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Heliyon ; 9(8): e18347, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37533993


Despite the high incidence of work-family conflict, there has been a lack of research that investigates its impact on employee behavior, particularly concerning their consumption behavior, which has received inadequate attention. The present study draws on the strength model of self-control and investigates the influence of individuals' work-family conflict on their preferences for hedonic and utilitarian products via self-control, with frugality acting as a moderator of this relationship. This study gathered data from 502 full-time employees with families in China. Results from the moderated mediating model analysis conducted using the SPSS-PROCESS macro revealed that work-family conflict was positively associated with a preference for hedonic products and negatively associated with a preference for utilitarian products. Self-control was found to mediate the relationship between work-family conflict and product preferences, with a weaker mediating effect observed for individuals with higher levels of frugality in the case of utilitarian products. The findings of this study contribute to the literature on work-family conflict and have implications for organizations and merchants in understanding and addressing the impact of work-family conflict on employee consumption behavior. Specifically, this study provides insight into how organizations can better manage work-family conflict and how merchants can make more informed marketing decisions for hedonic and utilitarian products.

Agric Food Econ ; 11(1): 19, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37332659


Policy and practitioners' initiatives to stimulate sustainable consumption have so far failed to have notable impact on individuals' behaviors. The current commentary is a plea to social and sustainability scientists, particularly to economists dealing with sustainable agri-food systems, to dig deeper into the notion of narratives to trigger societal dynamics that stir consumers toward more sufficient lifestyles. As dominant cultural narratives have a critical role in shaping shared meanings and acceptable behaviors, in the future they could guide dramatic changes in individuals' conduct, triggering drastic modifications of current consumption patterns. Based on the power that concepts as the Circular Economy and the Anthropocene have had in the recent past, a future step to develop an ecological worldview across society, and nourish individual identities deeply committed with the preservation of natural ecosystems, is working on narratives based on the notion of human-nature interdependence.

Philos Manag ; : 1-10, 2023 Mar 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37363127


This paper wants to shed light on the way the philosophical school of Stoicsm in Greco-Roman antiquity has dealt with the relationship of men and nature by pointing out to some of the key texts in which these issues are mentioned. Although the modern concept of sustainability or environmental protection did not really exist in antiquity, the Stoa was convinced that individual decisions had a direct impact on this world. Following the concept of environmental humanities, the ancient texts and authors are collected as historical ideas of the multifaceted interactions between nature and men that can be fruitfully mirrored with the arguments of the current Anthropocene discourse and its focus on (post)industrialism. By doing so we might come across helpful approaches deeply rooted in our cultural heritage that we could possibly adopt and find practical answers for our age in terms of individual behaviour as well as management decisions to face the ecological and social challenges ahead.

Front Psychol ; 13: 880009, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36092089


When making consumption choices, people often fail to meet their own standards of both ethics and frugality. People also generally tend to demand more of others than they do of themselves. But little is known about how these different types of hypocrisy interact, particularly in relation to attitudes toward ethical consumption. In three experiments, we integrate research methods using anchoring and hypocrisy within the context of ethical consumption. Across three experiments, we find a default expectation that people (particularly people other than ourselves) should spend less on consumer items than they actually do. This default position can be inverted by making the ethical context of consumption salient, whereby the expectation is then that people (particularly other people) should spend more on consumer items than they actually do. Experiments 2 and 3 show that a moderate price anchor for ethical consumption is sufficient to shift expected standards for other people, but a higher price anchor is required to shift expected standards in personal behaviour. We discuss the countervailing roles of frugality and ethical consumption in understanding hypocrisy and ethical decision-making.

Front Psychol ; 13: 948530, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35865696


This study aimed to examine the integrated relationships of business ties, political ties, sustainable leadership, and frugal innovation. The correlation was assessed with the consideration of social network and situational leadership theories. Data was collected from 363 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) employees in Pakistan with a response rate of 72.60%. Accordingly, the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed to examine the validity of the proposed hypotheses. Empirical findings confirmed the significant impact of managerial and business ties on frugal innovation, strengthened by sustainable leadership. However, data analysis negated the positive impact of political ties on frugal innovation, which remains non-significant with the introduction of sustainable leadership among Pakistani SMEs. Hence, future studies are recommended to explore other conditional factors and mediating mechanisms in the relationship between managerial ties and frugal innovation. This idea can bring a deeper insight into the vital role of networking. To the best of the author's knowledge, no prior study is available about the integrated relationships of managerial ties, frugal innovation, and sustainable leadership. This study enriches the literature in innovation management, especially concerning the social network and situational leadership model.

Front Psychol ; 13: 844628, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35572268


At present, the market demand for forest health tourism is weak. The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether frugality inhibits the intention of forest health tourism and whether the positive effect of cognition on the intention of forest health tourism can compensate for the inhibition of frugality. Based on mental account theory and planned behavior theory, this study constructs a structural equation model with intermediary variables-health consumption mental account and forest health consumption attitude. According to the results of the path analysis of the data, which was collected through the questionnaire survey of urban residents, the positive influence of cognition can compensate for the inhibitory effect of frugality. On this basis, mediating effect analysis based on multigroup comparison is further carried out. This study verifies for the first time the inhibitory effect of frugality on the intention for forest health tourism, enriches the theoretical system of tourism consumer behavior, and provides a scientific basis for the market positioning of forest health and the formulation of marketing strategies.

Front Psychol ; 13: 952010, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36743599


Waste recycling significantly impacts the sustainable development of society and the ecological environment, contributing to a vital role within the waste management hierarchy. This paper presents a research model that investigates the influence mechanism of consumers' frugality on their recycling intentions. This study collected 420 valid samples to test the model with regression analysis. The empirical results show that consumers' frugality exerts a direct and positive effect on their recycling intention. Except for the positive direct effect, perceived value mediates the relationship between frugality and recycling intention. Besides, environmental concern strengthens the positive relationship between frugality and recycling intention. The findings of this study can better explain the recycling intention, thereby providing a basis for the government and enterprises to formulate policies and measures to promote recycling behavior.

Front Psychol ; 11: 567752, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33329203


The transition toward sustainability and the adjustment to climate change should involve the reduction of consumption behavior and the need to maintain social practices of frugality. This paper investigates the influences of consciousness for sustainable consumption (CSC), materialism, and the consideration of future consequences (CFC) on frugal behaviors. Four-hundred-and-forty-four individuals responded to an instrument investigating these variables. Results of a structural model revealed that materialism significantly and negatively influenced the three dimensions of CSC: economic, environmental, and social. The consideration of distant future consequences positively and significantly affected the economic dimension of CSC. Frugal behavior received significant and positive influences from the three CSC dimensions and from consideration of distant future consequences. The model explained 46% of variance in frugal behavior, revealing the importance of awareness of the consequences of resource consumption and the CFC has on promoting a moderate consumption of resources.

Am J Med ; 133(12): 1403-1405, 2020 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32682867


This review tries to make the case that physicians should be adequately rewarded financially so that they can have a clear fiduciary responsibility to do only what is best for their patients without unseemly personal financial gain. To develop financial security, physicians need to save a portion of their income regularly to invest. The stock market is the best place to increase one's monetary worth over a long period.

Financiación Personal , Renta , Inversiones en Salud , Médicos , Humanos
R Soc Open Sci ; 6(5): 180421, 2019 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31218015


In recent years, frugal products of the grassroots and advanced types are being widely used due to their sustainable nature and also affordability. However, despite the origins of frugality at grassroots level, grassroots innovations continue to be fabricated in an ad hoc manner that precludes application of science and are thus susceptible to premature failure. This work advocates the use of scientific principles for developing frugal products in general with emphasis on classical and new design methodologies that are rooted in science to save resources, and hence lower costs, while aiming for robust product functionality. This paper sheds light on the importance of the safety factor in frugal designs and the need, from here onwards, of a factor of frugality for the systematic realization of both grassroots and advanced frugal products. In particular, adoption of the factor of frugality, that was developed recently, has been supported in this effort with a numerical example to display the effectiveness of applying science for designing from scratch frugal products that are both streamlined and robust in their functionality.

Rev. colomb. bioét ; 14(1): 10-25, 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1140578


El objetivo de este artículo es hacer una aproximación fenomenológica al denominado Mejoramiento Deportivo Postconvencional, encaminado a la prolongación del máximo performance; es decir, hacia la posibilidad de mantener un óptimo desempeño por más tiempo, superando el declive fisiológico natural y coartando, de cierta manera, el derecho de los atletas en formación de disfrutar de las ventajas que representa pertenecer a esta élite, en términos de honor, estatus, y de los crecientes estímulos económicos que ofrece el deporte profesional. Para ello, se hace una aproximación teórica al Mejoramiento Deportivo Postconvencional, definido como el uso de aditamentos biotecnológicos con capacidad de producir transformaciones corporales para aumentar el desempeño. Luego, se indagan los conceptos de límite y riesgo desde una perspectiva psicológica, dirigida a la idiosincrasia del deportista, y se analiza cómo se originan y sustentan las preferencias individuales y su evolución. Más adelante, se hace referencia a la participación de los beneficios, idea original del campo de la investigación biomédica y vinculada al deporte de rendimiento, dado que una parte de sus avances se aprovechan allí. Por último, se retoma el concepto de justicia para comprender la relación entre el deporte profesional, sus beneficios y la noción de frugalidad.

The objective of this article is to make a phenomenological approach to the so-called Postconventional Sports Improvement, aimed at prolonging the maximum performance; that is, towards the possibility of maintaining optimal performance for longer, overcoming the natural physiological decline and affecting, in a certain way, the right of athletes in training to enjoy the advantages of belonging to this elite, in terms of honor, status, and the growing economic stimuli offered by professional sport. To do this, a theoretical approach is made to post-conventional Sports Improvement, defined as the use of biotechnological attachments with the ability to produce bodily transformations to increase performance. Then, the concepts of limit and risk are investigated from a psychological perspective, aimed at the idiosyncrasies of the athlete, and analyzed how individual preferences and their evolution originate and sustain. Later, reference is made to profit sharing, the original idea of the field of biomedical research and linked to performance sport, as some of its advances are exploited there. Finally, the concept of justice is retaken to understand the relationship between professional sport, its benefits and the notion of frugality.

O objetivo deste artigo é o de abordagem fenomenológica o chamado Melhoria Sports pós-convencional, que visa alargar o máximo de desempenho; isto é, a possibilidade de manter um ótimo desempenho por mais tempo, superando o declínio fisiológico natural e limitando, de certa forma, o direito de atletas em formação para aproveitar as vantagens de pertencer a esta elite, em termos de honra, status, e aumentando os incentivos econômicos oferecidos pelo desporto profissional. Para isso, uma abordagem teórica para a Melhoria Sports pós-convencional, definida como o uso de adjuntos biotecnológicos capazes de produzir transformações corporais para aumentar o desempenho é. Em seguida, os conceitos de limites e de risco são investigados a partir de um ponto de vista psicológico, conduziu às idiossincrasias do atleta, e analisados como se originam e sustentar preferências e evolução individuais. Mais tarde, ele está se referindo à partilha de benefícios, ideia original do campo da pesquisa biomédica e associada ao desempenho esporte, como parte de seu progresso presa lá. Finalmente, o conceito de justiça é retomada para compreender a relação entre o desporto profissional, seus benefícios e a noção de frugalidade.

Rendimiento Atlético , Deportes , Bioética , Eficiencia
Psico USF ; 24(1): 1-9, 2019. il, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-996995


This article aims to promote an investigation of the psychometric properties of Frugality Scale adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. Frugality is characterized by using and consuming goods in a resourceful way, fully exploring its durability as well. To this end, 626 people responded to an online form that contained the frugality scale. Procedures such as non-graphical solutions to the scree plot, exploratory graphical analysis and a Schmid-Leiman factor solution point to evidence that the scale's structure is not one-dimensional but two-dimensional. Finally, modeling strategies also indicate that a bifactor solution can be applied. (AU)

Este artigo tem por objetivo promover uma investigação das propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Frugalidade (Lastovicka et al., 1999) adaptada para o português brasileiro. Frugalidade é caracterizada pelo controle em consumir e pelo uso pleno de recursos. Com esse objetivo, 626 pessoas responderam a um formulário on-line que continha a Escala de Frugalidade. Foram utilizados quatro procedimentos com o objetivo de investigar a estrutura da escala de frugalidade por um framework exploratório. Procedimentos como as soluções não gráficas para o scree plot, análise gráfica exploratória e a solução fatorial Schmid-Leiman apontam para a possibilidade da escala não ser unidimensional, mas bidimensional. As estratégias de modelagem da estrutura da escala apontam que um modelo bifator pode ser aplicado. (AU)

Este artículo tiene como objetivo promover una investigación de las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Frugalidad (Lastovicka et al.,1999) adaptada al portugués de Brasil. La frugalidad se caracteriza por el control en consumir y la plena utilización de los recursos. Con este objetivo, 626 personas respondieron a un formulario online que contenía la Escala de Frugalidad. Se utilizaron cuatro procedimientos con el objetivo de investigar la estructura de la Escala de Frugalidad por un framework exploratorio. Los procedimientos como las soluciones no gráficas para el scree plot, el análisis gráfico exploratorio y la solución factorial Schmid-Leiman apuntan hacia la posibilidad de que la escala no sea unidimensional, sino bidimensional. Las estrategias de modelado de la estructura de la escala señalan que un modelo bifactor puede ser aplicado. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Comportamiento del Consumidor , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados
Glob Chall ; 1(1): 9-19, 2017 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31565251


Frugal innovations have recently emerged to feature low-cost technologies and business innovations to serve consumers in emerging markets and improve their quality of life. Although the concept of frugality is well known, the present literature on frugal energy innovations, or energy frugality, is scarce, which could lead to overlooking its true characteristics. Therefore, we propose a framework for defining energy frugality based on a detailed analysis of several low-cost sustainable energy technologies. The five-criteria assessment method developed will help to identify potential frugal energy innovations and will increase the adoption of these technologies through better matching to local needs. Fuel-efficient biomass cooking stoves, small-scale photovoltaic systems, and pico-grids are examples of such frugal energy technologies.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 2(2): 749-764, ago. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-706742


This study was aimed at exploring one potential psychological benefit of sustainable behaviors: the perceived psychological restoration (PR) associated to engaging in pro-environmental activities at both the physical and social levels. PR involves the recovery of lost psychological resources (attention, positive mood states, psychological wellbeing) mostly caused by attentional fatigue and stress, while sustainable behavior constitutes a set of actions aimed at the protection of natural and social resources. One-hundred- and thirty-seven individuals living in a Northern Mexican city participated in a study assessing four instances of sustainable behavior: altruistic, proecological, frugal, and equitable actions. In addition, four dimensions of a construct related to the perceived psychological restorative effects of sustainable behaviors were measured: being away, fascination, extent and compatibility, assumedly resulting from pro-environmental and pro-social actions. Using structural equation modeling, the first four constructs were aggregated into a higher-order factor (sustainable behavior), while the rest of the constructs constituted a second higher-order factor (perceived restoration). These two higher-order factors resulted highly and significantly associated, indicating that practicing actions of environmental and social conservation might likely result in the restoration of lost psychological functions. These results reinforce the idea that sustainable behavior produces positive psychological consequences.

El propósito del presente estudio se centró en explorar un potencial beneficio psicológico de las conductas sustentables: la restauración psicológica percibida que las personas asocian a su involucramiento en actividades pro-ambientales, tanto en lo que se refiere al cuidado del ambiente físico, como del social. La restauración psicológica involucra la recuperación de funciones (atención, estados de ánimo positivos, sensaciones de bienestar) perdidas por la fatiga atencional y el estrés, mientras que la conducta sustentable constituye un conjunto de acciones encaminadas al cuidado de recursos naturales y sociales. Dado que la investigación previa sugiere que las personas anticipan efectos restaurativos de la exposición a ambientes sustentables, surge la interrogante acerca de un posible efecto restaurador de las conductas sustentables. Se desarrolló un estudio en el que participaron ciento treinta y siete habitantes de de una ciudad del norte de México; la investigación midió cuatro instancias de la conducta sustentable: acciones altruistas, pro-ecológicas, frugales y equitativas. Adicionalmente, se evaluaron cuatro dimensiones de un constructo relacionado con los efectos restaurativos psicológicos de las conductas sustentables. Estas dimensiones comprendieron la evasión, la fascinación, la extensión y la compatibilidad, las cuales, se asumían como estados resultantes de las acciones pro-ambientales y pro-sociales. A través del uso de ecuaciones estructurales se agregaron los primeros cuatro constructos dentro de un factor de orden superior, al que denominamos "conducta sustentable", en tanto que el resto de los constructos medidos constituyó un segundo factor de orden superior, etiquetado como "restauración psicológica percibida". Los resultados señalan que los dos factores de orden superior se asocian de manera sobresaliente y significativa, lo que indicaría que la práctica de acciones de conservación ambienta y social pueden ayudar a la restauración de funciones psicológicas perdidas. Estos resultados se aúnan a una serie de evidencias que muestran beneficios psicológicos de la actuación a favor del ambiente.
