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Proc Biol Sci ; 290(2009): 20230948, 2023 10 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37876188


In variable environments, habitats that are rich in resources often carry a higher risk of predation. As a result, natural selection should favour individuals that balance allocation of time to foraging versus avoiding predation through an optimal decision-making process that maximizes fitness. The behavioural trade-off between resource acquisition and risk avoidance is expected to be particularly acute during gestation and lactation, when the energetic demands of reproduction peak. Here, we investigated how reproductive female roe deer adjust their foraging activity and habitat use during the birth period to manage this trade-off compared with non-reproductive juveniles, and how parturition date constrains individual tactics of risk-resource management. Activity of reproductive females more than doubled immediately following parturition, when energy demand is highest. Furthermore, compared with non-reproductive juveniles, they increased their exposure to risk by using open habitat more during daytime and ranging closer to roads. However, these post-partum modifications in behaviour were particularly pronounced in late-parturient females who adopted a more risk-prone tactic, presumably to compensate for the growth handicap of their late-born offspring. In income breeders, individuals that give birth late may be constrained to trade risk avoidance for foraging during peak allocation to reproduction, with probable consequences for individual fitness.

Cervos , Humanos , Feminino , Animais , Reprodução , Ecossistema , Comportamento Predatório
J Anim Ecol ; 89(6): 1329-1339, 2020 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32144759


Restricting movements to familiar areas should increase individual fitness as it provides animals with information about the spatial distribution of resources and predation risk. While the benefits of familiarity for locating resources have been reported previously, the potential value of familiarity for predation avoidance has been accorded less attention. It has been suggested that familiarity should be beneficial for anti-predator behaviour when direct cues of predation risk are unclear and do not allow prey to identify well-defined spatial refuges. However, to our knowledge, this hypothesis has yet to be tested. Here, we assessed how site familiarity, measured as the intensity of use of a given location, is associated with the probability of roe deer Capreolus capreolus being killed by two predators with contrasting hunting tactics, the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx and human hunters. While risk of human hunting was confined to open habitats, risk of lynx predation was more diffuse, with no clear refuge areas. We estimated cause-specific mortality rates in a competing risk framework for 212 GPS-collared roe deer in two ecologically distinct areas of Central Europe to test the hypothesis that the daily risk of being killed by lynx or hunters should be lower in areas of high familiarity. We found strong evidence that site familiarity reduces the risk of being predated by lynx, whereas the evidence that the risk of being hunted is linked to site familiarity was weak. We suggest that local knowledge about small-scale differences in predation risk and information about efficient escape routes affect an individual's ability to avoid or escape an attack by an ambush predator. Our study emphasizes the role of site familiarity in determining the susceptibility of prey to predation. Further research will be required to understand better how a cognitive map of individual spatial information is beneficial for avoiding predation in the arms race that drives the predator-prey shell game.

Cervos , Lynx , Animais , Ecossistema , Europa (Continente) , Herbivoria , Comportamento Predatório
J Anim Ecol ; 89(1): 132-145, 2020 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31799691


Humans, as super predators, can have strong effects on wildlife behaviour, including profound modifications of diel activity patterns. Subsequent to the return of large carnivores to human-modified ecosystems, many prey species have adjusted their spatial behaviour to the contrasting landscapes of fear generated by both their natural predators and anthropogenic pressures. The effects of predation risk on temporal shifts in diel activity of prey, however, remain largely unexplored in human-dominated landscapes. We investigated the influence of the density of lynx Lynx lynx, a nocturnal predator, on the diel activity patterns of their main prey, the roe deer Capreolus capreolus, across a gradient of human disturbance and hunting at the European scale. Based on 11 million activity records from 431 individually GPS-monitored roe deer in 12 populations within the EURODEER network (, we investigated how lynx predation risk in combination with both lethal and non-lethal human activities affected the diurnality of deer. We demonstrated marked plasticity in roe deer diel activity patterns in response to spatio-temporal variations in risk, mostly due to human activities. In particular, roe deer decreased their level of diurnality by a factor of 1.37 when the background level of general human disturbance was high. Hunting exacerbated this effect, as during the hunting season deer switched most of their activity to night-time and, to a lesser extent, to dawn, although this pattern varied noticeably in relation to lynx density. Indeed, in the presence of lynx, their main natural predator, roe deer were relatively more diurnal. Overall, our results revealed a strong influence of human activities and the presence of lynx on diel shifts in roe deer activity. In the context of the recovery of large carnivores across Europe, we provide important insights about the effects of predators on the behavioural responses of their prey in human-dominated ecosystems. Modifications in the temporal partitioning of ungulate activity as a response to human activities may facilitate human-wildlife coexistence, but likely also have knock-on effects for predator-prey interactions, with cascading effects on ecosystem functioning.

Résumé Les humains, en tant que 'super-prédateurs', peuvent avoir des effets importants sur le comportement de la faune sauvage, y compris des modifications profondes de leurs rythmes circadiens d'activité. A la suite du retour des grands carnivores dans les écosystèmes anthropisés, de nombreuses espèces proies ont ajusté leur comportement spatial à ces paysages de la peur contrastés, générés à la fois par les pressions liées aux risques anthropiques et à la présence de leurs prédateurs naturels. Les effets du risque de prédation sur les modifications temporelles des rythmes circadiens d'activité des proies restent cependant largement inconnus dans les écosystèmes dominés par l'homme. Ici, nous avons étudié l'influence de la densité de lynx Lynx lynx, un prédateur nocturne, sur les rythmes circadiens d'activité de leur proie principale, le chevreuil Capreolus capreolus, à travers un gradient de pressions anthropiques à l'échelle Européenne. Sur la base de plus de 11 million de données d'activité issues de 431 suivis individuels de chevreuils équipés de colliers GPS provenant de 12 populations au sein du réseau EURODEER (, nous avons analysé comment le risque de prédation par le lynx, associé aux risques létaux et non-létaux des activités humaines, influence la diurnalité des chevreuils. Nous avons démontré une forte plasticité des rythmes circadiens d'activité des chevreuils en réponse aux variations spatio-temporelles du risque, et notamment face aux activités humaines. Plus particulièrement, les chevreuils diminuent leur degré de diurnalité d'un facteur de 1.37 lorsque le dérangement humain est important. La chasse accentue cet effet, puisque durant la saison de chasse les chevreuils basculent la plupart de leur activité de nuit, et dans une moindre mesure, durant l'aube également, bien que ce patron soit essentiellement variable en fonction de la densité de lynx. En effet, en présence de lynx, leur principal prédateur, les chevreuils sont relativement plus diurnes. Globalement, nos résultats révèlent une forte influence des activités humaines et de la présence de lynx sur l'ajustement des rythmes circadiens d'activité des chevreuils. Dans le contexte du retour des grands carnivores en Europe, notre étude apporte de nouvelles connaissances sur les effets des prédateurs sur la réponse comportementale de leur proie dans des écosystèmes anthropisés. La modification de la répartition temporelle de l'activité des ongulés en réponse aux activités humaines pourrait être un facteur facilitant la coexistence homme-faune sauvage, avec toutefois des conséquences autres sur les interactions prédateurs-proies et leurs effets en cascade sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes.

Cervos , Lynx , Animais , Ecossistema , Europa (Continente) , Medo , Humanos , Comportamento Predatório
Oecologia ; 188(1): 85-95, 2018 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29804203


Faced with rapid environmental changes, individuals may express different magnitude and plasticity in their response to a given stressor. However, little is known about the causes of variation in phenotypic plasticity of the stress response in wild populations. In the present study, we repeatedly captured individual roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) from two wild populations in Sweden exposed to differing levels of predation pressure and measured plasma concentrations of stress-induced cortisol and behavioral docility. While controlling for the marked effects of habituation, we found clear between-population differences in the stress-induced cortisol response. Roe deer living in the area that was recently recolonized by lynx (Lynx lynx) and wolves (Canis lupus) expressed cortisol levels that were around 30% higher than roe deer in the human-dominated landscape free of large carnivores. In addition, for the first time to our knowledge, we investigated the stress-induced cortisol response in free-ranging newborn fawns and found no evidence for hypo-responsiveness during early life in this species. Indeed, stress-induced cortisol levels were of similar magnitude and differed between populations to a similar extent in both neonates and adults. Finally, at an individual level, we found that both cortisol and docility levels were strongly repeatable, and weakly negatively inter-correlated, suggesting that individuals differed consistently in how they respond to a stressor, and supporting the existence of a stress-management syndrome in roe deer.

Cervos , Lynx , Animais , Herbivoria , Personalidade , Suécia