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Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 39: e0188, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365656


O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a dinâmica das migrações internacionais sul-sul a partir do estudo de caso da recente imigração de zimbabweanos para a província de Tete, Moçambique, historicamente uma região de emigração. Nesse sentido, examinamos as características sociodemográficas desses novos imigrantes, assim como as condições e motivações individuais, familiares e estruturais subjacentes ao fluxo migratório. Para tanto, combinamos dados quantitativos provenientes do Censo moçambicano de 2007 e dos registros de trabalhadores imigrantes da Direção Provincial de Trabalho, Emprego e Segurança Social, com entrevistas semiestruturadas junto aos imigrantes zimbabweanos em Tete. Os resultados indicam uma multiplicidade de fatores que contribuíram para a recente onda de imigração em Tete, com destaque, além das motivações econômicas e de subsistência familiares, para aspectos sociais e culturais relacionados à longa tradição da mobilidade intrarregional na África Austral, facilitada por fronteiras relativamente porosas e fortes laços culturais, linguísticos e de parentesco. Discutimos, também, como a instalação de megaprojetos de mineração com capital brasileiro, em Tete, contribuiu para torná-la atrativa como destino migratório, num contexto em que se assistiam violentas ondas de xenofobia contra imigrantes na África do Sul, principal destino das migrações na região.

This article analyses the dynamics of international South-South migration through the case study of the recent immigration of Zimbabweans to the province of Tete, Mozambique, historically a region of emigration. We examine immigrants' socio-demographic characteristics, as well as the individual, family and structural conditions and motivations underlying this new migration flow. The analysis combines quantitative data from the 2007 Mozambican Census and administrative records for immigrant workers from the Provincial Directorate of Labour, Employment and Social Security, with semi-structured interviews with Zimbabwean immigrants in Tete. The results indicate a multiplicity of factors that contributed to the recent wave of immigration in Tete. In addition to economic and subsistence motivations, social and cultural aspects related to the long tradition of intra-regional mobility in Southern Africa, facilitated by relatively porous borders and strong cultural, linguistic and kinship ties, seem to be important. We also discussed how the installation of mining megaprojects with Brazilian capital in Tete, contributed to its appeal as a migrant destination, in a context in which violent waves of xenophobia against immigrants were occurring in South Africa, the main destination for migrants in the region.

El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la dinámica de la migración internacional sur-sur a partir del estudio de caso de la reciente inmigración de zimbabuenses a la provincia de Tete, Mozambique, históricamente una región de emigración. En este sentido, examinamos las características sociodemográficas de estos nuevos inmigrantes, así como las condiciones y motivaciones individuales, familiares y estructurales inherentes a este flujo migratorio. Para este fin, combinamos datos cuantitativos del censo de Mozambique de 2007 y registros de trabajadores inmigrantes de la Dirección Provincial de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social, con entrevistas semiestructuradas con inmigrantes zimbabuenses en Tete. Los resultados indican una multiplicidad de factores que contribuyeron a la reciente ola de inmigración en Tete, entre los que se destacan, además de las motivaciones económicas y de subsistencia familiar, aspectos sociales y culturales relacionados con la larga tradición de movilidad intrarregional en el sur de África, facilitada por fronteras relativamente porosas y por fuertes lazos culturales, lingüísticos y de parentesco. También discutimos cómo la instalación de megaproyectos mineros con capital brasileño en Tete contribuyó con su atractivo como destino migratorio, en un contexto en el que se asistía a violentas oleadas de xenofobia contra inmigrantes en Sudáfrica, el principal destino de las migraciones en la región.

Humanos , Zimbabwe , Dinámica Poblacional , Emigración e Inmigración , Mozambique , Censos , Distribución por Edad y Sexo , Xenofobia , Minería
Comp Migr Stud ; 9(1): 52, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34804806


The COVID-19 health crisis has put to the test Latin America's already precarious social protection systems. This paper comparatively examines what type of social protection has been provided, by whom, and to what extent migrant and refugee populations have been included in these programmes in seven countries of the region during the COVID-19 pandemic, between March and December 2020. We develop a typology of models of social protection highlighting the assemblages of actors, different modes of protection and the emerging migrants' subjectification in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay in relation to Non-Contributory Social Transfer (NCST) programmes and other actions undertaken by state and non-state actors. The analysis is based on 85 semi-structured interviews with representatives of national and local governments, International Organisations, Civil Society Organisations, and migrant-led organisations across 16 cities, and a systematic review of regulatory frameworks in the country-case studies. The proposed typology shows broad heterogeneity and complexity regarding different degrees of inclusion of migrant and refugee populations, particularly in pre-existing and new NCST programmes. These actions are furthering notions of migrant protection that are contingent and crisis-driven, imposing temporal limitations that often selectively exclude migrants based on legal status. It also brings to the fore the path-dependent nature of policies and practices of exclusion/inclusion in the region, which impact on migrants' effective access to social and economic rights, while shaping the broader dynamics of migration governance in the region.
