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Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 28: e54641, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1514634


RESUMO Em seu capítulo sobre medidas socioeducativas, o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) propõe a aplicação de medidas a adolescentes autores de atos infracionais, cujo caráter deve ser educativo e não punitivo. O objetivo desse trabalho foi mapear as dissertações indexadas na base Capes sobre a privação de liberdade de adolescentes defendidas entre 2007 e 2016 que respondiam ao problema de pesquisa: 'Quais as contribuições da privação de liberdade como medida socioeducativa para o desenvolvimento de jovens no Brasil?', tendo sido identificadas 1.133 dissertações. Para atender ao objetivo proposto, realizou-se uma pesquisa documental, na qual foram selecionadas 174 dissertações e foi possível perceber vários problemas na execução da medida socioeducativa e que estão em desacordo com as prescrições do Sinase. Em muitos casos, a concepção punitiva se sobrepõe ao aspecto pedagógico, levando a uma aproximação entre o sistema socioeducativo e o sistema prisional. Destaca-se a necessidade de os órgãos responsáveis fiscalizarem os centros socioeducativos para a garantia do cumprimento das normativas.

RESUMEN En su capítulo sobre medidas socioeducativas, el Estatuto de la Infancia y de la Adolescencia (ECA) propone la aplicación de medidas a los adolescentes que han cometido infracciones cuyo carácter debe ser educativo y no punitivo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue mapear las disertaciones indexadas en la base de datos CAPES sobre la privación de libertad de adolescentes defendidas entre 2007 y 2016 que respondió al problema de investigación: '¿Cuáles son las contribuciones de la privación de libertad como una medida socioeducativa para el desarrollo de los jóvenes en Brasil?', habiendo sido identificados 1133 disertaciones. Para cumplir con el objetivo propuesto, se realizó una investigación documental, en la que se seleccionaron 174 disertaciones y se pudo percibir varios problemas en la ejecución de la medida socioeducativa y que están en desacuerdo con las prescripciones del SINASE. En muchos casos, la concepción punitiva se superpone al aspecto pedagógico, lo que lleva a una aproximación entre el sistema socioeducativo y el sistema penitenciario. Se destaca la necesidad de que los organismos responsables inspeccionen los centros socioeducativos para garantizar el cumplimiento de la normativa.

ABSTRACT In its chapter on socio-educational measures, the Statute of Children and Adolescents (ECA) proposes the application of measures to adolescents who have committed infractions whose character must be educational and not punitive. The objective of this work was to map the dissertations indexed in the CAPES database on the deprivation of liberty of adolescents defended between 2007 and 2016 that answered the research problem: 'What are the contributions of the deprivation of liberty as a socio-educational measure for the development of young people in Brazil?', having identified 1133 dissertations defended in this period. In order to meet the proposed objective, a documentary research was carried out, in which 174 dissertations were selected and it was possible to perceive several problems in the execution of the socio-educational measure and which are in disagreement with the SINASE prescriptions. In many cases, the punitive conception overlaps the pedagogical aspect, leading to an approximation between the socio-educational system and the prison system. The need for the responsible bodies to inspect the socio-educational centers is highlighted in order to guarantee compliance with the regulations.

Prisioneros/psicología , Niño , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Tesis Académica , Tesis Académicas como Asunto , Educación , Libertad
Psico USF ; 27(4): 635-648, Oct.-Dec. 2022. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422342


Objetivou-se investigar as crenças de professores acerca da violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes. Uma amostra de 164 professores de ensino fundamental e médio, de escolas públicas e privadas, respondeu a um questionário sociodemográfico e a Escala de Crenças sobre Abuso Sexual (ECAS). Análises descritivas, de frequência, testes U de Mann-Whitney e teste de Kruskall-Wallis foram realizados. O escore médio da ECAS, nessa amostra, foi de 25,74 (DP = 6,83), indicando uma tendência à discordância e neutralidade à tolerância/legitimação. Ao se comparar grupos, as variáveis gênero, faixa etária e presença de filhos mostraram ter influência sob as crenças. A experiência com casos de suspeita, participação em cursos ou palestras e conhecimento do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas em relação às crenças. Tais resultados foram discutidos a partir de considerações sobre gênero, sexualidade, capacitação profissional e características de crenças. É necessário investimento em estratégias de formação continuada, sendo que devem ser sensíveis às características dos participantes e às suas crenças. (AU)

The objective was to investigate school teachers' beliefs on sexual violence against children and adolescents. A sample of 164 elementary and high school teachers from public and private schools responded to a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Brazilian version of the Sexual Abuse Beliefs Scale (SABS). The samples' general mean in the SABS was 25.74 (SD = 6.83), indicating a tendency towards disagreement and neutrality to tolerance/legitimization. When comparing groups, gender, age group, and having children of their own showed influence on beliefs. Experience in suspected cases, participation in courses or lectures, and knowledge of the Children and Adolescents Statute did not present statistically significant differences in beliefs. These results were discussed from considerations about gender, sexuality, professional capacitation, and characteristics of beliefs. Investment in continuing education is needed, which must be sensitive to the participants' characteristics and beliefs. (AU)

El objetivo fue investigar las creencias de los docentes sobre la violencia sexual contra niños y adolescentes. Una muestra de 164 profesores de primaria y secundaria, de escuelas públicas y privadas, respondieron un cuestionario sociodemográfico y la Escala de Creencias sobre el Abuso Sexual (ECAS). La puntuación media general de ECAS en esta muestra fue de 25,74 (DS = 6,83), indicando una tendencia al desacuerdo y la neutralidad a la tolerancia/legitimación. Al comparar los grupos, las variables género, edad y tener hijos influyeron en las creencias, mientras que la experiencia en casos sospechosos, la participación en formaciones o charlas y el conocimiento del Estatuto de los Niños y Adolescentes no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas con relación a las creencias. Tales resultados fueron discutidos a la luz de cuestiones de género, sexualidad, formación profesional y características de las creencias. Es necesario invertir en estrategias de educación continua, que deben ser sensibles a las características de los participantes y sus creencias. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Delitos Sexuales , Abuso Sexual Infantil/psicología , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Distribución por Edad y Sexo , Maestros/psicología , Estereotipo de Género , Factores Sociodemográficos
Aval. psicol ; 19(2): 205-212, abr.-jun. 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1100908


Mais de três décadas após a promulgação de legislações garantistas dos direitos das crianças, observa-se que a enorme distância entre o que se diz e o que se faz, no Estado Brasileiro, inviabiliza a garantia efetiva de seus direitos. Há, no texto das referidas leis, expectativa de oitiva de crianças, mas suas vozes seguem silenciadas, de forma que, em que pese a mudança de termos e nomes, seguem mantidas as velhas práticas ideológicas e distintivas de pessoas e classes, na sequência de um processo histórico e dialético de exclusão/inclusão. Neste estudo, de abordagem qualitativa e fundamentado nos pressupostos teóricos da Psicologia Sócio- Histórica de Vygotsky, foram realizadas pesquisas de cunho bibliográfico e empírico. A partir de entrevistas de roteiro não fechado com profissionais do Direito que atuam em processos judiciais que envolvem crianças, observou-se o assujeitamento das crianças e a distância que separa a positivação e o efetivo cumprimento dos direitos das crianças. AU

More than three decades after the enactment of guaranteeing children's rights, it is remarkable that the distance between what is said, especially based on the law, and what is done, by the Brazilian State, may jeopardize the effectiveness of guaranteeing their rights. Analyzing the content of these laws, there is an expectation concerning the hearing of children, however, their voices remain silent, so that despite the change of terms and names, the old ideological and distinctive practices continue, following a historical and dialectical process of inclusion-exclusion. In this qualitative study, based on the theoretical assumptions of the Socio-Historical Psychology of Vygotsky, bibliographical and empirical research was carried out. The analysis of semi-structured interviews with legal professionals who work with lawsuits involving children, showed an objectification of the children and the distance between the positivation and the effective fulfillment of the children's rights. AU

Más de tres décadas después de la promulgación de legislaciones que garantizan los derechos de los niños, se puede observar una gran distancia entre lo que se propuso y lo que se cumple en el Estado Brasileño, haciendo inviable la garantía efectiva de derechos de los menores. En el texto de las referidas leyes, hay expectativa de escucha de niños, pero sus voces siguen silenciadas, de modo que, a pesar del cambio de términos, se mantienen prácticas ideológicas arcaicas y distintivas de personas y clases, en la secuencia de un proceso histórico y dialéctico de inclusión-exclusión. En este estudio, con enfoque cualitativo y fundamentado en los presupuestos teóricos de la Psicología Socio-Histórica de Vygotsky, se realizaron investigaciones de cuño bibliográfico y empírico. A partir de entrevistas con profesionales del Derecho que actúan en procesos judiciales que involucran niños, se observó el asujeamiento de los niños y la distancia que separa el positivado y el efectivo cumplimiento de los derechos de los niños. AU

Humanos , Psicología Social , Justicia Social/psicología , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Derechos Civiles/psicología , Proceso Legal , Investigación Empírica , Investigación Cualitativa
Estud. Interdiscip. Psicol ; 11(1): 257-271, jan-abr.2020. Ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1337641


Este artigo objetiva fornecer um orientador gráfico para as práticas avaliativas desenvolvidas no contexto das Varas da Infância e Juventude, em especial aquelas realizadas com o público infantil, a partir do relato de uma experiência de estágio curricular supervisionado em avaliação psicológica. A metodologia de trabalho utilizada no estágio apresentou muitos déficits, representados na constante falta de recursos humanos, técnicos, materiais e na desconsideração das particularidades que envolvem a avaliação psicológica das crianças. Diante da carência de referencial teórico e instrumental para embasar a prática avaliativa com sujeitos em desenvolvimento foi construída uma proposta de organograma apoiada no contato direto com esta demanda e na consulta à literatura disponível, capaz de ilustrar e servir como orientadora na eleição de instrumentos que podem compor a avaliação infantil nas Varas da Infância de Juventude. Diante dos desafios e potencialidades identificadas, espera-se contribuir para o avanço e aperfeiçoamento da avaliação psicológica com crianças (AU).

This article aims to provide a graphic advisor for the assessment practices developed in the Courts of Children and Youth, a branch of Brazilian judiciary, especially those conducted with children, based on the report of a supervised internship experience in psychological assessment. The work methodology used in the internship presented many deficits, represented by the constant lack of human and technical resources, material and the disrespect of the features involved in the psychological assessment of children. Given the lack of theoretical and instrumental reference to base the evaluative practice with developing subjects, an organizational chart proposal was built, supported by the direct contact with this demand and by consulting the available literature, able to illustrate and serve as a guide in the election of instruments that can be used compose the child assessment in the Courts. Given the challenges and potentialities identified, it is expected to contribute to the advancement and improvement of psychological assessment with children (AU)

Este artículo tiene como objetivo proporcionar un asesor gráfico para las prácticas de evaluación desarrolladas en el contexto de los Tribunales de Infancia y Juventud, especialmente las realizadas con niños, en base al informe de una experiencia supervisada de pasantía en evaluación psicológica. La metodología de trabajo utilizada en la pasantía presentaba muchos déficits, representados por la constante falta de humanos, técnicos, materiales y el desconocimiento de las particularidades que implican la evaluación psicológica de los niños. Dada la falta de referencias teóricas e instrumentales para basar la práctica evaluativa en los sujetos en desarrollo, se construyó una propuesta de organigrama, respaldada por el contacto directo con esta demanda y mediante la consulta de la literatura disponible, capaz de ilustrar y servir de guía en la elección de los instrumentos que se pueden utilizar componga la evaluación infantil en la jurisdicción de la Infancia y de la Juventud. Dados los desafíos y las potencialidades identificadas, se espera que contribuya al avance y la mejora de la evaluación psicológica con los niños

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Poder Judicial , Funcionamiento Psicosocial , Informe de Investigación , Recursos en Salud
Child Abuse Negl ; 110(Pt 1): 104399, 2020 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32122640


Since its adoption by the United Nations in November 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) has become the most universally ratified human rights treaty in history; presently only the United States has not ratified it. The CRC articulates children's human rights and notably includes freedom from sexual abuse and exploitation. Yet thirty years after the Convention was adopted, child sexual abuse and exploitation (CSA/E) remain serious, persistent, and evolving global issues. This overview both describes the current state of research on child sexual abuse and exploitation and evaluates the CRC's legacy in terms of State-level responses to CSA/E. Points of agreement and disagreement over what constitutes CSA/E and how widespread it is are explored. Also presented are the contexts in which CSA/E takes place, and factors associated with children's risk of being sexually abused or exploited. Emerging issues in these areas are the internet and children's use of it, as children may now become subject to abuse or exploitation even when physically alone. The second part of the paper addresses the CRC's influence on States' domestic legislation and States' responses to CSA/E more broadly. Gaps in efforts to monitor and report on the CRC's implementation with respect to its impact on CSA/E are described. The discussion offers guidance for future efforts to research and respond to child sexual abuse and exploitation, and in particular the ongoing need for support to survivors beyond the legal response paradigm.

Abuso Sexual Infantil/legislación & jurisprudencia , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Protección a la Infancia/legislación & jurisprudencia , Niño , Humanos , Factores de Riesgo , Factores de Tiempo , Estados Unidos
Child Abuse Negl ; 110(Pt 3): 104240, 2020 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31711681


BACKGROUND: Little research exists examining burnout related to the multidisciplinary team (MDT) working in a Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) setting. OBJECTIVES: To measure compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress (STS) among CAC MDT professionals; identify work and worker characteristics that may impact compassion satisfaction, burnout, and STS; understand professional and personal impacts of occupational stress; and explore coping responses. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: A cross sectional survey was sent electronically to child abuse professionals working in CAC settings across the United States. METHODS: Demographics and work characteristics were collected. Participants completed the Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) to evaluate compassion satisfaction, burnout, and STS and answered open-ended questions regarding professional and personal impacts of occupational stress. Upon completion, participants received their ProQOL scores and additional stress management resources. RESULTS: A total of 885 participants completed the ProQOL (mean age = 42.07; 85% female). Overall mean scores were average for compassion satisfaction, high average for burnout, and in the top quartile for STS. All three scales differed significantly by MDT professional role (ps < 0.001 to 0.01) and employment length (ps < 0.001 to 0.003). Child welfare workers had significantly higher burnout scores than all other professions except law enforcement and prosecutors and significantly lower compassion satisfaction scores than most others. Professionals providing on-call services had significantly higher burnout (p <  0.001). CONCLUSIONS: These results contribute to our understanding of MDT professions who might be at higher risk for burnout and STS and help inform future interventions to support the MDT.

Agotamiento Profesional/psicología , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Servicios de Protección Infantil , Desgaste por Empatía/psicología , Empatía , Estrés Laboral/psicología , Recursos Humanos , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Niño , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Satisfacción Personal , Rol Profesional , Calidad de Vida , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Estados Unidos
Child Abuse Negl ; 105: 104259, 2020 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31744636


BACKGROUND: Despite being a complex phenomenon with potentially significant short- and long-term consequences for all involved including siblings, parents and the family as a whole, sibling sexual abuse (SSA) has not received sufficient empirical and clinical attention. Practitioners are often left to cope without appropriate guidance. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare staff perspectives and experiences of working with sibling sexual abuse cases across two Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) within different countries and different cultural and legal contexts. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: Participants were staff members from two Child Advocacy Centers: one in Jerusalem, Israel, and the other in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, United States of America. METHODS: This qualitative cross-cultural comparative study analyzes staff experiences of sibling sexual abuse cases based upon 14 focus groups, in Jerusalem (N = 7) and Montgomery County (N = 7). RESULTS: Findings reveal that both CACs focused on parents, the parents' negative emotional responses to SSA, and the impossible nature of their predicament. The Montgomery County CAC tended to emphasize the needs of the victim while being attuned to the legal proceedings, whereas the Jerusalem CAC emphasized supportive therapeutic responses for the whole family. CONCLUSIONS: The differences across the two Child Advocacy Centers are related to the different legal and cultural contexts of the two CACs and underscore the need to review what may be the most appropriate policy and practice response to SSA that does not itself cause further harm.

Abuso Sexual Infantil/psicología , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Servicios de Protección Infantil/organización & administración , Comparación Transcultural , Grupos Focales , Hermanos , Niño , Abuso Sexual Infantil/legislación & jurisprudencia , Defensa del Niño/legislación & jurisprudencia , Femenino , Humanos , Israel , Masculino , Pennsylvania , Investigación Cualitativa
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1140163


Este estudio realiza una caracterización en salud mental y calidad de vida de habitantes del barrio La Cruz de Medellín, entendiendo la salud como concepto íntegro que abarca niveles psicológicos, físicos y sociales. Se tuvo una muestra de 83 personas del sector, 59% mujeres y 41% hombres, a quienes se les aplicaron los siguientes instrumentos: Cuestionario de salud PHQ-9, Cuestionario de ansiedad GAD-7, Escala GENCAT de calidad de vida para adultos, Cuestionario para niños y adolescentes Kiddo-KINDL y la Escala de valoración del barrio para adolescentes. Se encontraron altos niveles de depresión y ansiedad en niños, adolescentes y adultos; así como también relaciones inversas entre la ansiedad con: el desarrollo personal (en adultos), el bienestar emocional (en niños y adolescentes) y el bienestar físico (en adolescentes). Se concluye la pertinencia de una contextualización sobre un barrio con índices de calidad de vida bajos, según antecedentes; además se conocen particularidades del sector y se obtienen resultados significativos con miras a desarrollar programas de promoción y prevención en salud que abarquen factores de riesgo y protección de la comunidad.

This study characterizes the mental health and quality of life of the inhabitants of La Cruz neighborhood of Medellín, understanding health as an integral concept that encompasses psychological, physical, and social levels. There was a sample of 83 people from the sector, 59% women and 41% men. The following instruments were applied: PHQ-9 health questionnaire, GAD-7 anxiety questionnaire, GENCAT scale of quality of life for adults, Kiddo-KINDL Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents, and the Neighborhood Assessment Scale for Adolescents. High levels of depression and anxiety were found in children, adolescents, and adults, as well as inverse relationships between anxiety and personal development (in adults), emotional well-being (in children and adolescents), and physical well-being (in adolescents). The relevance of contextualization on a neighborhood with low quality of life indices is concluded, according to antecedents; In this way, particularities of the sector are known, and significant results are obtained to develop health promotion and prevention programs that include risk factors and protection of the community.

Humanos , Salud Infantil , Calidad de Vida , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Salud Mental
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 25: e44926, 2020. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1135779


RESUMO. O presente artigo é parte de pesquisa mais ampla sobre o vínculo parento-filial nas adoções tardias. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as motivações para adoção tardia, buscando analisar o papel do trabalho dos Grupos de Apoio à Adoção no momento da escolha do perfil. Foram entrevistados dez sujeitos independentes, três homens e sete mulheres, que adotaram crianças maiores de dois anos e as entrevistas analisadas pelo método de análise de conteúdo. O desejo por vivenciar a parentalidade se apresentou como motivação imperativa no momento da escolha por uma adoção. De modo geral, as motivações para adoção tardia se apresentaram permeadas por mitos que se constituem como crenças, produzindo efeitos impeditivos ou impulsionadores. O altruísmo como motivação para adoção tardia emergiu no presente estudo como um complicador na medida em que prevalece o desejo de ser o salvador e não o de salvar. Destaca-se o trabalho realizado nos Grupos de Apoio à Adoção como fator fundamental na desconstrução de mitos e fantasias dos pretendentes, na conscientização sobre o real perfil das crianças abrigadas e sobre a adoção tardia como possibilidade.

RESUMEN. El presente artículo forma parte de una investigación más amplia sobre el vínculo pariente-hijo en las adopciones tardías. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar las motivaciones para las adopciones tardías, buscando analizar el rol del trabajo de los Grupos de Apoyo a la Adopción en el momento de la selección del perfil. Se entrevistaron 10 sujetos independientes, 3 hombres y 7 mujeres, que adoptaron niños mayores de dos años y las entrevistas analizadas por el método de análisis de contenido. El deseo de vivir la parentalidad se presentó como motivación imperativa en el momento de optar por una adopción. De modo general, las motivaciones para la adopción tardía se presentaron permeadas por mitos que se constituyen como creencias, produciendo efectos impeditivos o impulsores. El altruismo como motivación para adopción tardía emergió en el presente estudio como un factor que complica, en la medida en que prevalece el deseo de ser el salvador y no el de salvar. Se destaca el trabajo realizado en los Grupos de Apoyo a la Adopción como factor fundamental en la deconstrucción de mitos y fantasías de los pretendientes, generando conciencia sobre el real perfil de los niños albergados y sobre la adopción tardía como posibilidad.

ABSTRACT The present article is part of a broader research on the parent-child bond in late adoptions. This study aimed to investigate the motivations for late adoption, seeking to analyze the role of the work done by the Adoption Support Groups in the moment of choosing the profile. The authors interviewed ten independent subjects, three men and seven women, who adopted children older than two years, and they analyzed the interviews using the content analysis method. The desire to experience parenthood proved to be the imperative motivation in the moment of seeking for an adoption. In general, the motivations for late adoption presented themselves permeated by myths that are established as beliefs, producing impeditive or driving effects. Altruism as motivation for late adoption emerged in the present study as a complicating factor since what prevails is the desire to be the savior and not the desire to save. The authors highlight the work done by the Adoption Support Groups as a fundamental factor in the deconstruction of the myths and fantasies of the applicants, in raising awareness both on the true profile of the sheltered children and late adoption as a possibility.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adopción/psicología , Niño Adoptado/psicología , Grupos de Autoayuda , Concienciación , Familia/psicología , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Responsabilidad Parental/psicología , Familia Monoparental , Acogimiento , Relaciones Familiares/psicología
Psicol. USP ; 31: e170117, 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1135794


Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar trajetórias de acesso às políticas sociais de jovens em cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas, em momento anterior ao cumprimento destas, numa cidade do estado da Paraíba. Busca-se compreender de que modo as políticas sociais brasileiras têm oportunizado trajetórias de garantia de direitos e de condições favoráveis para o desenvolvimento da população infanto-juvenil. A perspectiva teórica utilizada foi a psicologia histórico-cultural de Vigotski. Realizaram-se entrevistas com dez jovens, as quais foram investigadas por meio de análise de conteúdo temática. Os resultados revelaram que os jovens participantes desta pesquisa acessaram equipamentos pertencentes às políticas sociais de saúde, educação e assistência social. Entretanto, apesar desse acesso, estas políticas sociais não se apresentaram como ferramentas efetivas para proteção e garantia de seus direitos, pois não possibilitaram o rompimento com as trajetórias de desproteção vivenciadas por eles.

Abstract This article presents the trajectories of young people regarding access to social policies in compliance with social and educational measure services in order to understand how Brazilian social policies have an opportunistic trajectory of guaranteeing rights and favorable conditions for the development of children and adolescents. The theoretical framework used was the cultural-historical psychology of Vigotski. Interviews were conducted with ten young people and then analyzed through Thematic Content Analysis. The results revealed that the young participants of this research accessed the actions promoted by the social policies of health, education and social assistance. However, despite this access, these social policies didn't present themselves as effective tools for the protection and guarantee of the rights of these young people, since even though young people have gone through such policies, they have not been able to break with the trajectories of lack of protection to which they have been experienced.

Resumen Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar las trayectorias de acceso a las políticas sociales de jóvenes en cumplimiento de medidas socioeducativas, en un momento anterior al cumplimiento de las medidas en una ciudad del estado de Paraíba. Se busca comprender de qué modo las políticas sociales brasileñas han potenciado las trayectorias de garantía de derechos y de condiciones favorables para el desarrollo infanto-juvenil. La perspectiva teórica utilizada fue la psicología histórico-cultural de Vigotski. Se realizaron entrevistas con diez jóvenes, las cuales fueron analizadas por medio del análisis de contenido temático. Los resultados revelaron que los jóvenes participantes en esta investigación accedieron a acciones promocionadas por las políticas sociales de salud, educación y asistencia social. Sin embargo, a pesar de este acceso, estas políticas sociales no se presentaron como herramientas efectivas para protección y garantía de los derechos de estos jóvenes, teniendo en cuenta que, incluso habiendo pasado por tales políticas, estas no pudieron romper con las trayectorias de desprotección a las que ellos pasaron.

Résumé Cet article vise à présenter les trajectoires d'accès aux politiques sociales des jeunes dans le respect des mesures socio-éducatives, précédentes a leurs accomplissements, dans une ville de l'état de Paraíba. Basé sur la théorie historico-culturelle de Vigotski, nous cherchons à comprendre comment les politiques sociales brésiliennes favorisent la garantie des droits et les conditions favorables au développement de la population infanto-juvénile. Des entretiens ont été menés avec dix jeunes, qui ont fait l'objet d'une analyse du contenu thématique. Les résultats ont révélé que les jeunes participants ont accédé aux équipements appartenant aux politiques sociales de santé, d'éducation et d'assistance sociale. Cependant, malgré cet accès, ces politiques sociales ne se sont pas présentés comme outils efficaces de protection et de garantie de leurs droits, étant donné que, bien qu'ayant subi de telles politiques, ces jeunes n'ont pas pu rompre avec les trajectoires de déprotection auxquelles ils étaient soumis.

Humanos , Adolescente , Política Pública , Adolescente , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Desarrollo Infantil , Desarrollo del Adolescente
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 24(4): 370-381, Out.-Dec. 2019. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1098249


O objetivo deste artigo é analisar, no estado da Paraíba, o que há de novo na política de assistência social no enfrentamento do trabalho infantil. A pesquisa foi realizada em 10 municípios. Utilizou-se entrevista semiestruturada, análise de conteúdo temática e o SPSS. A amostra de 174 participantes foi composta em cada município por gestores, profissionais e usuários. Na compreensão dos gestores e profissionais o ministério e as secretarias municipais determinam ações socioassistenciais. Identificaram-se no desenho da política estratégias de articulação de políticas setoriais e de redes nos territórios, mas o que gestores e profissionais fazem são palestras e campanhas. Redes e articulações na prática não foram identificadas. O enfrentamento do trabalho infantil pela política de assistência social não é visível para usuários. A política de assistência social é visível e procurada pelas necessidades dos adultos e da família e menos para crianças e adolescentes. Não há novo cenário de enfrentamento.

The objective of this article is to analyze in the state of Paraíba what is new in the politics of social assistance in the confrontation of child labor. The research was carried out in 10 municipalities. Semi-structured interview, thematic content analysis and the SPSS were used. The sample of 174 participants was composed in each municipality by managing, professionals and users. In the understanding of the managers and professionals the ministry and the municipal secretaries determine socioassistential actions. Strategies for articulating sectoral policies and networks in the territories have been identified in the policy design, but what managers and professionals do are lectures and campaigns. Networks and joints in practice have not been identified. The confrontation of child labor with social assistance policy is not visible to users. The policy of social assistance is visible and sought after by the needs of adults and the family and less for children and adolescents. There is no new confrontation scenario.

El objetivo de este artículo es analizar en el estado de Paraíba lo que hay de nuevo en la política de asistencia social en el enfrentamiento del trabajo infantil. La investigación se realizó en 10 municipios. Se utilizó entrevista semiestructurada, análisis de contenido temático y el SPSS. La muestra de 174 participantes fue compuesta en cada municipio por gestores, profesionales y usuarios. En la comprensión de los gestores y profesionales el ministerio y las secretarías municipales determinan acciones socioasistenciales. Se identificaron en el diseño de la política estrategias de articulación de políticas sectoriales y de redes en los territorios, pero lo que gestores y profesionales hacen son charlas y campañas. Las redes y articulaciones en la práctica no han sido identificadas. El enfrentamiento del trabajo infantil por la política de asistencia social no es visible para los usuarios. La política de asistencia social es visible y buscada por las necesidades de los adultos y de la familia y menos para niños y adolescentes. No hay nuevo escenario de enfrentamiento.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Política Pública , Servicio Social , Trabajo Infantil , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Brasil , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Investigación Cualitativa
J Adolesc Health ; 65(3): 378-383, 2019 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31277994


PURPOSE: Runaway adolescents often have strained relationships with their parents. Given parental support is an important protective resource for traumatized young people, understanding differences in support within parent-adolescent relationships could aid in designing more effective interventions. We hypothesized (1) runaway adolescents seen at a Child Advocacy Center (CAC) would have poorer parental relationships than adolescents without a history of running away and (2) severity of diagnosed sexual violence would be associated with lower parental connectedness. METHODS: Data were from 2,042 adolescents aged 10-19 years and their parents evaluated for any reason at our hospital-based CAC from 2008 to 2017. Parent-adolescent relationship scales were completed by adolescents and at least one parent/guardian (usually mothers). Sexual abuse was stratified at four levels, higher levels indicating increasingly severe forms of abuse. T-tests and analyses of variance to tested relationships between supportive and controlling parental behaviors by runaway status, and, among runaways, by the severity of sexual abuse. RESULTS: Runaway adolescents comprised 58.3% of adolescents seen at the CAC; runaways reported lower parental support and higher parental controlling than patients without a history of running away. Those with the most severe forms of sexual abuse (including sexual exploitation and gang rape) reported the least supportive and most controlling relationships with parents, as did their parents. CONCLUSIONS: Findings support our clinical observations that polyvictimization of adolescents who have spent significant time as runaways may further strain parent-adolescent relationships. Future clinical research should focus on developing interventions to promote parental connectedness after a runaway episode.

Abuso Sexual Infantil/psicología , Jóvenes sin Hogar/psicología , Relaciones Padres-Hijo , Adolescente , Adulto , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Niño , Abuso Sexual Infantil/clasificación , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Jóvenes sin Hogar/estadística & datos numéricos , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Joven
Hum Reprod ; 34(4): 672-678, 2019 04 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30805634


STUDY QUESTION: What are the attitudes and expectations of past oocyte donors concerning contact with their donor offspring and contact between donor offspring and their own children? SUMMARY ANSWER: The large majority (95%) of open-identity oocyte donors, as well as voluntarily registered donors (registered before the Finnish 2007 ART law), expressed positive or neutral feelings towards contact with their donor offspring and mainly positive expectations towards contact between donor offspring and their own children. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: Although there is a growing support for openness and identity-release programmes in gamete donation, there is not much knowledge on how donors feel about potential contact with their offspring. Most previous studies have investigated donor expectations with a relatively short follow-up time, using small samples or participants in voluntary donor linkage services. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: A retrospective cross-sectional survey of all women who had donated oocytes between 1990 and 2012 at three fertility clinics in Finland was carried out in 2013. A self-administered questionnaire was sent out to a total of 569 former oocyte donors. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: In total, 428 former oocyte donors answered a questionnaire assessing experiences and attitudes related to donation (response rate 75.2%). In this study, 358 donors who were unknown to the recipient were included. The mean follow-up time after the donation was 11.2 years. Before 2008, donors were non-identifiable but could voluntarily consent to release their identifying information to their donor offspring. After 2008, persons born as a result of gamete donation can, from the age of 18, receive information identifying the donor. Altogether 290 respondents had participated in a donation programme in 1990-2007 (before the Finnish ART-law), and 68 participated after the enactment of the ART-law, enabling us to compare attitudes by type of legislation during donation. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: Most voluntarily registered and open-identity donors welcomed or were neutral to potential contact with their donor offspring but were slightly more cautious towards contact between their own children and a donor-conceived child. Open-end comments revealed some ambiguity and uncertainty as to what to expect from such contact and feelings varied from neutral curiosity and interest to desire to meet the donor-conceived child. LIMITATIONS, REASON FOR CAUTION: It is not possible to assess whether the opinions of the study participants is representative of all donors in 1990-2012, as 25% of all contacted former donors did not respond to the survey. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: This study is one of only a few studies among oocyte donors to evaluate long-term psychosocial consequences of the donation and expectations towards contact with donor offspring, using a large sample. Results from this study show that persisting concerns about adverse outcomes of identity release policies are largely unwarranted, but there is a need to develop counselling practices and material for identity-release donors about how to prepare for and adjust to potential contact with donor offspring. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S): This study was supported by grants from the Medical Society Life and Health, and from the Otto A. Malm Foundation. The authors have no competing interests to report. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: N/A.

Actitud , Revelación , Donación de Oocito/psicología , Donantes de Tejidos/psicología , Adulto , Niño , Defensa del Niño/legislación & jurisprudencia , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Consejo , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Finlandia , Humanos , Relaciones Madre-Hijo/psicología , Donación de Oocito/legislación & jurisprudencia , Estudios Retrospectivos , Relaciones entre Hermanos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Donantes de Tejidos/legislación & jurisprudencia , Adulto Joven
Health Soc Care Community ; 27(4): e143-e157, 2019 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30548710


The diagnostic process for children with autism can be complex for parents to navigate as they advocate for their child in order to obtain answers to their concerns, and receive the subsequent support they need. Gaining an understanding of parents' experiences during this process, will assist service providers in supporting families adequately. This systematic review was undertaken to consolidate in-depth qualitative data from parents of their experience of advocating for their child with autism, during the process of diagnosis. A qualitative meta-synthesis was conducted, whereby fifteen databases were systematically searched. Twenty-two studies were identified and appraised using an adapted version of the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool. Data were synthesised into themes through the steps of review, meta-aggregation, integration, and interpretation. The date range of the included studies spans 1999-2016. The voices of 1,178 parents are presented in this review describing their experiences in two overarching themes: "Pathway to diagnosis-Confusion and not feeling heard"; and "Pursuing diagnosis-Resilience and commitment." Each one of these main themes had sub-themes. Our findings highlight the intense emotional journey for parents during identification of their initial concerns and the formal process of diagnosis, and their perceptions of not being supported by others on this journey. This review illustrates the significant impact that positive experiences with first-line professionals have during the process of diagnosis, and how these experiences lay the foundation for all future relationships with other service providers. As a result, awareness of parents' experiences will assist service providers to reconsider their communication style, information sharing, provision of support and to incorporate parents' contributions in facilitating a more streamlined and more supportive process of diagnosis.

Trastorno Autístico/diagnóstico , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Padres/psicología , Trastorno Autístico/psicología , Niño , Comunicación , Confusión , Familia/psicología , Femenino , Humanos , Investigación Cualitativa , Resiliencia Psicológica , Apoyo Social
Rev. polis psique ; 8(3): 180-209, set.-dez. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1058816


O presente artigo pretende analisar as práticas e discursos que atravessam o fazer dos profissionais do sistema de justiça que, em nome da proteção e do cuidado, governam e culpabilizam a vida das crianças, dos adolescentes e de suas famílias empobrecidas. Através do método da pesquisa-intervenção e da experiência profissional em uma Vara da Infância e da Juventude, utilizamos a técnica do diário de campo para analisar partes do caso de uma família que teve seus direitos violados por membros do próprio núcleo familiar e pelo Estado. Importante considerar para esta análise os conceitos da Análise Institucional, das obras de Michel Foucault e dos demais autores implicados com a garantia de direitos de crianças e adolescentes, para que possamos verificar os discursos e práticas que surgem na justiça e podem promover sutis ou devastadoras violações de direitos do grupo familiar. (AU)

This article intends to analyze the practices and discourses that cross the activities of professionals of the justice system who, in the name of protection and care, govern and blame the lives of children, adolescents and their impoverished families. Through the method of research-intervention and the experience as a psychologist in a Childhood and Youth Court, we used tool, technique of field diary to analyze parts of the case of a family that had their rights violated by members of the family nucleus itself, and also by the State. It is important to consider for this analysis the concepts of Institutional Analysis, the works of Michel Foucault and other authors involved in the issue of the guarantee of children and adolescents rights, so that we can verify the discourses and practices that arise in justice and can promote subtle or devastating right violations against the family group. (AU)

El presente artículo pretende poner en análisis las prácticas y discursos que atravesan el hacer de los profesionales del sistema de justicia que, en nombre de la protección y del cuidado, gobiernan y culpabilizan la vida de los niños, de los adolescentes y de sus familias empobrecidas. A través del método de la investigación-intervención y de la experiencia como psicóloga en una Vara de la Infancia y de la Juventud utilizamos, técnica del diario de campo para analizar partes del caso de una familia que tuvo sus derechos violados, por miembros del propio núcleo familiar, y por el Estado. Es importante considerar para este análisis los conceptos del Análisis Institucional, de las obras de Michel Foucault y de los demás autores implicados con la garantía de derechos de niños y adolescentes, para que podamos verificar los discursos y prácticas, que surgen en la justicia y pueden promover sutiles o devastadoras violaciones de derechos frente al grupo familiar. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Poder Psicológico , Familia/psicología , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Poder Judicial , Violaciones de los Derechos Humanos/psicología , Pobreza/psicología , Control Social Formal , Violencia Doméstica/psicología
Poiésis (En línea) ; (34): 152-165, 2018.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-987349


Colombia es un país afectado por los fenómenos de violencia; con ello, la primera infancia como población vulnerable se ha visto perjudicada por diversas situaciones que han amenazado el bienestar y desarrollo integral de esta. Hoy en día, existen leyes enfocadas en garantizar los derechos de los niños y niñas que buscan proteger integralmente esta población. Gracias a esto, la atención desde el área de la psicología viene tomando fuerza, en aspectos como la restitución y garantía de los derechos. El psicólogo tiene un lugar importante cuando de protección hacia la primera infancia se refiere, puesto que es el mediador entre la institución y las familias, y ofrece acompañamiento y asesorías en los casos que sea necesario.

Colombia is an affected country by violence phenomenus, and early childhood is a vulnerable population that has been harmed by numerous situations threatening it welfare and the correct development of it. Nowadays, there are laws focused on guarantee children's rights, protecting them in an integral way within this population. Tanks to this, the attention from psychology is getting strong in aspects like restitution and guarantee of rights. The psychologist has very important place in regard to the protection of early childhood, as he is the mediator between the institution and the families, and he also provides accompaniment and counseling in the needed cases.

Humanos , Maltrato a los Niños , Grupo de Atención al Paciente , Maltrato a los Niños/prevención & control , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Psicología , Servicios de Protección Infantil
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 23(3): 271-281, jul./set. 2018. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1008606


Este artigo é um estudo exploratório que tem como principal objetivo refletir sobre as pesquisas com crianças em Instituições de Acolhimento. Para isso, realizou-se um levantamento da produção científica brasileira sobre infância e instituições de abrigo cadastrada no banco de dados do Scielo, a partir dos descritores "infância", "criança", "instituição de acolhimento" e "abrigo", publicada no Brasil no período de 2010 a 2015. Com referência nos estudos da sociologia da infância, de autores como Corsaro, Qvortrup e Sarmento, buscou-se fazer uma análise crítica acerca de produções a respeito do tema instituição de acolhimento compreendendo a importância de uma discussão e reflexão acerca da institucionalização da criança (AU).

The child in Foster Institutions: What scientific research says. This article is an exploraty study that has as main objective to reflect about researches with children who live in institutional shelter. For such, a survey of Brazilian scientific production on childhood and foster institution was carried out in the Scielo database, using the descriptors "childhood", "child", "foster institution" and "shelter", published in Brazil in the period from 2010 to 2015. With reference in the studies of the sociology of childhood, authors such as Corsaro, Qvortrup and Sarmento, it was sought to make a critical analysis about productions on the topic of shelters, understanding the importance of a discussion and reflection about the practice of sheltering children (AU).

El niño en instituciones de acogida: Lo que dicen las investigaciones científicas. Este artículo es un estudio exploratorio que tiene como principal objetivo reflexionar sobre las investigaciones con niños en Instituciones de Acogida. Para eso, se realizó un levantamiento de la producción científica brasileña sobre infancia e instituciones de abrigo registrada en el Banco de Datos del Scielo, a partir de los descriptores "infancia", "niño", "institución de acohida" y "abrigo", publicada en Brasil En el período de 2010 a 2015. Con referencia en los estudios de la sociología de la infancia, de autores como Corsaro, Qvortrup y Sarmento, se buscó hacer un análisis crítico acerca de producciones acerca del tema abrigos, comprendiendo la importancia de una discusión y reflexión acerca de la institucionalización del niño (AU).

Niño , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Refugio , Acogimiento , Niño Acogido/psicología , Institucionalización , Servicio Social , Brasil , Base de Datos , Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico
Salud Colect ; 13(1): 19-34, 2017.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28562723


The commercial sexual exploitation of children is a public health problem and a serious violation of the rights of children and adolescents. The response to this problem has been affected by the meanings and practices of the actors involved. In order to contribute to a better understanding of the problem, a qualitative social study using a grounded theory approach was carried out between 2014 and 2015. The aim was to understand the meanings and practices regarding this issue of people who spend time in an area of the city center with a high presence of commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. The techniques used were participant observation and semi-structured interviews. We found that the predominate conceptions lead to practices that aggravate and perpetuate rights violations. Although practices of protection towards victims were identified, these were limited to critical aspects of the context. Actions to eradicate commercial sexual exploitation should work with the community and the meanings within the community regarding sexual exploitation so as to potentiate the victim protection practices carried out and reduce barriers to such practices.

Actitud , Abuso Sexual Infantil/psicología , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Violaciones de los Derechos Humanos/psicología , Normas Sociales , Adolescente , Niño , Abuso Sexual Infantil/prevención & control , Colombia , Femenino , Violaciones de los Derechos Humanos/prevención & control , Humanos , Entrevistas como Asunto , Masculino , Investigación Cualitativa
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 22(2): 235-246, June 2017. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-891935


Neste artigo discutimos como as propostas de redução da idade penal no Brasil tensionam o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. A partir da genealogia e da arqueologia propostas por Michel Foucault analisamos as Propostas de Emenda Constitucional apresentadas pela Câmara de Deputados entre os anos de 1993 e 2013. Nossa análise indica que as propostas criticam o critério cronológico adotado pelo Estatuto e propõem sua substituição pelo que chamam de critério subjetivo-psicológico. Postos em oposição aos direitos sociais, os direitos civis são tomados como balizadores de uma responsabilização dos sujeitos jovens, tornando-os mais penalizáveis. Por fim, as propostas fazem uma série de críticas à ineficácia do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Essas críticas não são produzidas no sentido de ampliar a efetivação das atuais políticas, mas de instrumentar o recrudescimento punitivo a partir da desqualificação do Estatuto.

This paper discusses how the proposals to reduce the age of criminal responsibility in Brazil strain the Statute of Children and Adolescents. Applying the archaeological and genealogical methods of Michel Foucault we analyze the constitutional amendment proposals presented by the country's Chamber of Deputies between 1993 and 2013. Our analysis points out that the proposals criticize the chronological criteria adopted by the Statute and propose replacing it with the so-called subjective-psychological criteria. Placed in opposition to social rights, civil rights are used as a reference to hold young subjects responsible, thereby making them more penalizable. Finally, the proposals critique the ineffectiveness of the Statute of Children and Adolescents. These critiques are not the result of attempts to expand the efficacy of current policies, but rather to implement a punitive upsurge starting with the disqualification of the Statute.

En este artículo discutimos cómo las propuestas de reducción de la edad penal en Brasil tensionan el Estatuto del Niño y del Adolescente. A partir de la arqueología y de la genealogía propuestas por Michel Foucault analizamos las Propuestas de Enmienda a la Constitución presentadas por la Cámara de Diputados entre los años 1993 y 2013. Nuestro análisis indica que las propuestas critican el criterio cronológico adoptado por el Estatuto y proponen su sustitución por lo que califican de criterio subjetivo/psicológico. Puestos en oposición a los derechos sociales, los derechos civiles son utilizados como referenciales de una responsabilización de los sujetos jóvenes, volviéndolos más penalizables. Finalmente, las propuestas hacen críticas a la ineficacia del Estatuto del Niño y del Adolescente. Estas críticas no son producidas en el sentido de ampliar la efectuación de las actuales políticas, pero de instrumentar el recrudecimiento punitivo a partir de la descalificación del Estatuto.

Control Social Formal , Brasil , Niño , Defensa del Niño/psicología , Adolescente/legislación & jurisprudencia , Arqueología/métodos , Derechos Civiles/psicología , Responsabilidad Penal , Legislación como Asunto