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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36833819


The choroid, a multifunctional tissue, has been the focus of research interest for many scientists. Its morphology and morphometry facilitate an understanding of pathological processes within both the choroid and retina. This study aimed to determine the choroidal layer thicknesses in healthy, mixed-breed mesocephalic dogs, both male (M) and female (F), using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) with radial, cross-sectional, and linear scans. The dogs were divided into two groups based on age: middle-aged (MA) and senior (SN). Thicknesses of choroidal layers, namely RPE-Bruch's membrane-choriocapillaris complex (RPE-BmCc) with tapetum lucidum in the tapetal fundus, the medium-sized vessel layer (MSVL), and the large vessel layer with lamina suprachoroidea (LVLS), as well as whole choroidal thickness (WCT), were measured manually using the caliper function integrated into the OCT software. Measurement was performed dorsally and ventrally at a distance of 5000-6000 µm temporally and nasally at a distance of 4000-7000 µm to the optic disc on enhanced depth scans. The measurements were conducted temporally and nasally in both the tapetal (temporal tapetal: TempT, nasal tapetal: NasT) and nontapetal (temporal nontapetal: TempNT, nasal nontapetal: NasNT) fundus. The ratio of the MSVL thickness to the LVLS thickness for each region was calculated. In all examined dogs, the RPE-BmCc in the dorsal (D) region and MSVL in the Tt region were significantly thicker than those in the other regions. The MSVL was thinner in the ventral (V) region than in the D, TempT, TempNT and NasT regions. The MSVL was significantly thinner in the NasNT region than in the D region. LVLS thickness and WCT were significantly greater in the D and TempT regions than those in the other regions and significantly lesser in the V region than those in the other regions. The MSVL-to-LVLS thickness ratio did not differ between the age groups. Our results reveal that the choroidal thickness profile does not depend on age. Our findings can be used to document the emergence and development of various choroidal diseases in dogs in the future.

Coroides , Tomografía de Coherencia Óptica , Masculino , Perros , Animales , Femenino , Tomografía de Coherencia Óptica/métodos , Estudios Transversales , Coroides/patología , Retina/anatomía & histología , Fondo de Ojo
Vet Med (Praha) ; 68(1): 11-16, 2023 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38384993


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the occurrence and range of refractive errors in dogs of different ages. A total of 99 clinically healthy, mixed-breed mesocephalic dogs were included in the study and divided into three different age groups according to the current human/pet analogy chart: 40 adults (23 males, 17 females, 1-8 years old, 3-70 kg), 21 seniors (14 males, 7 females, 6-11 years old, 7-42 kg), and 38 geriatrics (22 males, 16 females, 8-13 years old, 5-45 kg). All the dogs underwent an ophthalmic examination, including Schirmer tear test, tonometry, biomicroscopy, and ophthalmoscopy. Neither eye drops nor pharmacological sedatives were administered before the autorefractometry. The refractive states were assessed bilaterally using a hand-held Retinomax 3 (Righton) autorefractor. The results underwent statistical analysis using Statistica v12 software (ANOVA and t-test). A P-value < 0.05 was considered as significant. Emmetropia, defined as a refractive state > -0.5 D and < +0.5 D, was found in 36% of the adult, 43% of the senior, and 38% of the geriatric patients. Anisometropia was found in 1% of the adult, 9.5% of the senior and 5.5% of the geriatric dogs when the refractive power of the two eyes differed ≥ 1.0 myopia ≤ -0.5 D and hyperopia ≥ +0.5 D were found in 23% and 41% of the adult eye globes as well as 24% and 33% in the senior dogs and 15% and 47% in the geriatric dogs, respectively. The maximal values of the myopia in the adult and geriatric dogs were -2.5 D and -2.75 D, respectively. The maximal values of the hyperopia in the adult and geriatric dogs were 1.75 D and 2.5 D, respectively. No statistically significant correlation was found between the groups. Ametropia is a common refractive state for dogs of different ages. The most frequent refractive state in ametropic mixed-bed dogs in all age groups is hyperopia.

Vet Dermatol ; 33(4): 296-e69, 2022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35635296


BACKGROUND: Noninvasive diagnostic techniques allow for morphological and morphometric in vivo evaluation of the skin. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a method that allows visualization of dermal structures up to several 100 µm with a resolution of 3-7.5 µm. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was the morphological and morphometric assessment of rats' skin using SD-OCT. ANIMALS: Fifteen male Wistar rats, aged 3 and 8 months, weighing 350-450 g. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The skin of the plantar metatarsal area of the right pelvic limb was assessed. The measurements were performed using Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT) scans and histological images. RESULTS: Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography could determine the boundary between the epidermis and the dermis. Apart from the stratum corneum (SC), it did not allow for the differentiation of the individual epidermal layers. In the SD-OCT and in the histological examination, the mean thicknesses of the layers (µm ± SD) were (respectively): SC 33.053 ± µm(SD 5.85, 29.675 ± 5.54; epidermis 88.2 ± 7.97, 65.126 ± 13.23; dermis 259.86 ± 18.29, 166.05 ± 31.88 µm. There was a correlation between the total epidermal SD-OCT and histological measurements (r = 0.43, p = 0.05). Bland-Altman plots revealed a bias of -19.18 (95% confidence interval) -39.21 to 0.84 µm) in the case of live epidermis (stratum granulosum, stratum spinous, stratum basale). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography can be used to evaluate rat epidermis and dermis. The method enables the differentiation of the SC, as well as the epidermis and the dermis. SD-OCT and histological thickness dimensions of the epidermis and skin differ.

Contexte - Les techniques de diagnostic non invasives permettent une évaluation morphologique et morphométrique in vivo de la peau. La tomographie par cohérence optique (OCT) est une méthode qui permet de visualiser les structures dermiques jusqu'à plusieurs centaines de micromètres avec une résolution de 3 à 7,5 µm. Objectifs - Le but de l'étude était l'évaluation morphologique et morphométrique de la peau des rats par SD-OCT. Animaux - Quinze rats Wistar mâles, âgés de 3 et 8 mois, pesant 350-450 g. Matériels et méthodes - La peau de la zone métatarsienne plantaire du membre pelvien droit a été évaluée. Les mesures ont été réalisées à l'aide de scaners SD-OCT (Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography) et d'images histologiques Résultats - Le SD-OCT a pu déterminer la frontière entre l'épiderme et le derme. En dehors de la couche cornée (SC), il n'a pas permis la différenciation des couches épidermiques individuelles. Au SD-OCT et à l'examen histologique, les épaisseurs moyennes des couches (µm ± SD) étaient (respectivement) : SC 33,053 ± µm (SD 5,85, 29,675 ± 5,54 ; épiderme 88,2 ± 7,97, 65,126 ± 13,23 ; derme 259,86 ± 18,29, 166,05 ± 31,88 µm). Il y avait une corrélation entre le SD-OCT épidermique total et les mesures histologiques (r = 0,43, P = 0,05) Les tracés de Bland-Altman ont révélé un biais de -19,18 (intervalle de confiance à 95 %) -39,21 à 0,84 µm) dans le cas d'épiderme vivant (stratum granulosum, stratum spinous, stratum basale). Conclusions et pertinence clinique - Le SD-OCT peut être utilisé pour évaluer l'épiderme et le derme de rat. La méthode permet de différencier le SC, ainsi que l'épiderme et le derme. Le SD-OCT et les dimensions d'épaisseur histologiques de l'épiderme et de la peau diffèrent.

Introducción - las técnicas de diagnóstico no invasivas permiten la evaluación morfológica y morfométrica in vivo de la piel. La tomografía de coherencia óptica (OCT) es un método que permite la visualización de estructuras dérmicas de hasta varios cientos de micrómetros con una resolución de 3 a 7,5 µm. Objetivos - El objetivo del estudio fue la evaluación morfológica y morfométrica de la piel de ratas mediante SD-OCT. Animales - Quince ratas Wistar macho, de 3 y 8 meses de edad, con un peso de 350 a 450 g. Materiales y métodos - Se evaluó la piel de la zona metatarsiana plantar del miembro pélvico derecho. Las mediciones se realizaron utilizando escaneos SD-OCT (Tomografía de Coherencia Óptica de Dominio Espectral) e imágenes histológicas. Resultados - SD-OCT pudo determinar el límite entre la epidermis y la dermis. Aparte del estrato córneo (SC), no permitía la diferenciación de las capas epidérmicas individuales. En la SD-OCT y en el examen histológico, los espesores medios de las capas (µm ± SD) fueron (respectivamente): SC 33.053 ± µm (SD 5.85, 29.675 ± 5.54; epidermis 88.2 ± 7.97, 65.126 ± 13.23; dermis 259.86 ± 18,29, 166,05 ± 31,88 µm. Hubo una correlación entre el SD-OCT epidérmico total y las mediciones histológicas (r = 0,43, P = 0,05). Las gráficas de Bland-Altman revelaron un sesgo de -19,18 (intervalo de confianza del 95 %) -39,21 a 0,84 µm) en el caso de epidermis viva (estrato granuloso, estrato espinoso, estrato basal). Conclusiones y relevancia clínica- SD-OCT se puede utilizar para evaluar la epidermis y la dermis de rata. El método permite diferenciar el SC, así como la epidermis y la dermis. Las dimensiones de grosor de la epidermis y la piel difieren entre SD-OCT y la histología.

Contexto - Técnicas diagnósticas não invasivas permitem a avaliação morfológica e morfométrica in vivo da pele. A tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT) é um método que possibilita a visualização de estruturas dérmicas de até centenas de micrômetros com uma resolução de 3-7,5 µm. Objetivos - O objetivo do estudo foi a avaliação morfométrica e morfológica da pele de ratos utilizando SD-OCT. Animais - Quinze ratos Wistar machos, de três a oito meses de idade, pesando de 350 a 450 g. Materiais e métodos - A pele da região metatársica plantar do membro pélvico direito foi avaliada. As mensurações foram realizadas utilizando o SD-OCT (Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography) e imagens histológicas. Resultados - A SD-OCT foi capaz de determinar o limite entre derme e epiderme. A exceção do estrato córneo (SC), não foi possível a diferenciação das camadas da epiderme individualmente. Na SD-OCT e na avaliação histológica, as espessuras médias das camadas fora, (µm ± DP), respectivamente: SC 33,053 ± 5,85; 29,675 ± 5,54; epiderme 88,2 ± 7,97; 65,126 ± 13,23; derme 259,86 ± 18,29; 166,05 ± 31,88 µm. Houve correlação entre SD-OCT e avaliação histológica nas mensurações da epiderme total (r = 0,43, P = 0,05). Os gráficos de Bland-Altman revelaram um viés de -19,8% (95% de intervalo de confiança) - 39,21 a 0,84 µm) no caso da epiderme viva (estrato espinhoso, estrato granuloso e estrato basal). Conclusões e relevância clínica - SD-OCT pode ser utilizada para avaliar a derme e a epiderme de ratos. Este método permite a diferenciação do SC, bem como da derme e epiderme. Pode haver discrepância na espessura da epiderme e da pele na SD-OCT e análise histológica.

Epidermis , Tomografía de Coherencia Óptica , Animales , Dermis , Epidermis/diagnóstico por imagen , Masculino , Ratas , Ratas Wistar , Piel/anatomía & histología , Piel/diagnóstico por imagen , Tomografía de Coherencia Óptica/métodos , Tomografía de Coherencia Óptica/veterinaria
Acta Vet Hung ; 69(3): 266-273, 2021 09 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34570723


This study determined the choroidal thickness of senior (SN, n = 24) and middle-aged (MA, n = 17) healthy, mixed-breed mesocephalic dogs, both males (M) and females (F), using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). The dogs were divided into two groups for examination: MA dogs (4-7 years old; 6 M, 11 F) and SN dogs (8-13 years old; 12 M, 12 F). Choroidal thickness of the dogs was investigated using SD-OCT radial and linear scans. The software of the device allowed determination of the exact measurement location on the choroid. Measurements of the choroid were taken manually using the SD-OCT calliper function at distances of 5,000-6,000 µm (dorsal and ventral) and 4,000-7,000 µm (nasal and temporal) from the optic disc. Mean (µm ± SD) (MA, SN) dorsal (188 ± 28, 184 ± 33), ventral (116 ± 23, 111 ± 16), temporal (152 ± 31, 151 ± 26), and nasal (135 ± 27, 132 ± 18) choroidal thicknesses demonstrated significant differences (P < 0.02-0.001) between all areas within each group. The choroid was thickest in the dorsal region and thinnest in the ventral region. There were no significant differences based on age. Mean (µm ± SD) (M, F) dorsal (181 ± 32, 190 ± 30), ventral (117 ± 16, 11 ± 21), temporal (150 ± 26, 153 ± 30), and nasal (128 ± 20, 138 ± 23) choroidal thicknesses demonstrated significant differences (P < 0.05) between dorsal and nasal regions. The choroidal thickness in dogs depends on the area assessed independently of their age and sex.

Coroides , Tomografía de Coherencia Óptica , Animales , Perros , Femenino , Masculino , Tomografía de Coherencia Óptica/veterinaria