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Psicol. USP ; 31: e180092, 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1135815


Resumo Na trilha histórica da relação dos sujeitos com a saúde, interessa-nos analisar os processos de subjetivação neste percurso e as variações nas práticas de saúde modernas. Partimos da bibliografia de pensadores da subjetividade/saúde e forjamos uma pequena história das práticas de saúde no século XX: no início do século, a saúde tem o corpo como objeto; décadas depois, agrega-se o fator risco, tornando os modos de viver objeto de controle; o avanço da ciência molecular no final do mesmo século engendra uma ambivalência à saúde, quando torna o sujeito virtualmente doente pelo risco iminente da contingência genética, e a própria tecnociência promete prever, prevenir e modificar essa condição. Nosso ponto de chegada sugere a emergência de uma noção previdenciária de saúde como um imperativo: produzir saúde incessantemente no presente para diminuir o risco e garantir mais-vida futura. Forjar-se-ia uma subjetividade previdenciária que atualiza a forma moderna de sujeito?

Abstract We analyze the subjectivities of the historicalrelationship between subjects and their health and its subsequent variations in modern health practices. As a starting point, referenced by the bibliography of subjectivity and/or health thinkers, we describe a short history of health practices throughout the twentieth century: in the early century, health had the body as its sole object; decades later, the risk factor is then included, turning lifestyles the object of control; the advancement of molecular science at the end of the same century leads to ambivalence in health, as it allows to regard the subject as virtually ill based on the imminent risk of genetic contingency, and technoscience itself promises to predict, prevent, and modify such condition. The results suggest a novel notion of preventative health as an imperative has emerged: one must produce health incessantly in the present to decrease risk and to guarantee a value-added life. Would preventive subjectivity evolve in a manner that updates the modern form of the subject?

Résumé Au cours historique de la relation entre les sujets et leur santé, nous sommes intéressés à analyser la subjectivité dans ce parcours et les variations subséquentes dans les pratiques de santé modernes. En partant des références bibliographie des penseurs de la subjectivité et/ou de la santé, nous avons construit une brève histoire des pratiques de santé au cours du XXe siècle : au début du siècle, la santé a pour seul objet le corps ; des décennies plus tard, le facteur de risque a été ajouté, faisant des modes de vie objet du contrôle ; le progrès de la science moléculaire au tournant du même siècle engendre une ambivalence à la santé, en rendant le sujet virtuellement malade en raison du risque imminent de contingence génétique et c'est la technoscience elle-même qui promet de prévoir, de prévenir et de modifier cette condition. Notre point d'arrivé suggère l'émergence d'une notion de santé préventive comme impératif : il faut incessamment produire la santé dans le présent pour diminuer le risque et garantir plus-vie future. Une subjectivité préventive serait-elle utilisée pour actualiser la forme moderne du sujet ?

Resumen En la historia de la relación de los sujetos con la salud, nos interesa analizar los procesos de subjetivación y las variaciones en las prácticas de salud modernas. Con base en la bibliografía de pensadores de subjetividad/salud, forjamos una breve historia de las prácticas de salud a lo largo del siglo XX: a principios del siglo, la salud tiene el cuerpo como objeto; décadas después, se agrega el factor riesgo, haciendo los modos de vivir objeto de control; el avance de la ciencia molecular en el final del mismo siglo engendra una ambivalencia a la salud, cuando hace el sujeto virtualmente enfermo por el riesgo inminente de la contingencia genética, y la tecnociencia misma promete predecir, prevenir y modificar esta condición. Nuestra conclusión sugiere la aparición de una noción previsional de salud como un imperativo: producir salud incesantemente en el presente para disminuir el riesgo y garantizar más vida futura. ¿Se forjaría una subjetividad previsional que actualiza la forma moderna de sujeto?

Humanos , Administración en Salud , Prevención de Enfermedades , Historia de la Medicina , Biotecnología , Riesgo , Susceptibilidad a Enfermedades
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 53(2): 432-460, marzo-abr. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003177


Resumo Este estudo mensura a alteração de riqueza do segurado pela reforma da Proposta de Emenda à Constituição n. 287/2016 (PEC 287, 2016), com a criação do pedágio e alterações na idade mínima, fatores de reposição, média dos salários de contribuição e percentual de reversão das pensões. Propõe-se o uso do indicador valor presente líquido atuarial aplicado ao fluxo de caixa esperado das contribuições e benefícios de aposentadoria programada, por invalidez e pensão por morte, além da reversão a cônjuge com continuidade a filhos menores. Os mais atingidos negativamente são aqueles com idade próxima à aposentadoria por idade e pouco tempo de contribuição. Porém, para grupos com grande tempo de contribuição (mais de 29 anos para homens e 21 para mulheres) e idades entre 45 e 55 anos, para homens, e entre 40 e 54 anos, para mulheres, há um surpreendente ganho de riqueza atuarial.

Resumen Este estudio mensura la alteración de riqueza del asegurado por la reforma de la Propuesta de Enmienda a la Constitución (PEC) 287/2016, con la creación del peaje fiscal y alteraciones en el tiempo mínimo de contribución, factores de reposición, media de las contribuciones y porcentual de reversión de las pensiones. Se propone uso del indicador valor presente neto actuarial aplicado al flujo de caja esperado de las contribuciones y beneficios de jubilación programada, por invalidez y pensión por muerte, además de la reversión al cónyuge con continuidad a hijos menores. Los más afectados negativamente son aquellos con edad próxima a la jubilación por edad y poco tiempo de contribución. Sin embargo, para grupos con gran tiempo de contribución (más de 29 años para hombres y de 21 para mujeres) y edades entre 45 y 55 años para hombres y entre 40 y 54 para mujeres hay un sorprendente beneficio de riqueza actuarial.

Abstract This study calculates the impact of the changes in the individual pension wealth due to the proposed constitutional amendment 287/2016 that provides on the retirement eligibility age, benefit replacement rate, benefit accrual formula, and reduced percentage of family benefits. It uses the expected cash flow in actuarial net present value for the contributions and benefits of voluntary retirement, disability retirement, and death pension, in addition to family benefits. The results show that the most affected, are those of almost full retirement age with little contribution time. However, surprisingly, for groups with a high contribution period (more than 29 years for men and 21 for women) and aged between 45 and 55 years for men and between 40 and 54 for women there is an actuarial wealth gain.

Jubilación , Seguridad Social , Jurisprudencia
Front Neurol ; 9: 354, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29867752


Previous evidence suggests that hallucinations and delusions may be detected in patients with the most severe forms of motor disability including locked-in syndrome (LIS). However, such phenomena are rarely described in LIS and their presence may be underestimated as a result of the severe communication impairment experienced by the patients. In this study, we retrospectively reviewed the clinical history and the neuroimaging data of a cohort of patients with LIS in order to recognize the presence of hallucinations and delusions and to correlate it with the pontine damage and the presence of any cortical volumetric changes. Ten patients with LIS were included (5 men and 5 women, mean age 50.1 ± 14.6). According to the presence of indicators of symptoms, these patients were categorized as hallucinators (n = 5) or non-hallucinators (n = 5). MRI images of patients were analyzed using Freesurfer 6.0 software to evaluate volume differences between the two groups. Hallucinators showed a selective cortical volume loss involving the fusiform (p = 0.001) and the parahippocampal (p = 0.0008) gyrus and the orbital part of the inferior frontal gyrus (p = 0.001) in the right hemisphere together with the lingual (p = 0.01) and the fusiform gyrus (p = 0.01) in the left hemisphere. Moreover, a volumetric decrease of bilateral anterior portions of the precuneus was recognized in the hallucinators (right p = 0.01; left p = 0.001) as compared to non-hallucinators. We suggested that the presence of hallucinations and delusions in some LIS patients could be accounted for by the combination of a damage of the corticopontocerebellar pathways with cortical changes following the primary brainstem injury. The above areas are embedded within cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical loops involved in self-monitoring and have been related to the presence of hallucinations in other diseases. The two main limitations of our study are the small sample of included patients and the lack of a control group of healthy individuals. Further studies would be of help to expand this field of research in order to integrate existing theories about the mechanisms underlying the generation of hallucinations and delusions in neurological patients.
