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Front Psychiatry ; 15: 1413814, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39149155


Introduction: People with language difficulties cannot face challenges related to social skills. Those language disorders affect academic, work environments, and social interaction, leading to maladaptive and aggressive behaviors. Young inmates are at high risk of experiencing unrecognized language deficiencies. It is, therefore, necessary to analyze linguistic pathologies that can influence criminal behavior (drugs possession/consumption and gender violence crimes). There are many standardized tests to evaluate and detect language difficulties in adults in English. However, there are relatively few options in Spanish; there are no tests that evaluate language qualitatively and in depth. Most of the research is conducted with children and adolescents. Objectives: To propose a reliable coding system for the correction and interpretation of narratives (essays and narratives) from the Battery for the Evaluation of Writing Processes (PROESC) in the prisoners charged of drugs possession or consumption and gender violence crimes. Design: The sample was composed of 287 men. Main outcome measures: They completed the Demographic, Offense, and Behavioral Interview in Institutions, the International Personality Disorders Examination (IPDE), and PROESC. Results: We found that the proposed coding system presented high concordance, that is, high inter-rater reliability. Conclusion: The classification system for the correction and interpretation of narratives was shown to be reliable.

Violence Vict ; 39(2): 204-218, 2024 Jul 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38955472


The integration of women victims of gender-based violence (WVGBV) in the labor market is key to women's autonomy and empowerment. After pursuing some personal stability in different domains (emotional, physical, relational, etc.), these women require a further step toward recovery, which is often related to financial independence and, therefore, to their integration in the labor market. In this article, we describe the results of a study that focused on the actions aimed at integrating WVGBV into the labor market in the region of Andalusia (Spain). Based on a qualitative methodology, we collected the narratives and perspectives of the different actors involved in these processes (public administrations, nongovernmental organizations, the business world, and the WVGBV). The results revealed a series of deficiencies in social intervention methodologies that can sometimes lead to greater social exclusion. In conclusion, we believe that more participatory methodologies in their design, incorporating the views of woman themselves, are necessary.

Violencia de Género , Humanos , Femenino , España , Adulto , Empleo , Víctimas de Crimen , Investigación Cualitativa , Mujeres Maltratadas/psicología
Front Psychiatry ; 15: 1391463, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38855649


Abstract: Writing involves the activation of different processing modes than reading comprehension, and therefore the level of activation varies depending on the moment and the task. Objectives: to analyze the profiles in terms of the proposed coding from the PROESC in terms of personality disorders [Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) with drugs possession and consumption crimes (DPCC) and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)] with gender violence crimes (GVC) in the prisoners. Design: The sample was composed of 194 men. The participants were divided into two groups. Group 1 (ASPD; DPCC) consisted of 81 men, and Group 2 (OCPD; GVC) consisted of 113 men. Main outcome measures: They completed the Demographic, Offense, and Behavioral Interview in Institutions, the International Personality Disorders Examination (IPDE), and Writing Processes Evaluation Battery (PROESC). Results: Group 2 made more mistake than Group 1 in narratives tasks. Conclusion: Participants know phoneme-grapheme correspondence rules, language disturbances of a reiterative and persistent nature may appear in those who show compulsive behavior.

Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(2): 41-61, abr.-jun.2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560934


Objetivo: analisar o impacto da ausência de legislação federal e normativas na mitigação da violência obstétrica no Brasil, por meio de uma análise crítica, com ênfase na regulação legal. Metodologia: inicialmente, realizou-se uma revisão narrativa de abordagem qualiquantitativa e exploratória-descritiva nas bases de dados da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e da Scientific Electronic Library Online, no período entre 2018 e 2023. Os artigos foram selecionados utilizando descritores do Medical Subject Headings, como "obstetric violence" e "violence against women", combinados através do operador booleano "AND". Posteriormente, foi conduzida uma pesquisa documental buscando consultar a legislação estadual vigente no Brasil e identificar possíveis lacunas. Resultados: Identificou-se uma lacuna considerável em relação à violência obstétrica e à conscientização limitada sobre os direitos à autonomia das mulheres, que são preocupações evidentes. Em relação às legislações estaduais analisadas, 14 fazem menção à "violência obstétrica" e 8 abordam a "humanização do parto". Dessas, 19 têm caráter informativo, 28 são preventivas e 2 são punitivas. Considerações Finais: A ausência de consenso na definição da violência obstétrica e a escassa capacitação dos profissionais de saúde resultam em práticas obsoletas. A elevada taxa de cesarianas desnecessárias e a carência de estudos sobre mulheres quilombolas e indígenas são preocupantes. No âmbito jurídico, a falta de compreensão por parte dos magistrados e a fragmentação das legislações estaduais representam desafios significativos. Torna-se crucial adotar uma abordagem multidisciplinar e políticas públicas claras para prevenir essa violência e assegurar uma assistência ao parto segura e centrada nas necessidades das mulheres.

Objective: To analyze the impact of the absence of federal legislation and regulations on the mitigation of obstetric violence in Brazil through a critical analysis, with emphasis on legal regulation. Methodology: Initially, a narrative review with a qualiquantitative and exploratory-descriptive approach was conducted on the databases of the Virtual Health Library and the Scientific Electronic Library Online, between 2018 and 2023. Articles were selected using Medical Subject Headings descriptors such as "obstetric violence" and "violence against women", combined with the boolean operator "AND". Subsequently, a documentary search was conducted to consult the current state legislation in Brazil and identify possible gaps. Results: A considerable gap was identified regarding obstetric violence and limited awareness of women's autonomy rights, which are evident concerns. Regarding the analyzed state laws, 14 mention "obstetric violence" and 8 address "humanization of childbirth". Of these, 19 are informative, 28 are preventive, and 2 are punitive. Final Considerations: The lack of consensus in defining obstetric violence and the scarce training of healthcare professionals result in obsolete practices. The high rate of unnecessary cesarean sections and the lack of studies on quilombola and indigenous women are concerning. In the legal sphere, the lack of understanding by judges and the fragmentation of state legislation represent significant challenges. It is crucial to adopt a multidisciplinary approach and clear public policies to prevent this violence and ensure safe and woman-centered childbirth care.

Objetivo: Analizar el impacto de la ausencia de legislación federal y normativas en la mitigación de la violencia obstétrica en Brasil mediante un análisis crítico, con énfasis en la regulación legal. Metodología: Inicialmente, se realizó una revisión narrativa con enfoque cualicuantitativo y exploratorio-descriptivo en las bases de datos de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud y la Scientific Electronic Library Online, entre 2018 y 2023. Se seleccionaron artículos utilizando descriptores del Medical Subject Headings como "obstetric violence" y "violence against women", combinados con el operador booleano "AND". Posteriormente, se realizó una búsqueda documental para consultar la legislación estatal vigente en Brasil e identificar posibles lagunas. Resultados: Se identificó una brecha considerable en relación con la violencia obstétrica y la conciencia limitada de los derechos de autonomía de las mujeres, que son preocupaciones evidentes. En cuanto a las leyes estatales analizadas, 14 mencionan "violencia obstétrica" y 8 abordan la "humanización del parto". De estas, 19 son informativas, 28 son preventivas y 2 son punitivas. Consideraciones Finales: La falta de consenso en la definición de la violencia obstétrica y la escasa formación de los profesionales de la salud resultan en prácticas obsoletas. La alta tasa de cesáreas innecesarias y la falta de estudios sobre mujeres quilombolas e indígenas son preocupantes. En el ámbito legal, la falta de comprensión por parte de los jueces y la fragmentación de la legislación estatal representan desafíos significativos. Es crucial adoptar un enfoque multidisciplinario y políticas públicas claras para prevenir esta violencia y garantizar una atención al parto segura y centrada en las necesidades de las mujeres.

Derecho Sanitario
Behav Sci (Basel) ; 14(5)2024 Apr 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38785858


Autobiographical memories of close relationships have been shown to have strong influence in health and life. Yet, there is no research published about longitudinal memory reconstruction of violent sporadic relationships while reading and discussing scientific evidence on gender violence victimization. This article presents a novel case of the reconstruction throughout time of the memory of a disdainful hookup experienced by a young woman. The victim's diary and an interview were the sources of data collection. The analytical categories were developed in dialogue with the participant. The results indicate that, as the subject learned scientific evidence on gender violence in sporadic relationships, she progressively recalled details of the episode that she had self-censored before, became aware of the very violent nature of the hookup, rejected the relationship, and freed her desire for satisfactory romantic relationships.

Int J Soc Determinants Health Health Serv ; : 27551938241247776, 2024 Apr 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38646684


Children, women, and older people suffer different types of violence, which appears to have been exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic and the relative lockdown. The aim of this study is to analyze the literature about gender violence and abuse in the different ages of life and during the COVID-19 lockdown. Data were obtained from an electronic literature search using various online sources such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct and Web of Science. The terms "child abuse" were the most frequently used, followed in frequency by "gender violence," "femicide," and, lastly, "elderly abuse." The first studies considered gender-based violence as a purely physical problem, then, progressively, the analysis focused on the psychological point of view of the issue. There was a greater number of studies in 2020 about violence in comparison with previous years. The social and scientific attention to gender-based violence appeared to be very poor, especially in the case of older people abuse. It is necessary to increase general attention to the topic to correctly identify each form of abuse and to be able to take care of the subjects most at risk.

Violence Against Women ; : 10778012241233003, 2024 Mar 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38470508


This article provides a case study regarding struggles over framing gender violence as a political issue. It looks at how gender violence initially entered political discourse and state legislation in Turkey. It identifies the main political actors as feminists, Islamists, and Kemalists, and examines their impacts on state policy-making processes and outcomes. It argues that, in the Turkish context, the Islamism-Kemalism divide contoured the limits and possibilities of frame institutionalization in legislation and characterized state responses to gender violence through familial ideology, which prioritized family privacy and unity over women's right to live free from violence.

Aten Primaria ; 2024 Mar 26.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38538482


Intimate partner violence against women (IPV) has devastating effects on the healthcare and well-being of women and their children. Physical, psychological, and social consequences, a worse perception of their own health, and loss of quality of life are well-documented, while aftereffects persist in time even after the end of abuse. Psychological consequences of abuse last longer and are more serious. IPV also affects sons and daughters, disabled people, family, and the attacker himself. Many health problems, both physical and mental, that lead women to go to healthcare services in search of help have an origin in the violence they experience. Treatment of the symptoms without awareness of its relation to such violence favours medicalization, iatrogenesis, and chronification. Psychological violence poses a threat that is invisible, subtle, cumulative, and difficult to detect; it is, however, the most destructive.

Assessment ; : 10731911241229575, 2024 Feb 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38380512


Technology-facilitated sexual violence (TFSV) includes different forms of digital violence, such as online gender-based violence, online gender- and sexuality-based violence, digital sexual harassment, online sexual coercion, and nonconsensual pornography. The aim of this study was to design and validate a measure to assess the perpetration and victimization of each dimension of TFSV. The relationships between the different dimensions and differences by gender and sexual orientation were also analyzed. The participants were a sample of 2,486 adults (69% women) from Spain, aged between 16 and 79 (M = 25.95; DT = 9.809) years. The Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence Scales were found to be valid and reliable instruments, supporting our recommendation for the use of these scales. Network analysis and solution-based exploratory factor analyses showed that the dimensions of online sexual coercion and nonconsensual pornography clustered together. All the perpetration variables were related to sexism. Finally, cis women and nonheterosexual people reported higher victimization scores overall compared to cis men and heterosexuals, respectively, while cis men reported higher perpetration scores overall than cis women.

Aten Primaria ; 2024 Feb 02.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38310072


Professionals who work with women victims of gender violence face difficult emotional situations, and it is important to be aware of the emotions and feelings that the attitudes and behaviour of victims and aggressors generate in them. These emotions can become barriers to communication and seriously affect the professional's relationship with victims. Furthermore, they can generate situations of sustained stress, lead to emotional exhaustion, and affect their health, life, and work performance. We describe the consequences, risk factors and warning signs, as well as protective or resilience factors, that are important to know, and we list the current challenges and some recommendations for professionals and management in order to help prevent such effects and improve professional performance without health risks.

Salud ment ; 47(1): 35-43, Jan.-Feb. 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560493


Abstract Introduction Reproductive autonomy enables a person to freely decide their life plan, including sexual and reproductive health. However, its exercise can be constrained by health determinants and other structural conditions. Knowing the background of women who undergo a Legal Interruption of Pregnancy (LIP) helps identify patterns of inequality and their impact on the exercise of reproductive autonomy. Objective To analyze the profile of women who legally terminate a pregnancy in Mexico City. Method Latent class analysis, with the participation of 274 women who terminated a first trimester pregnancy at a public facility. Results Model of two latent classes: adult (68.34%) and young women (31.65%). Stigma was the predictor variable for class; the higher the score, the lower the probability of belonging to the adult group (p = .019). Adult women were characterized by having lower educational attainment, engaging in unpaid activities, having at least one child, and having had previous abortions, having experienced intimate partner violence in the past twelve months and reporting that their partners did not agree with the interruption of their pregnancy. Young women were students, partnered and reported that their partners had agreed with them to request an abortion. Discussion and conclusion Despite the legal changes effected, stigma is still present in the abortion demand and access, particularly for women with certain characteristics. It would be useful to include interventions to reduce stigma in counseling, using an approach based on previous experience.

Resumen Introducción El ejercicio de la autonomía reproductiva permite tomar decisiones libres sobre el plan de vida incluyendo la salud sexual y reproductiva. Las determinantes de la salud y otros condicionantes estructurales pueden obstaculizar su ejercicio. Conocer los antecedentes de las mujeres que realizan una Interrupción Legal del Embarazo contribuye a determinar patrones de desigualdad y su impacto sobre el ejercicio de la autonomía reproductiva. Objetivo Analizar el perfil de mujeres que interrumpen legalmente un embarazo en la Ciudad de México. Método Análisis de clases latentes, participaron 274 mujeres que interrumpieron un embarazo de primer trimestre en un servicio público. Resultados Modelo de dos clases latentes: adultas (68.34%) y jóvenes (31.65%). El estigma fue la variable predictora de la clase; a mayor puntaje menor probabilidad de pertenecer al grupo de adultas (p = .019). Para las adultas se caracterizaron por tener menor escolaridad, actividades no remuneradas, tener al menos un hijo y abortos previos, experimentaron violencia de pareja en los últimos doce meses y reportaron que su pareja no estuvo de acuerdo con la interrupción. Las jóvenes eran estudiantes, tenían pareja y reportaron que habían acordado con ella solicitar el aborto. Discusión y conclusión A pesar de los cambios legales, el estigma está presente en la demanda y el acceso a los servicios de aborto y resulta particularmente relevante en mujeres con ciertas características. Sería oportuno incluir en la consejería intervenciones para disminuirlo buscando un enfoque centrado en las experiencias previas.

Aten Primaria ; 2024 Jan 24.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38272784


Gender violence has multiple and serious consequences for the health of victims and their families, hence the reason for the important role that the health system plays in addressing it. Health professionals have a key role in the response, which must include early detection, care, and follow-up; actions in which primary care, because of its privileged position in the system, can play a fundamental part. This article establishes the necessary characteristics for the intervention to be effective: comprehensive care, multidisciplinary approach, intersectoral coordination, and integrated service provision; all of it community-oriented, person-centered, and adapted to its context (social factors and vulnerabilities) with an intersectional approach. The woman, her sons and daughters, and other cohabitants, as well as the perpetrator, are considered the object of intervention in the response, and specific guidelines for action are provided for detection, care, and follow-up. Reorientation of interventions, with emphasis on a community approach, is also proposed.

Aten Primaria ; 2024 Jan 10.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38212181


Sexual violence is a very underdetected public health problem, with important short and long-term consequences on physical, mental, social, sexual and reproductive health, which must be taken into account by health services. Health systems are part of the set of resources necessary for a comprehensive approach from the ecological model: prevention and promotion of healthy sexuality with equality, adequate and coordinated care in the event of sexual assault and subsequent support to prevent sequelae. All sexual violence has health consequences, even those that may seem less serious such as sexual harassment or sexual cyberviolence. We must know the needs of the victim and their possible emotional reactions. A risk assessment will be carried out, the victim will be referred to a hospital if necessary and comprehensive and integrated care will be provided. Care and follow-up must focus on the survivor and with professionals trained in trauma to understand the consequences of sexual violence, offer a safe and trusting environment and know how to reinforce their qualities and support.

Violence Against Women ; 30(6-7): 1431-1452, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36659855


Albeit one of the most pervasive forms of gender violence, street harassment tends to be either not considered a crime or to be faulty criminalized. This investigation contributes to better understand the overall inefficiency of existing laws through an analysis of the criminalization of street harassment in Portugal. Particularly, it searches for obstacles to implementation among those responsible for the process-the street-level bureaucrats of the Portuguese Public Security Police. Through 14 semi-structured interviews, three groups of obstacles to implementation were identified: perceptions of the legislation's content, a masculinist institutional culture, and personal characteristics. These are new findings that contribute to an understanding of the perpetuation of gender violence through state's institutions and workers.

Acoso Sexual , Violencia , Masculino , Humanos , Portugal , Crimen , Policia
F1000Res ; 12: 40, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38125557


The purpose of the investigation was to analyze the experiences and perspectives on violence against women in the Apurímac region, Peru. The analysis was carried out through interviews with women in each of the provinces of Apurimac. The aim was to learn about the status of women's rights and the effectiveness of provisions and regulations for their protection. The article will also explore the vast cultural and social diversity present in the interviews themselves, in contrast to the current normative system. As a general conclusion, it became evident that women in Apurimac-Peru suffered different types of abuse and mistreatment just because they were women and that they did not feel any kind of support from the authorities, showing a lack of interest from the state in improving the current situation of women in Peruvian society.

Violencia , Derechos de la Mujer , Femenino , Humanos , Perú
Aten Primaria ; 2023 Dec 23.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38143195


Addressing gender violence from the health system effectively, still involves addressing numerous challenges. If gender violence is suffered by women with one or more situations of personal and social vulnerability, intervention is surrounded by formidable difficulties. In these heterogeneous situations, early detection is urgent, as well as professional support adapted to each woman with her particular context. The intersectional approach to gender violence provides useful tools for actions in these complex scenarios, full of suffering and fragility. This article mentions the common and specific needs of the most vulnerable women. Recommendations are offered to improve the intervention to be developed from the health system - a privileged space for this - to understand and accompany these women in their diversity, with the most effective services and resources, in coordination with the rest of the social protection systems and entities.

Lat Am Res Rev ; 58(3): 501-518, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37577329


The scholarship seeking to explain the ineffectiveness of violence against women (VAW) laws has focused on the lack of resources or will to implement these laws. Less attention has been given to how these laws are crafted and positioned in the legal hierarchy, which may undermine them from the start. This article focuses on four cases from Central America, a region where fifty-five laws to protect women from violence were passed between 1960 and 2018, yet VAW continues. It finds that the legal positioning and language of these laws prioritize family unity while undermining women's rights to protection; thus, these laws fail by design. The article identifies four legal placements that delay (El Salvador), undermine (Honduras), diminish (Nicaragua), or render abstract (Guatemala) the effectiveness of VAW laws in the context of penal and judicial codes. This work has direct policy implications and broader relevance beyond the cases examined here.

Los estudios sobre la ineficacia de las leyes de violencia contra las mujeres (VCM) se centran en la falta de recursos o voluntad para implementarlas. Menos atención han recibido su elaboración y posicionamiento en la jerarquía legal, lo que puede socavarlas desde su origen. Este artículo se centra en cuatro casos de Centro América, una región donde se aprobaron cincuenta y cinco leyes para proteger a las mujeres entre 1960 y 2018, sin embargo, la VCM continúa. El posicionamiento legal y el lenguaje de estas leyes priorizan la unidad familiar socavando los derechos de las mujeres a la protección; por lo tanto, estas leyes fallan por diseño. El artículo identifica cuatro emplazamientos legales que retrasan (El Salvador), socavan (Honduras), disminuyen (Nicaragua) o abstraen (Guatemala) la efectividad de las leyes de VCM en el contexto de los códigos penal y judicial. Este trabajo tiene implicaciones para políticas públicas y una relevancia más allá de los casos examinados aquí.

J Urban Health ; 100(4): 870-877, 2023 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37535301


The health consequences of gender violence, a global health and social problem, are increasingly studied. Among its roots, research has identified a coercive dominant discourse imposing the idea that masculinities and relationships marked by abuse and domination are more attractive than egalitarian ones. To prevent the health consequences of gender violence, it is necessary to understand the factors that lead many adolescents to fall into it. This study aims to identify the specific mechanisms by which the coercive dominant discourse manifests in the peer group and its consequences for adolescents. Forty-one 15- and 16-year-old female adolescents from three high schools in Barcelona participated in the study. Eight communicative discussion groups were conducted to deepen on participants' perceptions regarding how peer interactions promote the learning of attraction to violence in sexual-affective relationships. The results show that the participants perceived and experienced different types of coercion to have violent relationships in their peer group interactions. Those interactions fostered the reproduction of the association between sexual-affective attraction and males with aggressive attitudes and behaviors. Many peers coerce others to have disdainful hookups which have very negative health consequences for the victims, including suicidal ideation and committing suicide. Some peer groups become a risk developmental context for female adolescents as far as they foster the coercive dominant discourse, push some young women to engage in violent sporadic relationships, and even harass some others afterwards. This clarifies the importance of peer group-level interventions when addressing the health consequences of gender violence in adolescence.

Víctimas de Crimen , Determinantes Sociales de la Salud , Masculino , Adolescente , Humanos , Femenino , Violencia/psicología , Conducta Sexual/psicología , Agresión/psicología , Coerción , Grupo Paritario , Víctimas de Crimen/psicología
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(2): 31413, 31 ago. 2023. tab, ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1509849


A violência contra as mulheres tem se apresentado como um grave problema de saúde pública e uma violação aos direitos humanos. A fim de contribuir com a inibição desse fenômeno e intensificar a divulgação da Lei Maria da Penha, surge o Agosto Lilás. Dessaforma, a educação em saúde se apresenta como uma importante estratégia de enfrentamento a esta violência. Objetivo:Descrever a experiência da realização de ação de educação em saúde sobre o enfrentamento à violência doméstica e familiar contra as mulheres em um hospital regional do interior do Rio Grande do Norte (RN), utilizando a Roda de Conversa como metodologia e tendo o Agosto Lilás como referência. Metodologia:Trata-se de um relato de experiência sobre a ação realizada na Clínica Obstétrica de um hospital regional situado no município de Currais Novos, localizado no interior do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, em agosto de 2022. Resultados:Percebeu-se boa participação do público e que os acompanhantes já conheciam alguns tipos de violência. No entanto, as profissionais apresentaram poucos conhecimentos acerca da temática, o que acarreta a desinformação sobre o que fazer quando estas demandas chegarem ao serviço de saúde. Conclusões:É evidente a importância de se trabalhar a temática em diversos momentos, não somente no Agosto Lilás, mesmo este mês se destacando com extrema relevância. Além disso, também é essencial discutir o tema em todos os espaços da rede intersetorial, com intuito de propagar informações e incentivar a articulação em rede para a superação desta problemática (AU).

Violence against women has been presented as a serious public health problem and a violation of human rights. In order tocontribute to the inhibition of this phenomenon and intensify the divulgation of "Maria da Penha" Law, August Lilac comes to light. Thereby, health education is presented as an important strategy of confrontation with this violence. Objective:To describethe experience of fulfillment on health education action on facing the household violence against women in a local hospital in the countryside of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), using the Conversation Circle as a methodology and having August Lilac as a reference. Methodology:This is an experience report on the action executed at the Obstetrics Clinic of a local hospital situated in Currais Novos town, located in the countryside of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in August 2022. Results:It was observed good public participation and the companions already knew some types of violence. However, the professionals had little knowledge about the subject, which leads to misinformation about what to do when these demands arrive at the health service. Conclusions:It is evident the importance of working on the theme at different times, not only in August Lilac, even this month stands out with extreme relevance. In addition, it is also essential to discuss the topic in all fields of the intersectoral network, with the aim of disseminating information and encouraging networking to overcome this problem (AU).

La violencia contra las mujeres se ha presentado como un grave problema de salud pública yuna violación de los derechos humanos. Con el fin de contribuir a la inhibición de este fenómeno e intensificar la divulgación de la Ley "Maria da Penha", surge el Agosto Lila. De esa forma, la educación en salud se presenta como una importante estrategiade enfrentamiento a esta violencia. Objetivo: Describir la experiencia de la realización de acción de educación en salud sobre el enfrentamiento a la violencia doméstica y familiar contra las mujeres en un hospital regional del interior de Rio Grande do Norte (RN), utilizando la Rueda de Conversación como metodología y teniendo el Agosto Lila como referencia. Metodología: Se trata de un relato de experiencia sobre la acción realizada en la Clínica Obstétrica de un hospital regional situado en el municipio de Currais Novos, ubicado en el interior del estado de Rio Grande do Norte, en agosto de 2022. Resultados: Se percibió buena participación del público y que los acompañantes ya conocían algunos tipos de violencia. Sin embargo, las profesionales presentaronpocos conocimientos sobre la temática, lo que conlleva la desinformación sobre qué hacer cuando estas demandas llegan al servicio de salud. Conclusiones: Es evidente la importancia de trabajar la temática en diversos momentos, no solo en Agosto Lila, incluso este mes destacando con extrema relevancia. Además, también es esencial discutir el tema en todos los espacios de la red intersectorial, con el fin de propagar informaciones y fomentar la conexión en red para superar esta problemática (AU).

Humanos , Femenino , Educación en Salud/métodos , Violencia Doméstica , Violencia contra la Mujer , Violencia de Género , Servicios de Salud , Política Pública , Salud de la Mujer