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bioRxiv ; 2024 Jan 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38328214


Undefined epigenetic programs act to probabilistically silence individual autosomal alleles, generating unique individuals, even from genetic clones. This sort of random monoallelic expression can explain variation in traits and diseases that differences in genes and environments cannot. Here, we developed the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to study monoallelic expression in whole tissues, and defined a developmental genetic regulation pathway. We found maternal H3K9 histone methyltransferase (HMT) SET-25/SUV39/G9a works with HPL-2/HP1 and LIN-61/L3MBTL2 to randomly silence alleles in the intestinal progenitor E-cell of 8-cell embryos to cause monoallelic expression. SET-25 was antagonized by another maternal H3K9 HMT, MET-2/SETDB1, which works with LIN-65/ATF7ZIP and ARLE-14/ARL14EP to prevent monoallelic expression. The HMT-catalytic SET domains of both MET-2 and SET-25 were required for regulating monoallelic expression. Our data support a model wherein SET-25 and MET-2 regulate histones during development to generate patterns of somatic monoallelic expression that are persistent but not heritable.

Transl Med Aging ; 2: 1-10, 2018 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33693300


One way scientists can observe and quantify processes in living cells is to engineer the genomes of animals to express multiple fluorescent proteins and then quantify those signals by various imaging techniques. To allow our laboratories to confidently quantify mixed (overlapping) fluorescent signals for our studies in the basic biology of gene expression and aging in C. elegans, we developed a comprehensive toolkit for C. elegans that we describe here. The Toolkit consists of two components: 1) a series of vectors for DNA assembly by homologous recombination (HR) in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and 2) a set of ten worm strains that each express a single, spectrally distinct fluorescent protein, under control of either the daf21 or eft-3 promoters. We measured the in vivo emission spectrum (3nm resolution) for each fluorescent protein in live C. elegans and showed that we can use those pure spectra to unmix overlapping fluorescent signals in spectral images of intestine cells. Seven of ten fluorescent proteins had signals that appeared to be localized in vesicular/elliptical foci or tubules in the hypodermis. We conducted fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments and showed that these structures have recovery kinetics more consistent with freely diffusing protein than aggregates (Q35::YFP). This toolkit will allow researchers to quickly and efficiently generate mutlti-fragment DNA assemblies for genome editing in C. elegans. Additionally, the transgenic C. elegans and the measured emission spectra should serve as a resource for scientists seeking to perform, or test their ability to perform, multidimensional (multi-color) imaging experiments.
