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PeerJ ; 12: e16986, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38685936


Environmental heterogeneity poses a significant influence on the functional characteristics of species and communities at local scales. Environmental transition zones, such as at the savanna-forest borders, can act as regions of ecological tension when subjected to sharp variations in the microclimate. For ectothermic organisms, such as lizards, environmental temperatures directly influence physiological capabilities, and some species use different thermoregulation strategies that produce varied responses to local climatic conditions, which in turn affect species occurrence and community dynamics. In the context of global warming, these various strategies confer different types of vulnerability as well as risks of extinction. To assess the vulnerability of a species and understand the relationships between environmental variations, thermal tolerance of a species and community structure, lizard communities in forest-savanna transition areas of two national parks in the southwestern Amazon were sampled and their thermal functional traits were characterized. Then, we investigated how community structure and functional thermal variation were shaped by two environmental predictors (i.e., microclimates estimated locally and vegetation structure estimated from remote sensing). It was found that the community structure was more strongly predicted by the canopy surface reflectance values obtained via remote sensing than by microclimate variables. Environmental temperatures were not the most important factor affecting the occurrence of species, and the variations in ecothermal traits demonstrated a pattern within the taxonomic hierarchy at the family level. This pattern may indicate a tendency for evolutionary history to indirectly influence these functional features. Considering the estimates of the thermal tolerance range and warming tolerance, thermoconformer lizards are likely to be more vulnerable and at greater risk of extinction due to global warming than thermoregulators. The latter, more associated with open environments, seem to take advantage of their lower vulnerability and occur in both habitat types across the transition, potentially out-competing and further increasing the risk of extinction and vulnerability of forest-adapted thermoconformer lizards in these transitional areas.

Lagartos , Microclima , Bosque Lluvioso , Animales , Lagartos/fisiología , Pradera , Brasil , Calentamiento Global
Mol Ecol ; 33(3): e17221, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38018028


The annual flooding cycle of Amazonian rivers sustains the largest floodplains on Earth, which harbour a unique bird community. Recent studies suggest that habitat specialization drove different patterns of population structure and gene flow in floodplain birds. However, the lack of a direct estimate of habitat affinity prevents a proper test of its effects on population histories. In this work, we used occurrence data, satellite images and genomic data (ultra-conserved elements) from 24 bird species specialized on a variety of seasonally flooded environments to classify habitat affinities and test its influence on evolutionary histories of Amazonian floodplain birds. We demonstrate that birds with higher specialization in river islands and dynamic environments have gone through more recent demographic expansion and currently have less genetic diversity than floodplain generalist birds. Our results indicate that there is an intrinsic relationship between habitat affinity and environmental dynamics, influencing patterns of population structure, demographic history and genetic diversity. Within the floodplains, historical landscape changes have had more severe impacts on island specialists, making them more vulnerable to current and future anthropogenic changes, as those imposed by hydroelectric dams in the Amazon Basin.

Evolución Biológica , Ecosistema , Animales , Brasil , Aves/genética , Ríos , Demografía
Nat Commun ; 14(1): 8129, 2023 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38097604


Habitat fragmentation could potentially affect tree architecture and allometry. Here, we use ground surveys of terrestrial LiDAR in Central Amazonia to explore the influence of forest edge effects on tree architecture and allometry, as well as forest biomass, 40 years after fragmentation. We find that young trees colonising the forest fragments have thicker branches and architectural traits that optimise for light capture, which result in 50% more woody volume than their counterparts of similar stem size and height in the forest interior. However, we observe a disproportionately lower height in some large trees, leading to a 30% decline in their woody volume. Despite the substantial wood production of colonising trees, the lower height of some large trees has resulted in a net loss of 6.0 Mg ha-1 of aboveground biomass - representing 2.3% of the aboveground biomass of edge forests. Our findings indicate a strong influence of edge effects on tree architecture and allometry, and uncover an overlooked factor that likely exacerbates carbon losses in fragmented forests.

Bosques , Árboles , Biomasa , Ecosistema , Madera , Clima Tropical
Ecol Evol ; 13(11): e10749, 2023 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38034334


During the Quaternary, Chaco Phytogeographic Domain (Chaco) flora in subtropical South America experienced temperature and humidity fluctuations, primarily driven by wind dynamics, leading to significant shifts in species distribution. The palm Butia yatay is endemic to the Chaco and thrives in areas characterized by a warm-rainy climate and mostly restricted to sandy soils. To investigate the current geographic distribution of suitable habitat for B. yatay while assessing the significance of soil variables, we employed two distinct algorithms in species distribution modeling (SDM). We also determined whether the distribution of B. yatay has changed since the Pleistocene and whether these changes align with previously proposed Pleistocene refugia. In the present SDMs, we considered two separate sets of predictors, one set with bioclimatic variables only and the other set with bioclimatic topographic and soil variables. Additionally, we reconstructed the historical geographic distribution of suitable habitats using bioclimatic data. Our results suggested that the primary determinants of B. yatay's current distribution include precipitation and temperature of the driest month and soil cation exchange capacity. Incorporating soil variables affected the estimated size and range of suitable areas. Projections into the past indicated similar suitable habitat distributions during interglacial periods compared with the present. During the Last Glacial Maximum, climatically suitable habitat may have shifted northward, partially overlapping with previously suggested Pleistocene refugia located between the Paraná and Uruguay Rivers. These findings indicate the main factors driving the distribution and ecology of B. yatay and enhance understanding of subtropical flora shifts during the Quaternary. The approach also may prove valuable for other studies within the Chaco.

Mol Ecol ; 29(15): 2922-2939, 2020 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32623766


Several factors have been proposed as drivers of species diversification in the Neotropics, including environmental heterogeneity, the development of drainage systems and historical changes in forest distribution due to climatic oscillations. Here, we investigate which drivers contributed to the evolutionary history and current patterns of diversity of a polymorphic songbird (Arremon taciturnus) that is widely distributed in Amazonian and Atlantic forests as well as in Cerrado gallery and seasonally-dry forests. We use genomic, phenotypic and habitat heterogeneity data coupled with climatic niche modelling. Results suggest the evolutionary history of the species is mainly related to paleoclimatic changes, although changes in the strength of the Amazon river as a barrier to dispersal, current habitat heterogeneity and geographic distance were also relevant. We propose an ancestral distribution in the Guyana Shield, and recent colonization of areas south of the Amazon river at ~380 to 166 kya, and expansion of the distribution to southern Amazonia, Cerrado and the Atlantic Forest. Since then, populations south of the Amazon River have been subjected to cycles of isolation and possibly secondary contact due to climatic changes that affected habitat heterogeneity and population connectivity. Most Amazonian rivers are not associated with long lasting isolation of populations, but some might act as secondary barriers, susceptible to crossing under specific climatic conditions. Morphological variation, while stable in some parts of the distribution, is not a reliable indicator of genetic structure or phylogenetic relationships.

Pájaros Cantores , Animales , Teorema de Bayes , Brasil , Variación Genética , Genómica , Filogenia , Filogeografía , Pájaros Cantores/genética
Ecol Evol ; 7(20): 8463-8477, 2017 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29075463


Amazonia combines semi-continental size with difficult access, so both current ranges of species and their ability to cope with environmental change have to be inferred from sparse field data. Although efficient techniques for modeling species distributions on the basis of a small number of species occurrences exist, their success depends on the availability of relevant environmental data layers. Soil data are important in this context, because soil properties have been found to determine plant occurrence patterns in Amazonian lowlands at all spatial scales. Here we evaluate the potential for this purpose of three digital soil maps that are freely available online: SOTERLAC, HWSD, and SoilGrids. We first tested how well they reflect local soil cation concentration as documented with 1,500 widely distributed soil samples. We found that measured soil cation concentration differed by up to two orders of magnitude between sites mapped into the same soil class. The best map-based predictor of local soil cation concentration was obtained with a regression model combining soil classes from HWSD with cation exchange capacity (CEC) from SoilGrids. Next, we evaluated to what degree the known edaphic affinities of thirteen plant species (as documented with field data from 1,200 of the soil sample sites) can be inferred from the soil maps. The species segregated clearly along the soil cation concentration gradient in the field, but only partially along the model-estimated cation concentration gradient, and hardly at all along the mapped CEC gradient. The main problems reducing the predictive ability of the soil maps were insufficient spatial resolution and/or georeferencing errors combined with thematic inaccuracy and absence of the most relevant edaphic variables. Addressing these problems would provide better models of the edaphic environment for ecological studies in Amazonia.

PhytoKeys ; (78): 1-15, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28781548


There is urgent need for more data on species distributions in order to improve conservation planning. A crucial but challenging aspect of producing high-quality data is the correct identification of organisms. Traditional printed floras and dichotomous keys are difficult to use for someone not familiar with the technical jargon. In poorly known areas, such as Amazonia, they also become quickly outdated as new species are described or ranges extended. Recently, online tools have allowed developing dynamic, interactive, and accessible keys that make species identification possible for a broader public. In order to facilitate identifying plants collected in field inventories, we developed an internet-based free-access tool to identify Amazonian fern species. We focused on ferns, because they are easy to collect and their edaphic affinities are relatively well known, so they can be used as an indicator group for habitat mapping. Our key includes 302 terrestrial and aquatic entities mainly from lowland Amazonian forests. It is a free-access key, so the user can freely choose which morphological features to use and in which order to assess them. All taxa are richly illustrated, so specimens can be identified by a combination of character choices, visual comparison, and written descriptions. The identification tool was developed in Lucid 3.5 software and it is available at

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 7(3): 217-223, 2007. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-477690


A extensa área coberta pelo domínio amazônico e os recursos financeiros limitados para estudos da biodiversidade exigem programas de pesquisa que obtenham o máximo de informação com os menores custos. Com o objetivo de avaliar as conseqüências da redução do esforço amostral sobre a retenção da informação ecológica, testou-se como diferentes larguras de parcela afetam os resultados da relação entre variação ambiental e composição da comunidade de pteridófitas da Amazônia Central. Foram feitas medidas da inclinação do terreno, abertura do dossel e do teor de argila do solo, em 37 parcelas de floresta de terra-firme. Todos os indivíduos de pteridófitas foram identificados e mapeados com relação a três faixas de amostragem. Foram testados os efeitos das variáveis ambientais sobre a composição de pteridófitas em parcelas de 250 x 2,5 m e em sub-amostras com a largura da parcela reduzida. A redução de 2,5 para 1 m na largura da parcela (60 por cento de redução no esforço amostral) correspondeu a uma redução de 24 por cento no custo do projeto, considerado os custos das excursões à campo, e a uma redução no número de espécies amostradas de 52 para 44. A redução 2,5 para 2 m na largura da parcela causou redução de apenas duas (4 por cento) nas espécies amostradas e 8 por cento no custo do projeto. Para todas as larguras testadas, a composição da comunidade esteve associada ao teor de argila e não esteve associada à inclinação do terreno. O efeito de abertura de dossel sobre a composição de espécies de pteridófitas não foi coerente entre os diferentes tamanhos de amostra. Esta incoerência deve estar relacionada à importância relativamente menor da luz sobre a estruturação da comunidade. Concluímos que as amostras com menor tamanho foram suficientemente informativas para detectar os principais gradientes de composição e sua associação aos fatores ambientais. Isso permitiria a redução nos custos totais ou alocação de mais parcelas...

The large area covered by the Amazonian domain and the limited financial support for biodiversity studies demand efficient research programs. Aiming to evaluate the consequences of reduced sampling effort on the retention of ecological information, we tested how differences in plot width affect the perceived relationship between environmental variation and the composition of the pteridophyte community in Central Amazonia. Measures of slope, canopy openness and soil clay content were taken in 37 terra-firme forest plots. All pteridophyte individuals were identified and mapped according to three sample strips. We tested the effects of environmental variables on pteridophyte composition of 250 x 2.5 meters-plots and on sub-samples of reduced width. The reduction of plot width from 2.5 to 1 m (60 percent reduction in sampling effort) corresponded to a reduction of 24 percent of the project's costs concerning field work expenses. This would reduce the number of sampled species from 52 to 44. The reduction of 20 percent plot width (from 2.5 to 2 m) would cause a reduction of two (4 percent) sampled species and a reduction of 8 percent of the costs. For all tested plot widths, community composition was associated with soil clay content and was not associated with the terrain slope. The effect of canopy openness on pteridophyte species composition was not consistent among sample sizes. These may be related to the relatively lower importance of light availability in determining community structure at the studied spatial scale. We concluded that the smallest plots were informative enough to detect the main gradients of composition and their association to environmental factors. This would allow a reduction in total costs, or the allocation of available budget to more plots, which could increase the power of the statistical analyses, reduce the confidence intervals and increase probability of detecting more species.

Biodiversidad , Botánica/clasificación , Botánica/economía , Botánica/estadística & datos numéricos , Clasificación , Ecología/clasificación , Plantas/clasificación