the electronic structure problem using the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) technique involves the measurement of the Hamiltonian expectation value. The current hardware can perform only projective single-qubit measurements, and thus, the Hamiltonian expectation value is obtained by measuring parts of the Hamiltonian rather than the full Hamiltonian. This restriction makes the measurement process inefficient because the number of terms in the Hamiltonian grows as O(N4) with the size of the system, N. To optimize the VQE measurement, one can try to group as many Hamiltonian terms as possible for their simultaneous measurement. Single-qubit measurements allow one to group only the terms commuting within the corresponding single-qubit subspaces or qubit-wise commuting. We found that the qubit-wise commutativity between the Hamiltonian terms can be expressed as a graph and the problem of the optimal grouping is equivalent to finding a minimum clique cover (MCC) for the Hamiltonian graph. The MCC problem is NP-hard, but there exist several polynomial heuristic algorithms to solve it approximately. Several of these heuristics were tested in this work for a set of molecular electronic Hamiltonians. On average, grouping qubit-wise commuting terms reduced the number of operators to measure three times less compared to the total number of terms in the considered Hamiltonians.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 16(4): 2400-2409, 2020 Apr 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32150412


The Variational Quantum Eigensolver approach to the electronic structure problem on a quantum computer involves measurement of the Hamiltonian expectation value. Formally, quantum mechanics allows one to measure all mutually commuting or compatible operators simultaneously. Unfortunately, the current hardware permits measuring only a much more limited subset of operators that share a common tensor product eigen-basis. We introduce unitary transformations that transform any fully commuting group of operators to a group that can be measured on current hardware. These unitary operations can be encoded as a sequence of Clifford gates and let us not only measure much larger groups of terms but also to obtain these groups efficiently on a classical computer. The problem of finding the minimum number of fully commuting groups of terms covering the whole Hamiltonian is found to be equivalent to the minimum clique cover problem for a graph representing Hamiltonian terms as vertices and commutativity between them as edges. Tested on a set of molecular electronic Hamiltonians with up to 50 thousand terms, the introduced technique allows for the reduction of the number of separately measurable operator groups down to few hundreds, thus achieving up to 2 orders of magnitude reduction. Based on the test set results, the obtained gain scales at least linearly with the number of qubits.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 16(1): 190-195, 2020 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31747266


To obtain estimates of electronic energies, the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) technique performs separate measurements for multiple parts of the system Hamiltonian. Current quantum hardware is restricted to projective single-qubit measurements, and, thus, only parts of the Hamiltonian that form mutually qubit-wise commuting groups can be measured simultaneously. The number of such groups in the electronic structure Hamiltonians grows as N4, where N is the number of qubits, thereby putting serious restrictions on the size of the systems that can be studied. Using a partitioning of the system Hamiltonian as a linear combination of unitary operators, we found a circuit formulation of the VQE algorithm that allows one to measure a group of fully anticommuting terms of the Hamiltonian in a single series of single-qubit measurements. Numerical comparison of the unitary partitioning to previously used grouping of Hamiltonian terms based on their qubit-wise commutativity is consistent with an N-fold reduction in the number of measurable groups.

J Chem Phys ; 151(16): 164111, 2019 Oct 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31675900


Solving the electronic structure problem on a universal-gate quantum computer within the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) methodology requires constraining the search procedure to a subspace defined by relevant physical symmetries. Ignoring symmetries results in convergence to the lowest eigenstate of the Fock space for the second quantized electronic Hamiltonian. Moreover, this eigenstate can be symmetry broken due to limitations of the wavefunction ansatz. To address this VQE problem, we introduce and assess methods of exact and approximate projectors to irreducible eigensubspaces of available physical symmetries. Feasibility of symmetry projectors in the VQE framework is discussed, and their efficiency is compared with symmetry constraint optimization procedures. Generally, projectors introduce a higher number of terms for VQE measurement compared to the constraint approach. On the other hand, the projection formalism improves accuracy of the variational wavefunction ansatz without introducing additional unitary transformations, which is beneficial for reducing depths of quantum circuits.

Chem Sci ; 10(13): 3746-3755, 2019 Apr 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31015918


Current implementations of the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) technique for solving the electronic structure problem involve splitting the system qubit Hamiltonian into parts whose elements commute within their single qubit subspaces. The number of such parts rapidly grows with the size of the molecule. This increases the computational cost and can increase uncertainty in the measurement of the energy expectation value because elements from different parts need to be measured independently. To address this problem we introduce a more efficient partitioning of the qubit Hamiltonian using fewer parts that need to be measured separately. The new partitioning scheme is based on two ideas: (1) grouping terms into parts whose eigenstates have a single-qubit product structure, and (2) devising multi-qubit unitary transformations for the Hamiltonian or its parts to produce less entangled operators. The first condition allows the new parts to be measured in the number of involved qubit consequential one-particle measurements. Advantages of the new partitioning scheme resulting in severalfold reduction of separately measured terms are illustrated with regard to the H2 and LiH problems.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 14(12): 6317-6326, 2018 Dec 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30427679


A unitary coupled cluster (UCC) form for the wave function in the variational quantum eigensolver has been suggested as a systematic way to go beyond the mean-field approximation and include electron correlation in solving quantum chemistry problems on a quantum computer. Although being exact in the limit of including all possible coupled cluster excitations, practically, the accuracy of this approach depends on the number and type of terms are included in the wave function parametrization. Another difficulty of UCC is a growth of the number of simultaneously entangled qubits even at the fixed Fermionic excitation rank. Not all quantum computing architectures can cope with this growth. To address both problems, we introduce a qubit coupled cluster (QCC) method that starts directly in the qubit space and uses energy response estimates for ranking the importance of individual entanglers for the variational energy minimization. Also, we provide an exact factorization of a unitary rotation of more than two qubits to a product of two-qubit unitary rotations. Thus, the QCC method with the factorization technique can be limited to only two-qubit entanglement gates and allows for very efficient use of quantum resources in terms of the number of coupled cluster operators. The method performance is illustrated by calculating ground-state potential energy curves of H2 and LiH molecules with chemical accuracy, ≤1 kcal/mol, and a symmetric water dissociation curve.
