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Sci Rep ; 13(1): 11474, 2023 Jul 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37455269


The fast individuation and modeling of faults responsible for large earthquakes are fundamental for understanding the evolution of potentially destructive seismic sequences. This is even more challenging in case of buried thrusts located in offshore areas, like those hosting the 9 November 2022 Ml 5.7 (Mw 5.5) and ML 5.2 earthquakes that nucleated along the Apennines compressional front, offshore the northern Adriatic Sea. Available on- and offshore (from hydrocarbon platforms) geodetic observations and seismological data provide robust constraints on the rupture of a 15 km long, ca. 24° SSW-dipping fault patch, consistent with seismic reflection data. Stress increase along unruptured portion of the activated thrust front suggests the potential activation of longer portions of the thrust with higher magnitude earthquake and larger surface faulting. This unpleasant scenario needs to be further investigated, also considering their tsunamigenic potential and possible impact on onshore and offshore human communities and infrastructures.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 13631, 2022 Aug 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35948646


Petrologic and geophysical observations floored the paradigm shift on the subduction of the continental lithosphere. In long-lived collisional boundaries like the Alpine Himalaya belt, portions of continental lithosphere are pushed down to great depths and then exhumed, as testified by outcrops of UHP materials. The Mediterranean region is a clear expression of this enigmatic process. On a short space and time scale, the Apennines exhibits a complex pattern of across-belt extension, associated with under-thrusting of continental lithosphere and a variegated suite of magmatic products. Here we show that the delamination of the crust is essential to favor the subduction of the continental lithosphere, a process that is controlled by pre-existing heterogeneity of the uppermost mantle. Teleseismic tomography revealed significant compositional anomalies in the uppermost mantle that controlled the way in which the lithosphere is delaminated. The continental subduction is associated with magmatism, where the variety of products reflects differences in mantle metasomatism that are only in part related to the subduction process.

Geophys Res Lett ; 47(1): e2019GL084480, 2020 Jan 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32713971


A long-lasting question in earthquake physics is why slip on faults occurs as creep or dynamic rupture. We compute passive measurements of the seismic P wave velocity gradient across the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, where this transition of slip mode occurs at a scale of a few kilometers. Unbiased measurements are obtained through the application of a new Bayesian local earthquake tomographic code that avoids the imposition of any user-defined, initial velocity-contrast across the fault, or any damping scheme that may cause biased amplitude in retrieved seismic velocities. We observe that across-fault velocity gradients correlate with the slip behavior of the fault. The P wave velocity contrast decays from 20% in the fault section that experience dynamic rupture to 4% in the creeping section, suggesting that rapid change of material properties and attitude to sustain supra-hydrostatic fluid pressure are conditions for development of dynamic rupture. Low Vp and high Vp/Vs suggest that fault rheology at shallow depth is conversely controlled by low frictional strength material.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 6373, 2020 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32286441


Magmatic intrusions, eruptions and flank collapses are frequent processes of volcano dynamics, inter-connected at different space and time scales. The December 2018 recrudescent episode at Mt. Etna is an exemplary case where a sudden intrusive event culminated with a short eruption, intense seismicity and a shallow large strike-slip earthquake at the edge of the eastern sliding flank. Here, we show that high resolution velocity models and transient changes of VP and VP/VS resolve the magma intrusion through a dyke and local stress increase at the base of the unstable flank, inducing the collapse. Episodic brittle faulting occurs at the edge of the sliding sector, locally contributed by high fluid pressure. The feedback between magma ascent, stress changes and flank collapse is driving the volcano dynamics, with processes ranging from long term to transient episodes.

Sci Rep ; 6: 37165, 2016 11 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27841336


Since 2006 wastewater has been injected below the Val d'Agri Quaternary basin, the largest on-land oilfield in Europe, inducing micro-seismicity in the proximity of a high-rate injection well. In this study, we have the rare opportunity to revise a massive set of 2D/3D seismic and deep borehole data in order to investigate the relationship between the active faults that bound the basin and the induced earthquakes. Below the injection site we identify a Pliocene thrusts and back-thrusts system inherited by the Apennines compression, with no relation with faults bounding the basin. The induced seismicity is mostly confined within the injection reservoir, and aligns coherently with a NE-dipping back-thrust favorably oriented within the current extensional stress field. Earthquakes spread upwards from the back-thrust deep portion activating a 2.5-km wide patch. Focal mechanisms show a predominant extensional kinematic testifying to an on-going inversion of the back-thrust, while a minor strike-slip compound suggests a control exerted by a high angle inherited transverse fault developed within the compressional system, possibly at the intersection between the two fault sets. We stress that where wastewater injection is active, understanding the complex interaction between injection-linked seismicity and pre-existing faults is a strong requisite for safe oilfield exploitation.

Science ; 313(5788): 821-3, 2006 Aug 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16902133


The continuous volcanic and seismic activity at Mount Etna makes this volcano an important laboratory for seismological and geophysical studies. We used repeated three-dimensional tomography to detect variations in elastic parameters during different volcanic cycles, before and during the October 2002-January 2003 flank eruption. Well-defined anomalous low P- to S-wave velocity ratio volumes were revealed. Absent during the pre-eruptive period, the anomalies trace the intrusion of volatile-rich (>/=4 weight percent) basaltic magma, most of which rose up only a few months before the onset of eruption. The observed time changes of velocity anomalies suggest that four-dimensional tomography provides a basis for more efficient volcano monitoring and short- and midterm eruption forecasting of explosive activity.
